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The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is an association of agricultural research centres which together represent an important force in genetic conservation of crops and their wild relatives. Under the CGIAR umbrella, the centres are collectively custodians of international genetic resource collections for crops that provide 75% of the world's food energy. This volume considers the status of the key collections, in each case providing details of the botany, distribution and agronomy of the species concerned in addition to extensive information on germplasm conservation and use. The book presents a unique synthesis of knowledge drawn from the CGIAR centres, providing an invaluable source of reference for all those concerned with monitoring, maintaining and utilising the biodiversity of our staple crop species.
Biodiversity in Trust
Biodiversity in Trust Conservation and Use of Plant Genetic Resources in CGIAR Centres Edited by DOMINIC FUCCILLO International Agricultural Programs, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA
LINDA SEARS International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy
PAUL STAPLETON International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York Information on this title: © Cambridge University Press 1997 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 1997 This digitally printed version 2007 A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library ISBN 978-0-521-59365-6 hardback ISBN 978-0-521-59653-4 paperback
Acronyms Chapter 1. Cassava M. Bonierbale, C. Guevara, A.G.O. Dixon, N.Q. Ng, R. Asiedu and S.Y.C. Ng
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Chapter 2. The Potato Z. Huaman, A. Golmirzaie and W. Amoros
Chapter 3. Sweetpotato Z. Huaman and D.P. Zhang
Chapter 4. Other Andean Roots and Tubers C. Arbizu, Z. Huaman and A. Golmirzaie
Chapter 5. Yams R. Asiedu, N.M. Wanyera, S.Y.C. Ng and N.Q. Ng
Chapter 6. Banana and Plantain J.-P. Horry, R. Ortiz, E. Arnaud, J.H. Crouch, R.S.B. Ferris, D.R. Jones, N. Mateo, C. Picq and D. Vuylsteke
Chapter 7. Cowpea N.Q. Ng and B.B. Singh
Chapter 8. Chickpea K.B. Singh, R.P.S. Pundir, L.D. Robertson, H.A. van Rheenen, U. Singh, T.J. Kelley, P. Parthasarathy Rao, C. Johansen and N.P. Saxena
Chapter 9. Groundnut A.K. Singh and S.N. Nigam
Biodiversity in Trust
Chapter 10. Lentil L.D. Robertson and W. Erskine
Chapter 11. Phaseolus Beans R. Hidalgo and S. Beebe
Chapter 12. Pigeonpea P. Remanandan and L. Singh
Chapter 13. FabaBean L.D. Robertson
Chapter 14. Soyabean K. Dashiell and C. Fatokun
Chapter 15. Barley J. Valkoun, S. Ceccarelli and J. Konopka
Chapter 16. Maize, Tripsacum and Teosinte A. Maize S. Taba B. Tripsacum J. Berthaud, Y. Savidan, M. Barre and O. Leblanc C. Teosinte S. Taba
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Chapter 17. Pearl Millet K.N. Rai, S. Appa Rao and K.N. Reddy
Chapter 18. Small Millets K.E. Prasada Rao and J.M.J. de Wet
Chapter 19. Rice M.T. Jackson, G.C. Loresto, S. Appa Rao, M. Jones, E.P. Guimaraes and N.Q. Ng
Chapter 20. Sorghum J.W. Stenhouse, K.E. Prasada Rao, V. Gopal Reddy and S. Appa Rao
Chapter 21. Wheat H.J. Dubin, R.A. Fischer, A. Mujeeb-Kazi, R.J. Pena, K.D. Sayre, B. Skovmand and J. Valkoun
Chapter 22. Forages B.L. Maass, J. Hanson, L.D. Robertson, P.C. Kerridge and A.M. Abd El Moneim
The Earth's natural resources are finite and vulnerable. Realization of this fact underlay the drafting of the Convention on Biological Diversity at the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992. The signature of the Convention by countries, both developed and developing, formalized their pledge to stem the rapid loss of biodiversity and sustain this vital resource for present and future generations. Arguably, the most important component of biodiversity is the genetic diversity of plant species involved in food and agriculture - crops and forage species for livestock feed. This diversity created in farmers' fields over the millennia and by scientific research institutions over the last century is complemented by diversity present in wild relatives of the crop and forage species. Together, these genetic resources provide the raw material for further selection and improvement to meet the food security needs of the world's rapidly rising population. Although technological advances in plant breeding and agricultural methods have led to dramatic increases in the amount and quality of food available today, it is estimated that more than 800 million people throughout the world do not have enough food to meet basic nutritional needs. The majority live in regions of the developing world where environmental and economic constraints impede their benefiting from technological advances. To achieve global food security will require efforts on many fronts. The 16 Centres of the CGIAR share a mission to make their contribution through research on sustainable agriculture in developing countries. They work in close collaboration with partners in national research systems, to develop resource-efficient technologies for sustainable improvement in the productivity of agriculture, forestry and fisheries. They also conduct research into agriculture-related policy and assist in capacity-building. The twin pillars of their research are productivity and natural resources management, underpinned by a commitment to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Together, the Centres of the CGIAR represent the largest international effort on the conservation and sustainable use of crop, forage, livestock, agroforestry, forestry and aquatic genetic resources. The CGIAR's initial focus was on the genetic resources of major food crops and their conservation ex situ for use by breeders in the Centres and in national crop improvement programmes. This involvement broadened in the early The CGIAR is an informal association of 52 public and private sector members from countries worldwide and is cosponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Bank. It supports a network of 16 international agricultural research Centres located in 12 developing and 3 developed countries.
Biodiversity in Trust
1990s to include livestock, aquatic and forestry species, and attention to in situ conservation. In 1994, recognising the benefits of greater collaboration, the CGIAR established the System-wide Genetic Resources Programme (SGRP) to draw together the activities and strengths of the individual Centres into a system-wide effort and to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the CGIAR's contribution to the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity. To date, the CGIAR Centres, in collaboration with partner national agricultural research systems, have made their major contribution to the well-being of the poor and commitment to safeguarding the earth's biodiversity through the ex situ conservation and use of plant genetic resources. Today, more than half a million samples of crop and forage species are maintained in the CGIAR's 11 genebanks. They include landraces, nondomesticated species, advanced and old cultivars and breeding lines. The collections represent both insurance against genetic erosion and a source of tolerances to diseases and pests, climatic and other environmental stresses, improved quality and yield traits for crop improvement. The collections held by CGIAR Centres have been assembled over the past two decades through donations from other genebanks, through collaborative collecting expeditions with national programmes, from breeders around the world and from within the Centres themselves. In recognition of the multiple origins of the materials and the fact that they were donated for the benefit of international agricultural research, the Centres signed agreements in 1994 to place the collections in trust for the world community under the intergovernmental authority of the FAO. The terms of these agreements stipulate that the materials will be maintained by the CGIAR to international technical standards, and will continue to be made available to all, with the understanding that no intellectual property protection is to be applied to the material. In the interests of transparency with regard to the origins and location of the genetic resources in the trust collections, and recognising the importance of information as a key factor in facilitating access to and use of genetic resources, the SGRP has been proactive in providing information on the CGIAR collections. The System-wide Information Network for Genetic Resources (SINGER) and International Crop Information System (ICIS) are being developed through system-wide and inter-Centre efforts with this aim in mind. This book is a further means of providing additional, complementary information on the collections. The chapters describe the efforts of the CGIAR Centres and their national programme partners to conserve and improve crops and forage species that are critical to the food security of the world's most disadvantaged people. They cover staples such as rice, wheat, maize and potatoes that are common the world over. Rice and wheat alone are estimated to provide 50% of the world's food energy supply. Others may be less commonly known, such as cassava, yam, sorghum and millet, but are critical to the nutrition of many millions of people who subsist in the harsher environments of the developing world. The original idea to produce a CGIAR publication on the global status of the conservation and use of CGIAR mandate crops was proposed by Drs Masa Iwanaga and Jan Engels of IPGRI. This idea was endorsed by the CGIAR Inter-Centre Working Group on Genetic Resources. The efforts of the many CGIAR scientists who have subsequently contributed to bringing this project to fruition are gratefully acknowledged.
Walter Amoros Carlos Arbizu Elisabeth Arnaud Robert Asiedu Marc Barre Steve Beebe Julien Berthaud Merideth Bonierbale Salvatore Ceccarelli Jonathan H. Crouch Kenton Dashiell J.M.J. de Wet A.G.O. Dixon H. Jesse Dubin AliM.AbdEl Moneim William Erskine Christian Fatokun R. Shaun B. Ferris R.A. Fischer AH Golmirzaie Claudia Guevara Elcio P. Guimaraes Jean Hanson Rigoberto Hidalgo Jean-Pierre Horry Zosimo Huamdn Michael T. Jackson Chris Johansen David R. Jones
CIP, Apartado 5969, Lima, Peru CIP, Apartado 5969, Lima, Peru INIBAP, Pare Scientifique Agropolis II, 34980 Montferrier-surLez, France ETA, PMB 5320, Oyo Road, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria Cooperative Tripsacum Project, ORSTOM and CIMMYT, 06600 Mexico, DF, Mexico CIAT, Apartado Aereo 6713, Cali, Colombia Cooperative Tripsacum Project, ORSTOM and CIMMYT, 06600 Mexico, DF, Mexico CIAT, Apartado Aereo 6713, Cali, Colombia ICARDA, PO Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria IITA, PMB 5320, Oyo Road, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria IITA, PMB 5320, Oyo Road, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria 45, Tidewater Farm Road, Greenland, NH 03840, USA CIAT, Apartado Aereo 6713, Cali, Colombia CIMMYT, Lisboa 27, Apdo. Postal 6-641, 06600 Mexico, D.F., Mexico ICARDA, PO Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria ICARDA, PO Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria ETA, PMB 5320, Oyo Road, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria ETA, PMB 5320, Oyo Road, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria GPO 1571, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia CIP, Apartado 5969, Lima, Peru CIAT, Apartado Aereo 6713, Cali, Colombia CIAT, Apartado Aereo 6713, Cali, Colombia. Present address: EMBRAPA/CNPAF, CP 179, Goiania, Goias 74001-970, Brazil ILRI, PO Box 5689, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia CIAT, Apartado Aereo 6713, Cali, Colombia INIBAP, Pare Scientifique Agropolis II, 34980 Montferrier-surLez, France CIP, Apartado 5969, Lima, Peru IRRI, PO Box 933,1099 Manila, Philippines ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India INIBAP, Pare Scientifique Agropolis II, 34980 Montferrier-surLez, France
Monty Jones TJ. Kelley Peter C. Kerridge Jan Konopka Olivier Leblanc Genoveva C. Loresto Brigitte Maas Nicolas Mateo A. Mujeeb-Kazi N. Quat Ng Shou Yong Choy Ng S.N. Nigam Rodomiro Ortiz R. Jorge Pena Claudine Picq P. Parthasarathy Rao K.E. Prasada Rao R.P.S. Pundir K.N. Rai Seepana Appa Rao K.N. Reddy V. Gopal Reddy P. Remanandan Larry D. Robertson Yves Savidan N.P. Saxena Ken D. Sayre AX. Singh B.B. Singh K.B. Singh Laxman Singh U. Singh Bent Skovmand fohn W. Stenhouse Suketoshi Taba fan Valkoun H.A. van Rheenen Dirk Vuylsteke Nelson M. Wanyera D.P. Zhang
in Trust
WARDA, 01 BP 2551, Bouake 01, Cote d'lvoire ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India CIAT, Apartado Aereo 6713, Cali, Colombia ICARDA, PO Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria Cooperative Tripsacum Project, ORSTOM and CIMMYT, 06600 Mexico, DF, Mexico IRRI, PO Box 933,1099 Manila, Philippines CIAT, Apartado Aereo 6713, Cali, Colombia INIBAP, Pare Scientifique Agropolis II, 34980 Montferrier-surLez, France CIMMYT, Lisboa 27, Apdo. Postal 6-641, 06600 Mexico, D.F., Mexico ETA, PMB 5320, Oyo Road, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria ETA, PMB 5320, Oyo Road, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India ETA, PMB 5320, Oyo Road, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria CIMMYT, Lisboa 27, Apdo. Postal 6-641, 06600 Mexico, D.F., Mexico INIBAP, Pare Scientifique Agropolis E, 34980 Montferrier-surLez, France ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India ICRISAT Asia Center, Patancheru 502 324, Andhra Pradesh, India ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India Lao-IRRI Project, PO Box 4195, Vientiane, Laos ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India ICARDA, PO Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria Cooperative Tripsacum Project, ORSTOM and CIMMYT, 06600 Mexico, DF, Mexico ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India CIMMYT, Lisboa 27, Apdo. Postal 6-641, 06600 Mexico, D.F., Mexico ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India ETA, PMB 5320, Oyo Road, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria ICRISAT-ICARDA Chickpea Project, ICARDA, PO Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India CIMMYT, Lisboa 27, Apdo. Postal 6-641, 06600 Mexico, D.F., Mexico ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India CIMMYT, Lisboa 27, Apdo. Postal 6-641,06600 Mexico, D.F., Mexico ICARDA, PO Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India ETA, PMB 5320, Oyo Road, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria ETA, PMB 5320, Oyo Road, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria CIP, Apartado 5969, Lima, Peru
African Feed Resources Network, coordinated by ILRI Arid Lands Agricultural Development Program, Beirut, Lebanon (precursor institution of ICARDA) Agricultural Research Institute, Yezin, Myanman ARI Australian Tropical Forages Genetic Resources Centre (of CSIRO), ATFGRC Brisbane, Australia Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center, Taiwan AVRDC Bureau of Plant Industry, Philippines BPI Central Agricultural Research Institute. Gannoruwa, Peradeniya, Sri CARI/PGRC Lanka/Plant Genetic Resources Center. Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (Spanish acronym) Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigation y CATIE Ensenanza. Turrialba, Costa Rica (Portuguese acronym) Centro Nacional de Recursos Geneticos e CENARGEN Biotecnologia (of EMBRAPA), Brasilia, DF, Brazil Consultative Group on Agricultural Research, Washington, DC, USA CGIAR CIAT (Spanish acronym) Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical. Cali, Colombia CIMMYT Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo, Mexico Centro Internacional de la Papa, Peru CIP Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique CIRAD pour le Developpement, France Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Arroz e Feijao CNPAF Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Gado de Corte (of EMBRAPA), CNPGC Campo Grande, MS, Brazil Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Gado de Leite (of EMBRAPA), Juiz CNPGL de Fora, MG, Brazil CNPMF (Portuguese acronym) Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical CRBP Centre Regional Bananiers et Plantains, Cameroon CRIFC/MARIF Central Research Institute for Food Crops, Bogor, Indonesia/Malang Research Institute for Food Crops, Malang, Indonesia CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia CTCRI Central Tuber Crops Research Institute. Trivadrum, Kerala, India DSIR Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Palmerston North, New Zealand EMBRAPA (Portuguese acronym) Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria EMVT Departement d'elevage et de Medicine Veterinaire of CIRAD (formerly, IEMVT)
Biodiversity in Trust Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuaria de Minas Gerais, Brazil Eastern and Southern Africa Root Crops Research Network Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy Fundacion Hondurena de Investigacion Agricola, Honduras Department of Fruits and Horticultural Products, CIRAD, France Fondo Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Venezuela Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Technische Zusammenarbeit, Germany International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria (Spanish acronym) Instituto Agronomico Nacional, Cacupe, Paraguay Institute of Agriculture Research, Treetown, Sierra Leone International Agricultural Research Centre Instituto biotechnologia de las Plantas, Cuba International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome, Italy (now IPGRI) Instituto Boliviano de Tecnologia Agropecuaria - Programa de Investigacion en Papa, Bolivia International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas, Aleppo, Syria International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, Nairobi, Kenya International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, India International Institute of Advances Studies, Caracas, Venezuela Instirut des Savanes, Bouake, Cote d'lvoire International Development Research Centre, Canada Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, Aberystwyth, UK (formerly, Welsh Plant Breeding Station) (Spanish acronym) Instituto de Investigacion Agricola - El VallecitoSanta Cruz, Bolivia (Spanish acronym) Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Panama Interamerican Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria International Livestock Centre for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (now ILRI) International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases (now ILRI, Kenya) International Livestock Research Institute (created from merger of ILCA and ILRAD, Ethiopia and Kenya) Instituto Nacional de Investigacao Agronomica, Maputo, Mozambique Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agraria, Peru (Spanish acronym) Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuarias, Quito, Ecuador International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain, France (Spanish acronym) Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales y Agropecuarias. Veracruz, Mexico (Spanish acronym) Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de Viandas Tropicales. Santo Domingo, Villa Clara, Cuba Institut National de Recherche Agronomique, Rabat, Morocco (Spanish acronym) Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria. Buenos Aires, Argentina International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy (formerly, IBPGR) Institut fur Planzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung,
Gatersleben, Germany Institut de Recherches Agronomiques Tropicales et de Cultures Vivrieres, Nogent-sur-Marne, France Instituto de Pesquisas, Brazil International Rice Research Institute, Philippines Institut Senegalais de Recherches Agricole/Centro pour le Development de l'horticulture, Dakar, Senegal Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia National Agricultural Research Institute National Agricultural Research System National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi formerly Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association, Hawaii, USA; now Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Network (FACT Net) National Root Crops Research Institute. Umudike, Umuahia, Nigeria Oxford Forestry Institute, Oxford, UK formerly Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique d'Outremer; now Institut Fran^ais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation, France Plant Genetic Resources Centre/Crops Research Institute, Bunso, Ghana Philippine Root Crop Research and Training Center. Baybay, Leyte, Philippines/Institute of Plant Breeding, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Australia Reseau de Recherche en Alimentation du Betail en Afrique Occidentale et Centrale (West and Central African Feed Research Network), coordinated by CIAT, EMVT, and AFRNET Rayong Crops Research Centre, Huay Pong, Rayong, Vietnam Red Internacional de Evaluacion de Pastos Tropicales (International Tropical Pastures Evaluation Network), coordinated by CIAT South Australian Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Adelaide, Australia Southern African Development Community South China Academy of Tropical Crops, Baudap Xomcin, Hainan China/Upland Crops Research Institute/Guang Dong Academy of Agricultural Science, Wushan, Guangzhou Southeast Asian Forage and Feed Research and Development Network, coordinated by CIAT and CSIRO System-wide Information Network on Genetic Resources Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Karaj, Iran Statique de Recherge sur les cultures vivieres, Niaouli, Attogr, Benin Taiwan Banana Research Institute, Taiwan Network for Amazonan Genetic Resources (Spanish acronym) Universidad Nacional Agraria, Facultad de Agronomia, Managua, Nicaragua Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca, Cajamarca, Peru Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Cusco, Peru Universidad Nacional de San Cristobal de Huamanga, Ayacucho, Peru United States Agency for International Development United States Department of Agriculture, USA West Australian Department of Agriculture, Perth, Australia West Asia and North Africa West Asia and North Africa Network for Genetic Resources West Africa Rice Development Association, Cote d'lvoire
Chapter 1 Cassava M. Bonierbale, C. Guevara, A.G.O. Dixon, N.Q. Ng, R. Asiedu and S.Y.C. Ng
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a major food source for more than 500 million people in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Cultivated for its starchy roots, this New World native species claims a world production of 152 million t (FAO 1995), ranking seventh in yield production among all crops and fourth as an important source of calories in the tropics (Cock 1985; Balogapalan et al. 1988). The storage roots form the basic carbohydrate component of the diet and the leaves are consumed as a preferred green vegetable in many parts of Africa, providing protein, mineral and vitamins (Hahn 1989). Two CGIAR Centres, CIAT and IITA, share the mandate for cassava. Genetic diversity of the Manihot genus is eroding in the face of expansion of agriculture in the American tropical lowlands, while in important cassava-growing regions of Africa, hundreds of traditional varieties have been abandoned during the 20th century (Nweke and Poison 1990; Nweke et a. 1994), and newer production regions in Asia tend to rely on single-cultivar plantations. BOTANY AND DISTRIBUTION Cassava is a member of the Euphorbiaceae, subfamily Crotonoideae and tribe Manihotae. The genus Manihot contains nearly 100 species of herbs, shrubs and trees among which the production of latex and cyanogenic glucosides is common (Rogers and Fleming 1973; Bailey 1976) and these are grouped into 19 taxonomic sections (Rogers and Appan 1973). Previous species names - M. utilissima, M. dulcis, M. aipi and M. palmata - probably have been attributed to cassava because of existing intraspecific morphological diversity and the variable content of cyanogenic compounds in the roots (Rogers 1965). Among Euphorbiaceae, Manihot and Hevea (the rubber tree) have the same somatic chromosome number (2n=36), but the family is highly variable in karyotype, with basic numbers of x=6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 (Perry 1943). Despite evidence that the basic chromosome number of Manihot is 9 and that the genome may have a polyploid constitution (Magoon et at. 1969; Umanah and Hartman 1973), there have been no reports of somatic counts of 18 chromosomes in the genus (Bai et al. 1993). It is expected that current research toward the development of a molecular genetic map will provide a better definition of the structure of the cassava genome (Gomez et al. 1995; Fregene et al. 1996). Common names for the crop include yuca (Spanish), manioc (French) and mandioca (Portuguese). Native American names reflect the importance and antiquity of cassava in the Neotropics (Table 1.1). Maniyua/maniva (bitter) and aipi/aipim (sweet) refer to the different tastes of cassava. Cassava production is limited to 30°N and 30°S. The total area harvested is about 16 million hectares with 60, 24 and 16% in Africa, Asia and Latin America, respectively. Cassava production statistics for 1994 are presented in Table 1.2.
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 1.1. Some native names for cassava in the Americas. Dialect or tribe Region or estate/country Native name Tamo Antillas/Haiti Yuca Malibu Bajo Magdalena/Colombia Entaha Tamalameque Bajo Magdalena/Colombia Enbutac Muzo Eastern/Colombia Aro Quechua Peru Rumu Tupinamba East Coast/Brazil Mandiva Tupi, Guarani Southern Brazil/Brazil Mandioc, typiaca North Coast Brazil/Brazil Nheegatu Maniyua, maniva North Coast Brazil/Brazil Nheegatu Aipi, aipim, macaxera Guarani' Paraguay Mandio Maynas Maranon estuary/Peru Tsanimba, mama Aguaruna.Huambisa Yujumka Andean amazonian/Peru Antillano Antillas/ Yucuta Arawak Kasabi Haiti, Guyanas Sinaloa Mexico Guahcamote Camviri Puinave Orinoco estuary/Colombia Guahibo Orinoco estuary/Colombia Pebeyanajaba Curripaco Tubirike Guaviare estuary/Colombia Piaroa Orinoco estuary/Colombia Aratoinesajue Tucano Inirida river/Colombia Yejedeke Ayoreo Paraguayan Chaco Pejek Sources: Patino 1964; Barnes 1975; Boster 1984; Toro et al. 1985; Mejia 1991; Schmeda-Hirschmann 1994.
Origin, Domestication and Diffusion Cassava has been studied since as early as 1886, when Alphonse de Candolle placed its geographic origin in the lowland tropical Americas (Smith 1968). It shares the Brazilian-Paraguayan centre of origin with peanuts, cacao, rubber and other crops (Vavilov 1992). Rogers (1963) identified two geographic centres of speciation: (1) the drier areas of western and southern Mexico and portions of Guatemala, and (2) the dry northeastern portions of Brazil. Nassar (1978a, 1978b) identified four areas of diversity of the wild species: (1) central Brazil, (2) northeastern Brazil, (3) southwestern Mexico, and (4) western Mato Grosso (Brazil) and Bolivia. The crop may have been cultivated in Colombia and Venezuela from 3000 to 7000 years ago (Reichel-Domatoff 1957, 1965; Rouse and Cruxent 1963, cited in Hershey 1987). Ugent and coworkers (1986) cite evidence for domestication on the Peruvian coast earlier than 4000 BC. According to Vavilov (1939) the areas of distribution of cassava were more accessible to primitive peoples than the humid tropical forests. Sauer (1952 quoted by Smith 1968) proposed the heart of domestication as northwestern South America. The Mesoamerican region extending from the northwestern coast of Mexico and covering parts of Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua is also a potential area for early domestication (Rogers 1965), where the wild species M. aesculifolia, M. pringlei and M. isoloba may have contributed to the cultigen through extensive hybridization, a theory that has been questioned (Brucher 1989). Rogers and Fleming (1973) concluded that the cultigen is a complex species with multiple sites of initial cultivation. Allem (1987,1994) proposed that M. esculenta is not a cultigen, but derived from two primitive forms, and described three subspecies, the domesticated M. esculenta subsp. esculenta (which includes all known cultivars), and the two wild forms, M. esculenta subsp. peruviana and M. esculenta subsp. flabellifolia. Wild relatives of cassava are distributed in a wide range of ecologies from Arizona (in the USA) to Argentina (Rogers and Appan 1973). Early selection and distribution of sweet or low-cyanide cassava roots may be correlated with cultural preferences (Dufour 1994). Cultivars with high cyanogenic
Cassava Table 1.2. Major cassava-producing countries, 1994. Location World Africa Zaire Nigeria Mozambique Tanzania Ghana Angola Uganda Madagascar Asia Thailand Indonesia India Vietnam China Philippines South America Brazil Paraguay Colombia Central America and Caribbean Cuba Haiti Dominican Republic Source: FAO 1995.
Area ('000 ha) 15819 9481 2430 2000 908 693 607 400 380 336 3745 1383 1295 235 285 231 212 2375 1838 174 196 200 70 85 21
Yield (t/ha) 9.6 7.7 8.1 10.5 3.6 10.4 7.2 2.5 9.0 6.7 12.9 13.8 11.6 22.8 9.2 15.2 8.9 12.7 13.1 14.6 10.2 4.9 4.1 4.0 5.8
Production (million t) 152.5 72.8 19.6 21.0 3.3 7.2 4.4 1.0 3.4 2.3 48.5 19.1 15.0 5.3 2.6 3.5 1.9 30.1 24.0 2.6 2.0 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.1
potential are preferred by some cultures, apparently for the quality of certain processed cassava products, and especially where predators are a problem (Boster 1984; Mejia 1991). Renvoize (1972) refers to climatic factors as influencing the distribution of the two types, and although both types are now grown in Mexico, the earliest accounts indicate that only sweet cassava was cultivated there. The Orinoco estuary (Colombia) may have been an area of concentration of bitter varieties and the Peruvian Andean Amazonian of sweet varieties (Mejia 1988). Vavilov (1939) suggested early cultivation of cassava in equinoctial America, as recounted in chronicles documented by Patifio (1964). Cassava was carried by the Arawak tribes of Central Brazil to the Caribbean Islands and Central America in the 11th century (Brucher 1989), by the Portuguese to the west coast of Africa, via the Gulf of Benin and the Congo River at the end of the 16th century (Jones 1959), and to the east coast via the islands of Reunion, Madagascar and Zanzibar at the end of the 18th century (Barnes 1975; Jennings 1976). The crop arrived in India about 1800. The Spaniards took it into the Pacific, but it was not widely used as a food crop there until the 1960s (Jennings 1976). Gulick et ah (1983) have defined primary, secondary and tertiary levels of diversity for Manihot esculenta in modern times. Important secondary diversity lies in Africa, outside the crop's centre of origin. Reproductive Biology Cassava is monoecious and predominantly outcrossing mediated by protogyny, which leads to a high degree of heterozygosity in plants and among populations produced from botanical seed (Byrne 1984; Hershey and Jennings 1992). Mature seed
Table 1.3. Useful characters t reported in Manihot species. Swollen Manihot species roots HCN* Comments HCI H aesculifolia Close relative of M. esculenta; high range adaptation + H alutacea Cold tolerance; resistance to soil toxicity, mite resistance + H angustiloba Drought tolerance; high starch content anisophylla anomala
NA +
attenuata brachyandra brachyloba caerulescens carthaginensis
NA + + +
catingae chlorosticta davisiae dichotoma
_ NA + —
esculenta subsp. flabellifolia falcata filamentosa foetida glaziovii

gracilis grahami guaranitica irwinii longepetiolata melanobasis nana
_ + — _
M H H — M L-H
Cold tolerance High photosynthetic rate; adapted to humid conditions; variable genepool Cold tolerance Grown in NE Brazil with considerable tuber production Resistant to mealybug Drought tolerance; rubber producer Drought tolerance; salt tolerance; xerophytic zones; high protein content Several virus resistance High salinity resistance Drought tolerance; salinity tolerance Resistant to mealybug; high photosynthetic rate; CMD and BSV resistance; Paraiba 10 cultivar from cross with M. esculenta; resistance to drought and several viruses Grown with considerable tuber production; adaptation to limestone soil High protein content Potential for breeding small-stature plants Potential as forage, low levels of deterioration High photosynthetic rate Potential rubber crop, resistance to CMD, BSD, CBB and mealy bug; drought tolerance; used in several breeding programmes High root protein; reduced growth Resistant to Coelosternus manihoti; cold tolerance Adaptation to sandy soils Adaptation to acid, low-P soil Dwarf cultivars Virus resistant Dwarf cultivars
Reference Rogers and Appan Rogers and Appan Rogers and Appan Chavez 1990 Rogers and Appan Rogers and Appan
1973; Nassar and Cardenas 1986 1973; Nassar 1986 1973; Nassar and Cardenas 1986; 1973 1973; Byrne 1984; Nassar 1986
Rogers and Appan 1973; Chavez 1990 Nassar and Fitchner 1978 Byrne 1984 Rogers and Appan 1973; Nassar 1986 Lopez and Herrera 1970; Rogers and Appan 1973; Chavez 1990 Brucher 1989 Nassar and Cardenas 1986; Chavez 1990 Rogers and Appan 1973; Nassar and Cardenas 1986 Jennings 1976; Brucher 1989; Chavez 1990
3' Rogers and Appan 1973; Nassar and Fitchner 1978; Nassar 1986 CIAT 1993 Byrne 1984 CIAT 1993 Rogers and Appan 1973; Byrne 1984 Rogers and Appan 1973; Jennings 1976; Hahn etal. 1980; Brucher 1989 Rogers and Appan 1973; Nassar 1978c; Brucher 1989 Rogers and Appan 1973; Chavez 1990 Brucher 1989 Chavez 1990 Byrne 1984 Jennings 1959 Nassar 1978c
Manihot species
Swollen roots
neusana oligantha subsp. nesteli orbicularis paviae folia peltata pentaphylla pohlii pringlei
— +
— -
Comments Resistance to Coelosternus manihofi High protein content
Reference Chavez 1990 Nassar 1978c, 1986; Brucher 1989
+ NA + NA +
Adaptation to acid, low-P soils Adaptation to poor soils Resistant to soil toxicity Adaptation to limestone soils; highly variable species Resistant to Coelosternus manihoti Resistant to CMD
procumbens pruinosa pseudoglaziovii pusilla quinquepartita reptans
— + NA + -
Tolerant to poor soil, acid and high Al content Adaptation to limestone soils Resistant to CBB and drought tolerant Dwarf habit Mealybug resistance Coelosternus manihoti and CBB resistance; high soil range adaptation
Chavez 1990 Byrne 1984 Byrne 1984 Nassar and Fitchner 1978 Rogers and Appan 1973; Chavez 1990 Rogers and Appan 1973; Nassar and Cardenas 1986; Chavez 1990 Nassar and Fitchner 1978; Nassar 1986 Nassar and Fitchner 1978 Chavez 1990 Nassar and Fitchner 1978 Mahon et al. 1977; Rogers and Appan 1973 Chavez 1990
rhomboidea rubricaulis
+ NA
subspicata stipularis
_ -
_ M
tomentosa tripartite
+ +
tristis subsp. saxicola walkerae zehntneri
Drought and cold tolerance; adaptation to high altitude Drought resistance Resistant to soil toxicity and cold; dwarf horticultural use; adaptation to high altitude Drought tolerance Adaptation to acid, low-P soils; high protein content; adapted to long dry season Adaptation for soils of granitic origin, high albumin content
L=Low, M=Medium; H=High; NA=Not available; +=Present; - =Absent. HCN: refers to reports of cyanogenic potential of storage roots.
Rogers and Appan 1973 Rogers and Appan 1973; Nassar 1986; Nassar and Cardenas 1986 Nassar and Cardenas 1986 Rogers and Appan 1973; Nassar 1986 Nassar 1978c Nassar 1978c, 1986; Brucher 1989 Bolhuis 1953; Rogers and Appan 1973; Brucher 1989 Rogers and Appan 1973 Rogers and Appan 1973; Nassar 1978c; Nassar and Cardenas 1986
O C/)
Biodiversity in Trust
lustrous testa and a caruncle with the embryo and cotyledons imbibed in a large endosperm element (Rogers and Appan 1973; Leon 1987). Cassava varieties are heterozygous individuals, which are propagated vegetatively to reproduce the genotype (Kawano 1980). The cultivated germplasm has erratic flowering habits and apical dominance, generally producing a single woody stem with 2-3 levels of lateral branching. Although some branching is useful for increasing the leaf area index, too much branching conflicts with the need for uniform vegetative stakes for propagation and may lead to a lower root yield as a consequence of enhanced interplant competition (Cook et al. 1979). The application of a group of 53 morphological descriptors proposed by IPGRI (Gulick et al. 1983) has resulted in a non-anatomical model for characterization of cassava genotypes. GERMPLASM CONSERVATION AND USE In the late 1960s and early 1970s, two CGIAR Centres (CIAT and IITA) and NARs started with the continuous assembly, characterization and integration into breeding programmes of components of ex situ collections of cassava germplasm. The genetic resources of cassava consist of local or introduced landraces, improved cultivars and related wild species (Gulick et al. 1983; Hershey 1987). Exchange of landrace germplasm from ex situ collections seeks to match characteristics to the ecological, production and use requirements of the target area utilizing genotypes that are predicted to perform well (Hershey 1984). Genes from closely related wild species are also accessible through hybridization (Asiedu et al. 1994). Desirable characteristics of Manihot species are compiled in Table 1.3. Conservation Methods Most countries that have active selection or breeding programmes and maintain local germplasm collections were catalogued recently (IPGRI 1994). Table 1.4 records the number of accessions and conservation methods used in these programmes. In 1979 CIAT established a tissue culture laboratory in its Genetic Resources Unit to handle the in vitro conservation of cassava germplasm and facilitate international exchange (CIAT 1991). Procedures for meristem culture and virus indexing were established at IITA in 1980, leading to an agreement with Nigeria's Plant Quarantine Authority and Inter Africa Phytosanitary Council to permit movement of in vitro, virus-tested cassava germplasm in Africa (IITA 1992). Recommendations are available for conservation methods and characterization procedures through a network of collaborators with Secretariat at CIAT (IPGRI 1994). Clones are maintained at CIAT and IITA under the following conditions: constant temperature of 23-25°C; 12-hour day/night photoperiod provided with 1000-1500 lux illumination; slightly modified basal Murashige Skoog (MS) medium; 25 x 150 mm test tubes capped with aluminium foil and firmly sealed with saran wrap (Roca et al. 1989; CIAT 1991; Ng 1991). Five tubes are maintained per clone. The field genebank at CIAT holds 4695 cassava clones from 23 countries of Latin America and Asia, and 334 representatives of 26 Manihot species (Table 1.5). By June 1995, the CIAT in vitro bank held a total of 5632 cassava clones and 29 Manihot species. About 87% of the cassava clones held in the CIAT base collection are landraces and the remainder improved varieties. Specific gaps in representation of Latin American germplasm are recognized for Mesoamerica in Honduras and Nicaragua; for the Caribbean region, in the Dominican Republic and Haiti; and for South America, the Guyanas, the highland ecozones of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia, and the acid savanna Chaco region of Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina. A core collection of 630 accessions from 23 countries has been assembled to represent the genetic diversity of the base collection held at CIAT in a manageable size (Iglesias et al. 1993; Hershey et al. 1994). Evaluation of the core collection facilitates assessment of available variability for characters that are costly to measure and helps to orient the evaluation of the base collection.
Biodiversity in Trust Table 1.4. Cassava germplasm in some national and international centres1. Natl. collection Region/ Field Country In vitro South America 4695 5632 Colombia 4132 Brazil 988 360 120 Paraguay Ecuador 101 177 120 Argentina 18 Bolivia Central America 154 Costa Rica 225 Mexico 50 Panama 37 Nicaragua Caribbean Cuba 495 46 Dominican Rep. Southern Africa Tanzania 410 Malawi 520 413 Uganda 250 Kenya 92 Mozambique West and Central Africa Benin 228 Cameroon 203 300 Cote d'lvoire Gabon 42 1 Ghana 161 Liberia 50 Nigeria 5 435 57 Senegal 89 Sierra Leone 734 Togo Zaire 250 IITA 2161 320 Asia - Oceania China India Indonesia Israel
86 1507 251 5
30 -
Institute/programme responsible
Observations (estimated composition)
Incl. 2001 (Colombia), 22 (other ctry) Held at 12 institutions -
71 land races 105 landraces 44 landraces 16 landraces
385 landraces 30 landraces
RTCP Zanzibar/Tanz. RTCP Lilongwe RTCP Kampala RTCP Katumani INIA
215 landraces 200 landraces 200 landraces 213 landraces 19 landraces
113 landraces 161 landraces 417 landraces 11 landraces 43 landraces Incl. geimpl. from Nigeria, Benin Rep., Ghana, Congo, Kenya, Brazil, CIAT
SCATC/UCRI/GAAS CTRCI CRIFC/MARIF Isr. Genebank for Agric. Crops, Volcani Center 92 Malaysia MARDI 21 ARI Myanmar Pakistan 3 Plant Introd. Centre, NARCentre, Islamabad 384 PRCRTC/IPB Philippines Sri Lanka 112 56 CARI/PGRC Thailand 250 RFCRC Vietnam 36 10 Hung Loc Agric. Centre, Dong Nai Prov. Source: IPGRI 1994; * Source: GRU files 1995.
38 landraces 1397 landraces 158 landraces Introduced breeding lines 69 landraces 10 landraces Introduced landraces 176 landraces 56 landraces 41 landraces 20 landraces
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 1.5. Number of accessions maintained as germplasm at CIAT, Colombia, June 1995. Source Cultivated Argentina Bolivia Brazil Colombia China Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Republic Ecuador Fiji Guatemala Indonesia Malaysia Mexico Nigeria Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Puerto Rico Thailand United States Venezuela CIAT/ICA Hybrids Genetic stock Subtotal Wild species 29 spp. in vitro, 26 spp. field, 3 undefined species Total
No. of accessions Field bank In vitro bank 72 3 1334 2001 2 148 77 5 117 6 91 51 67 102 19 43 231 405 6 15 31 10 249 400 147 5632
16 3 824 1911 2 144 74 5 107 6 90 51 67 97 18 40 181 402 6 15 8 9 230 242 147 4695
349 4 5985
334 5029
Quarantine restrictions hinder intercontinental transfer of vegetative cassava germplasm (Thurston 1973; Frison and Feliu 1991). IITA holds the CGIAR mandate for conservation and evaluation of African germplasm. The cassava genebank at IITA consists of 2161 accessions comprised of hybrid clones from its breeding programme (55%) and local varieties from five countries (45%) (Table 1.6). IITA maintains a field genebank of 64 accessions of wild Manihot species from 12 of the 19 sections in the genus (Table 1.7). Both CIAT and IITA use the software ORACLE to document information about cassava genetic resources and this system has recently been discussed with Latin American NARS for eventual uniform information management. IITA has also developed a database (FoxPro software) for operation on personal computers. These systems will be fully integrated into the System-wide Information Network for Genetic Resources for public access through Internet. Seed of several Manihot species was collected in the early 1980s during missions in Guatemala, Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Brazil and Panama (IPGRI 1994) and during 1992-95, the collection and taxonomic work of EMBRAPA Brazil was facilitated through a grant supported by IPGRI, with contribution and participation from IITA and CIAT
Table 1.6. Existing cassava germplasm accessions at the Genetic Resources Unit of IITA and their sources of origin. Advanced Country or region breeding line Local cultivar Wild species 197 Nigeria 1193 Republic of Benin 300 60 Congo 90 Ghana 11 Kenya 27 CIAT 21 Brazil 259* Unknown 3 286 1196 679 Total Recently introduced local cultivars and wild Manihot species are not included. Majority of the samples are yet to be multiplied.
Total 1390 300 60 90 11 27 f 280 3 2161
Table 1.7. Accessions of wild Manihot species held by IITA, in glasshouse (G) and field (F). Access, held
Place held
Manihot species
Brevipetiolatae Caerulescentes Caerulescentes Carthaginensis
stricta caerulescens heptaphylla carthaginensis
1 2 1 2
Crotalariaeformes Glaziovianae Glaziovianae Glaziovianae
reptans brachyandra catingae dichotoma
1 3 2
Glaziovianne Glaziovianae
epruinosa glziovii
15 2
Graciles Graciles
fruticulosa gracilis
1 1
Heterophyllae Heterophyllae Heterophyllae Parvibracteatae Parvibrateatae Peruvianae Peruvianae Quinquelobae Quinquelobae Sinuarae
grahami pohlii tristis aesculifolia chlorosticta leptophylla quinquepartita falcata divergens anomala
3 5 8 1 2 3 1 1 1 3
G F, G F, G G F F,G G F, G G F,G
Tripartitae ?
tripartita neusana
2 2
F, G F,G
Useful cassava traits
+ Drought tolerance Drought and salt tolerance CBB resistance + + CM and ACMD resistance; high photosynthetic rate + CM, CBB and ACMD resistance; drought tolerance +
High root protein; low cyanide Cold tolerance
+ +
High root protein
+ +
CM resistance
+ +
High photosynthetic rate Drought tolerance
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 1.8. Distribution of Manihot germplasm (in vitro) from CIAT in the last three years. Sector Centre staff in host country Centre staff in other countries Other lARCs NARS in developing countries NARS in developed countries
Number of accessions (and samples) 1992 1994 1993 29 (29) 163f (163)* 81 (81) -
175(182) 21 (47)
243 (290) 200 (262)
185(279) 131 (191)
_ Private sector in developing countries 6(6) 7(7) Private sector in developed countries 3(3) Others 366 481 397 Total of different accessions sent by year (399) (590) Total of material sent by year (551) Number of different accessions sent to each sector, with a mean of 5 plantlets/accession. * Number of samples sent (could include repeated accessions).
Table 1.9. Distribution of cassava virus-tested plantlets during 1989 to 1995 from IITA. Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
No. of genotypes Improved Local 29 0 1 39 1 39 2 49 104 2 2 128 11 235
No. of packages 27 23 24 33 26 33 32
No. of countries 17 16 21 19 18 19 24
No. of plantlets 1100 1045 1330 3365 3007 2385 8291
(Allem 1995). A documentation system has been implemented recently to record passport data of the Manihot species accessions introduced to CIAT. Two networks of Latin American national institutions for plant genetic resources, REMEFI and TROPIGEN, have included Manihot as priority species for conservation. The total annual cost of conservation per cassava clone at CIAT in Colombia has recently been estimated at $US 24.00 in vitro and $US 30.00 in the field (Epperson et al 1995). Cryoconservation is an alternative method under development and is expected to provide an efficient and economical alternative for conservation of meristems of cassava clones (CIAT 1994). Experiments also have been conducted to determine conditions for storing cassava pollen (Laton-Cortez 1993). In addition to improving cassava genepools with ex situ collections as a genetic base, during 1979-94 more than 3891 in vitro accessions, including 1531 different clones from the 'in trust' collections and samples of material, have been distributed from CIAT (Table 1.8), mainly for use in crop improvement programmes of developing countries. Over the past 7 years, IITA has distributed approximately 620 improved clones and 19 local varieties to its national counterparts (Table 1.9). The collections held in trust through the IARCs also ensure the preservation of national collections. Several countries in Latin America (Paraguay, Peru and Argentina) have received their germplasm back from CIAT after disease indexing, cleaning and further characterization. The use of cassava descriptors has assisted curators in organizing activities in their germplasm collections (Gulick et al 1983; IPGRI 1994). A revised version of IPGRI
Table 1.10. Cassava minimum descriptors listMinimum descriptors 1. Shoot colour 2. Shoot pubescence 3. Shape of central lobe
Petiole colour
Stem cortex colour (collenchyma) Stem external colour
3 - Light green, 5 - Dark green, 7 - Green-purple, 9 - Purple 0 - Absent, 1 - Present 1 - Ovoid; 2 - Elliptic-lanceolate; 3 - Obovate-lanceolate; 4 Oblanceolate; 5 - Lanceolate; 6 - Linear; 7 - Pandurate; 8 Linear pyramidal; 9 - Linear-pandurate; 10 - Linear-hostatilobada 1 - Green-yellow; 2 - Green; 3 - Green with little red; 5 Green with much red; 7 - Red; 9 - Purple 1 - Yellow, 2 - Light green, 3 - Dark green 3 - Orange, 4 - Green-yellow; 5 - Gold; 6 - Dark brown; 7 Silver; 8 - Grey; 9 - Dark brown 3 - Short (15 cm) 0 - Sessile; 3 - Pedunculate; 5 - Both 1 - White or cream; 2 - Yellow; 3 - Light brown; 4 - Dark brown 1 - White or cream, 2 - Yellow, 3 - Pink, 4 - Purple 1 - White, 2 - Cream, 3 - Yellow, 4 - Pink 3 - Smooth; 7 - Rugose 0 - Absent; 1 - Present
7. Phyllotaxia length 8. Root peduncle presence 9. Root external colour 10. Root cortex colour 11. Root pulp colour 12. Root epidermis texture 13. Flowering Supplementary descriptors 1. HCN 2. Allozyme Sources: IPGRI 1994 and Workshop on Cassava Genetic Resource Management, Cruz das Almas, CNPMF Brasil. Oct 22-27 1995 (In press).
(1994) minimal descriptors elaborated during the Latin American Workshop for Cassava Genetic Resources held at CNPMF, Cruz das Almas, 22-27 October 1995, is presented in Table 1.10. Table 1.11 lists the estimated number of landrace varieties in Asia and the Americas, for an appreciation of the potential genetic base of production. Characterization of the base collection at CIAT for allelic diversity at two esterase (isozyme) loci has been used as a method of quantifying cultivar diversity. When the Nei index of diversity was calculated for accessions originating from 12 countries in Latin America, countries such as Panama, Ecuador, Paraguay and Mexico showed relatively high diversity among accessions compared with the Caribbean region (Cuba and Dominican Republic) (Iwanaga et al. 1993; Hershey 1994). In Africa, genetic diversity of cassava is considered to be highest in the humid and subhumid regions of West and Central Africa, moderate in the coastal regions of East Africa and the islands of Madagascar and lowest in the dry Savanna and high-altitude regions of East and Central Africa (Gulick et al 1983). Patterns of diversity for useful traits are also beginning to emerge through the evaluation of accessions held at CIAT for characters of agronomic interest. For example, the majority of cassava accessions identified as having high photosynthetic potential under natural field conditions (measured as net leaf photosynthetic rates in imol CO2 m'2 s'1) originate as landraces in the subtropical regions of Brazil and Argentina (CIAT 1992, 1993). Wild Manihot germplasm from the same area also presents outstanding photosynthetic efficiency (CIAT 1994). Evaluation of the extensive collection of Colombian accessions held at CIAT shows a predominance of landraces with high dry matter in the North Coast and Andean regions and of varieties with low levels of cyanogens in the highlands (Hershey 1987). Recent progress has been made in determining relationships among Manihot species by applying conserved chloroplast sequences from other plants as molecular
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 1.11. Estimated number of landrace varieties of cassava in some countries of Asia and the Americas. Region/country South America Argentina Bolivia Brazil Colombia Ecuador Paraguay Peru Venezuela Region Total Meso-America and Carribean Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Rep. Guatemala Haiti Mexico Nicaragua Panama Puerto Rico Region Total Asia and Oceania China Fiji India Indonesia Laos Malaysia Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam Region Total
Estimated total landrace varieties
Estimated total landrace varieties at CIAT*
24 60 3110 1932 176 192 513 303 6310
72 3 1273 1969 117 225 405 249 4313
59 66 50 57 89 45 8 374
148 75 5 91
8 6 120 80 40 4 -
43 15 474 2 6 38
61 4
128 (including 10 clones from USA but probably of Asian origin) Total 4915 6942 Source: Hershey 1994 (Africa was not included in the analysis for lack of information. Includes estimates of total representation in CIAT collection, level of duplication and proportion of accessions which are not landrace varieties. A landrace is loosely defined here as a farmer-selected variety, even if introduced from another region or country.) * Based on current available passport information, GRU files 1995; does not include level of duplication.
phylogenetic markers (Bertram 1993; Fregene et al. 1994). In efforts to develop a genuswide conservation strategy, CIAT has begun to consolidate available information on the geographic distribution of Manihot species (Figs. 1.1, 1.2). Characterization for allelic diversity of isozymes has provided quantitative estimates of relatedness among cassava accessions and with wild species (Lefevre and Charrier 1993; Wanyera et al. 1994) and the utility of nuclear molecular markers has been shown (Beeching et al. 1993; Bonierbale et al. 1995; Roa et al 1996; Tonukari et al 1996).
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Manihot* Parvibracteatae Foetidae Heterophyllae Anisophyllae Carthaginenses Quinquelobae Graciles Sinuatae Vanifoliae Glaziovianae Peruvianae Crotalariaeformes Stipulares Grandibractealae Brevipetiolatae Peltatae Tripartitae Caerulescentes
(Corresponds to M. esculenta and is distributed in all shaded areas) Fig. 1.1. Geographical range of Manihot sections (redrawn from Rogers and Appan 1973).
Properties and Uses The main nutritional component of cassava is carbohydrate energy, or calories, most of which is derived from starch accumulated in the roots. Reflecting this, productivity is measured in terms of dry matter, ranging from 30 to 40% under normal production conditions (Cock 1985). About 85% of the storage root dry matter content is starch. Cassava roots contain only small amounts of protein, ranging from 1 to 2% on a fresh-weight basis, but are rich in vitamin C and calcium, with acceptable levels of vitamins A and B, and other minerals. Investigations of the quality of protein in cassava germplasm are generally lacking, although Cock (1985) reports that it is good, but deficient in sulphur-containing amino acids. As animal feed, fresh roots are a good source of carbohydrates (Buitrago 1990). Dried cassava is used in rations for poultry, swine and cattle, comprising an international commodity of which the European
Biodiversity in Trust
Community purchases over 5 million tonnes annually (CIAT 1993). Native and modified starches are important raw materials for many industrial uses such as food processing, paper, textile and adhesive manufacturing and in oil-drilling operations. Derived sugar products include glucose, fructose, maltodextrins and mannitol (Balogapalan et al. 1988). A less well-known source of nutrition for both man and animal is the cassava foliage (Ravindram 1993; Bokanga 1994). A wide range of products known to aboriginal, rural or urban communities has been developed, varying from human and animal foodstuffs and medicinal to fuel potential in industrial countries. Various cassava-based breads and porridge-like products (some fermented and others dried and baked) are important staples in parts of Africa and Latin America (O'Brien et al. 1994). Beer-making properties are associated with the yellow varieties as reported by Aguaruna Indians from the Amazon basin in Peru, resulting in the popular refreshments, mazatto and beshu (Rogers 1965; Boster 1984). Cassava has additional medical uses, being used to control chills and fever and cutaneous eruption, as well as diarrhea. It serves also as a fishing tool, poisoning the prey for easy catching (Duke and Vasquez 1994). Approximately 71% of world cassava production is used for human consumption, while the rest goes to animal feed and industrial uses (Sarma and Kunchai 1991). Breeding Domestication of cassava probably began with selection for large roots, more erect plant type with less branched growth and the ability to establish easily from stem
Species M. aescutifolia
M. angustiloba
M. auriculata
M. pringlei
M. rhomboidea
M. caudata
M. rubricautts
M. carthaginensis
M. subspicata
M. chlorosticta
M. oaxacana
M. brachyloba
M. tomatophylla
M. michaelis
M. crassisepala
M. davisiae
M. foetida
M. glaziovii
M. tristis
v A
A M. inflata
Fig. 1.2. Distribution of Manihot species in Mexico.
cuttings. Mixed cropping systems in which several genotypes are grown in the same field probably provided opportunity for new variability to occur in sexual seed, upon which selection was practised (Iglesias 1990). Selection worked toward virtual discontinuation of seed propagation and tended to encourage sterility and/or dormancy in sexual propagation (Jennings 1976). Breeding objectives for cassava have distinct regional differences that are largely determined by biotic or abiotic constraints. Resistance to cassava bacterial blight (Xanthomonas campestris pv. manihoti), root rots (Phytopthora spp., Diplodia spp. and others), white flies, mites and thrips are under selection in breeding programmes in Latin America, as are root dry matter content, cyanogen content and several features of root and plant appearance (Hershey and Jennings 1992). The recognition of variability in vitamin A content, associated with yellow root parenchyma, has led to efforts to develop high-vitamin genepools (Moorthy et al 1990). Post-harvest shelf-life and the functional properties of starch in processing are also in early stages of investigation at both CIAT and IITA. Useful variation in tolerance to water- and nutrientlimited conditions, including acid, low-phosphorus and high-aluminium soils, has been found in cultivated germplasm and is being incorporated into improved germplasm (ElSharkawy and Cock 1987; CIAT 1992; El-Sharkawy et al 1992; Pellet and El-Sharkawy 1993a, 1993b; De Tafur et al 1997). Since the 1970s, the genetic base for cassava improvement at IITA has consisted of local cultivars from within Nigeria, selected clones from crosses originally made in East Africa between cassava (M. esculenta) and its related wild species M. glaziovii and segregating progenies from East Africa, Latin America and Asia (Hahn et al. 1990; Asiedu et al 1994; IITA 1994; Ng et al 1994). The most pressing early objectives of IITA's programme were to breed high-yielding varieties with resistance to African cassava mosaic disease (ACMD) and cassava bacterial blight (CBB). Other breeding objectives include high-yielding clones with yellow root flesh that have high carotene content and low cyanogenic potential (CNP); good gari (grated, fermented and roasted fresh cassava) quality; resistance to cassava mealybug (CM), cassava green mites (CGM) and cassava anthracnose disease (CAD). African national breeding programmes are also concerned with resistance to the devastating ACMD, which is presently threatening survival of the crop and of genetic diversity in severe epidemics (Jennings 1994). A systematic and agro-ecologically based germplasm introduction scheme to broaden the genetic base of cassava in Africa was initiated by IITA and CIAT in 1990 (IITA 1993a). Crosses are made at CIAT, Colombia, between parents of Latin American origin that are adapted to four different agro-ecologies of South America with homologues in Africa and improved ACMD-resistant clones from IITA. By 1994, more than 200 000 botanical hybrid seeds comprising over 1000 families were introduced for evaluation in Nigeria through IITA, observing strict quarantine regulations for intercontinental exchange of germplasm. Sources of germplasm for cassava improvement in Asia have been local landraces for direct release, selections from open-pollinated seed originating in germplasm collections and controlled intervarietal hybrids, as well as crosses between local and introduced (CIAT) clones (Kawano and Hershey 1985). Indian Cassava Mosaic Virus, related to African Cassava Mosaic Virus, is a threat to production which does not at present affect cassava in Latin America (Mathew 1991). As disease and pest pressure on cassava is low in Asia, primary objectives are to increase productivity and starch content. Additional useful genetic variability has been detected in the wild relatives of cassava, although it has not been used extensively (Jennings 1959; Nassar 1986). Recent work at IITA and CIAT has confirmed previous reports of higher protein content and insect resistance in Manihot species and identified properties that may be associated with their xeromorphic adaptation and efficient photosynthesis (Asiedu et al 1992; CIAT 1993, 1994). IITA has used several Manihot species in interspecific hybridization
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with cassava to transfer their desirable genes into cassava (Hahn et al 1980, 1990). For instance, M. glaziovii was introduced into West, East and Central Africa as a source of rubber in the period 1890-1900 but is currently used only as a shade plant in young cash crop plantations to provide resistance to ACMD (Nichols 1947; Hahn et al 1977, 1979) and CBB (Hahn et ah 1980). Accessions of Manihot tristis, unlike cultivated cassava, are known to contain high protein in the storage roots (Asiedu et al. 1992). Crosses between cultivated cassava and M. tristis yielded hybrid progenies with higher storage root protein and total amino acid content (IITA 1993b, 1993c). The national programme of Colombia also recognized the relatively high protein content of M. carthagenensis, native to the northern littoral regions of South America (Lopez and Herrera 1970). On average, improved clones from cassava breeding programmes are no more than three generations advanced from local or introduced materials, resulting from the adaptive selection and recombination among superior genotypes with a broad range of favourable characteristics (Jennings and Hershey 1985). Once agronomically acceptable genepools with adequate genetic base are available for a target production area, additional desirable traits may be introduced by a modified backcrossing scheme, using different members of the adapted genepool as recurrent parents to avoid problems of inbreeding depression (Martin 1976; Bueno 1987). The innovative strategy of triploid breeding has been reported as successful via unreduced gametes and by colchicine induction (Hahn et al 1990; CGPRT Newsletter 1995). Adaptive selection and cassava breeding, facilitated by the organization and evaluation of national and international germplasm collections, have had a significant impact on varietal deployment. An extreme example of the deployment of new varieties may be seen in Asia, where a recent survey of Asian countries (Kawano 1995) estimates that 0.38 million hectares are planted with cultivars released after 1970 and, of those, 87% are with CIAT-related varieties. Prospects Cassava is well known for its ability to tolerate drought, maintaining high productivity under conditions not suitable to most crops (Cock 1985; El-Sharkawy 1993). Droughtprone regions, such as Sub-Saharan Africa and Northeast Brazil, have increased cassava production rapidly in the last two decades (El-Sharkawy 1993). Owing to the diversity of its utilization, adaptation and low input requirements, cassava often provides a valuable link for rural farmers to the market economy (Henry and Best 1994). The most dynamic cassava sectors, those of processed pellets for animal feed and starch or starch products, depend on improved production, processing and market technologies; their development is sensitive to both domestic and foreign trade policies and demand issues with regard to alternative raw materials such as grains and sugarcane (Leihner 1992; Henry and Gottret 1995). Cassava's recognition as an orphan crop (Persley 1990), the mandates taken on by the CGIAR and the operation of the Cassava Biotechnology Network have brought attention and basic resources to the research and development needs of cassava. In terms of global efforts toward the conservation and use of cassava's genetic resources, IITA, CIAT and NARS are interested in developing and adopting efficient methods for assessing diversity that can be used for the definition of representative subsets of germplasm for conservation and utilization. It is hoped that methods such as those used to identify duplicates in the collection held at CIAT (Ocampo et al 1995) and to quantify similarity among accessions (Roa et al 1996; Tonukari et al 1996) may be adapted to quantify the diversity in existing collections and assess potential gaps in representation to orient the conservation process. Further efforts in the study and use of genetic diversity are needed to confirm possible new sources of resistance to important pests for incorporation into breeding programmes, such as may have been identified in ACMDresistant local African cultivars collected recently by IITA (Ng and Rossel 1993).
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Chapter 2 The Potato Z. Huaman, A. Golmirzaie and W. Amoros
The potato that is grown worldwide as one of the major food crops belongs to a single species, Solatium tuberosum L. In the English language, another common name is Irish potato. The word potato derives from the Spanish word patata, which is also the name for this crop in Portuguese and Italian. The name in French is potntne de terre. Its most common name in the Spanish spoken in Latin America is papa, a word derived from Quechua, the language of the Incas. Global potato production is around 260 million t on an area of about 18 million ha. In recent years, potato production has spread from its traditional mountainous environment into warmer, drier areas such as Peru's coastal valleys, the plains of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, and the irrigated oases of North Africa. It is also spreading into warm, humid zones (Horton 1988). BOTANY AND DISTRIBUTION Cultivated species and all their wild relatives are classified in the family Solanaceae, genus Solanum, subgenus Potatoe, section Petota (formerly Tuberarium), and subsection Potatoe (formerly Hyperbasarthrum) (Hawkes 1990). In addition to S. tuberosum, Latin America houses seven other cultivated species with ploidy levels from diploid (2n=2x=24) to pentaploid (2rc=5x=60) (see Table 2.1). Origin, Distribution and Diffusion The potato undoubtedly originated in South America and was domesticated in the highlands of the central Andes, probably between central Peru and central Bolivia. It was cultivated as far back as 7000 years before present (BP), based on archaeological evidence mainly from coastal Peruvian pre-Inca cultures. Potato-like ceramics found in Peru also indicate that the crop was widely known from the beginning of the Christian era (Hawkes 1990). Some controversy surrounds a possible second independent area of domestication in the Chiloe Archipelago of Chile. Ugent et ah (1987) reported wild potato remains from southern Chile dating to 13 000 BP that could have been eaten at that time. The potato was introduced from South America to Europe in the late 16th century, some years after the discovery and conquest of Peru. Salaman (1954) suggested that the first introductions could have come from Peru or from the port of Cartagena on the north coast of Colombia. Juzepczuk and Bukasov (1929), on the contrary, believed that these early introductions could have come from southern Chile. Salaman (1954) argued that the first direct journey from Chile to Europe via the Straits of Magellan was made
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in 1579, by which time the potato was already known in Europe. From Europe it spread to North America, India, China, Japan and parts of Africa in the 17th century (Hawkes 1967). At present, the potato is grown at latitudes from 55°N to 50°S and at altitudes from sea level up to 4000 m. Some cultivars of diploid S. stenotomum that are the most similar to wild potatoes could have been the first to be domesticated. Solatium leptophyes has been postulated as the wild ancestor and the area of domestication might have been in the region of the Lake Titicaca basin. Other diploid species could have been derived from S. stenotomum by human selection: such as S. phureja for rapid maturity and lack of tuber dormancy, and S. goniocalyx for good palatability and flavour (Hawkes 1967, 1990). Solarium x ajanhuiri was derived from natural crosses between S. stenotomum and the wild, frostresistant diploid S. megistacrolobum (Huaman et al. 1980). The most important event in potato evolution was the origin of the tetraploid S. tuberosum subsp. andigena. Cadman (1942) postulated an autotetraploid origin by crosses of unreduced gametes of S. stenotomum. Hawkes (1956) proposed a hybrid origin involving unreduced gametes of S. stenotomum and the weed diploid species S. sparsipilum. Cribb and Hawkes (1986) provided strong evidence to support this allotetraploid origin. Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum is considered to derive from subsp. andigena through selection for adaptation to long photoperiods (Hawkes 1967). Researchers have shown that this adaptation process was accompanied by morphological changes such as shorter plants, longer leaves with broader leaflets, and reduced flowering and fruit setting (Simmonds 1964; Plaisted 1971). The triploid S. x chaucha derived from crosses between the tetraploid S. tuberosum subsp. andigena and the diploid S. stenotomum (Hawkes 1967; Jackson et al. 1977). Some cultivars of this species could be autotriploids totally derived from S. stenotomum by crosses between unreduced and reduced gametes (Bukasov 1964). The cross between the wild, frost-resistant tetraploid S. acaule and S. stenotomum was the origin of the sterile triploid S. x juzepczukii (Bukasov 1939; Hawkes 1962; Schmiediche et al. 1982). Further crosses involving unreduced gametes of S. x juzepczukii and diploid gametes of S. tuberosum subsp. andigena resulted in the pentaploid S. x curtilobum (Bukasov 1939; Hawkes 1962). Reproductive Biology All diploid cultivated potato species are self-incompatible and fertile, triploids are mostly sterile, tetraploids are fertile and highly self-compatible, and pentaploids are fertile in crosses with tetraploids. Diploid and tetraploid species in general show very regular meiotic pairing, but tetraploid potatoes function as cytological autotetraploids (Hawkes 1990). GERMPLASM CONSERVATION AND USE The potato possesses more related wild species than any other crop plant and 235 wild species are recognized as composing a polyploid series from diploids to hexaploids. These wild potato species are widely distributed from the southwestern United States to most countries in Central and South America. Two clear centres of diversity are recognized: one in central Mexico and the second in the high Andes from Peru through Bolivia to northwest Argentina. No single wild potato species extends throughout the total geographic area and only a few are widespread. Many species are restricted to limited areas and ecological zones. Their altitudinal range of distribution is from sea level to 4500 m. The countries with the largest number of wild potato species are Mexico, with 36, Bolivia (39) and Peru (100). In addition, five species are found in both Peru and Bolivia (Hawkes 1990).
The Potato Table 2.1. genebank.
Geographic coverage of cultivated Solarium species conserved in the CIP
Cultivated species 2n=2x=24 Solanum stenotomum S. phureja S. goniocalyx S. x ajanhuiri Solanum 2x hybrids 2n=3x=36 S. x chaucha S. xjuzepczukii 2/?=4x=48 S. tuberosum subsp. andigena S. tuberosum subsp. tuberosum Solanum 4x hybrids 2/?=5x=60 S. x curtilobum Total
No. of samples 268 170
Geographic coverage
48 10 56
ARG (5); BOL (83); COL (1); ECU (6); PER (173) BOL (4); COL (111); ECU (35); MEX (1); PER (19) BOL(2);CRI(1);PER(45) BOL (9); PER (1) BOL (6); PER (50)
97 31
ARG (1); BOL (25); ECU (1); PER (70) ARG (1); BOL (20); PER (10)
2644 144 48 11 3527
ARG (64); BOL (303); COL (138); ECU (208); GTM (22); MEX (25); PER (1845); VEN (39) ARG (6); BOL (2); CHL (127); ECU (1); GTM (1); MEX (3); PER (2); VEN (1) ARG (1); BOL (6); ECU (1); GTM (7); PER (33) ARG (2); BOL (3); PER (5); VEN (1)
CIP maintains a total of 1567 wild potato accessions, including 112 different tuberbearing Solanum species collected in 12 countries in the Americas. Biosystematic studies on the wild and cultivated potatoes of Bolivia from this collection have been published in a comprehensive monograph (Ochoa 1990) and another volume on the potatoes of Peru is in preparation. Ochoa's studies have also helped to add new sources of variability with the discovery of 50 new wild species among the materials from collecting expeditions made after the creation of CIP in 1971 (Ochoa, pers. comm.). Despite the numerous collecting expeditions carried out in recent decades to obtain living materials to be conserved in genebanks, 35 wild potato species have not been found where their type specimens were discovered. However, explorations of new areas or more intensive searches within some known areas made by collecting expeditions from several genebanks have resulted in the discovery of new potato species. Many cultivated potato collections conserved by several institutions in South America were donated to the genebank maintained at CIP and many new accessions were obtained and shared by joint CIP-NARS collecting expeditions. As a result, CIP assembled a potato collection of more than 15 000 accessions of native potato cultivars from nine countries in Latin America. CIP identified duplicate accessions of the same cultivar and selected about 3500 (see Table 2.1) different cultivars among them (Huaman 1986; Huaman and Stegemann 1989). Native potato cultivars are maintained in a 3-ha field genebank at Huancayo, Peru (3200 m asl), and back-up duplicate sets of tubers of each accession in the collections are placed in cold storage at 4°C at La Molina, near Lima. A duplicate set of the whole cultivated potato collection is also maintained in in vitro culture at La Molina. The storage period, using a culture medium for minimum growth, room temperature of 67°C and 1000 lux for 16 hours a day, is now extended to 2 years (Lizarraga et ah 1991). This in vitro collection is totally duplicated at the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP) in Quito, Ecuador, for security reasons. There is also an ongoing effort to clean this collection of viruses in order to return accessions to
Biodiversity in Trust
interested NARS in the countries where these genetic resources originated. Seed lots obtained from non-sterile accessions are conserved according to international standards. At CIP, dried seeds are stored in laminated aluminium foil packets in cold rooms at 0°C for immediate use or distribution and at -15°C for long-term storage. Again, for security reasons, duplicate seed samples of selected accessions in this collection are kept in the National Seed Storage Laboratory at Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. Current ex situ conservation efforts for wild potato species could also be complemented by protecting geographic areas where they are found in nature. A number of potential areas in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador have already been identified (Huaman 1994). The primary centre of diversity of cultivated potatoes is located in the highlands of Andean South America where thousands of native cultivars are still maintained under traditional farming systems. Peru and Bolivia have the largest number of native cultivars with diverse flower and plant characters and a wide range of tuber shapes and colours. The Chiloe Archipelago of Chile is a secondary centre of diversity where hundreds of tetraploid potatoes with adaptation to long photoperiods still grow under cool environments at or near sea level in some of these islands. Traditional potato cultivars of S. tuberosum subsp. andigena are most widespread in the highlands of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and northern Argentina. They are also cultivated in some areas of Mexico and Guatemala. Altitude ranges from about 2000 to 4000 m asl. All other cultivated species have a more restricted geographic distribution. Thus, ancient cultivars of S. tuberosum subsp. tuberosum are grown mainly on Chiloe Island in southern Chile at about sea level. Solarium stenotomum, S. goniocalyx and S. x chaucha are mostly cultivated from northern Peru to central Bolivia between 3000 and 3900 m asl. Solarium phureja is the only species that is cultivated in the warmer Andean valleys, mostly on the eastern side of the mountain range, of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia, from 2000 to 3700 m asl. Some samples of the latter four species have been found in other countries (see Table 2.1), but these might be recent introductions. Frost-tolerant S. x curtilobum, S. x juzepczukii and S. x ajanhuiri grow between 3800 and 4200 m asl. The first two are cultivated from central Peru to northern Argentina and the third one is generally confined to the high Andean plateau between southern Peru and northern Bolivia. Evaluation and Use For many years, CIP has tried to develop closer collaboration among potato genebanks around the world for the conservation and use of potato genetic resources. Significant progress has been made since 1990 and now joint inter-genebank activities involve the potato collections maintained in the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Russia, Argentina and CIP (Bamberg et ah 1995). An Inter-genebank Potato Database (IPD) has been developed. It contains 11 590 wild potato accessions maintained in seven potato genebanks, which includes 8700 different accessions of 195 wild potato species. This database shows that the number of accessions of wild potato species maintained in ex situ genebanks does not adequately represent the total genepool. Only a few wild species are adequately sampled throughout their geographic area of distribution. Researchers at CIP have conducted more than 46 000 evaluations (Table 2.2) of reactions of native Andean potato cultivars maintained in the genebank to biotic and abiotic stresses as well as of other desirable traits (Huaman 1994). The potato collection is also available to NARS interested in screening against pathogens that might have a specific importance for a particular country. The evaluation database at CIP shows the
The Potato
presence of a number of Andean cultivars that have accumulated multiple resistances to pests and diseases or a combination of both. Frequently, some of these cultivars also show resistance to several pathotypes or races of the same organism. The breeding potential of Andean cultivars for the improvement of nutritive attributes is also remarkable. A wide range of variation is found for yield potential, time to maturity, length of tuber dormancy, storage qualities and culinary attributes. The potato genetic resources available in genebanks are still underutilized. Ross (1986) lists 97 European potato cultivars with 13 potato species in their pedigrees. Some of these species are also in the pedigrees of some North American cultivars. Hawkes (1990) provides a list of potato species reported as the most important sources for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. The Inter-genebank Potato Database also includes data on 28 593 evaluations of the reactions to the most important diseases, pests and other desirable traits of wild potato accessions conserved in the most important genebanks. About 20% of the crosses made in CIP's breeding programme between 1972 and 1986 included wild species or native cultivars as one or both progenitors (Huaman 1986). So far, a total of 173 new potato cultivars have been named and released by NARS in 10 countries in South America, 15 in Asia, 13 in Africa and one in the Middle East. Although new and more diverse genetic resources have been incorporated into breeding programmes in the last decade, the diversity used is just a small fraction of the total variation available in genebanks. Properties and Uses In rural areas, potato farmers generally eat more potatoes than non-producers. Where potatoes are relatively cheap, such as in the Andes, potato consumption is highest among poor households. In the more common situation where potatoes are relatively expensive, as in most of Africa and Asia, potato consumption is highest among the wealthy (Horton and Anderson 1992). Fresh potatoes for human consumption is the most important type of utilization in most countries, both developed and developing, and accounts for from 60 to over 80% of total national output. Industrial manufacturing of processed potatoes seems to be only in its infancy in most developing countries with the exception of China (12%), Korea DPR (6%) and Mexico (28%). There is an increasing trend for the use of precooked and processed potatoes to meet the rising demand of the fast food, snack and convenience food industries (FAO/CIP 1995). Over 98% of the potatoes grown in developing countries are consumed domestically, rather than exported. In some regions, like North Africa and the Middle East, potatoes are an important export crop that generates significant returns in foreign exchange (Horton and Anderson 1992). Exports of processed potato products, including frozen French fries, potato chips and starch, are estimated to be over 2 million tonnes more on a fresh weight basis (FAO/CIP 1995). Breeding The genetic base of potato breeding needs a permanent broadening and the major constraints in potato breeding are: a complicated tetraploid genetics, the involvement of quantitative traits with large environmental effects, and a difficult monitoring of recombination and introgression by phenotypic evaluation (Ross 1986). Transmission of important traits such as disease and insect pest resistance has been successfully achieved using In gametes, especially first division restitution In pollen which occurs widely and frequently in diploid Solanum species (Watanabe and Peloquin 1989).
26 Table 2.2. collection.
Biodiversity in Trust Evaluations conducted at CIP using materials from the cultivated potato
Number of accessions Evaluated }With useful genes 8 Biotic/abiotic stresses and traits evaluated 636 Fungi Phytophthora blight in leaves 123 338 84 Phytophthora blight in tubers 1355 2 Phytophthora pink rot 520 Streptomyces scab 0 548 Spongospora powdery scab 33 869 Synchytrium wart 56 224 Angiosorus smut 2 539 Fusarium dry rot 39 1062 Rhizoctonia black scurf 0 490 Phoma gangrene 79 2000 Macrophomina charcoal rot 28 408 Bacteria Erwinia soft rot 26 206 41 Pseudomonas wilt 2058 Viruses 24bc Potato virus X 2016 Potato virus Y 6C 2392 4C Potato leafroll virus —c 2266 Potato virus S -° 1831 Andean potato latent virus -c 2267 Andean potato moptop virus -c 285 Potato virus T c 3184 Viroids Spindle tuber viroid Nematodes Globodera pallida 1287 Race pa2 138 1285 174 Race pa3 672 Cusco population 65 580 Globodera rostochiensis 95 1332 Meloidogyne incognita acrita 70 11 4 Nacobbus 1479 Insects Phthorimaea tuber moth 152 Andean potato weevil 681 Premnotrypes suturicallus 59 2000 Premnotrypes vorax 17 47 Premnotrypes latithorax 20 565 Environmental stress Frost 79d 3184 Hail 819 806 Other desirable traits 23 Diploids with 2n pollen 1788 Dry matter content 400e 840 Protein content (total N) 45e 936 Palatability (flavour) 29e 936 Culinary quality (texture) 128e 2201 Dormany period in the tubers 115e 46 124 Total 2979 a Includes resistant and moderately resistant cultivars; b Includes hypersensitive cultivars; c cultivars with negative serological reactions but no further testing has been made; d with two layers of palisade parenchyma on leaf cross-sections;e dry matter >24%, protein >10% dry weight, tasty flavour, starchy texture, tuber dormancy about 6 months.
Research conducted at CIP has shown that heritability for yield varied from 0 to 0.65 according to the population, being more frequently from 0.1 to 0.25; for number and weight of tubers, heritability was 0.5 and 0.7 respectively; for tuber initiation, a component for earliness, 0.65; for dry matter content, 0.7-0.85; and for reducing sugar, 0.4. Heritability
The Potato
for immunities to PVY and PVX was high and monogenic dominant; for resistance to PLRV, 0.24; for vertical resistance to late blight controlled by major R genes derived from S. demissum, 0.7 and for horizontal resistance, polygenic and non race-specific, 0.4; for resistance to early blight, 0.7-0.8, suggesting few genes with additive effects (Mendoza 1980; Mendoza and Martin 1989). CIP's breeding programme maximizes the utilization of commercial cultivars and breeding lines, Andean cultivated species and a set of selected wild species containing valuable traits of resistance or tolerance to stresses, pests and diseases. The basic goals are the maintenance of a wide genetic diversity to secure a high yield and stability of performance; an increase in the frequency of genes controlling desirable attributes, such as adaptation, yield per se and resistance or tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses; and the stimulation of the recombination of desirable attributes in the same genotypes and populations. To achieve these goals a recurrent selection with progeny testing for the population improvement has been used (Mendoza and Jatala 1985). By breeding for multiple traits in its advanced populations, CIP provides a broad range of durable protection against biotic and abiotic stresses that often interact to reduce the impact of single-factor resistance and desirable agronomic traits. At present, CIP's potato breeding populations combine resistance to potato leafroll virus (PLRV), potato virus X (PVX) and potato virus Y (PVY) with heat tolerance, for the warm lowlands; late blight with PVX and PVY resistances, for use across all potato-growing agro-ecologies; late blight and cyst nematode resistance, for the temperate and highland areas; and Alternaria, PVX and PVY resistance with heat tolerance, for the lowlands (Mendoza 1994). Prospects Although in the last few decades considerable effort has been devoted to evaluating the potato genetic resources to determine sources of desirable genes, a large number of accessions in genebanks still remain to be evaluated. There is no doubt that both wild potato species and Andean cultivars contain many useful genes that could solve many problems that affect potato productivity, especially in developing countries. Fortunately, the genetic resources maintained at CIP and in other potato genebanks around the world are beginning to be used with more frequency to produce new potato cultivars. Most of these new cultivars have genetic resistance to some diseases and pests that reduce the use of pesticides that affect our environment and, therefore, significantly reduce production costs to farmers. Thus, almost 200 new potato cultivars have been named and released in the last 20 years in more than 40 countries around the world. The potato genetic resources that are held in trust at CIP are freely available for distribution in two forms: as clonal materials, either as in vitro plantlets or as tubers produced under quarantine conditions from pathogen-tested stocks, and as true seed lots tested for potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd). CIP produces annually a pathogentested list of potato cultivars for international distribution that contains the most relevant data for use by researchers. CIP's policy emphasizes free access to both genetic resources and data related to each accession in the genebank. REFERENCES Bamberg, J.B., Z. Huaman and R. Hoekstra. 1995. International cooperation in potato germplasm. Pp. 177-182 in International Germplasm Transfer: Past and Present (R.R. Duncan, D.M. Krai and M.K. Viney, eds.). Crop Sci. Soc. of America, Special Publication No. 23. CSSA, Madison, WI, USA. Bukasov, S.M. 1939. The origin of potato species. Physis. Buenos Aires 18(2):269-284.
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Bukasov, S.M. 1964. The origin of species of the series Andigena, Section Tuberarium, genus Solarium. International Congress of Botany, Edinburgh. 10:341-342. Cadman, G.H. 1942. Autotetraploid inheritance in the potato: some new evidence. J. Genet. 44:33-52. Cribb, P.J. and J.G. Hawkes. 1986. Experimental evidence for the origin of Solatium tuberosum subsp. andigena. In Solanaceae: Biology and Systematics (W.G. D'arcy, ed.). Columbia University Press, New York. FAO/CIP. 1995. Potatoes in the 1990s. Situation and Prospects of the World Potato Economy. International Potato Center/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Hawkes, J.G. 1956. Taxonomic studies on the tuber-bearing Solanums. I. Solanum tuberosum and the tetraploid species complex. Proc. Linn. Soc. 166:97-144. Hawkes, J. G. 1962. The origin of S. x juzepczukii Buk. and S. curtilobum Juz. et Buk. Z. fur Pflanzenzucht. 47:1-4. Hawkes, J.G. 1967. The history of potato. Masters Memorial Lecture, 1966. J. Roy. Hort. Soc. 92:207-224; 249-262; 288-302; 364-365. Hawkes, J.G. 1990. The Potato. Evolution, Biodiversity and Genetic Resources. Belhaven Press, London. Horton, D. 1988. Underground Crops. Long-term Trends in Production of Roots and Tubers. Winrock International. Horton, D.E. and J.L. Anderson. 1992. Potato production in the context of the world and farm economy. Pp. 794-815 in The Potato Crop (Paul Harris, ed.). Chapman and Hall. Huaman, Z. 1986. Conservation of potato genetic resources at CIP. CIP Circular 14(2): 1-7. Huaman, Z. 1994. Ex situ conservation of potato genetic resources at CIP. CIP Circular 20(3):l-7. Huaman, Z. and H. Stegemann. 1989. Use of electrophoretic analyses to verify morphologically identical clones in a potato collection. Plant Varieties and Seeds 2:155-161. Huaman, Z., J.G. Hawkes and P.R. Rowe. 1980. A biosystematic study of the origin of the diploid potato, Solanum ajanhuiri. Euphytica 31:665-675. Jackson, M.T., J.G. Hawkes and P.R. Rowe. 1977. The nature of Solanum chaucha Juz. et Buk., a triploid cultivated potato of South American Andes. Euphytica 26:775-783. Juzepczuk, S.W. and S.M. Bukasov. 1929. [A contribution to the question of the origin of the potato]. Proc. U.S.S.R. Congr. Genet. Plant and Animal Breed. 3:592-611. Lizarraga, R., A. Panta, U. Jayasinghe and J. Dodds. 1991. Cultivo de tejidos para la elimination de patogenos. Guia de Investigation CIP 3. CIP, Lima, Peru. Mendoza, H.A. 1980. Development of lowland tropic populations. Pp. 40-55 in Utilization of the Genetic Resources of the Potato III. CIP, Lima, Peru. Mendoza, H.A. 1994. Development of potatoes with multiple resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses: The International Potato Center Approach. In Advances in Potato Pest. Biology and Management (G.W. Zehnder, M.L. Powelson, R.K. Jansson and K.V. Raman, eds.). APS Press. Mendoza, H.A. and P. Jatala. 1985. Breeding potatoes for resistance to root knot nematodes Meloidogyne spp. Pp. 217-224 in An Advanced Treatise on Meloidogyne (Sasser and Carter, eds.). North Carolina State University, USA. Mendoza, H.A. and C. Martin. 1989. Breeding for resistance to early blight (Alternaria solani). Pp. 119137 in Fungal Diseases of the Potato. CIP, Lima, Peru. Ochoa, CM. 1990. The Potatoes of South America: Bolivia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Plaisted, R.L. 1971. A project to duplicate 400 years of potato evolution. New York's Food and Life Sci. 4:24-26. Ross, H. 1986. Potato breeding: Problems and perspectives (W. Horn and G. Robbelen, eds.). J. Plant Breed. Suppl. 13:132. Salaman, R.N. 1954. The origin of the early European potato. J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 55:185-190. Schmiediche, P.E., J.G. Hawkes and CM. Ochoa. 1982. The breeding of the cultivated potato species Solanum juzepczukii Buk. and S. curtilobum Juz. et Buk. II. Euphytica 31:695-707. Simmonds, N.W. 1964. Studies of the tetraploid potatoes. II. Factors in the evolution of the Tuberosum group. J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 59:43-56. Ugent, D., T. Dillehay and C Ramirez. 1987. Potato remains from a late Pleistocene settlement in south central Chile. Econ. Bot. 4(l):17-27. Watanabe, K. and S.J. Peloquin. 1989. Occurrence of 2n pollen and ps gene frequencies in cultivated groups and their related wild species in tuber-bearing Solanums. Theor. Appl. Genet. 78:329-336.
Chapter 3 Sweetpotato Z. Huaman and D.P. Zhang
The sweetpotato belongs to a single species, Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. In Spanish, the most common names are batata, camote and boniato; in French, patate douce; in Portuguese, batata doce; in Italian, batata dolce; in Chinese, gan shu, and in Quechua, the Inca language, kumara or apichu. In the United States, the deep orange, moist-fleshed cultivars are sometimes mistakenly called yam, which belongs to the totally different genus Dioscorea. Sweetpotato is the world's seventh most important food crop after wheat, rice, maize, potato, barley and cassava. It is grown in more developing countries than any other root crop. World sweetpotato production is around 124 million t in an area of about 9.2 million ha. BOTANY AND DISTRIBUTION The sweetpotato and the wild species closely related to it are classified in the family Convolvulaceae, genus Ipomoea, subgenus Eriospermum, section Eriospermum (formerly Batatas) and series Batatas (Austin and Huaman 1996). Linnaeus described the cultivated sweetpotato in 1753 as Convolvulus batatas. In 1791, the botanist Lamarck described it as Ipomoea batatas. It is a hexaploid plant with 2n=6x=90 chromosomes, although some plants morphologically quite similar to I. batatas with 2n=Ax=60 have been described and named, but they are considered synonyms of this species (Austin 1977). Origin, Distribution and Diffusion Abundant evidence shows that sweetpotato was spread widely through the migration routes of people in the New World tropics before the discovery of America. Two main groups of sweetpotato were known during that period: the aje (an Arawakan word) group, which was starchy and had a slightly sweet taste, and the batata group, which was also starchy but markedly sweet in taste (Austin 1988). O'Brien (1972) showed linguistic and historical evidence indicating that this crop had reached southern Peru and southern Mexico by about 2000 to 2500 BC. Linguistic evidence has also shown three lines of dispersal of the sweetpotato from America. The kumara line is prehistoric and based on lexical parallels between the Quechua name and the Polynesian word kumara. This could explain the transfer of sweetpotato by Peruvian or Polynesian voyagers from northern South America to eastern Polynesia around 400 AD. The batata line dates from the first voyage of Columbus in 1492, which resulted in the introduction of West Indian sweetpotatoes to western Europe. Portuguese explorers transferred sweetpotatoes grown in western Mediterranean Europe to Africa, India and the East Indies in the 16th century. By 1594, the plant was recorded in South China and in southern Japan by 1698. The camote
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(name derived from the word camotli in the Mayan language Nahuatl) line represents the direct transfer of Mexican sweetpotatoes by Spanish trading galleons between Acapulco and Manila, Philippines, in the 16th century (Yen 1982). It is generally accepted that the sweetpotato is of American origin. Ipomoea batatas is not known in the wild state and plants found growing wild are remnants from abandoned cultivated fields or plants coming from sweetpotato seeds, which continue growing by vegetative propagation. Several wild Ipomoea species having some morphological resemblance to I. batatas have been considered as potential wild ancestors of the sweetpotato. One of these species is I. trifida, which Nishiyama (1963) collected in Mexico and reported as a 6x I. trifida (accession K123) and claimed to be morphologically similar to I. batatas, except that it produced only slightly swollen storage roots. Jones (1967) demonstrated that K123 could be an I. batatas derivative found growing in the wild. He pointed out that other characteristics considered by Nishiyama as typical of wild plants, such as the twining habit, are also observed in sweetpotatoes and that many genotypes derived from sweetpotato seeds do not produce storage roots. Furthermore, he reported that F1 (K123 x 7. batatas) hybrids produced abundant seeds and the chromosome pairing in metaphase I of the hybrids was similar to that of crosses between sweetpotatoes. It is not yet defined whether I. batatas is an alloploid or an autopolyploid, but sexual polyploidization through the production of unreduced gametes might have facilitated the evolution of I. batatas to the hexaploid level. The formation of unreduced pollen has been reported in diploid I. trifida (Orjeda et al. 1990) and in some tetraploid and hexaploid I. batatas (Bohac et al. 1992). Freyre et al. (1991) also reported 2n egg production in 3x I. trifida that generated 6x genotypes in their progenies. Nishiyama (1971) and Austin (1988) suggested an alloploid origin and that I. trifida is one of the species most closely related to the sweetpotato. Nishiyama (1971) proposed that sweetpotato might have originated from 2x I. leucantha, which produced 4x I. littoralis; 2x x 4x crosses between these two species might have originated 3x I. trifida, from which 6x I. trifida were derived. Further selection and domestication of these wild plants might have produced 6x I. batatas. Nishiyama et al (1975) reported similarities in some plant characters, sexual compatibility and behaviour between sweetpotato and artificial 6x hybrids produced from I. leucantha and I. littoralis. On the basis of numerical analysis of key morphological characters, Austin (1988) hypothesized that I. triloba and I. trifida are the species that contributed the sweetpotato genome. He also considered that I. tiliacea may have been involved in the origin of sweetpotato. With cytogenetical evidence, Shiotani (1988) proposed that sweetpotato has the genomic structure of an autohexaploid with the B genome that also exists in autotetraploids and diploids of the I. trifida complex. Austin (1988) postulated that the centre of origin of I. batatas was somewhere between the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico and the mouth of the Orinoco River in Venezuela, where /. trifida and I. triloba might have been crossed and might have produced the wild ancestor of I. batatas. Native people in the area may have discovered the sweetpotato and brought it into cultivation. By at least 2500 BC, the cultigen had most likely been spread by the Mayas and Incas to almost the limits for cultivation in Central and South America that existed at the time when the Europeans arrived. Carbon-dated sweetpotatoes discovered in the Chilca canyon on the coast of Peru were estimated to be from 8000 to 10 000 years before present, which indicates that sweetpotato may be among the world's earliest domesticates (Engel 1970; Yen 1974). Reproductive Biology Ipomoea batatas is a self-incompatible species.
GERMPLASM CONSERVATION AND USE The genus Ipomoea comprises 600 to 700 species. Over half are concentrated in the Americas, where there may be 400 taxa, classified within the subgenera Eriospermum, Quamodit and Ipomoea. These three subgenera contain 10 sections, seven of which were originally confined to the Americas before the species were dispersed as cultigens, medicinal plants and weeds (Austin and Huaman 1996). Subgenus Eriospermum, section Eriospermum, series Batatas contains, in addition to I. batatas, 13 wild species closely related to the sweetpotato. All of these species except I. littoralis are endemic to the Americas. Two are considered to be of hybrid origin. Ipomoea x leucantha has been determined to be intermediate I. cordatotriloba x I. lacunosa hybrids, and I x grandifolia has been hypothesized to include derivatives of I. cordatotriloba x I. batatas hybrids (Austin 1978). Two species that used to be considered within this group were I. peruviana from Peru and Ecuador, now classified within section Eriospermum, series Setosae, and I. gracilis from Australia, now in section Erpipomoea.
Since 1985, CIP has carried out 90 collecting expeditions with active participation of NARS of 16 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Sweetpotato genetic resources collected included a total of 1157 wild accessions: 532 accessions of 11 wild species in series Batatas (Table 3.1), 419 accessions of 52 other wild species and 206 accessions of other wild or weedy materials. During those collecting expeditions, abundant samples of sweetpotato cultivars native to Latin America were also obtained (Huaman and De la Puente 1988). The cultivated collection at CIP was further expanded by donations of smaller collections from other countries, the transfer of sweetpotato collections maintained in other international centres such as AVRDC in Taiwan and IITA in Nigeria, and donations of breeding lines or advanced cultivars from several countries. The genebank at CIP now maintains a total of 5526 cultivated accessions (Table 3.2), comprising 4168 accessions of native and advanced cultivars from 57 countries (22 in the Americas, 26 in Asia and 9 in Africa) and 1358 breeding lines. Altitudes of the sites where sweetpotatoes have been collected range from 0 to 3000 m. In Latin America, sweetpotatoes have been found at 1900-2500 m in Bolivia, Colombia and Venezuela, and up to 3000 m in Ecuador and Peru. In Asia, sweetpotatoes have been found growing from 1900 to 2700 m asl only in New Guinea. The primary centre of diversity of sweetpotatoes is in northwestern South America (Colombia, Ecuador and Peru) and parts of Central America (such as Guatemala) where a great diversity of native sweetpotatoes, weeds and wild Ipomoea exists. Secondary centres of sweetpotato diversity outside of the Americas are in China, Southeast Asia, New Guinea and East Africa (Yen 1982; Austin 1983, 1988). Sweetpotato germplasm found outside the Americas, however, has been reported to contain only a small sample of the Latin American variability (Yen 1974). Because of the asexual propagation of sweetpotato cultivars, numerous duplicate accessions of the same cultivar have been found in the cultivated collection maintained at CIP. There is an ongoing effort to identify these duplicate accessions. Those that are morphologically identical and produce the same electrophoretic banding patterns or DNA fingerprints are considered duplicates. The number of Peruvian accessions in the collection has so far been reduced from 1939 to 1099. Similar work conducted with 1373 accessions from Saint Vincent, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil and Mexico showed that 731 of them might comprise only 169 different cultivars. Studies of genetic diversity based on RAPD markers or DNA amplified fingerprints (DAF) showed that sweetpotato exhibits a very high degree of genetic polymorphism. Several accessions cluster together based on their geographic source; other accessions from South America and New Guinea also cluster together, suggesting an evolutionary relatedness; and other New Guinea sweetpotatoes are dispersed across many clusters,
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Table 3.1. Geographic coverage of wild Ipomoea species, series Batatas, conserved in the genebank maintained at CIP. Ipomoea species
No. of samples
Geographic coverage
2n=2x=30t /. x leucantha§ (C)
3 14
/. ramosissima (C)
/. triloba (C)
/. cynanchifolia (C)
/. umbraticola * (C) /. lacunosa (C) /. littoralis* () 1. tenuissima (C)
5 0 0 0
BRA (3) ARG (4); COL (5); ECU (2); MEX (1); PER(1); VEN (1) ARG (3);BOL (6); COL (2); ECU (1); NIC (2); PER (17) COL (13); CUB (7); DOM (4); ECU (4); MEX (6); PER (10); PRY (1); VEN (6) MEX (2); NIC (3) -
2n=4x=60 /. tiliacea (1) /. tabascana * (C) 2n=2x, 4x 1. cordatotriloba * (C) (ex /. trichocarpa) 1. trifida (1)
41 1 90 170
CUB (2); DOM (5); GTM (1); JAM (6); MEX (2); NIC (7) MEX(1) ARG (18); BOL (3); COL (1); MEX (2); PRY (66) COL (24); CUB (8); ECU (3); GTM (53); MEX (2); NIC (56); VEN (24)
2n=2x? /. grandifolia§ (C)
126 532
ARG (79); BRA (2); PRY (39); URY (6)
Ploidy by Jones 1974; Nishiyama etal. 1975; Austin 1988, and * by Jarret etal. 1992; Ozias-Akins and Jarret 1994. C= Self-compatible, l= self-incompatible (Nishiyama etal. 1975; § CIP's data).
indicating some genetic divergence, probably caused by adaptation to isolated highland ecological conditions (Jarret and Austin 1994; He et al 1995; Zhang et al 1996). The conservation of the sweetpotato collections at CIP is carried out in three forms. The first form is in the field genebank at San Ramon (800 m asl) by asexual propagations to facilitate its evaluation and characterization. The sweetpotato field genebank is planted in about 2 ha and contains about 2000 accessions. Most accessions are from Peru but some pathogen-tested accessions come from other countries. About 1000 other accessions from other countries are grown in pots in a quarantine screenhouse. The second form is in vitro culture using a combination of low temperature (16-18°C) and osmotic stress that allows maintenance of the cultures an average of one year between transfers (Lizarraga et al. 1992). The in vitro collection is a back-up of the field genebank, and it is used for the clean-up of pathogens of selected genotypes and for their international distribution. Most accessions donated by AVRDC and IITA are maintained in in vitro culture. As a security measure, a back-up duplicate set of the whole sweetpotato collection is stored in the in vitro laboratory of the International Institute of Advanced Studies (IDEA) in Caracas, Venezuela. The third form is as true seed to secure its long-term conservation. Ipomoea species produce hardcoated seeds of the orthodox type, which means that these seeds can be dried to about 4-5% moisture content and stored at subzero temperatures for several decades. Properties and Uses Few plants have the sweetpotato's versatility in uses. These range from consumption of fresh roots or leaves to processing into animal feed, starch, flour, candy
Table 3.2. Geographic coverage of Ipomoea batatas conserved in the genebank maintained at CIP. Area and country America Argentina (ARG) Bolivia (BOL) Brazil (BRA) Chile (CHL) Colombia (COL) Costa Rica (CRI) Cuba (CUB) Dominican Republic (DOM) Ecuador (ECU) Guatemala (GTM) Honduras (HND) Asia Australia (AUS) Bangladesh (BGD) Burma (BUR) China (CHN) Cook Islands (COK) Fiji (FJI) Hong Kong (HKG) Indonesia (IDN) Japan (JPN) Korea (KOR) Lao Peoples Republic (LAO) Malaysia (MYS) Morocco (MAR) Africa Burundi (BDI) Cameroon (CMR) Egypt (EGY) Kenya (KEN) Madagascar (MDG) Others AVRDC hybrids IITA hybrids
Number of accessions
106 78 149 1 174 40 207 114 172 100 8
Jamaica (JAM) Mexico (MEX) Nicaragua (NIC) Panama (PAN) Paraguay (PRY) Peru (PER) Puerto Rico (PRI) Saint Vincent (VCT) United States (USA) Uruguay (URY) Venezuela (VEN)
3 4 3 38 6 4 1 31 142 10 8 12 1
New Caledonia (NCL) New Hebrides (NHB) New Zealand (NZL) Niue(NIU) Papua New Guinea (PNG) Philippines (PHL) Singapore (SGP) Solomon Islands (SLB) Sri Lanka (LKA) Taiwan (TWN) Thailand (THA) Tonga (TON) Vietnam (VNM)
5 4 2 2 2
38 1038
Nigeria (NGA) Rwanda (RWA) South Africa (ZAF) Uganda (UGA)
RCB (Peru) hybrids Unknown country Total
Number of accessions 52 22 11 47 73 1099 38 10 212 2 86
2 2 7 5 474 51 3 63 5 324 94 18 2
18 4 2 4
282 11 5526
and alcohol. Per capita consumption of fresh roots, according to FAO, averaged 9 kg in Africa, 19 kg in Asia, 79 kg in Oceania, 3 kg in Latin America, 5 kg in Japan and 2 kg in the United States. As a food crop, sweetpotato has declined in Asia and Latin America. Feed and fodder uses, however, have become increasingly important. Sweetpotato use for animal feed currently totals 42% of production in China, 40% in Brazil, 30% in Madagascar, 11% in North Korea and 10% in Vietnam, Cuba and Peru. Sweetpotato processing into starch, flour and noodles, among other products, is also growing. Recent reports from China indicate that more than 50% of sweetpotato output goes to
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processors in some provinces. Processing is also increasing in Vietnam and there is an increasing interest in it in several countries of Africa and Latin America. Sweetpotato is also being incorporated as a cover crop to minimize soil erosion and to control weeds in others crops such as citruses (CIP 1996). Breeding Sweetpotato breeding started in the 1920s. One of the first breeding programmes for sweetpotato was developed by Julian C. Miller of Louisiana State University (Yen 1976). Today, the use of improved cultivars contributes more than any other factor to the increase in sweetpotato yield worldwide. The most used procedure for sweetpotato breeding is by polycrosses in randomized crossing nurseries (Jones 1965). A polycross combined with recurrent mass selection is recommended as an effective way to combine favourable genes and alleles in parental genotypes (Jones et al. 1986). This is particularly useful for long-term population improvement when dealing with lowheritability traits. Many sweetpotato traits are highly influenced by genotype by environment interactions (Collins et al. 1987). Within-clone and within-plot variations are usually highly significant. Therefore, selection based on individual plants is unreliable. Table 3.3 lists the most important bacterial and fungal diseases, their pathogens and available resistance sources (Clark 1988; Clark and Moyer 1988). In cultivated sweetpotato and its wild relatives, sources of resistance to most diseases are not yet clearly understood. But many diseases depend almost exclusively on the use of resistant cultivars, such as fusarium wilt and soil rot in the southeastern United States. Variation in reaction to almost all the other important bacterial and fungal diseases of sweetpotato - bacterial soft rot, circular spot, scab, Java black rot, bacterial wilt, scurf, violet root rot, witches' broom, black rot and rhizopus soft rot - has been reported, but resistance to these diseases has not been exploited commercially (Clark 1988). Cultivars used in the United States have resistance to fusarium wilt originally derived from a single source. Frequently, quantitative resistance or tolerance has been the only available form of resistance for many sweetpotato diseases (Jones et al. 1979; Clark and LaBonte 1992). So far, little has been done on the quantitative genetics of these diseases, such as heritability estimation (Clark and LaBonte 1992). Some fourteen different viruses or virus-like agents have been identified as affecting sweetpotato (Moyer and Larsen 1991). Virus diseases can cause substantial damage in both temperate and tropical regions. They are particularly serious in East Africa (Skoglund and Smit 1994). The development of virus-resistant or tolerant cultivars has been the most effective means of reducing sweetpotato losses from virus infection (Hahn et al. 1981). Few accessions resistant to sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) were found after a preliminary screening in the germplasm bank held at CIP. In addition, resistance to the SPFMV complex has shown strong genotype by environment effects. Accessions identified as resistant in Peru, for instance, were susceptible in Africa. A few African cultivars have been identified as having high-level field resistance to sweetpotato virus complex. These cultivars are now used intensively as resistance sources in breeding programmes (CIP 1995). Most sweetpotatoes grown around the world are produced on unirrigated land. Therefore, drought is the most important abiotic stress, at both transplanting time and at the start of storage-root formation. Sweetpotato is considered a drought-tolerant crop. Its roots can penetrate to about 2 m in the soil. This deep penetration enables the crop to survive under drought conditions because it can absorb water from the deeper soil layers (Bouwkamp 1985). Although relatively high yields can be achieved under dry conditions, irrigation experiments have clearly demonstrated that yield can be significantly increased by irrigation in areas where rainfall distribution is erratic or insufficient.
Table 3.3. The most important bacterial and fungal diseases, their pathogens and resistance sources in sweetpotato. Disease Bacterial soft rot Bacterial wilt Soil rot or pox Witches' broom Black rot Foot rot Fusarium rot Fusarium wilt Java black rot Rhizopus soft rot Scurf Scab Violet root rot
Pathogen Erwinia chrysanthemi Pseudomonas solanacearum Streptomyces ipomoea Mycoplasma-like organism Ceratocystis fimbriata Plenodomus destruens Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium solani Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. batatas Diplodia gossypina Rhizopus stolonifer Monilochaetes infuscans Elsinoe batatas Helicobasidium mompa
Resistant germplasm No useful resistance identified Resistance available High-level resistance available Unknown No high-level resistance Unknown No high-level resistance Has highly resistant cultivar Has highly resistant cultivar No useful resistance identified No useful resistance identified No useful resistance identified Has resistant cultivar identified No useful resistance identified
Timely controlled irrigation experiments conducted at CIP have demonstrated large cultivar differences in drought tolerance, which is correlated with ability for deep rooting (Pallais 1995, pers. comm.) and extensive development of the root system in the early stage of growth (Yen et ah 1964). There is great potential to enhance sweetpotato's ability to cope with drought. The sweetpotato collection maintained at CIP has been subject to a systematic evaluation to identify sources of desirable genes that could be used in breeding programmes. So far, more than 13 000 evaluations (Table 3.4) have been made and many accessions in the collection have been identified as potential sources of genes for resistance to pests and diseases, good agronomic characters, long storability, high productivity and high nutritive value. A large amount of genetic variation exists for the most important economic traits in sweetpotato. So far, however, only a small fraction of the germplasm available in nature has been used in sweetpotato breeding. Fortunately, in the past 15 years efforts have been made to broaden the genetic base of modern sweetpotato cultivars and several cultivars have been developed with excellent horticultural quality combined with high levels of resistance to many insects, diseases and nematodes (Jones et ah 1986). However, a lot of genetic diversity still remains available in genebanks to produce cultivars with increased pest and disease resistance, which can grow reliably with low inputs under adverse climatic and soil conditions. Wild Ipomoea species have been reported to have a number of desirable traits that can be useful for sweetpotato breeding (Sakamoto 1976; Kobayashi 1978). The US cultivar HiDry is a selection from open-pollinated progenies of the Japanese cultivar Minamiyutaka, which was selected from a cross between a cultivated sweetpotato and a wild Ipomoea species (Sakamoto 1976). The main constraints to using wild species in sweetpotato breeding are related to ploidy level and lack of production of large-sized storage roots. Ploidy differences between wild and cultivated species also make progeny testing difficult (Orjeda 1995). In the past four years, 15 sweetpotato varieties (13 in Peru and 2 in Egypt) have been released by NARS from materials selected from native cultivars or by breeding methods using parents from the collections maintained at CIP.
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Table 3.4. Results of preliminary evaluations made at CIP on reactions to biotic and abiotic stresses and other desirable traits in sweetpotato cultivars. Traits evaluated Nematodes Meloidogyne root knot Pratylenchus root lesion Ditylenchus brown ring rot Insects Euscepes sweetpotato weevil Fungi Diplodia Java black rot Plenodomus foot rot Viruses Feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) Sunken vein virus (SPSVV) Environmental stress Tolerance to salinity Excess soil moisture and aluminium toxicity Adaptation to hot environment Nutritive quality Dry matter content Starch content Beta carotene content Protein content (Total N) Sugar content Total
Number of accessions Evaluated With useful genes* 2072 20 356
329 16 26
351 147
268 42
1800 255
15 0*
605 463 463
23 6 20
1506 902 779 902 902 13269
(>45%) 47 (>75%) 35§ (>10%)4 § (>10%) 14§ (< 3%) 4 § (>15)69 § 1204
Includes Resistant, Moderately Resistant and Tolerant cultivars. * Cultivars with negative serological reactions are being studied. On a dry weight basis.
Prospects Although much progress has been made in collecting sweetpotato genetic resources, re-collecting of closely related wild Ipomoea species is needed from areas where no living materials have been obtained by previous expeditions or when few living accessions of a given species exist in ex situ genebanks. More comprehensive genetic diversity studies are also needed to determine whether the cultivated genepool available in genebanks adequately represents the genetic diversity still in existence in farmers' fields in Latin America, Africa and Asia. The genetic resources maintained at CIP are freely available for distribution in two forms: first, as clonal materials, either as in vitro plantlets or as storage roots produced under quarantine conditions from pathogen-tested stocks; second, as true-seed lots. A pathogen-tested list of sweetpotato cultivars for international distribution is produced annually by CIP and it contains the most relevant data for use by researchers. Our policy emphasizes free access to both genetic resources and data related to each accession in the collections. Sweetpotato will become more significant in the future, particularly in the developing world. As the human population grows, farmers will have to use more marginal land with diminishing resources. Today, sweetpotato has shifted from a staple food to a much more diverse pattern of uses, such as animal feed and processing
in many developing countries. Demand will increase for cultivars with high starch, high yield and a low use of inputs. Sweetpotato is thought to have the largest potential for yield improvement of any major crop in Asia. But resistance to insects, diseases and abiotic stresses needs to be incorporated in order to produce the crop more efficiently under adverse soil and climatic conditions. REFERENCES
Austin, D.F. 1977. Hybrid polyploids in Ipomoea section Batatas. J. Hered. 68:259-260. Austin, D.F. 1978. The Ipomoea batatas complex. I. Taxonomy. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 105:114-129. Austin, D.F. 1983. Variability in sweetpotato in America. Proc. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. Tropical Region 27(Part B):15-26. Austin, D.F. 1988. The taxonomy, evolution and genetic diversity of sweet potatoes and related wild species. Pp. 27-59 in Exploration, Maintenance and Utilization of Sweet Potato Genetic Resources. Report of the First Sweet Potato Planning Conference 1987. International Potato Center, Lima, Peru. Austin, D.F. and Huaman Z. 1996. A synopsis of Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) in the Americas. Taxon 45(l):3-38. Bohac, J.R., A. Jones and D.F. Austin. 1992. Unreduced pollen: proposed mechanism of polyploidization of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas). HortScience 27:611. Bouwkamp, J.C. 1985. Production requirements. Pp. 9-33 in Sweet Potato Products: a Natural Resources for the Tropics (J.C. Bouwkamp, ed.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. CIP. 1995.1993-1994 Progress report, International Potato Center, Lima, Peru CIP. 1996. Sweetpotato facts. International Potato Center, Lima, Peru. Clark, C.A. 1988. Principal bacterial and fungal diseases of sweetpotato an their control. Pp. 275-290 in Exploration, Maintenance and Utilization of Sweetpotato Genetic Resources - Report of the First Sweetpotato Planning Conference 1987. Clark, C.A. and D.R. LaBonte. 1992. Disease factors in breeding and biotechnology for sweetpotato. Pp. 484-494 in Sweetpotato Technology for the 21st Century (WA. Hill, C.K. Bonsi and PA. Loretan, eds.). Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama, USA. Clark, C.A. and J.W. Moyer. 1988. Compendium of Sweetpotato Diseases. APS Press, St. Paul, MN. Collins, W.W., L.G. Wilson, S. Arrendell and L.F. Dickey. 1987. Genotype x environment interactions in sweet potato yield and quality factors. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 112:579-583. Engel, E. 1970. Exploration of the Chilca Canyon. Curr. Anthropol. 11:55-58. Freyre, R., M. Iwanaga and G. Orjeda. 1991. Use of Ipomoea trifida (HBK.) G. Don germplasm for sweetpotato improvement. 2. Fertility of synthetic hexaploids and triploids with 2n gametes of /. trifida, and their interspecific crossability with sweet potato. Genome 34:209-214. Hahn, S.K., E.R. Terry and K. Leuschner. 1981. Resistance of sweet potato to virus complex. HortScience 16:535-537. He, G., C.S. Prakash and J.L. Jarret. 1995. Analyses of genetic diversity in a sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) germplasm collection using DNA amplification fingerprinting. Genome 38(5):938-945. Huaman, Z. and F. De la Puente. 1988. Development of a sweet potato genebank at CIP. CIP Circular () Jarret, R.L. and D.F. Austin. 1994. Genetic diversity and systematic relationships in sweetpotatoes [(Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] and related species as revealed by RAPD analyses. Genet. Res. Crop Evol. 41:165-173. Jarret, R.L., N. Gawel and A. Whittemore. 1992. Phylogenetic relationships of the sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.]. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 117(4):633-637. Jones, A. 1965. A proposed breeding procedure for sweetpotato. Crop Sci. 5:191-192. Jones, A. 1967. Should Nishiyama's K123 (Ipomoea trifida) be designated I. batatas? Econ. Bot. 21:163-166. Jones, A. 1974. Chromosome numbers in the genus Ipomoea. J. Hered. 55:216-219. Jones, A., P.D. Dukes and J.M. Schalk. 1986. Sweetpotato breeding. Pp. 1-35 in Breeding Vegetable Crops (M.J. Bassett, ed.). AVI Publ. Co., Westport, Connecticut. Jones, A., J.M. Schalk and P.D. Dukes. 1979. Heritability estimates for resistance in sweet potato to soil insects. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 104(3):424-426. Kobayashi, M. 1978. Sweet potato breeding method using wild relatives in Japan. Proc. Symp. Pp. 1-8 in Trop. Agric. Research. Lizarraga, R., A. Panta, N. Espinoza and J.H. Dodds. 1992. Tissue Culture of Ipomoea batatas: micropropagation and maintenance. CIP Research Guide 32. International Potato Center, Lima, Peru.
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Moyer, J.W. and R.C. Larsen. 1991. Management of insect vectors of viruses infecting sweetpotato. Pp. 341-358 in Sweetpotato Pest Management: a Global Perspective (R.K. Jansson and R.K. Raman K.V., eds.). Westview, Boulder, Colorado, USA. Nishiyama, I. 1963. The origin of the sweetpotato plant. Pp. 119-128 in Plants and the Migrations of Pacific Peoples (J. Barrau, ed.). Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu. Nishiyama, 1.1971. Evolution and domestication of the sweet potato. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 84:377-387. Nishiyama, I., T. Miyazaki and S. Sakamoto. 1975. Evolutionary autoploidy in the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) and its progenitors. Euphytica 24:197-208. O'Brien, P.J. 1972. The sweet potato: its origin and dispersal. Am. Anthropologist 74:343-365. Orjeda, G. 1995. Ploidy manipulations for sweet potato breeding and genetic studies. PhD. Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Birmingham, UK. Orjeda, G., R. Freyre and M. Iwanaga. 1990. Production of 2n pollen in diploid Ipomoea trifida, a putative wild ancestor of sweetpotato. J. Hered. 81:462-467. Ozias-Akins, P. and R.L. Jarret. 1994. Nuclear DNA content and ploidy levels in the genus Ipomoea. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 119(l):110-115. Sakamoto, S. 1976. Breeding of a new sweet potato variety, Minamiyutaka, by the use of wild relatives. J. A.R.Q. 10:183-186. Shiotani, I. 1988. Genomic structure and the gene flow in sweet potato and related species. Pp. 61-73 in Exploration, Maintenance and Utilization of Sweet Potato Genetic Resources. Report of the First Sweet Potato Planning Conference 1987. International Potato Center, Lima, Peru. Skoglund, L.G. and N.E.J.M. Smit. 1994. Major Diseases and Pests of Sweetpotato in Eastern Africa. International Potato Center (CIP), Lima, Peru. Yen, D.E. 1974. The sweet potato and Oceania. Bishop Museum Bull., Honolulu 236:1-389. Yen, D.E. 1976. Sweetpotato Ipomoea batatas (Convolvulaceae). Pp. 42-45 in Evolution of Crop Plants (N.W. Simmonds, ed.). London. Yen, D.E. 1982. Sweet potato in historical perspective. Pp. 17-30 in Sweet Potato (R.L. Villareal and T.D. Griggs, eds.). Proceedings of First International Symposium, AVRDC Publ. No. 82-172. Yen, C.T. , C.V. Chu and C.L. Sheng. 1964. Studies on the drought resistance of sweetpotato varieties. Crop Sci. (China) 3:183-190. Zhang, D.P., M. Ghislain, Z. Huaman and A. Golmirzaie. 1996. RAPD analyses of genetic diversity in sweetpotato cultivars from South America and Papua New Guinea. International Plant Genome Conference, January 14-18,1996, San Diego, California, p. 43. (Abstr.).
Chapter 4 Other Andean Roots and Tubers C. Arbizu, Z. Huaman and A. Golmirzaie
There are nine species of other Andean root and tuber crops (ARTC). These crops are adapted to three different agro-ecological conditions of the Andes. First is the warm Andean valley, where five species that produce edible roots or rhizomes are cultivated: arracacha, achira, yacon, mauka and ahipa. Second are the temperate Andean valleys, where the tuber crops ulluco, oca and mashua are grown associated with Andean potatoes. Third are the Andean highlands, where a root-hypocotyl crop called maca is grown because of its frost tolerance. The ARTC are classified in different taxonomic families, and are therefore totally different crops (Table 4.1). They also differ in their underground edible part, agroecology, storage behaviour, propagation, adaptation, use and economic potential. Andean farmers use these crops for food in different ways. Crops such as yacon and ahipa are eaten raw, whereas others have to be cooked. Most of them store starch, but yacon stores sugar. The tuber crops oca, ulluco and mashua share the same Andean ecological niches of cultivated potatoes and have a high degree of phenotypic diversity, especially in their tubers. They are grown from 2500 to 4000 m asl from the Andes of Venezuela to northwestern Argentina, with the highest cultivation frequency from 3000 to 3900 m from central Peru to central Bolivia (Arbizu and Robles 1986; King 1988; Franco et al. 1989; Tapia et al 1996). Small plots of these crops are grown up to 4200 m in the central highlands of Peru. These crops are also considered to be sensitive to daylength (Bukasov 1930; Palmer 1982). They are grown under the short-day conditions of the Andes (11-12 hours), with rainfall ranging from about 400 to 700 mm distributed during the growing season. ANDEAN TUBER CROPS Oca (Oxalis tuberosa Mol.) The name oca is derived from the Quechua word okka, oqa or uqa. Other names are apilla in Aymara; oca, oxalis and yam (New Zealand) in English; truffette acide in French; knollen-sauerklee in German; in Spanish spoken in South America, other names besides oca are ibias, cuiba, huisisai, macachin and miquichi. In Mexico, it receives potato names such as papa roja. Oca is an annual tuberous herb, with succulent green, yellow, pink, red and purplish red stems. Its leaves resemble clover in shape, and the flower structure of heterostily facilitates cross-pollination. The flower sets many viable seeds (Cortez 1978, 1985) in capsules of explosive dehiscence. Tubers vary in shape and skin colour. In the Andes, the crop is propagated only by planting the tubers. Oca tubers are ready for harvesting 7 months after planting.
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Table 4.1. Main features of Andean root and tuber crops. Crop Oca
Botanical name Oxalis tuberosa
Edible part Tuber
Family Oxalidaceae
(m) 30004000
Ullucus tuberosus
Basel laceae
Tropaeolum tuberosum
Arracacia xanthorrhiza
Canna indica
Smallanthus sonchifolius
Lepidium meyenii
Mirabilis expansa
Pachyrhizus ahipa
Uses Current Staple (boiled, baked) Staple (soups, stews) Staple (boiled, baked) Staple (soups, puddings) Baked, industrial starches Snacks
Juices, cocktail mixes Salty and sweet preparations Green and fruit salads
Potential Industrial starch for bakery Cash crop, medicine Industrial starch, pharmaceutical Industry, instant food Noodles, bakery products Industry, diet and diabetic food Pharmaceutical Industrial starch Cash crop, insecticide
Knuth (1930) classified oca within the family Oxalidaceae, genus Oxalis, section Tuberosae, species Oxalis tuberosa. There are more than 80 other species of Oxalis in the Andes, particularly in Peru (Macbride 1949; Ferreyra 1986; Pool 1993). Some of them set small tubers, but only O. tuberosa is cultivated. Some wild species of Oxalis have been found to be diploid (2n=2x=16), tetraploid (2n=4x=32) and hexaploid (2n=6x=48), but O. tuberosa is octoploid (2n=8x=64) (de Azkue and Martinez 1990; Valladolid et al. 1994; Valladolid 1996). The wild ancestor of the cultivated oca is unknown. Oca is an ancient crop that might have been domesticated between central Peru (10°S) and central Bolivia (20°S) in pre-Columbian times, probably more than 4000 years ago (Hawkes 1989). The migration of pre-Columbian people extended its cultivation northward and southward from this area. At the time of the Spanish conquest, oca was cultivated from Venezuela (8°N) to northwestern Argentina and Chile (25°S). Spanish chroniclers such as Garcilaso and Cobo gave some detailed information about oca cultivation, its morphological features and its uses in the Andes (Yacovleff and Herrera 1934-35). Although Yacovleff and Herrera (1934-35) indicated that remains of oca tubers were not recovered from sites in the Peruvian west coast, Towle (1961) claimed to have found one specimen of a small, dried tuber of oca in 1948 in the Inca ruins of Pachacamac (1200-1500 AD) near Lima. Oca plants and tubers are also represented in large vessels (about 0.9 m high) of the Wari culture (600-1100 AD) in Ayacucho, Peru. The greatest genetic diversity and multiple uses occur from the central Andes of Peru to central Bolivia (Rea and Morales 1980; Arbizu and Robles 1986; King 1988). Bitter and sweet cultivars of oca identified more than 50 years ago are still found in this area. At present, oca is cultivated from the Andes of Venezuela southward to northwestern Argentina and northeastern Chile and from about 2500 to 4000 m asl. In
Other Andean Roots and Tubers
Mexico, oca is cultivated from 2400 to 3000 m asl (King 1988) and in New Zealand close to sea level (NRC 1989). Although most cultivars are grown under short days in the Andes, cultivars grown in New Zealand at 40-46°S are adapted to long photoperiods and might have originated in central or southern Chile (King 1988). Andean genebanks maintain 3899 accessions of oca (Table 4.2), but the number of different cultivars in these collections is still unknown. Morphological characterization of 232 Peruvian accessions of oca resulted in the identification of 134 morphotypes (Vivanco and Arbizu 1995). Similarly, morphological characterization of 171 Ecuadorian accessions of oca identified 31 morphotypes (Tapia et al 1996). Oca is eaten boiled or baked like potato throughout the Andes. It can also be eaten in soups and stews; raw ocas are eaten as snacks. At times of overproduction, oca tubers are dehydrated into kaya, which is consumed in desserts (puddings), porridges and omelets. Kaya is much preferred by rural Andean women after childbirth, who believe that kaya helps them recover quickly. This is likely not because of its nutritional value, but because of four antibiotics (penicillin, streptomycin, ampicillin and nystatin) reported to be fixed, probably during the soaking stage of kaya processing. These antibiotics apparently protect rural Andean women from infection after childbirth (Flores 1991). Ulluco (Ullucus tuberosus Caldas) The name ulluco is derived from the Quechua word ulluku (ullu means male organ) (Soto 1976). Other names in Aymara are ulluma or illaco; in Spanish, besides ulluco, it is called melloco, papa lisas, michuri, micuchi, tiguino, timbos, camarones de tierra, chigua and rubas. The names for wild ullucos in Peru are atuapa ulluku, atua lisas and kita lisas. Ulluco is an erect, compact, succulent and mucilaginous herb, with glabrous and ridged green to red pinkish stems and alternate leaves. Flowers are bisexual and rarely set seeds. Ulluco is considered an outbreeder and its ability to set seeds depends on the genotype. In addition, environmental factors strongly influence seed production (Pietila 1995). Tubers are of different shapes and colours and are stable under different environments (Rousi et al 1989; Pietila and Rousi 1991). The cropping cycle of ulluco is about 7 months. This crop is classified within the family Basellaceae, genus Ullucus, species Ullucus tuberosus (Sperling 1987). The most recent taxonomic treatment of this species includes all wild ullucos within U. tuberosus subsp. aborigineus and all cultivated forms within U. tuberosus subsp. tuberosus (Sperling 1987). Both cultivated and wild ullucos were found to be diploid (2n=2x=24) by Sperling (1987), but cultivated diploid and triploid (2n=3x=36) forms also have been reported (Cardenas and Hawkes 1948; Gandarillas and Luizaga 1967; Lescano 1985; Larkka 1991; Larkka et al. 1992; Mendez et al. 1994; Mendez 1995). Mendez (1995) and Mendez et al (1994) also reported a tetraploid (2n=4x=48) Peruvian ulluco. All wild ullucos have so far been found to be triploid (Larkka 1991; Larkka et al 1992; Mendez et al 1994; Mendez 1995). According to Sperling (1987), the wild ancestor of the cultivated ulluco would be U. tuberosus subsp. aborigineus. Like Oxalis tuberosa, ulluco was probably brought into cultivation more than 4000 years ago (Hawkes 1989). Its domestication could have occurred between the central Andes of Peru and Bolivia. Martins (1976) identified ulluco starch from 4050 to 4250 BP in tuber remains from Ancon-Chillon, Peru. Large ceremonial vessels of the Robles Moqo style of Wari culture (600-1100 AD), which existed in Ayacucho, Peru, show representations of ulluco. The first Spanish chroniclers did not mention ulluco, probably because they confused it with potato. Linguistic evidence shows that distribution of ulluco north of Ecuador occurred near the end of colonial times (Sperling 1987). Ulluco also shows a high degree of genetic diversity and multiple uses from the central Andes of Peru to central Bolivia (Rea and Morales 1980; Arbizu and Robles 1986; King 1988; Rousi et al. 1989). The provinces of Canar, Pichincha, Imbabura and Chimborazo in Ecuador were also found to be important centres of ulluco diversity
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Table 4.2. Estimated accessions of ARTC maintained by Andean qermplasm banks. Common name
Oca Ulluco Mashua Arracacha Achira Yacon Maca Mauka Ahipa Total
171 287 89 93 30 32 11 64 111
PER* 2961 1689
828 436 297 378 103 -
303 63 39 405
464 437 76 48 35 33 33 5 5 1136
Total 3899 2476 1032
577 362 443 33 119 69 9010
(Castillo et al. 1988). This high genetic diversity could be explained by sexual reproduction. But ulluco rarely set seeds in the highlands and therefore most variation probably originated through somatic mutation (Benavides 1976; Rea 1980; Rousi et al. 1989) followed by aesthetic selection carried out by Andean farmers (Hawkes 1983). Andean genebanks maintain 2476 accessions of cultivated ulluco (Table 4.2), but the number of different cultivars is unknown. These collections likely contain a high number of duplicate accessions of the same cultivar. Thus, morphological chraracterization of 160 Peruvian accessions indicated 86 morphotypes (Vivanco and Arbizu 1995). Similarly, out of 287 Ecuadorian accessions, only 57 morphotypes were identified (Tapia et al. 1996). The ulluco tubers are consumed by Andean people as staple food usually eaten in soups and stews with meat and vegetables. There are a number of traditional dishes in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. Contemporary dishes incorporate ulluco tubers in salads. Ulluco leaves are also eaten in soups and salads. Dehydrated ulluco is usually eaten in soups and stews in the Peruvian highlands. Ulluco is also used as a medicine in the Peruvian highlands. In some rural areas, some well-known ulluco cultivars are preferred for treating childbirth problems. Frozen slices of ulluco tubers are also used to treat traumatic injuries and mumps, and ground ulluco is used to treat kidney pain. Mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz and Pavon) The name mashua is derived from the Quechua names maswa or mashwa. Other names are anu in Quechua; isano in Aymara; in Spanish, mashua in Peru and Ecuador, and cubio or navo in Colombia; and mashua in English. This tuber crop is an annual herb that resembles nasturtium. Plants are totally glabrous, with green to dark purplish stems, with twining petioles and alternate and peltate leaves. Flowers are orange, with fused sepals forming a spurred calyx. They are also zygomorphic and single and have long peduncles. Mashua sets many viable seeds with high germination rates (Cortez 1985). Tubers vary in shape and colour and are harvested about 7 months after planting. Mashua is classified within the family Tropaeolaceae and genus Tropaeolum, section mucronata, species Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz and Pavon, which has two subspecies: tuberosum and silvestre. The first subspecies sets tubers and the second one does not (Sparre 1973; Sparre and Anderson 1991). Whereas the cultivated subsp. tuberosum produces the secondary compound p-methoxybenzyl isothiocyanate, the wild subsp. silvestre releases benzyl, 2-propyl and 2-butyl isothiocyanates (Kjaer et al. 1978; Johns and Towers 1981).
Other Andean Roots and Tubers
Preliminary studies on the chromosome number of mashua indicate that the plant appears to have 42 chromosomes. This confirms previous information given by Darlington and Janaki-Ammal (1945). Although 86 wild species of Tropaeolum grow from Mexico to temperate South America (Sparre 1973; Sparre and Anderson 1991), the wild prototype of mashua is unknown. This crop has been under cultivation for thousands of years. Its representations appear on ceremonial vessels of the Robles Moqo style from the Wari culture in Peru (600-1100 AD). The first chroniclers, Garcilaso and Cobo, mentioned anu and isano as having anti-aphrodisiacal properties. It is said that when the Inca army went to conquer new territories, the soldiers were fed with mashua so as to forget their wives (Yacovleff and Herrera 1934-35). The greatest diversity of the crop and its uses appears to occur from the central Peruvian Andes to central Bolivia (Arbizu and Robles 1986; King 1988; Rea and Morales 1980). Some cultivars mentioned by Herrera in 1934 are still grown in the Andes of Cusco, Peru. The provinces of Canar and Carchi in Ecuador were also found to be important centres of mashua diversity (Castillo et al 1988), which can be explained by sexual reproduction, although the crop is traditionally propagated by planting tubers. Mashua is cultivated from the Andes of Venezuela to northwestern Argentina at altitudes ranging from 2600 to 4000 m. But its greatest concentration is located from central Peru to central Bolivia (Rea and Morales 1980; Arbizu and Robles 1986; King 1988; Franco et al 1989; Tapia et at. 1996). Although mashua is a short-day adapted crop, King (1988) mentions production of mashua tubers in New Zealand under longday photoperiod. Andean genebanks maintain 1032 accessions of mashua (Table 4.2), but the number of different cultivars is unknown. Preliminary evaluations of genetic diversity involving 64 Peruvian accessions of mashua showed 44 morphotypes (Vivanco and Arbizu 1995), whereas 89 Ecuadorian accessions of mashua snowed 23 morphotypes (Tapia et al 1996). Mashua has a higher protein content than oca. A cultivar with 16% protein on a dry weight basis has been found (Valladolid, pers. comm.). Boiled mashua used to feed weaning pigs has been reported to produce a higher weight gain and feed efficiency than other rations containing raw tubers and the grain control (Bateman 1961). Similarly, yearling calves fed a ration containing boiled mashua had the same performance as those fed the conventional ration containing cereals (Ramos et al. 1976). Mashua was found to be high in the amino acids isoleucine, lysine and valine. It also had higher levels of calcium, iron, riboflavin and ascorbic acid than potato (King 1988). Before mashua is eaten, its tubers have to be exposed to sunlight for 4-6 days to prevent the rather noticeable odour in the tubers caused by isothiocyanates. In some rural areas of the Andes, mashua tubers are popular among women but not with men, who usually refuse to eat them because they believe that mashua causes impotence. Thus, mashua has the reputation of being an anti-aphrodisiac. Experiments with male rats fed with mashua showed a 45% drop in testosterone /dihydrosterone in their blood levels (Johns et al 1982). The plant has been shown to have insecticidal and nematocidal properties because it contains isothiocyanates (Johns et al 1982). Traditionally, mashua is considered a repellent plant for pests and in some parts of the Andes mashua is planted as a fence around potato fields to protect them from pests. Mashua is also traditionally used as a medicine to cure kidney ailments and as a diuretic for humans. Some liquid mixtures based on mashua can be used to treat rumen problems in cattle. ANDEAN ROOT CROPS Arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft) The name arracacha is derived from the Quechua word raqacha. Other names are lakachu in Aymara; pueb in Amusha, the language of an Amazonian tribe; other names
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in Spanish in South America besides arracacha are virraka, zanahoria blanca and apio criollo; in Portuguese it is mandioquinha salsa, batata baroa, batata aipo and aipo do Peru, among others; in English it is arracacha, white carrot, Peruvian carrot and Peruvian parsnip; in French it is arracacha, pomme de terre celeri and paneme. This root crop is a perennial plant with short and cylindrical stems and large and numerous green to purple compound leaves with long petioles. The upper part of arracacha resembles celery. It flowers and sets seeds rather occasionally in the Andes. The flowers are yellow or purple, small and arranged in an umbel inflorescence. Storage roots are clustered around the stem; their shape ranges from ovoid to fusiform and their colour ranges from white to yellow. Arracacha roots are very perishable. For centuries, however, Andean farmers in Peru have dehydrated slices of arracacha roots into qawi. Harvesting of arracacha takes place from 10 to 12 months after planting. Arracacha is classified within the family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae), genus Arracacia, species Arracacia xanthorrhiza. The number of species in the genus distributed in the mountainous regions of Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Peru and Bolivia ranges from 30 to 36 (Constance 1949; Mathias and Constance 1962,1976; Hiroe 1979). Little is known about the reproductive biology of arracacha. According to dos Santos (pers. comm.), the rate of cross-pollination in arracacha is high. Giordano et at. (1994) reported the use of open-pollinated seeds harvested from commercial production fields to generate segregating populations for breeding purposes. In Brazil, an ongoing breeding programme uses cultivated arracacha and two wild species (dos Santos, pers. comm.). Arracacha is the only Apiaceae domesticated in the New World (Leon 1967). The wild ancestor is unknown. Constance (1949) indicated that Arracacia equatorialis and A. andina may be the closest relatives of the cultivated arracacha. However, he considers now that A. andina is a synonym of A. xanthorrhiza and that A. equatorialis is probably not related to the cultivated arracacha (Constance 1996, pers. comm.). This crop is among the most ancient cultivated plants of South America (Bukasov 1930). Some drawings on pottery from the Nazca culture in Peru dated about 2000 years ago show storage roots debated to be either cassava (Yacovleff and Herrera 1934-35) or arracacha (Hodge 1954). The first Spanish chroniclers mentioned arracacha as 'certain roots as thick as the arm, similar in flavour and odour to carrots but without a hard medulla or stem in the centre as carrots, all this fruit and root is eaten very well' (Yacovleff and Herrera 1934-35). From the Andes, arracacha was introduced into Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama and Puerto Rico, apparently at the end of colonial times. The plant was also introduced into Jamaica by the British (Hodge 1954) and then into India and Sri Lanka at the end of the last century. A number of unsuccessful attempts were made to introduce arracacha into the United States, England, France and Switzerland after the 1820s (Hodge 1954). Diversity of the crop appears to be evenly distributed in the warm Andean valleys of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. Arracachas in this area are white, yellow or purple. Foliage of Colombian and Peruvian arracachas also ranges from yellowish green to purplish. Hodge (1954) reported that the Quillacingas from the Putumayo region in Colombia distinguish up to 11 different cultivars. Similarly, more than 12 cultivars are named and grown by farmers in the upper part of La Convencion valley in Cusco, Peru (Arbizu and Robles 1986; Meza 1995a). In warm Andean valleys, where potatoes are difficult to grow, arracacha is a good substitute. It is grown under somewhat wet climates from 1500 to 3200 m asl, with temperatures ranging from 12 to 22°C and rainfall of 600-1200 mm. Low temperatures result in a long cropping cycle and temperatures above 22°C appear to prevent storageroot development. Arracacha appears to be a short-day plant, but the range of variation for daylength is unknown (Bukasov 1930; NRC 1989). Andean genebanks maintain 577 accessions of arracacha. The number of different cultivars is unknown. Morphological characterization of 93 Ecuadorian accessions showed 17 morphotypes (Tapia et al. 1996). Preliminary morphological characterization
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of Peruvian arracachas showed 16 morphotypes out of 32 accessions studied (Bias and Arbizu 1995). In the Andes, a number of salty and sweet dishes contain arracacha. The storage roots can be eaten boiled, fried, or baked in soups, stews, omelettes, pudding or humitas (Andean cake wrapped with maize shucks). A typical Andean stew called puchero in Peru and sancocho in Colombia is made using arracacha roots as the main ingredient. Chicha, Andean beer, is usually made from maize, but also can be made using arracacha roots. The young stems and leaves are used in salads; the rootstock and leaves are used to feed pigs. In some rural areas, Andean women also use arracacha leaves in infusions like tea to regulate menstruation. This crop shows great potential. Brazil has a growing demand for arracacha roots from the industry that produces instant soups and baby food. The crop also has potential for use as flour and precooked dehydrated flakes for school meals (Santos and Hermann 1994). Achira (Canna indica L.= C. edulis Ker-Gawler) The name of this crop is derived from the Quechua word achira. Other names in Spanish are achira, capacho, sagu, tasca, chisqua, adura and luano; in Portuguese it is araruta gigante; in Vietnamese it is dong or khoai or cu combined with the words rieng, tay and dao; in English it is achira and Queensland arrowroot. Achira is a perennial plant with large alternate leaves; it produces long and voluminous rhizomes with segments. The inflorescence is a raceme with two or, less often, one flower that exserts progressively from the central axis; flowers can be yellowish orange or red. The fruit is a capsule and the seeds are hard coated and usually need scarification to germinate. Rhizomes of achira are fully enlarged for harvesting 8-10 months after planting. The edible achira is classified within the family Cannaceae, genus Canna, species Canna indica (Maas and Maas 1988). Achira was previously known as C. edulis (Kranzlin 1912; Motial 1982; NRC 1989). However in a recent taxonomic revision of the family in the Flora of Ecuador by Maas and Maas (1988), C. edulis is considered a synonym of C. indica. Furthermore, Brako (1993) also recognized such synonymy. Whereas C. indica is grown because of its starchy rhizomes, other species such as C. glauca, C. iridiflora and C. flacida from the New World and C. speciosa, C. nepalensis, C. orientalis and C. reevesii from Southeast Asia are grown as ornamentals (Khoshoo and Mukherjee 1970; Motial 1982; Maas and Maas 1988; Brako 1993). The basic chromosome number of achira is x=9 and the crop has diploid (2n=2x=18) and triploid (2n=3x=27) cultivars (Darlington and Janaki-Ammal 1945; Gonzales and Arbizu 1995). Edible achira cultivars are predominantly inbreeders. The stigma develops at the same level as the anthers and self-fertilization occurs before the flowers open. Diploid achiras set viable seeds. Ornamental achiras, on the other hand, have exserted stigmas that apparently prevent self-fertilization together with accumulating sterility (Mukherjee and Khoshoo 1970). The genus comprises from 25 to 60 species distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of America and Asia (Kranzlin 1912; Segeren and Maas 1971; Maas and Maas 1988). The highest concentration of species occurs in the Americas. Most of these species produce fleshy, starchy rhizomes at different degrees of success. To a certain extent, tuberous rhizomes are produced by C. paniculata which grows in Peru, Brazil and Chile and C. iridiflora from the Peruvian Andes (Kranzlin 1912; Khoshoo and Mukherjee 1970; Segeren and Maas 1971; Motial 1982; Maas and Maas 1988; Brako 1993). These species might be related to the cultivated C. indica as they are sympatric. Vavilov (1951) postulated that achira was domesticated in the central Andes (Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia). Other authors consider that the plant was most probably domesticated in Peru (Ugent et al. 1984), either in the mountainous areas of the south (Herrera 1942a, 1942b) or in the northwest Peruvian coast (Cohen 1978). On the other hand, Sauer (1952) and Gade (1966) postulated the rainforest of Colombia, where achira is intensively grown, as the place where it was first taken into cultivation. Ancient
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achira cultivation was shown by a number of archaeological remains and pottery found in several sites in Peru which were dated as far back as 2500 BC (Herrera 1934; Towle 1961; Ugent et al 1986; Valdez 1994). Great diversity of achiras has been found in the upper valley of Apurimac in Peru, where up to eight named cultivars have been reported (Arbizu 1994; Arbizu and Robles 1986; Meza 1995b). In the Patate area of Tungurahua, Ecuador, three named cultivars are grown for starch production (Espinoza et al. 1993) and two named cultivars are grown in the departments of Huila and Cundinamarca, Colombia (Morales 1969). Many other areas in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia grow achira on a lower scale and two to three local cultivars are most commonly grown at each site (Arbizu 1994). This relatively low degree of variability in achira may be due to its self-fertilization. It is cultivated in warm Andean valleys from about 1000 to 2900 m, with better adaptation from 2000 to 2650 m (Arbizu 1994; Arbizu and Robles 1986). It is susceptible to low temperatures. Achira appears to be day length neutral (NRC 1989). Achira is currently cultivated in the New World from Mexico and the Caribbean to Brazil and Argentina. It is also grown in Hawaii, Australia and Southeast Asia (Kranzlin 1912; Macbride 1936; Leon 1964; Cardenas 1969; NRC 1989; Arbizu 1994; Ho and Hao 1995). Statistics on the area cultivated with achira in the Andes are not available, but in Vietnam about 30 000 ha have been reported (Ho and Hao 1995). Andean genebanks maintain 362 accessions of achira (Table 4.2) but, as in the case of the other ARTC, the number of different cultivars is unknown. Achira is basically eaten after baking in an earthen oven. When baked, it can last several weeks under ordinary storage conditions. In this form, the starchy rhizomes are marketed as a delicacy in rural areas and some cities such as Cusco and Pauza, Ayacucho, Peru. Achira also can be consumed boiled. A pudding is made from its starch for children and persons convalescing in some parts of Colombia and Peru (Garcia-Barriga 1974; Arbizu 1994). Its roots and rhizomes are used as a diuretic in some parts of Colombia (Garcia-Barriga 1974). The foliage and rhizome residues are used to feed pigs. At present, achira is becoming a cash crop in Huila, Colombia; Patate, Ecuador; Pauza, Peru (Morales 1969; Espinoza et al 1993; Arbizu 1994) and in Vietnam (Ho and Hao 1995). Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poeppig & Endlicher) Robinson=Polymnia sonchifolia Poeppig & Endlicher) The name yacon is derived from the Quechua word yakun, which makes reference to the watery storage roots. Other names are aricoma in Aymara; jicama and arboloco in Spanish, besides yacon; and yacon, yacon strawberry and jiquima in English. This crop is a perennial compact herb with pilose stems up to 2 m high, with opposite triangular or hastate leaves, with long storage roots that have white to orange yellowish flesh. The plant sets viable seeds in the Andean valleys (Ortega, pers. comm.) but the crop is vegetatively propagated. Expanded roots can be harvested 7-8 months after planting. Yacon appears to be a daylength-neutral plant (NRC 1989). According to Robinson (1978), yacon is classified within the family Asteraceae (Compositae), genus Smallanthus, species Smallanthus sonchifolius. Yacon was previously classified as Polymnia sonchifolia (Wells 1965). However, Robinson (1978) noted important morphological differences between the two genera. Within the genus, yacon is the most important species because it has storage roots that are rich in inulin. Other important species with some medicinal properties are S. uvedalius (Polymnia uvedalia=Osteospermum
(=P. glabrata)
(=P. maculata) (Wells 1965; Uphof 1968; Lipp 1971; Robinson 1978). First reports on the ploidy level of yacon have shown that the plant appears to have 60 chromosomes (Nakanishi 1992). The wild ancestor of S. sonchifolius is unknown. However, S. connatus (=P. connata-Gymnolomia connata) from Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina has shown to have some similarities with S. sonchifolius. This includes the production of tuberous roots used as human food (Wells 1965; Robinson 1978). Safford (1917)
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identified molded representations of the root and stems of yacon in Peru, but he did not indicate the culture that produced them. Root remains of yacon were found in Argentina associated with the Candelaria culture (1-1000 AD) (Zardini 1991). Clothes with embroideries of the Nazca culture (100-1000 AD) show elongated and curved roots of yacon (O'Neal and Whitaker 1947). The first written record of yacon was given by the Spanish chronicler Bernabe Cobo, who described yacon roots by the middle of the 17th century (Yacovleff and Herrera 1934-35). The genus Smallanthus comprises 21 species distributed in the New World from 500 to about 4000 m asl. The highest concentration of species occurs in Peru, Colombia and Venezuela (Wells 1965; Robinson 1978). The plant is grown from the Andes of Venezuela to northwestern Argentina (Leon 1964; Wells 1965; Robinson 1978; Zardini 1991) at altitudes ranging from 300 to 3300 m (Arbizu and Robles 1986; Tapia et al 1996). Major production areas in Colombia are Cundinamarca, Boyaca and Narino (2600-3000 m) (Rea 1992); in Ecuador, Loja, Azuay, Canar, Imbabura, Bolivar, Chimborazo and Pichincha (2000-3000 m) (Tapia et al. 1996); in Peru, Cajamarca, Ancash, Junin, Huancavelica, Ayacucho, Cusco and Puno (13003500 m) (Arbizu and Robles 1986); in Bolivia, Larecaja, Camacho, Munecas, Bautista Saavedra, Cochabamba, Chuquisaca and Santa Cruz (2500-3600 m) (Rea 1992); and in Argentina, Jujuy and Salta at about 2000 m (Zardini 1991). In the Andes, yacon is generally grown in the border of maize or potato fields and in home gardens. It was introduced in Japan in 1985 (Asami et al. 1989) and at present, the cultivated area is increasing (CIP 1994). Andean genebanks maintain 443 accessions of yacon, but the number of different cultivars involved is unknown. The storage roots of yacon have up to 86% water content and a high concentration of calcium, free fructose, glucose and sucrose. The most prominent amino acids are asparagine, glutamine, proline and arginine (Asami et al. 1989). Yacon is valued because it produces fructans, which are considered to be low-calorie products. It also favours human intestinal flora and alleviates hyperpilemia (Hata et al. 1983; Hidaka et al. 1987). It is a natural source of inulin, a polymer composed mainly of fructose. The human body has no enzyme to hydrolize inulin, so it passes unmetabolized through the digestive tract (NRC 1989). Therefore, yacon is most suited for dieters and people suffering from diabetes. Furthermore, the fructosylsucroses do not induce dental caries (Ikeda et al 1982). Yacon is known as the 'fruit of the poor' in the Andes. Its roots are juicy; they have a very good flavour and are eaten raw like fruit. In some parts of the Peruvian Andes, farmers produce sugar from the storage roots (Arbizu and Robles 1986). Yacon is also used as a flavouring for ice cream. Cobo mentioned that the taste of yacon roots is better if they are exposed to sun. The crop also stores well for more than 20 days (Yacovleff and Herrera 1934-35). Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walpers) The name maca is derived from the Quechua word maca; the English name, besides maca, is Peruvian ginseng. This crop is an annual herb, although it is managed as a biennial crop (Quiros et al 1996). Its leaves are arranged in a rosette form; they are alternate, basal and crowded (12-20). New leaves are continuously produced at the centre of the rosette. The underground hypocotyl, which is the edible part of the plant, can reach 6 cm in diameter and the skin colour can be white, yellow, gray, reddish and purple (Tello et al 1992). In the first year, maca grows vegetatively, forming an underground hypocotyl 6-8 months from planting and in the second year it flowers and sets seeds (Tello et al 1992). Flowers are cleistogamous and are produced for approximately 2 months. Every day 2-3 new flowers open per raceme and remain open for about 3 days. A plant produces more than 30 000 small seeds and 1000 seeds weigh approximately 0.6 g (Aliaga 1995). Maca is classified within the family Brassicaceae, genus Lepidium, species Lepidium meyenii. The genus comprises about 150 species of annual, biennial or perennial herbs
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widely distributed in temperate regions of the world (Bailey and Bailey 1935; Willis 1973). Lepidium meyenii from the New World and L. sativum from the Old World are cultivated (Bailey and Bailey 1935). The basic chromosome number of the genus Lepidium is x=S (Darlington and JanakiAmmal 1945) and L. meyenii is a disomic polyploid of 2n=8x=64 chromosomes (Quiros et al 1994, 1996). It is a self-pollinating plant, which explains the morphological uniformity of plant populations under field conditions (Aliaga 1995; Quiros et ah 1994, 1996). The wild ancestor of maca is unknown. Wild Lepidium species grow in the Andes from Ecuador to Argentina, but their relationship with the Peruvian cultivated Lepidium is unknown (King 1988). There are no accounts on the origin of maca. Rea (1992) postulated that its domestication might have taken place 2000 years ago in the villages around Chinchaycocha Lake, Junin, Peru. The Spaniard Juan Tello de Soto Mayor visited the Junin area in 1549 and received maca hypocotyls as a tribute and used them to improve the fertility of the livestock of Castille. He also mentioned another visit to Huanuco in 1572, where he found that the Chinchaycocha people had used maca for bartering since Inca times as there was no other crop to grow at such altitudes (above 4000 m) (Rea 1992). The centre of diversity for maca is located in the vicinity of Chinchaycocha Lake in the departments of Pasco and Junin in Peru, such as the villages of Carhuamayo, Huayre, Uco, Junin, Ninacaca, Vico and Ondores. Diversity of the plant is also found in the rural villages of Yanacancha and Achipampa and the highlands of San Juan de Jarpa in the department of Junin (Chacon 1990; Tello et al. 1992). Except for the presence or absence of purple pigmentation, the foliage of maca does not show variation. The hypocotyl skin colour, however, shows up to 13 combinations involving white, yellow, gray, red, purple and black (Tello et al. 1992). Low levels of polymorphism have been observed by Quiros et al. (1994). Maca is grown in small plots of a restricted area in Peru's central Andes from 4000 to 4500 m asl, with rainfall ranging from 500 to 700 mm distributed throughout the growing season. It grows well under either short- or long-day conditions (Quiros et al. 1994, 1996). With the exception of frost-tolerant bitter potatoes, maca is the only crop that can survive frost, hail and snow and still have consistent yields above 4000 m asl. Ex situ collections of maca at present appear to exist only at CIP, where 33 accessions are maintained (Table 4.2). Maca has more protein content (10-14% on a dry weight basis) than any other Andean root and tuber crop (Tello et al. 1992) and higher levels of iron and calcium than potato and carrot. The dry hypocotyls contain high levels of the amino acids leucine and isoleucine and the palmitic, linoleic, oleic and stearic fatty acids, as well as high levels of sterols (Dini et al 1994). Andean farmers eat fresh maca traditionally baked in watias or pachamanca, whereas dehydrated hypocotyls are used more extensively after being soaked overnight in water and then boiled to prepare juices, puddings, marmelades, drinks and other regional preparations. The flour of maca is also used for other salty and sweet dishes. Boiled mashed hypocotyls are also prepared to eat as utunkas (Tello et al 1992). More recently, maca flour has been sold in gelatin capsules or as sweets in many health-food stores and supermarkets in Lima because of its reputation of enhancing female fertility, treating impotency and improving stamina. Mauka (Mirabilis expansa Ruiz and Pavon) The name of this crop is derived from the Aymara word mauka. Other names in Spanish besides mauka are miso, tazo, chago, yuca inca, arracacha de tow and pega-pega. In English, it is called mauka. Mauka is a compact perennial herb that is prostrate and has branching basal shoots from which a mass of opposite coriaceous leaves arises. Flower colour ranges from white to purple. Storage roots are long and fusiform, with cream to yellow skins and cream flesh (Seminario 1993). Although the plant produces numerous viable seeds, it is
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propagated by cuttings from the underground or from the upper stems (Rea and Leon 1965; Seminario 1993). The edible parts of mauka are the storage roots and the expanded underground stems, which can be up to 5 cm wide and 50 cm long (Rea and Leon 1965; Rea 1992). The storage roots and the underground parts can be harvested 89 months after planting. Mauka is classified within the family Nyctaginaceae, genus Mirabilis, species Mirabilis expansa (Liesner 1993). It seems that M. expansa is the only species within the genus that sets edible tuberous roots. The genus appears to have been introduced into Europe by 1525 from plants sent from Peru (Soukup 1970). Preliminary observations on the chromosome number of M. expansa have indicated that the plant has 58 chromosomes. The wild ancestor of the cultivated mauka is unknown. There are several wild allies from Central America to Chile (Macbride 1937; Herrera 1941; Weberbauer 1945; Rea 1992). Although M. expansa was described in 1794, little is known about its origin and history of cultivation. Archaeological records have not been reported for mauka. The genus is found in the Americas (Burkill 1966) and has 60 species distributed from Mexico to Chile, from about 100 to 3300 m asl, with apparently the greatest concentration of diversity in the South American Andes (Macbride 1937; Herrera 1941; Ferreyra 1986). Nine species of Mirabilis have been reported in Peru by Soukup (1970) and Ferreyra (1986) and 10 by Liesner (1993). In Peru, a great diversity in several plant characters of mauka has been reported in the northern departments of Cajamarca, Amazonas and La Libertad (Seminario 1993). The cultivation of mauka at several sites in the southern department of Puno has been reported recently (Vallenas 1995). Other areas of diversity are the departments of La Paz and Cochabamba in Bolivia (Rea 1992) and the provinces of Cotopaxi and Pichincha in Ecuador (Tapia et ah 1996). Although it was reported that the Bolivian and Peruvian maukas produce only purple flowers and those from Ecuador produce white ones (Rea and Leon 1965; NRC 1989), flower colours for Peruvian maukas are purple, whitish purple and white (Seminario, pers. comm.). The plant grows under the short-day conditions of the Andes, under average rainfall of 680 mm and average temperature of 14°C (Seminario 1993). In Ecuador, mauka is grown from 2400 to 3000 m asl (Tapia et al. 1996); in Peru, from 2200 to 3100 m (Franco et al 1989); and in Bolivia at about 2900 m (Rea and Leon 1965). Statistics on area under cultivation with mauka are unknown. It is grown in maize fields and in home gardens at many sites in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. Some 119 accessions of mauka are maintained in Andean genebanks with an unknown number of different cultivars. Systematic collections of the crop were carried out by Franco et al. (1989) from 1985 to 1989 in the warm Andean valleys of the northern departments of Cajamarca and Amazonas, Peru. There is little information on the nutritive value of mauka. It has been reported to have a protein content ranging from 4 to 5% and higher levels of fat than those of other ARTC crops, except for maca (Rea 1992; Seminario 1993). The storage roots of mauka are a good substitute for cassava, arracacha and sweetpotato. Roots are eaten after being exposed to sunlight to prevent their rather unpleasant bitter taste. They are eaten boiled or baked in soups, stews, puddings and desserts, accompanied by molasses or sugarcane juices. After mauka is boiled, the water can be used as a soft drink. The upper part of the plant is used to feed pigs. Ahipa (Pachyrhizus ahipa (Weddell) Parodi) Ahipa is a name derived from the Quechua word aqipa or asipa. Other names in Aymara are konori or villw, in Spanish, ahipa or enana; in English, yam bean. This crop is an erect, semi-erect, or twining herbaceous plant, with very short inflorescences with 2-6 flowers per lateral axis; the twining petals curve outward following anthesis. Each plant sets only one swollen root, which is thickened at the top end and tapers toward the tips 'radish-like' (0rting et al. 1996).
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Its taxonomic classification is within the family Leguminosae, genus Pachyrhizus, with three cultivated species - Pachyrhizus ahipa, P. erosus and P. tuberosus - and two wild relatives, P. panamensis and P.ferrugineus (S0rensen 1988). Pachyrhizus ahipa is cultivated in Bolivia and is perhaps extinct or restricted to a few valleys in northen Peru (0rting et at. 1996). It has also been cultivated in Argentina since early times (Towle 1961) and plants found in Jujuy and Salta might have been derived from seeds introduced by Bolivian workers (Sorensen 1990). Pachyrhizus erosus is found from sea level to 1700 m asl from southwestern Mexico to northwest Costa Rica. This species appears to have been introduced to Brazil, the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Oceania, the Far East and the west coast of Africa (Sorensen 1988). Pachyrhizus tuberosus is widely cultivated in the Amazonian region of South America from sea level to 1500 m asl. This species was introduced to the Caribbean and is found in Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Hispaniola and Trinidad. It also was distributed to botanical gardens in Calcutta, Sri Lanka and parts of Australia from Trinidad (Sorensen 1988). The wild species P. panamensis is found in Panama and southwestern Ecuador at altitudes ranging from 0 to 800 m asl and P. ferrugineus grows from Mexico to Colombia from sea level to 1600 m (Sorensen 1988). Preliminary observations on the chromosome number of ahipa indicate that the species has 22 chromosomes. Ahipa is an inbreeder and it is propagated by seeds selected by farmers on the basis of size and shape. Seed is produced by selecting the most vigorous plants and pruning the flowers of the remaining plants to increase storage-root size. Another method is to leave the first pod for seed production and to remove the subsequent flowers (0rting et al. 1996). The wild ancestor of P. ahipa is unknown but could be derived from wild forms that grow on the eastern Andean slopes toward the Amazon basin (Briicher 1989). However, Rea (1995) claimed to have found wild ahipas in Guanay (450 m), La Asunta (700 m) and San Pedro (2500 m) in the department of La Paz, Bolivia. Archaeological evidence shows an ancient cultivation of ahipa in Peru. Storage-root remains were found in the bundled mummies of the Nazca culture. Ceramic and embroideries of Nazca and Mochica cultures show representations of ahipa roots (Yacovleff 1933; Yacovleff and Herrera 1934-35; Briicher 1989). The Spanish chronicler Bernabe Cobo also described the plant as '...a bulky root like a leg .... resembling radish ... very watery and sweet ...used as a fruit' (Yacovleff and Herrera 1934-35). The greatest diversity and use appear to occur in the Bolivian rural communities located in the mid-elevation tropics of the departments of Cochabamba (Terrazas 1995) and La Paz (Rea 1995). Ahipa is grown in fertile, warm Andean valleys from 1500 to 3000 m asl in the departments of La Paz and Cochabamba, Bolivia and in Salta and Jujuy, Argentina. At present, P. ahipa appears not to be cultivated in Peru (Yacovleff 1933; Yacovleff and Herrera 1934-35), whereas P. tuberosus is cultivated in the mid-elevation tropics toward the Amazon basin in the departments of San Martin and Cusco. Ahipa reacts as a daylength-neutral plant (NRC 1989), but cultivation takes place under the short days of the Andes, with rainfall ranging from 400 to 700 mm and temperatures from about 5 to 30°C. Andean genebanks maintain some 69 accessions of Pachyrhizus. The dry matter content of ahipa roots ranges from 19 to 25%; about half is sugar, 10% is protein and 40% is starch (0rting et al. 1996). Although there is no report on the insecticidal properties of ahipa, compounds such as rotenone, pachyrhizid and erosone found in P. erosus need to be investigated in P. ahipa (Sorensen 1990). Ahipa root is eaten raw as a refresher in snacks (Terrazas 1995; 0rting et al. 1996). The flesh of ahipa root usually maintains its colour and crunchy features once it is peeled. The cultivated species P. erosus is a popular food in Mexico, Central America and some tropical Asian countries (NRC 1989). Ahipa is currently grown in Bolivia as a cash crop and its prices are sometimes comparable to or even higher than those of potato (0rting et al 1996).
Other Andean Roots and Tubers
The ex situ conservation of ARTC was started in 1958 by the Interamerican Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture (IICA) of the Organization of American States - Andean Zone. Jorge Leon and Martin Cardenas established in the village of Candelaria, Cochabamba, Bolivia, a field collection of 148 accessions of oca, 91 of ulluco and 60 of mashua. Ocas were collected in Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia; ullucos in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina; and mashuas in Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. When funding ended in the mid-1960s, these collections were distributed to the universities of Huancayo, Ayacucho and Cusco in Peru and to other Andean institutions (Rea, pers. comm.). In 1965, IICA also established a field genebank of arracacha at San Mateo, Lima, Peru, with 50 accessions from Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. When funding ended in 1967, this collection passed to the University of Cajamarca, Peru; University of Los Andes, Merida, Venezuela; Colombian Agricultural Institute, Colombia and Agronomic Institute of Campinas, Brazil (Rea 1984). In the early 1980s, IBPGR provided funds to collect the genetic resources of ARTC in Peru (Arbizu and Robles 1986; Franco et al. 1989). USAID also provided funding in 1984 to maintain an in vitro collection of ulluco, oca and mashua at the University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru, which by 1995 comprised 456 accessions of ulluco, 231 of oca and 112 of mashua (Estrada, pers. comm.). CIP, in collaboration with GTZ from Germany, began in 1990 an ARTC project to assist Andean NARS in the conservation and utilization of these valuable genetic resources. Swiss funding made available to CIP in 1993 has allowed a comprehensive conservation strategy for ARTC (Biodiversity Project) in close collaboration with NARS of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Brazil. This initiative has resulted in closer cooperation between CIP and NARS of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. This project also has considered the development of efficient strategies for the conservation of ARTC biodiversity and systematical use of ARTC germplasm within and outside the Andes. Strategies for maintaining field and in vitro collections also have been improved and exchanged (International Potato Center 1995). Andean genebanks now maintain 9010 cultivated accessions of nine species of ARTC (Table 4.2). With the exception of maca and ahipa, which are seed-propagated, the other crops are maintained vegetatively in field genebanks. The NARS involved are the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP) at the Santa Catalina Experiment Station near Quito, Ecuador. In Peru, the Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agraria (INIA) at its experiment stations of Los Bafios (Cajamarca), Canchan (Huanuco), Santa Ana (Huancayo), Andenes (Cusco) and Illpa (Puno); the Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco (UNSAAC) at Kayra and Quillabamba, Cusco; the Universidad Nacional de San Cristobal de Huamanga (UNSCH) in Ayacucho and the Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca (UNC) in Cajamarca are involved. In Bolivia, the Instituto Boliviano de Tecnologia Agropecuaria (IBTA) and Programa de Investigacion en Papa (PROINPA) at Toralapa, Cochabamba, maintain genetic resourcers. CIP also maintains in trust 1136 accessions of cultivated ARTC and 90 of their wild allies, totaling 1226 accessions from seven South American countries (Table 4.3). Activities related to on-farm {in situ) conservation of ARTC are also included in the Biodiversity Project aiming at developing effective strategies for in situ conservation of ARTC. Six research subprojects are under execution with Andean farmers in several sites of Peru and Bolivia. The selected research sites are 16 microcentres of ARTC diversity in Peru and six in Bolivia. Factors that contribute to the management and use of ARTC and their main constraints are also being studied (International Potato Center 1995). Breeding Conventional sexual breeding has not been attempted on ARTC aside from arracacha. Apart from the economic and social factors, the main constraint appears
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 4.3. Number of accessions of Andean root and tuber crops maintained in trust by CIP. Common name
Country BOL ARG
Oca Ulluco Mashua Arracacha Achira Yacon Maca Mauka Ahipa Wild allies
— 4 1 3 _
— 2 4 2 4
336 320 72 27 20 26 33 5 3 84
80 72 4 1 4 2 2
41 39 1 _
20 3
Total 464 437 76 48 5
33 33 5 5
90 1226
COL= Colombia, ECU= Ecuador, PER= Peru, ARG= Argentina, CHL= Chile, BRA= Brazil.
to have been the lack of knowledge of the basic reproductive biology of ARTC. In the case of arracacha, only open-pollinated seeds harvested from commercial production fields have been used to generate segregating populations in order to select the best genotypes (Giordano et al 1994). Although most ARTC are known to be late-maturing crops, this problem can be overcome through breeding for selection of early maturing cultivars. Thus, Santos et al. (1994) have reported early maturing arracacha clones (6 months) yielding approximately 1 kg per plant as opposed to the commercial clones with 0.25 kg and late maturity. The material was selected from seeds produced by commercial cultivars of arracacha of more than 10 months from planting to harvesting. It is likely that similar selection efforts could also produce early maturing genotypes in other ARTC that produce viable seeds. REFERENCES Aliaga, R. 1995. Biologia floral de la maca. Tesis Ing. Agr., Facultad de Agronomia, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru. Arbizu, C. 1994. The agroecology of achira in Peru. CIP Circular 20(3):12-13. Arbizu, C. and E. Robles. 1986. Catalogo de los recursos geneticos de raices y tuberculos andinos. Universidad Nacional de San Cristobal de Huamanga, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Prog, de Investigaciones en Cultivos Andinos, Ayacucho, Peru. Asami, T., M. Kubota, K. Minamisawa and T. Tsukihashi. 1989. Chemical composition of yacon, a new root crop from the Andean highlands, [in Japanese] Jpn. J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 60(2):122-126. Bailey, L.H. and E.Z. Bailey. 1935. Hortus, a concise dictionary of gardening, general horticulture and cultivated plants in North America. The MacMillan Co., New York. Bateman, J.V. 1961. Una prueba exploratoria de alimentation usando 'Tropaeolum tuberosum'. Turrialba 11(3): 98-100. Benavides, A.S. 1976. Variabilidad clonal en ulluco (Ullucus tuberosus Loz.). Fitotecnia Latinoamericana 4(2):91-98 Bias, R. and C. Arbizu. 1995. Estudios preliminares sobre la variation de la arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft). In Resiimenes del Primer Congreso Peruano de Cultivos Andinos 'Oscar Blanco Galdos', Universidad Nacional de San Cristobal de Huamanga, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Programa de Investigation en Cultivos Andinos, Ayacucho, Peru, 11-16 setiembre, 1995, Cultivos Andinos 5(1):17. Brako, L. 1993. Cannaceae. P. 326 in Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru (L. Brako and J.L. Zaruchi, eds.). Missouri Botanical Garden. Briicher, H. 1989. Useful plants of neotropical origin and their wild relatives. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Bukasov, S.M. 1930. The cultivated plants of Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia. Bull. Applied Botany, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Suppl. 47, Leningrad. Burkill, I.H. 1966. A dictionary of the economic products of the Malay Peninsula. Vol. II, Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Cardenas, M. 1969. Manual de plantas economicas de Bolivia. Imprenta Icthus, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
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Biodiversity in Trust
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Other Andean Roots and Tubers
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Biodiversity in Trust
Seminario, J. 1993. Aspectos etnobotanicos del chago, miso o mauka (Mirabilis expansa R. y P. ) en el Peru. Boletin de Lima 86:71-79. Sorensen, M. 1988. A taxonomic revision of the genus Pachyrhizus (Fabaceae-Phaseoleae). Nord. J. Bot. 8(2):167-192. Sorensen, M. 1990. Observations on distribution, ecology and cultivation of the tuber-bearing legume genus Pachyrhizus Rich, ex DC. Wageningen Agric. Univ. Papers 90, 3:1-38. Soto, R.C. 1976. Diccionario quechua Ayacucho-Chanka. Min. de Educacion, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Lima, Peru. Soukup, J. 1970. Vocabulario de los nombres vulgares de la flora peruana. Colegio Salesiano, Lima, Peru. Sparre, B. 1973. Tropaeolaceae. Pp. 4-30 in Flora of Ecuador (G. Harling and B. Sparre, eds.). Opera Bot. ser. B. no. 2:4-30. Sparre, B. and L. Anderson. 1991. A taxonomic revision of the Tropaeolaceae. Opera Bot. 108:1-140. Sperling, C. 1987. Systematics of the Basellaceae. PhD dissertation. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Tapia, C, R. Castillo and N. Mazon. 1996. Catalogo de recursos geneticos de raices y tuberculos andinos en Ecuador. Instituto Nacional Autonomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Departamento Nacional de Recursos Fitogeneticos y Biotecnologia, Quito, Ecuador. Tello, J., M. Hermann y A. Calderon. 1992. La maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp): cultivo alimenticio potencial para las zonas altoandinas. Boletin de Lima 81:59-66. Terrazas, F. 1995. Informe tecnico sobre conservacion in situ de raices y tuberculos andinos. Programa Colaborativo Biodiversidad de Raices y Tuberculos Andinos, Centro Internacional de la PapaCooperacion Tecnica Suiza, Lima, Peru. Towle, M.A. 1961. The Ethnobotany of pre-Columbian Peru. Aldine Publishing Co., Chicago. Ugent, D., S. Pozorski and T. Pozorski. 1984. New evidence for ancient cultivation of Canna edulis in Peru. Econ. Bot. 38(4):417-432. Ugent, D., S. Pozorski and T. Pozorski. 1986. Archeological manioc (Manihot) from Coastal Peru. Econ. Bot. 40(l):78-102. Uphof, J.C.Th. 1968. Dictionary of Economic Plants. 2nd. ed. Verlag von J. Cramer, New York. Valdez, L.M. 1994. Investigaciones arqueologicas en Gentilar, Acari. Boletin de Lima XVI(91-96):351361. Valladolid, A. 1996. Niveles de ploidia de la oca (Oxalis tuberosa Mol.). MSc thesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina, Peru. Valladolid, A., C. Arbizu and D. Talledo. 1994. Niveles de ploidia de la oca (Oxalis tuberosa Mol.) y sus parientes silvestres. In Resumenes de trabajos presentados al VIII Congreso Internacional de Sistemas Agropecuarios Andinos... y su proyeccion al tercer milenio, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile, 21-26 marzo, 1994, Agro Sur 22:11. Vallenas, M. 1995. Vigencia del cultivo de mauka {Mirabilis expansa R. & P. ) en Puno-Peru. In Resumenes del Primer Congreso Peruano de Cultivos Andinos 'Oscar Blanco Galdos', Universidad Nacional de San Cristobal de Huamanga, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Programa de Investigacion en Cultivos Andinos, Ayacucho, Peru, 11-16 setiembre 1995, Cultivos Andinos 5(l):72-73. Vavilov, N.I. 1951. The origin, variation, immunity and breeding of cultivated plants. Chronica Botanica 13:1-366. [Translated from Russian by K. Starr, Chester]. Vivanco, F. and C. Arbizu. 1995. Variacion morfologica del ulluco (Ullucus tuberosus Caldas), oca (Oxalis tuberosa Mol.) y mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum R. & P.). In Resumenes del Primer Congreso Peruano de Cultivos Andinos 'Oscar Blanco Galdos', Universidad Nacional de San Cristobal de Huamanga, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Programa de Investigacion en Cultivos Andinos, Ayacucho, Peru, 11-16 setiembre 1995, Cultivos Andinos 5(1):18. Weberbauer, A. 1945. El mundo vegetal de los andes peruanos. Estacion Experimental Agricola La Molina, Ministerio de Agricultura, Lima, Peru. Wells, J.R. 1965. A taxonomic study of Polymnia (Compositae). Brittonia 17:144-159. Willis, J.C. 1973. A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns. 8th edition. Cambridge University Press. Yacovleff, E. 1933. La jiquima, raiz comestible extinguida en el Peru. Rev. Mus. Nac. (Lima, Peru) 2(l):51-66. Yacovleff, E. and F.L. Herrera. 1934-35. El mundo vegetal de los antiguos peruanos. Rev. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Lima, Peru) 3(3):243-322; 4(l):31-100. Zardini, E. 1991. Ethnobotanical notes on 'yacon,' Polymnia sonchifolia (Asteraceae). Econ. Bot. 45(1):7285. Zuniga, E. 1995. Insectos daninos del cultivo de la maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp) en el Peru. In Resumenes del Primer Congreso Peruano de Cultivos Andinos 'Oscar Blanco Galdos', Universidad Nacional de San Cristobal de Huamanga, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Programa de Investigacion en Cultivos Andinos, Ayacucho, Peru, 11-16 setiembre 1995, Cultivos Andinos 5(1):45.
Chapter 5 Yams R. Asiedu, N.M. Wanyera, S.Y.C. Ng and N.Q. Ng
BOTANY AND DISTRIBUTION Several sections have been described under the genus Dioscorea of family Dioscoreaceae. The main food yams have been grouped as follows: Section Enantiophyllum This is the largest section with respect to number of species and food importance (Degras 1993). Members may be further grouped in terms of geography as: Asian Oceanian species, e.g. D. alata L. (water yam, greater yam, white yam), D. glabra Roxb., D. nummularia Lam., D. transversa Br.; Sino-Japanese species (or species complex), e.g. D. japonica Thumb, (igname de Chine, Chinese yam), D. opposita Thumb., and African species or species complex, e.g. D. cayenensis Lam. (yellow yam), D. rotundata Poir. (white Guinea yam, white yam). Section Lasiophyton D. pentaphylla L., D. hispida Dennsdest, D. dumetorum (Knuth) Pax (bitter yam) Section Opsophyton D. bulbifera L. (aerial yam) Section Combilium D. esculenta (Lour.) Burk. (Chinese yam, lesser yam) Section Macrogynodium D. trifida L. (cush-cush yam) The many species of yams (Dioscorea sp.) have various unique or peculiar characteristics that distinguish them from each other. The principal food species have been described in a series of monographs (Martin 1974a, 1974b, 1976; Martin and Degras 1978a, 1978b; Martin and Sadik 1977). Generally the yam plant comprises a shoot portion made up of a vine with branches, leaves and sometimes bulbils in the axils of the leaves, fibrous roots and an underground storage organ, the tuber. The vine twines clockwise or anticlockwise depending on the species. The growth pattern has sequential phases in which the roots, the vine, the leaves and finally the tuber become the focus of growth and development and therefore the main sink. For most species the tuber is the organ for propagation and perennation. Some evidence suggests that the tuber originates from the hypocotyl, a region between the stem and the root. In the annual species it remains dormant during the unfavourable agroclimatic period between one harvest and the next planting season. It is the source of food and therefore the economic part of the plant.
Biodiversity in Trust Reproductive Biology
The challenges posed to breeding have led to many studies of the reproductive biology of the cultivated species (Akoroda 1983; Bai and Jos 1986; Abraham and Nair 1990; Zoundjihekpon 1993). Many Dioscorea species do flower even though some accessions of the cultivated forms do not or only flower irregularly or sparingly. Flowering genotypes of species like D. alata, D. bulbifera, D. cayenensis and D. rotundata are generally dioecious. Female flowers tend to be more limited than male, especially for D. alata (Martin 1976) and sterility is quite common. Akoroda (1985a) reported a range of in vitro pollen germination from 0.3 to 85% for D. rotundata. Bai and Jos (1986) reported a pollen fertility range of 20-98% for some genotypes of D. alata. At Ibadan, Nigeria, flowering occurs between June and September for D. rotundata, D. cayenensis, D. praehensilis, D. abyssinica, D. dumetorum, D. burkilliana and D. bulbifera,
and from August to November for D. alata. Flowering intensity, fruit set and seed set are influenced by shoot vigour which in turn depends on factors like initial tuber sett size, plant health status and leafiness (Akoroda 1983,1985b) in interaction with edaphoclimatic factors. Origin of the Species, Centres of Diversity and Areas of Domestication The genus Dioscorea is well demarcated as Old and New World species. Southeast Asia (for D. alata and D. esculenta), West Africa (mainly for D. rotundata, D. cayenensis and D. dumetorum) and pre-Columbian tropical America (for D. trifida) are recorded as centres of origin of the major species. These regions have also been the major areas of domestication and diversity of the important food species. Hanson (1985) described the origin and major areas of cultivation for 13 food and seven medicinal species of Dioscorea.
Wild species believed to have produced cultivated forms in West Africa include D. burkilliana,
D. abyssinica
D. praehensilis
et al. 1995).
investigation of the domestication of Dioscorea spp. in Cameroon, Dumont et al (1994) reported 16 wild and 7 cultivated species. They attributed the current diversity in the traditional landraces to the availability of wild yams with cropping potential, different selection pressures, successive domestication, culture-derived modifications and somatic mutations. The origin of D. cayenensis or the relationship between it and D. rotundata has been the subject of much controversy (Martin and Rhodes 1978; Akoroda and Chheda 1983; Terauchi et al 1992). Some workers classify them as a single species complex. From a survey of ribosomal and chloroplast DNA, Terauchi et al. (1992) suggested that D. rotundata was domesticated from either D. abyssinica, D. liebrechtsiana or D. praehensilis or their hybrid but that D. cayenensis originates from hybridization between D. burkilliana, D. minutiflora or D. smilacifolia as male parent and D. rotundata, D. abyssinica, D. liebrechtsiana or D. praehensilis as female parent.
An east-to-west movement of species is acknowledged to have occurred bringing D. alata and D. esculenta from Asia to Africa and America, and D. rotundata from Africa to America (Hahn et al 1987). Present geographic distribution of traditional landraces and local cultivars
Approximately 93% of world yam is produced in the 'yam belt' of West and Central Africa which stretches from the Bandama river in central Ivory Coast through Ghana, the Republics of Togo, Benin, Nigeria, down to the Western parts of Cameroon (Coursey 1967; Ayensu and Coursey 1972; Hahn et al 1987). Dioscorea rotundata and D. cayenensis account for most of this production in Africa. They are the most preferred yams in West Africa owing to the organoleptic properties of the tubers which suit the most prevalent food use for the crop in the region. Dioscorea alata, introduced from Asia during the 16th century, is second in terms of volume of production and extent of utilization. However, it has the widest geographic distribution among the food yams (Martin 1976), having been introduced from Asia to many parts of the tropics. This broad distribution has made accurate estimates of its contributions to world yam production rather difficult. Martin (1976) estimated world production of the species at
not less than 10 million t per year. Considering its wide distribution, agronomic flexibility, high nutritive value and wide acceptance, he declared it to be the most important cultivated species of Dioscorea. GERMPLASM CONSERVATION AND USE Genetic Resources Diversity for, and geographic distribution of, important traits Dioscorea species show diversity in terms of cycles of aerial and underground parts of the plant, geographical distribution, usage, modes of multiplication and ploidy levels (Hamon et ah 1995). Studies in different parts of the world have documented a significant proportion of this diversity (Lawton 1967; Rhodes and Martin 1972; Dumont 1977, 1982; Essad 1984; Hamon et al. 1992; Dumont et al. 1994; Muzac-Tucker and Ahmad 1995). Data from characterization and evaluation have been reported from the Philippines (Pido 1986, 1987), the South Pacific (Jackson and Firmin 1987), India (Bindroo and Bhat 1988), Jamaica (Muzac-Tucker et al 1995) and Cote d'lvoire (Hamon et al. 1986; Hamon and Ahoussou 1988; Hamon and Toure 1990a, 1990b). Conservation The Genetics Resources Unit of IITA conserves over 2600 accessions of the major food yams (Table 5.1) in a field collection with over 1780 of these also conserved in vitro (Ng and Ng 1994). These were assembled mainly from countries of the West African yam belt and serve as a valuable resource for genetic improvement of the cultigens. A field genebank has been the traditional method for preserving yam germplasm at IITA (Ng 1993). They are vegetatively propagated through planting setts from underground tubers or aerial tubers. Plants are grown in the fields for the entire growing season, which lasts 6-9 months, depending on species and genotype. Then the mature underground tubers are dug up, or aerial tubers are plucked, and stored for several months in a traditional yam barn, under shade in open air before the next planting. To reduce the risk of genetic erosion in the fields and in tuber storage, the Genetic Resources Unit has adopted the yam minisett technique (using 30-45 g setts) coupled with very rigorous control of the prevailing insect pests and diseases by good cultural practices and the application of chemicals (Ng 1993). The establishment of over 2300 accessions in 1992 from minisetts was good. About 39% of the accessions had more than 75% plant establishment; no accessions had less than 25% establishment from minisetts. Tubers produced from the minisett-derived plants are smaller than ware yams produced by the traditional method. These smaller tubers were easier to handle and store than the traditional ware yams (Ng 1993). After harvest, tubers are treated with both fungicide and insecticide before storage in a traditional yam barn or in a controlled store room at 18°C and 50-60% RH. During storage, regular checking of tubers, to remove any rotten ones to prevent them from spoiling other healthy tubers, is essential to ensure that the tubers under storage remain in good condition. Tubers of some accessions have stored well up to a year under the temperature- and humiditycontrolled facilities at IITA and all accessions could be safely stored for 6 months. Nonetheless, all accessions still need to be planted out annually. For in vitro conservation, apical and axillary buds obtained from accessions in the field have been used as explants. After surface disinfection, meristems excised from these are cultured on modified Murashige and Skoog medium (Ng and Ng 1994) at 2530°C, 16-h photoperiod and 4000 lux light intensity. The resulting plantlets are subcultured using nodal cuttings. Plantlets from these are kept under reduced-growth conditions (Ng and Ng 1991) for 1-2 years, depending on the genotype, before subculturing becomes necessary. Malaurie et al. (1993) reported the creation of an in vitro collection of accessions of 14 Dioscorea species from Africa and Asia.
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 5.1. Germplasm of major yam species maintained at IITA, IbadanA Country of Number of accessions* D.r. D.a. D.b. D.c. origin D.d. D.e.
Total 37 31 3 5 Rep. of Benin 76 126 23 2 Cote d'lvoire 6 157 156 74 2 4 2 15 Ghana 253 2 3 1 Equatorial Guinea 6 124 7 696 10 2 842 Nigeria 3 862 392 7 19 14 Togo 13 1307 1874 651 33 43 19 21 2641 Total Source: Ng and Ng 1994. + Also holds 41 accessions of minor yams and wild species. * D.r. = D. rotundata, D.a. = D. alata, D.b. = bulbifera, D.c. = D. cayenensis, D.d. = D. dumetorum, D.e. = D. esculenta.
In 1985 Hanson described 16 of the major Dioscorea collections around the world. However, there are many difficulties in maintaining collections of Dioscorea species (Degras 1993). Losses from various national collections over time have been severe (Ng and Ng 1994). In situ conservation is fraught with many risks. In Brazil, Pedralli (1991) reported significant reduction in the numbers of accessions found during an expedition in 1987 compared with 1982 when 66 accessions of wild Dioscorea and 115 of cultivated species were found. He attributed the losses to habitat destruction and agricultural activities. Hanson (1985) discussed the options for conservation including field, in vitro ('active' or medium term and faase' or long term involving cryopreservation) and seed. Butenko et at. (1984) reported successful cryopreservation of D. deltoidea. Botanic seeds are of limited usefulness for preservation of species of Dioscorea owing to limitations in flowering and problems in maintaining viability. Use of Germplasm Wide crosses among Dioscorea species have not produced high levels of fruiting or seed set. Akoroda (1985b) reported 46% fruit set from a D. rotundata x D. praehensilis cross which resulted in more seeds than the D. rotundata x D. cayenensis crosses. The latter produced 2-8% fruits which were seedless except where bulked pollen was used from a few accessions of D. cayenensis. Other crosses reported include D. japonica x D. opposita (Araki et ah 1983), D. praehensilis x D. cayenensis-rotundata (Hamon et al. 1992), D.floribunda x D. composita and D.floribunda x D.freidrichsthalii. Hybridization blocks at IITA have included varieties selected from the IITA base germplasm collection and a working collection comprising a recent collection of the most popular varieties from the major yam-growing areas of Nigeria, Ghana, Togo and the Republic of Benin in addition to the best-performing breeder's lines in IITA clonal trials. The resulting seeds mainly go into the annual seedling nurseries of the Institute but a significant proportion is shared with collaborators (Table 5.2). Parental selection has largely been on the basis of phenotypic attributes of the genotypes. It is expected that as more information is gathered in terms of varietal grouping of the base germplasm collection, the choice of parents will take the groupings into consideration. Furthermore, parental selection needs to be based more on the breeding values of the clones which will be established through studies of combining abilities. The seeds from controlled hybridization are supplemented with those collected from popular varieties on farmers' fields in Nigeria and other African countries to set up seedling nurseries which form the base of the selection cycle. For instance about 20 000 fruits of D. rotundata were collected from 18 farms in seven states of Nigeria in 1974 which contributed to the seedling nursery of 1975 (IITA 1975). Similarly, the 1989 and 1990 nurseries comprised 12 760 seedlings from eight families and 5990 seedlings from 26 families, respectively, from farmers' fields (IITA 1993). Germination was 44% in the 1990 nursery for seeds originating from farmers' fields. Furthermore, analysis of
entries in the first clonal evaluations of 1989 and 1990 show 2900 clones tracing back to 33 Nigerian local varieties in 1989 and 1400 clones originating from 12 local varieties in 1990 (IITA 1993). Table 5.3 details the 1990 Clonal Evaluation. On the basis of good performance in trials over a number of years, some of the local landraces have been selected, subjected to meristem culture for virus elimination and certified for international distribution as plantlets (Table 5.4) since 1988 and also as minitubers since 1991 (Table 55). Properties and Uses In West Africa the preferred method of preparation of the tuber is boiling and pounding into a thick paste which is then consumed with soup. Tubers may also be consumed directly after boiling or cooked into pottage with added protein sources and oils. Frying in oil or roasting are also important cooking methods. In some parts of the region the peeled tubers are dried and later ground into flour which is reconstituted into paste for consumption. A few commercial products based on dry flakes from the tuber are marketed, especially in Nigeria and Cote d'lvoire. There is considerable export of yams to Europe and North America, principally targeted at residents originating from Africa and the Caribbean. Table 5.6 summarizes the composition of three major food species. In addition to the food yams, species such as D. floribunda are cultivated for their medicinal value. The impact on regional diversity and distribution of local and international trade in fresh yams, part of which serve as planting material in the destination countries, is yet to be documented. It is pertinent to determine the extent of genetic erosion as the dominant commercial cultivars keep spreading at the expense of minor ones and some traditional yam-producing areas become committed to other crops. On the other hand, it would also be useful to document more fully the positively counteractive effects of domestication and traditional selection practices by farmers. Breeding Selection and breeding procedures
The principal objectives for most yam improvement programmes include high and stable yield of marketable tubers, good tuber quality (e.g. in terms of dry matter content, cooking quality/texture, taste, dormancy period, rate of enzymatic browning), resistance to biotic stresses in the field and during post-harvest storage, tolerance to abiotic stress (e.g. drought and low soil fertility) and suitability for prevalent cropping systems (e.g. plant architecture, vigour and maturity period). Degras (1993) has summarized activities in clonal selection programmes in various institutions around the world. Edem (1975) provided a summary of yield trials of D. rotundata in Nigeria for the period 1957-64 which were used as the basis for varietal recommendations. Over the years IITA has identified a number of high-performing landraces from evaluation of its germplasm collection. Some of these materials have been shared with collaborators in various countries. The genetic improvement scheme at IITA begins with evaluation of germplasm from various sources which leads to the identification of materials with desirable traits relevant to objectives of the programme. Such genotypes go through further evaluation toward varietal development and/or become parental clones for hybridization. Botanic seeds are generated through biparental crosses and open-pollination among selected clones planted in isolation from the main yam fields. Additional seeds are obtained through natural hybridization in clonal trials and on farmers' fields. Seedlings from these seeds are evaluated in nurseries from which selections go through a series of trials towards the selection of superior clones. These clonal trials start with unreplicated (observational) trials with variable numbers of clones and stands per clone, hill trials (or clonal evaluation) and preliminary yield trials. At the Advanced Yield Trial (AYT) and Uniform Yield Trial (UYT) stages a randomized complete block design has been used with 3 to 6 replications.
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 5.2. Delivery of yam seeds (Dioscorea rotundata) to collaborators in various countries (1992-94). Year 1992 1993
Country Malawi South Korea Benin Gambia Rwanda Uganda Guinea Ghana Togo Uganda Gambia UK Benin Total delivery for the period
No., of families 11 6 18 11 12 9 10 13 2 14 22 8 35
No. of seeds 14 986 6 425 2 127 2 104 2 758 1 859 3 199 8 641 1 000 9 183 10418 4 972 20 698 88 370
Table 5.3. Distribution of entries in 1990 Clonal Evaluation Jaccording to maternal parent. Maternal parent Abakaleke Unegbe Gbakunmo Boki ex Iwo Okunmado lyawo
No. of clones 171 201 198 205 227 230
Materna I parent Ori Erefu Gbongi Elentu Odo Kpaki
No. of clones 44 79 25 9 9 5
Table 5.4. Distribution of virus-tested white yarri genotypes as in vitro plantlets. Year 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
No. of countries 1 19 13 14 12 14 12
No. of genotypes 5 5 5 5 9 16 16
Plantlets 20 500 540 238 390 400 1772
Table 5.5. Distribution of virus-tested white yanri genotypes as minitubers. Year 1991 1992 1993 1994
No. of countries 8 10 7 3
No. of genotypes 5 5 5 5
No. of tubers 1020 1520 1400 1001
By the fifth year of evaluation the materials can be subjected to a series of tests for their cooking and processing attributes in addition to evaluation for yield and reaction to pests and diseases. Owing to the slow multiplication rate of yams, it is necessary to make a special effort after the first advanced yield trial in the sixth year to multiply planting materials before extensive multilocational testing of selected materials. Simultaneously, the process of virus elimination, micropropagation and certification is carried out by the Tissue Culture Unit in collaboration with the Plant Quarantine Service in Nigeria. In addition to a broad-based population targeting the Guinea Savanna zone of West Africa, there are specific populations being developed for special traits, e.g. resistance to anthracnose disease in D. data. The first indication of potential value from hybridization of D. alata at IITA was the selection of new hybrid clones with good tuber characteristics in 1985 (Hahn and
Table 5.6. Composition of yam tubers of three Dioscorea species from various sources (summarized from Bradbury and Holloway 1988). Moisture % Energy (kJ/100 g) Protein % Starch % Sugar % Carbohydrate % (diff.) Dietary fibre % Crude fibre % Fat % Ash % Minerals (mg/100 g) Ca P Mg Na K S Fe Cu Zn Mn Al B Vitamins (mg/100 g) Vitamin A (ret. + 3 - car./6) Thiamin Riboflavin Nicotinic acid Pot. Nic. acid = Trp/60 Ascorbic acid (AA) Dehydroascorbic acid (DAA) Vitamin C Total vitamin C (AA + DAA)
D. alata 65 - 78.6 311 - 452 1.1 -3.05 15.9-28 0.5 - 1.39 21.3-29 1.19-2.36 0.21 - 1.4 0.03 - 0.57 0.7-2.1
D. rotundata 60-71.2 538 - 550 1.1 -2.34 26.8 - 30.2 0.32 0.63 - 0.87 0.34 - 0.8 0.09-0.11 0.7 - 2.6
D. esculenta 67-80 395 - 482 1.20 - 2.30 17-7-25 0.32 - 0.78 17-25 0.94-1.40 0.2-1.51 0.04-0.11 0.50- 1.24
5.7 - 22 4.8 - 44 6.6-17.8 2.2-108 224 - 451 9.8-14.4 0.14- 1.15 0.055 - 0.21 0.24 - 0.49 0.02 - 0.64 0.10-1.18 0.08 - 0.09
4.6 - 6.0 6.0-31 11.18 4.3-143 284 - 361 12 0.60-1.8 0.10-0.12 0.30 - 0.43 0.03 - 0.77 0.63 0.08
3.2-18.9 5.2 - 42 9.9 - 30 1.16-108 175-393 13.9-18.4 0.28-1.4 0.05 - 0.34 0.32 - 0.63 0.06 - 0.58 0.35 - 0.64 0.07 - 0.08
0-0.018 0.031 - 0.09 0.024 - 0.04 0.07 - 0.47 0.28 - 0.60 10.0 17.6 2-8.2
0.8 6- 12 -
0.017 0.044 - 0.084 0.016-0.030 0.41 - 1.07 0.66 13.0 7.3 17-20.3
Akoroda 1986). The superior tuber yield of some of the new materials generated in the breeding effort has been maintained over the years. Significant interactions were found for year by genotype in D. alata and D. rotundata with respect to yield and anthracnose disease in staked Advanced Yield Trials of 198081 at Ibadan, Nigeria. In Uniform Yield Trials involving six clones of D. alata from 1980 to 1982 it was established that 30% of the variation in clonal performance was attributable to clone by year interaction and 25% to the clones (IITA 1993). IITA has placed a lot of emphasis on collaboration with national agricultural research systems (NARS) in Africa and elsewhere in its efforts at genetic improvement of yams. Close collaboration with NARS enables a decentralized approach and enduser participation. This leads to removal of bottlenecks in the delivery system, an increase in the pace of multiplication of propagules and draws on the capacities and opportunities in the NARS. In the end there would be maximization of impact potential, relevance of output to end-users and use of available local experience and knowledge with the potential benefit of building local capacity. Major breeding activities in progress at IITA and the Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Trivandrum, India could benefit from exchange of promising genotypes. Many nations could also benefit from introduction of improved germplasm. Lack of appropriate indexing for D. alata is a major bottleneck to the process.
Biodiversity in Trust
Prospects Yams have tremendous sink capacity. Individual tubers may weigh as much as 2030 kg. The relatively long tuber dormancy of the dominant cultigens ensures longer shelf-life of the fresh tuber than for other root crops such as cassava. The initial growth of the planted setts ensures tolerance of drought conditions. The sprout draws on water from the tuber as it emerges, and the vine remains leafless for a while (xerophytic growth) coupled with a rapid establishment of a root system. This growth pattern, combined with dormancy, makes it possible to plant yam setts for the next season's crop many months ahead, which allows some flexibility in labour use. The value of yams in local trade as well as the current and potential revenue from their export to Europe and the Americas is often underestimated (Asuming-Brempong 1994). Studies in southeastern Nigeria (1984-85), where about 42% of world yams are produced, showed a positive expenditure elasticity of demand for yams at all expenditure levels. It also showed yams to be elastic in price (Nweke et ah 1992). It was concluded that yams would continue to have a high market potential and that production research that will increase supply is likely to increase quantities consumed at low-expenditure levels. It is believed that the wild and cultivated species of Dioscorea are in a state of flux with each group benefiting from the other. It is also possible that yam cultivation has survived so many years of neglect with respect to serious research because of this situation coupled with the efforts of various ethnic groups who depend on the species. The full potential contribution of the various species is not yet known and therefore their protection is both urgent and important. Limitations of the crop Planting materials for production of ware yams (large tubers for market or home consumption) are derived from the edible portion, the tuber, which is expensive and bulky to transport. The multiplication ratio in the field is very low (1:10) compared, for instance, with some cereals (1:300). These propagules could also serve as sources of virus diseases, nematodes and fungi unless appropriate measures are taken. In many cultivars, emergence after planting is slow and staggered, especially where a mixture of tuber portions (head, middle and tail) is planted. Ground cover during the first 4 months is slow. Perishability of the tuber, which is both the edible portion and the organ for field propagation, poses a considerable challenge. Losses during storage have negative impact at several stages in the cycle of yam production and utilization. Even more critical for the producers is the quality of seed yams which influences heavily the performance of the next season's crop. Many aspects of production - planting, weeding, staking, and harvesting - are very labour-intensive and some are difficult to mechanize. Staking has implications for deforestation. Dioscorea alata exhibits more agronomic flexibility than D. rotundata and D. cayenensis in the major production area of West Africa, especially in multiplication ratio and availability of planting material. However, the texture of its cooked tubers renders it not as suitable as the others for preparation of the most preferred food form for yam in the region, which is a paste resulting from pounding of the freshly boiled tuber. Methods that have been developed, with differing levels of efficiency, for extension of tuber dormancy include application of gibberellic acid, irradiation and refrigeration. Most of these are not available for small-scale operators. It would seem that selection for long dormancy in breeding programmes would be useful. This would, however, exacerbate another problem. The other side of dormancy is with respect to production. Irrespective of when yam is planted, the critical starting point for the growing season is when the dormancy ends and sprouts are initiated. Thus there is a compulsory break from harvesting to the next planting during which period even multiplication of planting materials can not be carried out. This is serious when one considers the painfully slow multiplication of yam. Moreover, losses incurred during storage of seed
yams could largely be obviated if there were more flexibility in control of sprouting date. REFERENCES Abraham, K. and S.G. Nair. 1990. Floral biology and artificial pollination in Dioscorea data. Euphytica 48:45-51. Akoroda, M.0.1983. Floral biology in relation to hand pollination of white yam. Euphytica 32:831-838. Akoroda, M.O. 1985a. Pollination management for controlled hybridisation of white yam. Scientia Hort. 25:201-209. Akoroda, M.O. 1985b. Sexual seed production in white yam. Seed Sci. Technol. 13:571-581. Akoroda, M.O. and H.R. Chheda. 1983. Agro-botanical and species relationships of Guinea yams. Trop. Agric. 60:242-248. Araki, H., T. Harada and T. Yakwa. 1983. Some characteristics of interspecific hybrids between D. japonica and D. opposita. J. Jpn. Soc. Hort. Sci. 52:153-158. Asuming-Brempong, S. 1994. Yams for foreign exchange: potentials and prospects in Ghana. Pp 382386 in Tropical Root Crops in a Developing Economy (F. Ofori and S. K. Hahn, eds.). Proceedings, IXth Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops, Accra, Ghana, 20-26 October 1991. Ayensu, E.S. and D.G. Coursey. 1972. Guinea yams: the botany, ethnobotany, use and possible future of yams in West Africa. Econ. Bot. 26:301-318. Bai, K.V. and J.S. Jos. 1986. Female fertility and seed set in Dioscorea alata L. Trop. Agric. (Trin.) 63(1):710. Bindroo, B.B. and B.K. Bhat. 1988. Natural variation, heritability and genotype x year interaction in Dioscorea deltoidea Wall. Herba Hungarica 27:11-26. Bradbury, J.H. and W.D. Holloway. 1988. Chemistry of Tropical Root Crops: significance for nutrition and agriculture in the Pacific. ACIAR Mono. No. 6. Butenko, R.G., A.S. Popov, L.A. Volkova, N.D. Chernyak and A.M. Nosov. 1984. Recovery of cell cultures and their biosynthetic capacity after storage of Dioscorea deltoidea and Panax ginseng cells in liquid nitrogen. Plant Sci. Letters 33:285-292. Coursey, D.G. 1967. Yams. Longmans, London. Degras, L. 1993. The Yam: A Tropical Root Crop. The MacMillan Press Ltd., London and Basingstoke, UK. Dumont, R. 1977. Etude morphobotanique des ignames Dioscorea rotundata et D. cayenensis cultivees au Nord-Benin. L'Agronomie Tropicale 32(3):225-241. Dumont, R. 1982. Ignames spontanees et cultivees au Benin et en Haute-Volta. Pp. 31-36 in Yams Ignames (J. Miege et S.N. Lyonga, eds.). Clarendon Press, Oxford. Dumont, R., P. Hamon and C. Seignobos. 1994. Les ignames au Cameroun. Reperes, Cultures annuelles. CIRAD-CA, France. Edem. 1975. White yam {Dioscorea rotundata ) yield trials: summary of results 1957-1964. Federal Dept. of Agric. Research, Ibadan, Nigeria Essad, S. 1984. Variation geographique des nombres chromosomiques de base et polyploidie dans le genre Dioscorea a propos du denombrement des especes transversa Brown, pilosiuscula Bert, et trifida L. Agronomie 4(7):611-617. Hahn, S.K. and M.O. Akoroda. 1986. First new water yam clones from seeds. Annual Report, Root and Tuber Improvement Programme, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. Hahn, S.K., D.S.O. Osiru, M.O. Akoroda and J.A. Otoo. 1987. Yam production and its future prospects. Outlook on Agric. 16:105-110. Hamon, P. and N. Ahoussou. 1988. Les ignames Dioscorea spp. de Cote d'lvoire. Plant Genet. Resources Newsl. 72:20-23. Hamon, P. and B. Toure. 1990a. Characterization of traditional yam varieties belonging to the Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata complex by their isozymic patterns. Euphytica 46:101-107. Hamon, P. and B. Toure. 1990b. The classification of the cultivated yams {Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata complex) of West Africa. Euphytica 47:179-187. Hamon, P., J.P. Brizzard, C. Duperey, J. Zoundjihekpon and A. Borgel. 1992. Etude de la teneur en ADN de 8 especes d'ignames {Dioscorea spp.) par cytofluorimetrie en flux. Can. J. Bot. 70:996-1000. Hamon, P., R. Dumont, J. Zoundjihekpon, B. Tio-Toure and S. Hamon. 1995. Wild Yams in West Africa: Morphological Characteristics. ORSTOM. Hamon, P., S. Hamon and B. Toure. 1986. Les ignames du complexe Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata de Cote d'lvoire. Inventaire et descriptions des cultivars traditionnels. Italie, Rome, IBPGR-FAO.
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Hanson, J. 1985. Methods for storing tropical root crop germplasm with special reference to yam. Plant Genet. Resources Newsl. 64:24-32. IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture). 1975. Annual Report for 1975. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA. 1993. Root and Tuber Improvement Program. Archival Report 1989-1992. Part III. Yams (Dioscorea spp.). Crop Improvement Division, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. Jackson, G.V.H. and I.D. Firmin. 1987. Characterisation and preliminary evaluation of root crop germplasm in the South Pacific with special reference to pests and diseases. Newsletter, IBPGR Regional Committee for South-east Asia. Special Issue 19-23. Lawton, J.R.S. 1967. A key to the Dioscorea species in Nigeria. J. West African Sci. Assoc, 12(l):3-9. Malaurie, B., O. Pungu, R. Dumont and M-F. Trouslot. 1993. The creation of an in vitro germplasm collection of yam (Dioscorea spp.) for genetic resources preservation. Euphytica 65:113-122. Martin, F.W. 1974a. Tropical Yams and their Potential. Series - Part 1. Dioscorea esculenta. USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 457. Martin, F.W. 1974b. Tropical Yams and their Potential. Series - Part 2. Dioscorea bulbifera. USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 466. Martin, F.W. 1976. Tropical Yams and their Potential. Series - Part 3. Dioscorea alata. USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 495. Martin, F.W. and L. Degras. 1978a. Tropical Yams and their Potential. Series - Part 5. Dioscorea trifida. USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 522. Martin, F.W. and L. Degras. 1978b. Tropical yams and their Potential. Series - Part 6. Minor cultivated Dioscorea species. USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 538. Martin, F.W. and A.M. Rhodes. 1978. The relationship of Dioscorea cayenensis and D. rotundata. Trop. Agric. 55:195-206. Martin, F.W. and S. Sadik. 1977. Tropical Yams and their Potential. Series - Part 4. Dioscorea rotundata and Dioscorea cayenensis. USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 502. Muzac-Tucker, I. and M.H. Ahmad. 1995. Rapid detection of polymorphism in yams (Dioscorea sp.) through amplification by polymerase chain reaction and rDNA variation. J. Sci. Food and Agric. 67:303-307. Muzac-Tucker, I., H.N. Asemota and M.H. Ahmad. 1995. Diversity in protein, lipid fatty acid and phenolic content of yams (Dioscorea sp.) grown in Jamaica. J. Sci. Food and Agric. 62:219-224. Ng, N.Q. 1993. Annual Report 1992, Genetic Resources Unit, Crop Improvement Division, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. Ng, Q. and S.Y.C. Ng. 1994. Approaches for yam germplasm conservation. Pp. 135-140 in Root crops for food security in Africa (M.O. Akoroda, ed.). Proceedings of the 5th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch, Kampala, Uganda, 22-28 November 1992. Ng, S.Y.C. and N.Q. Ng. 1991. Reduced growth storage of germplasm. In Tissue Culture for Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources (J.H. Dodds, ed.). Croom Helm Ltd., Kent. Nweke, F.I., E.C. Okoroji, J.E. Njoku and D.J. King. 1992. Elasticities of demand for major food items in a root and tuber-based food system: emphasis on yam and cassava in south eastern Nigeria. RCMP Research Monograph No. 11, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. Pedralli, G. 1991. Collecting yam germplasm in Brazil. Plant Genet. Resources Newsl. 83-84:22. Pido, N.L. 1986. Yam germplasm collection in Philippines. Newsletter, IBPGR Regional Committee for South-east Asia 10 (2):4-7. Pido, N.L. 1987. Maintenance, characterization and preliminary evaluation of yam (Dioscorea spp.) in the Philippines. Rhodes, A.M. and F.W. Martin. 1972. Multivariate studies of variations in yams. (Dioscorea alata L.). J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 97(5):685-688. Terauchi, R., V.A. Chikaleke, G. Thottapilly and S.K. Hahn. 1992. Origin and phylogeny of Guinea yams as revealed by RFLP analysis of chloroplast DNA and nuclear ribosomal DNA. Theor. Appl. Genet. 83:743-751. Zoundjihekpon, J. 1993. Biologie de la reproduction et genetique des ignames de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata. TDM No. 127. ORSTOM, Paris.
Chapter 6 Banana and Plantain J.-P. Horry, R. Ortiz, E. Arnaud, J.H. Crouch, R.S.B. Ferris, D.R. Jones, N. Mateo, C. Picq and D. Vuylsteke
BOTANY AND DISTRIBUTION The genus Musa belongs to the Musaceae family, and 'banana plant' describes all wild species, landraces and cultivars. 'Plantain' describes landraces whose fruit is eaten cooked, mainly in Central and West Africa (Simmonds 1962; Stover and Simmonds 1987). Cultivated banana exhibits parthenocarpic fruit development, a marked degree of sterility, and vegetative propagation. Wild banana (Table 6.1) exhibits sexual reproduction and vegetative propagation by ratooning. Common names are numerous (Jarret 1990), and in Uganda alone Karamura and Karamura (1994) have identified 566 names used just for the subgroup Mutika/Lujugira of the AAA group. Virtually all the cultivars derive from the Eumusa section, which Simmonds and Weatherup (1990) have divided into two subsections, Eumusa (1) and Eumusa (2). Edible banana plants derived from the Eumusa section are mainly based on the recognition of a single source for most varieties, Musa acuminata (A genome) and M. balbisiana (B genome) (Cheesman 1947,1948; Dodds and Simmonds 1948). The Australimusa section is important as a genetic source of domestication for textile fibres (Abaca or Manila hemp) and the edible Fe'i or Fehi cultivars, found only in the Pacific Islands. Callimusa and Australimusa have a basic chromosome number of 10 (2n=20) while Eumusa and Rhodochlamys have 11 (2n=22). The Simmonds and Shepherd (1955) classification associates the ploidy level (2n=2x, 3x or Ax) with a different contribution of genomes of two species. They use AA, AB, AAA, AAB, ABB, BBB, AAAA, AAAB, etc. to indicate the ploidy level (see Jarret and Gawel 1995, for a review of molecular studies). Landraces that share a common set of morphological features are placed in subgroups, which comprise a set of cultivars with little genetic diversity and derived from each other by somatic mutations (Table 6.2). Natural hybrids of M. acuminata and M. schizocarpa (Eumusa (1) section; S genome) (Argent 1976; Shepherd and Ferreira 1982) also occur in areas where the two species overlap, and artificial hybrids of M. balbisiana and M. textilis (Australimusa section; T genome) have been used to improve fibre (Brewbaker and Umali 1956). Surprisingly, landraces with the three genomes A, B and T have been found in Papua New Guinea (Carreel 1995). According to Simmonds (1962) the Rhodochlamys section is probably a young section originating from M. acuminata and M.flaviflora (Eumusa section). Shepherd (1990) questions placing Rhodochlamys and Eumusa in separate sections because of the interfertility of certain species. Although their morphological features suggest that they are separate (Simmonds and Weatherup 1990), cytoplasm and nuclear genomes do not confirm it (Gawel et ah 1992; Carreel 1995).
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 6.1. Systematics of the wild bananas. Family Musaceae
Genus Musa
Sections Callimusa (2n=20)
Australimusa (2n=20)
Eumusa (2n=22)
Species beccarii borneensis coccinea gracilis textilis angustigemma bukensis jackeyi lolodensis maclayi peekelii acuminata
a. burmannica/ burmannicoides a. siamea a. malaccensis a. truncata a. microcarpa a. banksii a. errans a. zebrina a. 'Pemba' f.
balbisiana basjoo cheesmani flaviflora halabanensis itinerans nagensium schizocarpa sikkimensis sumatrana Rhodochlamys (2n=22) laterita ornata sanguinea velutina also M. ingens (2n=14), M. lasiocarpa (2/?=?), M. boman (2n=?)
Table 6.2. Main groups and subgroups among Eamt/sa-derivated edible bananas. Group AA AB AAA
Use* Group d/c AAB Ney Poo van d Cavendish d Mutika/Lujugira c/b Gros Michel d Ibota d/c ABB Red/Green Red d AAB Plantain c Pome d BBB + Most frequent use: b = beermaking; c = cooking; d = dessert.
Subgroup Silk Maia Maoli/Popoulu Laknao Mysore Iholena Bluggoe Pisang Awak Saba Lep Chang Kut
Use' c c d c c d/c/b c c
Banana and Plantain
Origin, Domestication and Diffusion Southeast Asia is the cradle of the genus Musa (Simmonds 1962). Rhodochlamys is restricted to Assam, Thailand, Burma; Callimusa to Borneo, Malaysia and Indochina; Australimusa to Borneo and Indonesia, The Philippines, Australia and the Pacific; and Eumusa to the whole area (Fig. 6.1). Musa acuminata has by far the widest distribution. Simmonds (1962) placed its centre of diversity in the Malayan area. Shepherd (1990) pointed out that the status of the species in the Indonesian archipelago and in Irian Jaya was unknown and revised the geographic subdivision of the species. Nasution et al. (1989) consider the centres of origin and diversification of M. acuminata to be in Indonesia. Nasution (1991) later collected and described 15 forms of M. acuminata recognized as members of the classical subspecies malaccensis, truncata, microcarpa, zebrina and banksii An examination of the polymorphism of the anthocyanins led to a similar conclusion that the Indonesian zebrina holotype is the present most primitive form (Horry and Jay 1990). The use of molecular markers has confirmed the genetic isolation of M. acuminata subsp. truncata (Carreel et al. 1994) which Horry (1989) related to M. acuminata subsp. microcarpa. However, the nuclear and cytoplasmic profiles of M. acuminata subsp. microcarpa are very similar to those of M. acuminata subsp. banksii (Gawel and Jarret 1991a; Carreel 1995). From an analysis of the isozymes, Lebot et al. (1993) found that there was great homology between zebrina and sumatrana. These observations led to the breakdown shown in Figure 6.2. Musa acuminata is found on a number of islands that are very remote from the distribution area. Most fascinating is the presence of an accession of M. acuminata on the island of Pemba, in Tanzania (Simmonds and Shepherd 1952). Its chromosome structure sets it apart from the other M. acuminata accessions (Shepherd 1990). Musa schizocarpa has only been found in New Guinea and the neighbouring islands (Argent 1976; Sharrock 1990). The distribution of Australimusa-denved edible bananas has been discussed by Macdaniels (1947), Stover and Simmonds (1987), Tezenas du Montcel (1990), Jarret et al. (1992) and Carreel (1995), and the Eumusa-dehved edible bananas by Simmonds (1962), Horry and Jay (1988), Tezenas du Montcel (1990) and Lebot et al. (1993). Another species, M. balbisiana, is also widespread, distributed throughout the whole of the northern and eastern fringe of the Eumusa area. Nevertheless, few different accessions are available in the collections, and weak relative diversity has been observed (Horry 1989; Carreel et al. 1994). This species probably was introduced very early in many regions from original populations of southern India, northern Burma and the Philippines (Cheesman 1948). Simmonds (1956) claimed that it was endemic to Papua New Guinea, but Argent (1976) thought that it was introduced. The 'Butuhan' clone, considered to be a typical M. balbisiana endemic to the Philippines, was originally an ancient hybrid of M balbisiana and M. textilis (Carreel 1995). The factors that led to the establishment of cultivated varieties from wild species and primitive landraces and their dispersal outside Asia have been amply described by Simmonds (1962). Access to chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes, and the discovery of a different inheritance for each of these genomes in bananas (maternal transmission of chloroplast DNA and paternal transmission of mitochondrial DNA) make them ideal tools for phylogenetic studies (Gawel and Jarret 1991a, 1991b; Faure et al. 1994). The key discoveries made by Carreel (1995) coupled with the joint analysis of nuclear, chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes suggest that the origin of the edible varieties is directly linked to the subspecies banksii and errans. In some zones, somatic mutations led to an extraordinary diversity of morphotypes on a very small genetic base, as was the case for the AAB-Plantain. Based on inflorescence morphology, four plantain groups have been defined: French, French Horn, False Horn and True Horn (Tezenas du Montcel et al 1983). Bunch weight increases, while average fruit weight decreases, from the sterile True Horn to the partially fertile French type. The two largest groups are the False Horn and French plantains (Swennen et al. 1995). Giant
Biodiversity in Trust
. ^

' A S S A M
• '• C H I N E
Rhodochlamys . > / . i^--*

Fig. 6.1. Geographic distribution of the Musa sections (source: Horry 1989, adapted from Champion 1967).
Malayan Highlands M. a. truncata
o North M. a. burmannica/burnm M. a. siamea
Central West M. a. malaccensis
Fig. 6.2. Geographic distribution of the Musa acuminata subspecies.
cultivars produce more foliage, resulting in heavier bunches with more hands and fruits (Swennen et al. 1995). Groupings that resulted following principal component analysis (PCA) based on time to flowering, pseudostem height and number of fruits agreed with taxonomic groupings based on inflorescence type and plant size (Swennen et al 1995).
Banana and Plantain
Reproductive Biology The banana plant is a gigantic herb whose development has been well documented. Propagation in landraces and cultivars is vegetative. A review of the variations in the flower features of the genus can be found in Champion (1967). In wild species that have flowers of one sex, the female and male phases are asynchronous and pollination occurs exogenously. A RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) study of 82 wild accessions of Eumusa confirms a very low heterozygosity rate (below 10%) in the hermaphrodite types (M. acuminata subsp. banksii, M. acuminata subsp. errans), but even among the acuminata non-hermaphrodite subspecies the rate only averages 25%. In M. balbisiana, a non-hermaphrodite species, the heterozygosity rate is between 0 and 25% (Carreel et al. 1994; Carreel 1995). In some species, such as M. itinerans or M. laterita, the horizontal shoots spread for several metres from the parent before emerging from the ground; root development studies, however, have mainly been conducted on cultivars for cropping on a large scale (Price 1995). GERMPLASM CONSERVATION AND USE The bases for coordinating the conservation of banana plants at the international level were laid down at a seminar organized in 1989 in Belgium under the aegis of INIBAP and IBPGR (INIBAP/IBPGR 1990). Panis (1995) summarized the advantages and drawbacks of the four conservation methods recommended in this seminar (Table 6.3). The conservation of banana plant seeds would naturally be limited to the wild species. Work carried out at the Pertanian University of Malaysia (Williams 1987) indicates that this option would be possible with Musa. Strotzky et al. (1962) emphasized the difficulties of seed germination, but this method should not be discarded (Darjo and Bakry 1990). Field collections are spread throughout the whole of the intertropical zone (Table 6.4). INIBAP is developing a Musa Germplasm Information System (MGIS), sponsored by IDRC. The core of MGIS is an international database on Musa germplasm which will record all information generated by research activities on Musa. The system will work on a network mode with all relevant data on Musa biodiversity being fed directly by the genebank curators into their own files within the database. The database will act as a focal point for information exchange between researchers and curators and will enable the optimization of conservation and use of germplasm. Recognition of Regional Field Collections has made it possible to gather on one site in each geographic region the main diversity known in each continent (INIBAP/IBPGR 1990) (Fig. 6.3). The INIBAP Transit Centre (INIBAP TC) at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), Belgium, contains 1054 in vitro accessions, making it the largest collection of banana plants in the world. Setting up basic in vitro collections intended for conservation purposes has been possible through an agreement that TBRI will host all the original accessions from Southeast Asia. In 1994, 414 accessions were therefore duplicated in this centre, protecting 39% of the collection kept at INIBAP TC. IITA in Nigeria and CATIE in Costa Rica have accepted the principle of joining in this effort to conserve the Musa genetic heritage (INIBAP 1994). The growth conditions for rapid propagation at INIBAP TC are 30±2°C for a photosynthetic flow of 63 jimol m' s' (5000 lux). This method is not popular for conservation purposes because of its cost, the risks of human error and contamination, and the danger of genetic drift due to somaclonal variations inherent in multiplying the in vitro subcultures (Cote et al. 1993). To minimize these risks, Banerjee and de Langhe (1985) reduced the speed of growth of the apices being multiplied by reducing the storage temperature and the light intensity to 15±2°C and 2000 lux (25 nmol m'2 s1). This increased the culture period without renewing the media from 4-6 weeks to 13-17 months on average. At the present time these are the best conditions available for banana plants. They are routinely applied for the medium-term conservation of germplasm in the INIBAP collection at KUL and for the 'basic7 collections. However, storage times are certainly not uniform: some accessions must be subcultured after only 60 days while others can be kept for over 600 days (Van den Houwe et al. 1996). Furthermore, if growth is slowed down, the risks (and the costs) are also reduced, but this does not guarantee
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 6.3. Necessary conditions for the storage of 1000 banana accessions.
Amount per accession Area Labour per annum (no. technicians only) Conditions Ambient temperature Risk of losing germplasm Pests and diseases Human error Maintenance
30 000 m2 6
In vitro collection Normal Limited growth growth 20 multiple 20 multiple buds buds 15m2 15m2 1.5-2 9
+25 to +30°C high
+30°C medium
+16°C low
-196°C nil
high risk moderate replanting every 3-5 years, application of fertilizers, pesticides and weed control
no risk moderate 6 subcultures/year
no risk low 1 subculture /year
no risk extremely low no subculture, refill with liquid nitrogen
Field collection 5 plants
Cryopreservation millions of cells 2m2 350 Guadeloupe Mexico >40 Peru >20 Panama >40 Puerto Rico >50 >50 Venezuela Windward Islands >50 Central Africa Cameroon 350 Gabon 50 24 Congo 92 Zaire Source: INIBAP/IBPGR 1990.
Country No. of accessions West Africa 200 Nigeria Cote d'lvoire 185 Guinea 19 East Africa 225 Burundi 22 Kenya Rwanda 75 362 Tanzania 81 Uganda South East Asia and Pacific ? Australia 303 India Indonesia 93 Malaysia 73 Papua New Guinea 416 Philippines 245 Thailand 323
long-term conservation. The development of cryopreservation methods at very low temperatures (-196°C) has therefore been recommended. These have been established for isolated cells (zygotic embryos of wild species: Abdelnour-Esquivel et dl. 1992; somatic embryos and cell suspensions: Abdelnour and Escalant 1994; Panis et ah 1994) or meristem cultures (Panis 1995). Only one of the six varieties tested by Panis has been able to regenerate through somatic embryogenesis. The cryopreservation of proliferating meristems after encapsulation in sodium alginate and dehydration seems to be the most simple, the most rapid and the most easily applicable method for the widest range of genotypes (Panis 1995). The development of increasingly more effective molecular marking techniques to make varietal differentiation possible (Jarret et ah 1993; Lagoda and Noyer 1995) should lead soon to the availability of early assessment tests for detecting the emergence of somaclonal variants.
Banana and Plantain
INIBAP Transit Center / in vitro Colled KUL
Regional Field Collection In Vitro Base Collection (proposed) IITA, Nigeria '
Regional Field Collection FHIA, Honduras
Regional Field Collection IRAZ, Burundi
/n Vitro Base Collection (proposed) CATIE, Costa Rica
Fig. 6.3. Musa germplasm conservation network: regional field collections and in vitro collections.
At IITA, shoot-tip culture is routinely used for propagating, exchanging and conserving Musa germplasm. More than 300 accessions were introduced as shoot-tip culture from the mid-1980s to the early 1990s with the concurrence of INIBAP and the Nigerian Plant Quarantine Service (Vuylsteke et al. 1990). All the plantain field genebank is duplicated in vitro using standard shoot-tip culture methodology. Also, plant regeneration by direct somatic embryogenesis in cell suspensions from meristematic tissues (Dhed'a et al. 1991) is an efficient means of mass propagation, for long-term cryopreservation of genetic resources and for transformation by biolistic technology (the particle gun) or electroporation. Somaclonal variation in plantains derived from shoot-tip culture has been described in detail (Vuylsteke et al. 1991). The narrow spectrum of somaclonal variation and the generally inferior agronomic performance of off-types demonstrated that it is of limited use in plantain improvement (Vuylsteke et al. 1996). Therefore, molecular markers for early detection of somaclonal variants arising from in vitro propagation are being explored by Musa biotechnologists (Howell et al 1994). Properties and Uses Banana has a high energy value (from 80 to 135 kcal per 100 g of fresh fruit). The fruit has a water content of between 60 and 76%. It is a major source of carbohydrates (over 90% of the dry matter of the fruit) in the form of starch and sugars, potassium (400 mg per 100 g of pulp), vitamins A (5-60 mg/100 g), B (0.5-0.9 mg/100 g) and C (4 to 16 mg/100 g). It is poor in protein (3-5 g/100 g of dry matter) and fats (about 1 g/100 g) (Stover and Simmonds 1987; Chandler 1995; John and Marchal 1995). The plantain landraces have a dry matter content 2-3% higher than artificially bred plantain hybrids, about 5% higher than cooking bananas and more than 10% higher than dessert export bananas (Ferris 1993). The main banana-consuming countries are Papua New Guinea, with an estimated annual per capita consumption of 247 kg, followed by Uganda (222.5 kg), Rwanda (180 kg), the Dominican Republic (147 kg), Gabon (143 kg), Ecuador (140 kg), Cameroon (109 kg) and Haiti (102 kg). Bananas may be eaten raw or cooked. Their main uses when processed are powder and flour, purees, meal and chips, juice and jams and alcoholic beverages in East Africa (Chandler 1995; Thompson 1995). Banana beer, obtained by natural fermentation and combined with a cereal (sorghum), is a source of income (152 and 179%) for farmers (Davies 1993). Virtually the whole plant can be used, and some
Biodiversity in Trust
parts are traditionally used in Southeast Asia and in India, where the banana plant is associated with the Tree of Heaven (Stover and Simmonds 1987; Shanmugavelu et al. 1992). Breeding The genetic improvement of banana aims mainly to develop disease and pest-resistant cultivars, depending on the priorities in different regions (Table 6.5). Detailed information is available (Persley and de Langhe 1987; Ploetz 1990; Valmayor et al 1991, 1994; Ganry 1993; Jones 1994a). Most of the present cultivars are highly sterile triploids that are improved by hybridization or use of somaclonal variation and induced mutation, but biotechnology has received strong research effort and applications may be foreseen within a decade (Jones 1994a; Ortiz et al 1995a). Genetic improvement using hybridization began at the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture in Trinidad and Jamaica, by the development of tetraploid varieties through crosses between triploid and diploid varieties. While the triploid parent is supposed to be fixed, it is the diploid parent that produces the improving features, particularly resistance (Fullerton and Stover 1990), and it has then been targeted for improvement. This emphasis has been challenged by the observation at IITA that segregation occurs during the formation of In (=3x) eggs in plantains (Vuylsteke et al. 1993e; Ortiz and Vuylsteke 1994d), a finding that enlarges the prospect of triploid x diploid breeding. Production of tetraploid hybrids is being successfully applied in several breeding programmes (FHIA, Honduras; Banana Board, Jamaica; EMBRAPA/CNPMF, Brazil; IITA, Nigeria and Uganda; CRBP, Cameroon, CIRADFLHOR, Guadeloupe FWI; Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India) and hybrids developed at FHIA, EMBRAPA/CNPMF and IITA are already distributed and adopted by smallholders. A return to the triploid level was envisaged by crossing tetraploid hybrids with diploid individuals. The search for valuable secondary triploids continues at FHIA, EMBRAPA/CNPMF and IITA (Ortiz et al 1995a). To combine favourable characters, FHIA has embarked on the production of secondary tetraploids from tetraploid x tetraploid crosses or secondary triploid x diploid crosses. The most widely distributed improved hybrid at present (FHIA 03) results from this latter scheme. A different hybridization strategy has been developed by CIRAD-FLHOR attempting to synthesize triploid varieties solely from natural or improved diploid varieties: the first step is the selection and improvement of superior diploid clones. The somatic chromosome stock of one of the selected diploid parents is doubled by treating it with colchicine, and the induced tetraploid is then crossed with another diploid parent. The final product is a triploid hybrid (Horry et al. 1993). The feasibility of the scheme was established by the development of improved triploid hybrids (Bakry and Horry 1994). The development of in vitro culture techniques has paved the way to improvement by specifically modifying the genome. Meristem cultures, but moreover embryogenic cell suspensions, somatic embryos and protoplasts are usable material for genetic engineering. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of apical meristems and corm slices has been applied with some success at Texas A&M University, USA (May et al 1995). Biolistics (particle bombardment) is currently applied on somatic embryos (CATIE, Costa Rica) or cell suspensions (KUL, Belgium, CIRAD-FLHOR in collaboration with the Universite Paris XI-France, Queensland University of Technology, Australia). Electroporation of protoplasts is investigated at Universite Paris XL The main objective is the incorporation of genes that should bring resistance/tolerance to diseases and pests: coding genes for antifungal proteins against Sigatoka and Panama diseases, virus coat protein genes against virus diseases, and protease inhibitors and toxin genes for insect and nematode control (INIBAP 1993b). The induction of somaclonal variants through in vitro culture as well as induction of heritable variation through irradiation of shoot-tip cultures of banana is currently performed by several research teams (Jones 1994a). However, the spectrum of
Banana and Plantain
Table 6.5. Improvement of Musa - INIBAP's perception of needs. Musa type Plantain (AAB)
Region West Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, South Asia (India)
Desirable traits needed (small stature is ideal trait for all1) BLS/BS resistance2 at low altitude, S/YS resistance2 at high altitude, Nematode resistance3, Weevil borer resistance4
Silk (AAB)
Latin America (Brazil), South Asia (India), Southeast Asia
Fusarium wilt resistance5 BLS/BS resistance2
Pome (AAB)
Latin America (Brazil), South Asia (India), Australia
Fusarium wilt resistance5, BLS/BS resistance2, S/YS resistance2
East African Highland (AAA)
East Africa
Nematode resistance3, Weevil borer resistance4, BLS/BS resistance2, Fusarium wilt resistance5
Pisang Awak (ABB)
Asia and East Africa
Fusarium wilt resistance5
Bluggoe (ABB)
Worldwide in marginal zones
Fusarium wilt resistance5, Nematode resistance3
Cavendish/Gros Michel (AAA)
Asia, Pacific, Latin America, Africa
BLS/BS resistance2, S/YS resistance2, Nematode resistance3, Weevil borer resistance4, Virus resistance6, Delayed ripening7 (for export)
Miscellaneous dessert Southeast Asia, South Asia BLS/BS resistance2, S/YS resistance2, types such as Pisang (India), East Africa and Pacific Nematode resistance3, Weevil borer mas (AA), Ney poo van resistance4, Fusarium wilt resistance5 (AB) and Pisang Berangan (AAA) Source: Jones 1994b. 1 Small stature can be obtained by using a dwarf mother cultivar in conventional breeding or by mutation/somaclonal-induced variants. 2 Mono/oligogenic (vertical) resistance may be acceptable in polyclonal production systems, but polygenic (horizontal) resistance may be more durable in monoclonal production systems. Ideally, both types should be incorporated into the genome. Resistances from different sources should be utilized to increase diversity of resistance mechanisms in breeding programmes. Conventional breeding may be sufficient. 3 Resistance to Radopholus similis, which is spread by Cavendish, has been identified in Pisang Jari Buaya. More research needs to be undertaken to identify other sources of resistance to ft similis and resistance to Pratylenchus subsp. P. goodeyi is important over 1000 m asl in tropical Africa. Improvement by transformation is a possibility. 4 Little is known about sources of resistance to weevil borer. Mechanical resistance in corm tissue may be important. All available Bt toxins should be screened to see if any are effective. Gene(s) coding for effective toxin(s) could be inserted into the Musa genome. 5 The pathogenic variability of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense needs to be considered. Natural sources of resistance/tolerance exist in wild species, cultivars and synthetic diploids. Conventional breeding may be sufficient. 6 Not much work has been undertaken to screen Musa for resistance to virus diseases, but evidence to date suggests most germplasm is susceptible to most viruses so conventional breeding may be of little use. Resistance may be possible through the insertion of genes for virus coat proteins or replicase inhibition into the Musa genome. 7 Ripening may be delayed by transformation of gene(s) that code for antisense polygalacturanoses and inhibition of ethylene production. Note: BLS/BS: black leaf streak/black Sigatoka. S/YS: Sigatoka/yellow Sigatoka (cercosporioses)
somaclonal variation seems to be limited. Nevertheless, a Fusarium race 4 resistant somaclonal variant of the AAA-Cavendish subgroup was selected in Taiwan (TBRI) while IITA scientists developed a black Sigatoka-resistant Plantain using a somaclonal variant as female parent (Vuylsteke et al. 1995).
Biodiversity in Trust
Mutation breeding applied to banana in vitro cultures was first developed at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Austria. This technology was transferred later on to other laboratories in the world through interregional, regional and national training courses or individual training organized or supported by IAEA. As a result, an early flowering mutant has been selected in Malaysia (S.H. Jamaluddin, MARDI, Malaysia, pers. comm.) from a mutant Cavendish clone induced at IAEA's Seibersdorf Laboratory (N. Roux, FAO/IAEA Austria, pers. comm.). Recent advances in breeding and genetics at IITA
Since its creation in 1991, the core activity of the Plantain and Banana Improvement Programme of IITA has been the production of resistant cultivars, which is the most costeffective and appropriate component intervention. In 1994, IITA won the King Baudouin Award for International Agricultural Research in recognition of breeding plantains for black Sigatoka resistance and advances in Musa genetics. More than 30 sources of black Sigatoka resistance and 37 seed-fertile plantain cultivars (29 French and 8 False Horn plantains) have been identified in IITA Musa germplasm collection (Vuylsteke et al. 1993c, 1993e). Up to 200 seeds can be produced in one bunch of plantain when pollinated with a wild banana (Swennen and Vuylsteke 1993). Several hundred plantain hybrids have been generated through hand-pollination and embryo rescue (Vuylsteke et al. 1993e). Determination of fruit quality in plantain, banana and their hybrids has been a major activity in support to the breeding programme (Eggleston et al. 1992). Fruit size and dry matter content seem to be the key components of consumer acceptability as revealed by taste panels and physicochemical measurements (Vuylsteke et al. 1997). Tetraploids
Fourteen black Sigatoka-resistant tetraploid hybrids of plantain (TMPx) were registered in 1993 in the journal HortScience to place these in the public domain (Vuylsteke et al 1993f). One black Sigatoka-resistant tetraploid hybrid, PITA 9 (Vuylsteke et al 1995), was derived from the almost sterile False Horn pool through crosses between the somaclonal French reversion variant of the cultivar Agbagba and the wild banana Calcutta 4. The breeding of East African banana has just started. So far, 24 cooking/beer bananas have set seed at IITA's breeding station in southeastern Nigeria (4 ABB and 20 AAA) (Ortiz and Vuylsteke 1995). East African highland banana hybrids have been established in the breeding stations for field testing and two promising black Sigatoka-resistant highyielding cooking banana hybrids (BITA 1 [Fig. 6.4] and BITA 2) have been selected. Diploids
Plantain-derived diploids (TMP2x) have been obtained from triploid-diploid crosses. These have been released (Vuylsteke and Ortiz 1995) because they are a source of plantain alleles for germplasm enhancement and genetic analysis at the diploid level (Ortiz et al 1995a). Also ten diploid banana hybrids (TMB2x) have been selected at IITA breeding station because they could be potential parents of new East African highland banana hybrids (Vuylsteke et al 1993a). TMB2x hybrids are resistant to black Sigatoka, have adequate agronomic traits and may be resistant to Fusarium wilt. Their breeding value will be assessed in interspecific interploidy crosses with East African cooking/beer bananas. Gaining insight into the Musa genome
The genetics of resistance were established for black Sigatoka (Ortiz and Vuylsteke 1994d) and banana weevil (Ortiz et al 1995b), susceptibility to virus(es) (Ortiz 1996), dwarfism (Ortiz and Vuylsteke 1995), albinism (Ortiz and Vuylsteke 1994b), suckering behaviour (Ortiz and Vuylsteke 1994c), fruit parthenocarpy (Ortiz and Vuylsteke 1994a), pseudostem waxiness (Ortiz et al 1995c), male/female fertility (Ortiz 1995), bunch
Banana and Plantain
Fig. 6.4. BITA-1, a black Sigatoka resistant cooking banana hybrid, obtained by crossing Bluggoe (left) and Calcutta 4 (right).
orientation (Ortiz 1995), bunch weight and other yield components (Ortiz 1995; Vandenhout et al 1995; Vuylsteke et al 1993d). Other studies (Craenen and Ortiz 1996; Ortiz and Vuylsteke 1995; Vandenhout et al 1995) have established the effects of conventional genetic markers and ploidy on quantitative variation of important economic descriptors in euploid plantain-banana hybrids. The triploid plantain genome is not fixed (Ortiz and Vuylsteke 1994d), hence much more variability can be recovered from primary 3x-2x crosses than earlier anticipated (Vuylsteke et al. 1993e). This finding suggests that the success of tetraploid hybrids does not depend entirely on the qualities transmitted by the pollen as previously believed by banana breeders. Furthermore, Calcutta 4 (the wild non-edible diploid banana) is not the sole source of alleles for black Sigatoka resistance (Ortiz and Vuylsteke 1994d). Other alleles influence resistance in plantain genotypes but they are not expressed phenotypically because of their additive/recessive nature. Similarly, Calcutta 4 donates alleles for non-parthenocarpic fruits (Ortiz and Vuylsteke 1994a); however, its tetraploid hybrids exhibit parthenocarpic fruits and their bunch weight was not inferior to that of the maternal French plantain genotype (Vuylsteke et al. 1993e). Moreover, it seems that most morphological traits in Musa, including components of yield, are under the control of epistatic genetic systems (Ortiz 1995). This form of inheritance has commonly been reported in vegetatively propagated crops (Peloquin and Ortiz 1992). Based on this genetic information and materials available, a new breeding strategy was developed (Ortiz et al 1995a; Ortiz and Vuylsteke 1994e; Vuylsteke et al 1993c). This strategy entails the production of improved triploid germplasm, the final target in plantain breeding, by intercrossing tetraploid (TMPx) and diploid (TMP2x) selected hybrids with black Sigatoka resistance. Prospects
The utilization of interspecific hybridization, ploidy manipulations (2n gametes), embryo culture, rapid in vitro multiplication, field testing and selection, has resulted in the identification of improved Musa germplasm at IITA in the last 7 years. The breeding goal has been driven by an ideotype which requires the integration of several genes into a
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selected genotype. The improved plantain or banana cultivar should combine alleles for high and stable yield, disease/pest resistance, wide adaptation and fruit quality. Nevertheless, the ultimate impact of this work will depend on how acceptable the new breeding materials are to farmers. Hence, on-farm trials are currently being carried out in cooperation with extension services of public and private organizations in the region to test not only disease- and pest-resistant Musa materials but also potential improved banana and plantain cultivars for the African farming community. However, sustainable plantain production and utilization systems require a holistic approach because single-component interventions do not provide solutions to the different constraints affecting plantain and banana production in sub-Saharan Africa (Vuyslteke et al. 1993b). Therefore, an IITA multidisciplinary team works in collaboration with leading laboratories and NARS on the integration of host plant resistance, enhanced utilization, improved cropping systems and crop husbandry techniques for long-term productivity. INIBAP, in its network mode of operation, has put a lot of emphasis on collaboration with national and international research agencies. A number of valuable improved cultivars are already being produced under various breeding programmes. These improved cultivars, selected at the national level, have been entrusted to INIBAP to carry out multisite assessment worldwide under its International Musa Testing Programme sponsored by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), which will then disseminate the improved varieties obtained. The first phase was limited to evaluation for agronomic characters and resistance to black Sigatoka disease and resulted in the selection of three tetraploid hybrids from the Hondurean programme now being disseminated worldwide. The second phase widened the evaluation to include Fusarium wilt and Sigatoka diseases and a third phase under development will include an assessment of nematode tolerance. REFERENCES
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Biodiversity in Trust
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Chapter 7 Cowpea N.Q. Ng and B.B. Singh
The major cowpea-growing countries are Nigeria, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Togo, Benin, Ghana, Chad and Cameroon in West and Central Africa; Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Mozambique in East and Southern Africa; India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Indonesia and China in Asia; and Brazil, the West Indies, Cuba and southern USA in the Western hemisphere. The estimated area under cowpea cultivation in the world is over 10 million hectares with about 70% in West and Central Africa and 12% in Brazil (Singh et al. 1996). BOTANY AND DISTRIBUTION Taxonomy Cowpea belongs to the family Leguminosae, subfamily Papilionoideae, tribe Phaseoleae and genus Vigna. Vigna is a large and immensely variable genus consisting of more than 85 species, divided into seven subgenera: Vigna, Sigmoidotropis, Plectotropis, Macrorhyncha, Ceratotropis, Haydonia and Lasiocarpa (Marechal et al. 1978). Seven species are cultivated. Five Asiatic domesticated species - V. radiata (L.) R.Wilczek, V. mungo (L.) Hepper, V. umbellata (Thumb.) Ohwi & Ohashi, V. angularis (Wild.) Ohwi & Ohashi and V. aconitifolias (L). (Jacq.) M. M. & S. - falling under the subgenus Ceratotropis are genetically highly isolated from cowpea. Bambara groundnut (V. subterranea L.), like cowpea, is also an African domesticated species. It is classified under the same subgenus Vigna with cowpea, but in a different section Vigna. It has very little in common with cowpea. According to Marechal et al. (1978), cultivated cowpea and their closely related wild species are classified under a single botanical species V. unguiculata (L.) Walp. This species and V. nervosa Mokota are members of the section Catiang of the subgenus Vigna. Recently, Ng (1995) proposed to reinstate V. rhomboidea Burtt Davy as a distinct species which was classified as a variety of V. unguiculata by Marechal et al. (1978). Thus the section Catiang consists of three botanical species. On this classification, all cultivated cowpea are grouped under the subspecies unguiculata which is subdivided into four cultigroups, namely Unguiculata, Biflora, Sesquipedalis and Textilis (Westphal 1974; Marechal et al. 1978; Ng and Marechal 1985). Verdcourt's earlier work (1970), however, had recognized three cultivated subspecies of V. unguiculata, namely subspp. unguiculata (L.) Verd., sesquipedalis (L.) Verd. and cylindrica (L.) Van Eseltine. The synonyms and vernacular names of the cultivar groups are shown in Table 7.1. The classification and nomenclature of wild V. unguiculata is very complex, so it is useful to discuss them here in greater detail to avoid confusion. More than 20 epithet names have been used to designate the wild taxa within V. unguiculata. Recent work on wild V. unguiculata by several researchers (Pienaar and van Wyk 1992; Padulosi 1993;
Table 7.1. Synonyms and common names of cultivated Vigna unquiculata. Cultigroup Unguiculata
Synonyms V. unguiculata subsp. unguiculata (L.) (Walp.) Verde; V. sinensis (L.) Hassk. subsp. sinensis; Dolichos unguiculata L; D. biflorus L; D. sinensis L; Phaseolus unguiculata (L.) Piper; P. sphaerospermus L.
Common or local names Cowpea, Southern pea, Blackeye pea, Crowder pea, China pea, Kaffir pea, Marble pea, Ewa, Nyebee, Wake, Niebe, Aiku vovo, Kondi
V. unguiculata subsp. cyllindrica (L.) Van Eseltine; V. catjan (Burm. F.) Walp.; V. sinensis (L) Hassk. var. catjang (Burm. f.) Chiov.; V. cylindrica (L.) Skeels; V. unguiculata (L) Walp. subsp. catjang (Burm. f.) Chiov; V. unguiculata var. cylindrica (L.) Ohashi, Dolichos catjang Burm. F.; D. tranquebaricus Jacq; D. monochalis Brot.; D. biflorus L; D. cylindrica L.
Catjan bean, Hindu sowpea
V. unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis (L.) Verde; V. sinensis (L) Hassk. var. sesquipedalis (IL.) Ascherson and Schweinf.; V. sinensis (L) Hassk. subsp. sesquipedalis (L) Van Eseltine; V. sesquipedalis (L.) Fruhw.; /. unguiculata var. sesquipedalis (L) Ohashi, Dolichos sesquipedalis L.
Yard-long bean, Asparagus bean, Bodi bean, Snake bean
Pasquet 1993; Ng 1995) aims to improve the system of classification earlier proposed by Marechal et al (1978). This system had recognized three wild subspecies of V. unguiculata: subsp. dekindtiana (that includes var. dekindtiana, var. mensensis, var. pubescens and var. protracta), subsp. stenophylla and subsp. tenuis. Pienaar and van Wyk (1992) in their study of wild V. unguiculata species complex in South Africa, retained the three subspecies described by Marechal et al (1978), but they raised the ranking of the variety protracta to a subspecies level and considered the variety pubescens to be a conspecies of the subspecies protracta. A recent study by Pasquet (1993) has added three new subspecies: baoulensis, letouzeyi and burundiensis and raised the var. pubescens to subspecies ranking. Padulosi (1993) also retained the three subspecies recognized by Marechal et al. (1978), but he raised the varieties protracta and pubescens to two distinct subspecies, and added eight new epithet names to describe the variants found within the five subspecies. Table 7.2 shows the synonyms of the various classification systems of wild V. unguiculata species complex by the various authors. Wild taxa within section Catiang are closely related to cowpea. Cytogenetic studies show that all taxa within V. unguiculata are intercrossable and produce fertile hybrids (Ng and Apeji 1988; Sakupwanya et al 1990; Ng 1990, 1995). Partial incompatibility exists between var. pubescens and the cultivated cowpea (Fatokun and Singh 1987). All wild and cultivated taxa within the species V. unguiculata belong to the primary genepool of cultivated cowpea. Vigna rhomboidea shows marked incompatibility with all other taxa within V. unguiculata studied so far (Ng 1995). So far, experimental studies show that crossing between V. unguiculata and V. rhomboidea is unidirectional and is successful only when V. unguiculata is used as the female. Their hybrids are partially sterile. Vigna rhomboidea can be considered to be a secondary genepool of cowpea. It could have evolved from a common wild ancestor of V. unguiculata through isolation or divergence, in mid-altitude regions in the Transvaal region and Swaziland. Crosses made so far between V. unguiculata and V. nervosa, another distinct species within section Catiang, have not been successful. No species outside the section Catiang (over 35 species have been tried so far) has ever been crossed successfully with
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 7.2. Classification and nomenclature of the wild Vigna unguiculata species complex. Verdcourt (1970)
Marechal et al. (1978)
Pasquet (1993)
Padulosi (1993)
Ng (1995)
V. unguiculata
V. unguiculata
V. unguiculata ssp. unguiculata var. spontanea
I/, unguiculata
V. unguiculata
ssp. dekindtiana
ssp. dekindtiana var. dekindtiana
ssp. dekindtiana var. dekindtiana
ssp. dekindtiana var. dekindtiana var. huliensis var. congolensis
ssp. dekindtiana var. dekindtiana
ssp. mensensis
var. mensensis
ssp. letouzeyi ssp. burundiensis
var. ciliolata var. grandiflora
V. unguiculata var. protracta*
var. protracta
ssp. stenophylla
ssp. protracta var. protracta var. kgalagadiensis
V. pubesceri
var. pubescens
ssp. pubescens
ssp. pubescens
var. pubescens
V. angustifoliolata*
ssp. stenophylla
ssp. stenophylla
ssp. stenophylla
var. stenophylla
V. tenuis1
ssp. tenuis
ssp. tentv/s
ssp. fenu/s var. tenu/s var. oblonga var. parviflora ssp. protracta var. rhomboidea
var. tenuis
var. mensensis
ssp. stenophylla var. protracta
V. rhomboidea
ssp. baoulensis +
It was remarked by Verdcourt as variants of V. unguiculata.
members of the section Catiang. The study of hybrid embryo development in crosses between cowpea and V. vexillata and between cowpea and several other wild species within section Vzgna of the subgenus Vzgraz has shown that fertilization did occur (Ng 1990; Agwaranze 1992; Barone e* a/. 1992). However, hybrid pods usually aborted within a few days after pollination and attempted embryo rescue has so far not been successful, owing to very early embryo abortion. The chromosome number of all species in the section Catiang is diploid 2n=2x=22. Most Vigna species have the same number 2n=22, but some have 2n=20, while no natural polyploids in the genus have ever been reported, except for V. glabrescens in section Ceratotropis. Origin, Domestication and Diffusion The centre of diversity of wild V. unguiculata and V. rhomboidea is in southern and southeastern Africa, whereas the centre of diversity of the cultivated V. unguiculata is in West Africa, in an area encompassing the savanna region of Nigeria, Southern Niger, part of Burkina Faso, Northern Benin, Togo and part of Northern Cameroon (Ng 1995). The wild annual subsp. dekindtiana var. dekindtiana is the probable progenitor of the cultivated cowpea. It occurs all over Africa south of the Sahara, including Madagascar. It is a creeping or climbing herb with a broad habitat tolerance, most frequently found in sandy grassland and woodland, in open disturbed habitats, particularly near the edges of farmlands, at roadsides, on the banks of small streams or in fallows. It could have been derived from any variety of the subsp. stenophylla (Ng 1995). Its growth habit and morphology are very much the same as that of cowpea landraces, except that its pods are usually black, scabrous, dehisive at maturity and much smaller than the cultivated cowpea. The surface of the pods of cultivars is glabrous. Seeds of this wild species are tiny with dark speckles. In most of the African centres of production today, cowpea landraces are cultivated as a component in a mixed cropping system,
particularly millet- or sorghum-based farming systems in the semi-arid and subhumid tropics. Cowpea is highly resistant to drought. Its leaves and stems remain green at the end of the cropping season when most other standing crops have wilted. The haulms are gathered to feed cattle, particularly in Northern Nigeria, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Northern Cameroon and Senegal. It is equally important as a pulse in these regions. Wild cowpea (subsp. dekindtiana) could have been gathered as fodder to feed cattle and later domesticated as early as 4000 BP in West Africa. During the process of domestication and selection of cowpea from its wild progenitor, characters lost and gained included seed dormancy together with a reduction of pod dehiscence on the one hand, and an increase in pod and seed size on the other. The selection of the cowpea as a pulse as well as for fodder might have resulted in the establishment of the cultigroup Unguiculata (Ng 1995). Selection for types with long peduncle for fibre as well as for fodder or seed has resulted in the cultigroup Textilis (Ng and Marechal 1985). Once the cultigroup Unguiculata was established in West Africa, diversity developed and accumulated through mutation. Recombination also resulted from occasional hybridization between predominantly inbred cultivars or between cultivars and sympatric populations of the wild progenitor subsp. dekindtiana. Some weedy forms are morphologically indistinguishable from truly wild dekindtiana, except that their seed is slightly larger. They could be hybrid derivatives resulting from hybridization between cowpea and the ancestor species, or an escape of the most primitive cultivated form in the early stage of domestication, or intermediates between truly wild var. dekindtiana and the domesticated species. These weedy forms are commonly found in West Africa (Rawal and Roberts 1975). Taxonomically, they should be classified under var. dekindtiana. Pasquet (1993) prefers to call this var. spontanea of the subsp. unguiculata. Through centuries of cultivation, short-day cowpea cultivars became adapted to the cereal farming system, while day-neutral cultivars later evolved from these short-day cultivars and became adapted to the yam-based farming system in the humid zone of West Africa (Steele and Mehra 1980). From West Africa the cultigroup Unguiculata was introduced to East Africa. From there it was brought to Europe, where it was known to the Romans about 2300 BP, and to India about 2200 BP (Ng and Marechal 1985). The cowpea underwent further diversification in India and Southeast Asia, producing the cultigroup Biflora for its grain and for use as a cover crop, and the cultigroup Sesquipedalis with its long pods used as a vegetable (Steele and Mehra 1980). Cowpea was probably brought to the Americas during the 17th century by the Spanish and Portuguese traders. The centre of diversity and dispersal route of cowpea are shown in Figure 7.1. Botany Seed germination in V. unguiculata is epigeal. The cultivated species has deep taproots which are stout with numerous well-nodulated, spreading, lateral roots in the surface soil. The first pair of leaves is simple and opposite, and is succeeded by alternate, pinnately trifolate leaves on stout and grooved petioles 4-15 cm long. The leaflets are ovate-rhomboid to lanceolate, sometimes hastate, 5-18 cm long and 3-16 cm wide, usually entire, but sometimes lobed and subtended by inconspicuous stipels. At the base of each petiole is appended a large stipule which is spurred, the characteristic of the species in the section Catiang. Inflorescence axillary is a compound raceme with several racemes (usually 2-4 flowered) crowded near the tip in alternate pairs on thickened nodes carried on a grooved peduncle 2.5-50 cm long, occasionally up to 1 m long in cultivar group Textilis. Each flower is substended by a deciduous bract and has a campanulate calyx with five acute lobes (triangular teeth) 2-16 mm long. Cowpea flowers are large, with a standard petal 2-3 cm wide, two symmetric wing petals and a boat-shaped keel with beak. The wings are adherent to the keel enclosing the androecium and gynoecium. The petals are either white or with anthocyanin pigmentation in shades of pale mauve or pink to
Biodiversity in Trust
To Europe 2300 BP
'~ Primary centre ot 1 diversity of cowpea
Fig. 7.1. Centre of diversity and distribution of cowpea and its closely related wild species (from Ng 1995).
dark purple. The flowers open in the early morning and then wither, fade and are shed the same day. The extra-floral nectaries at the base of the corolla attract ants, flies and bees. The stamens are diadelphous (9+1) with the vexillary stamen free and 9 fused, forming a tubular sheath around the gynoecium. The ovary is sessile with many ovules and its style is bent, bearded on the inner curve immediately below oblique stigma. Reproductive Biology Cowpea is basically an inbreeding species but some outcrossing (about 10%) probably occurs (Duke 1981). Its pollen is sticky and heavy. The anthers of cowpea flowers are usually held closely around the stigma. However, in some cases the position of the stigma is well above the anthers. In this case insects may be needed to help pollinate the flowers. When a heavy insect such as a bee or bumblebee lands on the petal to collect nectar at the base of the corolla, it depresses the keel, thereby releasing the stigma and stamen out of the keel. In this tripping process, the pollen may be rubbed onto the stigma, or may be collected by an insect or may stick in the hair on the bee. In the same way, the stigma may be in contact with the insect and be pollinated by pollens collected from other plants. This process leads to outcrossing. Other insects such as ants and flies may help to pollinate the flowers. In many wild cowpea species, there is a wide spatial separation between the stigma and anthers, with the former being a few millimeters above the latter. When this spatial separation is pronounced, it may form an effective barrier to self-pollination. Tripping is necessary in this case for pollination. Outcrossing in wild cowpea appears to be very common, as the progenies derived from seeds collected from plants in their natural habitats or multiplication plots frequently segregate.
GERMPLASM CONSERVATION AND USE Until the establishment of IITA's Cowpea Improvement Programme in 1970, only a few national programmes, notably in the USA, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda, had initiated breeding activities. By the time IITA's Cowpea Improvement Programme was established, a collection of more than 1000 accessions had been assembled from many parts of the world in the Agricultural Research Service of the Department of Agriculture in the USA. The then Nigerian Grain Legume Genebank at Samaru, Zaria had another colletion of 939 accessions of Nigerian local cowpea cultivars (Ebong 1971; IITA 1972). Nonetheless, the exchange of germplasm between countries was very limited, and most national programmes had limited access to the diverse germplasm resources scattered throughout Africa and other parts of the world. That situation has improved since IITA assumed the global responsibility in cowpea breeding, collecting and germplasm conservation. From the beginnning of work on cowpea at IITA, germplasm collecting and evaluation have received high priority on its research agenda. Soon after the programme was established, an immediate task was to assemble germplasm from existing collections held by institutions worldwide, such as those in the USA and in other places like Nigeria. Scientists at IITA also initiated plant exploration in West Africa in 1971. Around 4000 accessions of cowpea germplasm had been assembled by 1974. Systematic plant exploration for the germplasm of cowpea for utilization and conservation expanded greatly after the Genetic Resources Unit (GRU) was established at IITA in 1975. Exploration for wild relatives of cowpea and other wild Vigna species was intensified from 1985 (Ng 1990). IITA works in close collaboration with many national programmes and the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute in collecting cowpea and Vigna germplasm. To date it has conducted more than 60 exploration missions to 31 African countries. Together with the materials that IITA's scientists collected during exploration and from acquisition or exchange, the GRU now preserves a collection of 14 816 accessions of cultivated cowpea from over 80 countries throughout the world and 1651 accessions of wild Vigna. More than 50 wild Vigna species from over 50 countries are represented in this collection (Tables 7.3 and 7.4). This collection of cowpea germplasm has been extensively used at IITA for cowpea improvement and related research. Several thousand accessions of germplasm are screened each year by IITA's scientists and their collaborators. Accessions that are preserved at IITA are held in trust under the auspecies of FAO, and so are freely accessible to the public. During the period between 1978 and 1995 GRU/IITA distributed 23 458 samples of cowpea and wild Vigna on request, to researchers and workers in over 80 countries (Table 7.5). Cowpea germplasm is preserved at IITA in both active and base collection conservation seed banks. For the active collection, up to about 500 g of seed of each accession is stored in a plastic screw-top jar in a cold room conditioned at 5°C and 30+5% relative humidity. Requests for germplasm samples from IITA scientists and researchers around the world are filled from this collection. Another lot of seed, usually more than 3000 grains, of the same accession, with seed germination rate known to be greater than 90%, is dried to 5±1% moisture content in a drying cabinet or room conditioned at less than 10% RH and 20°C, and then sealed into aluminium cans or aluminium foil envelopes and stored in a cold room at -20°C for base collection conservation. Under such conditions cowpea seed can remain viable (with 85% germination) for over 100 years (Ng 1991). The regeneration standard for cowpea at IITA is set at 85% germination. Evaluation By 1974, about 4000 accessions of cowpea assembled at that time had been evaluated and characterized and a germplasm catalogue was published (Porter et al. 1974). By 1996, about 14 000 accessions of the existing collection have been characterized for up to
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 7.3. Existing germplasm accessions at the Genetic Resources Unit of IITA. Country or region of origin Central and West Africa Burkina Faso Cameroon Central African Rep. Chad Congo Cote d'lvoire Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Liberia Mali Mauritania Niger Nigeria Republic of Benin Senegal Sierra Leone Togo Zaire East and South Africa Angola Botswana Burundi Ethiopia Kenya Lesotho Madagascar Malawi Rep. of South Africa Somalia Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe North Africa Algeria Egypt Asia Afghanistan Bangladesh China India Indo China Indonesia Japan Laos Nepal Papua New Guinea Philippines Republic of Yemen Sri Lanka Thailand USSR
Advanced breeding lines
Landraces/ old cultivars
37 2 — — 1 — — — 8 635 13 280 1 -
227 524 183 124 44 132 6 4 316 65 9 294 2 846
264 524 183 124 44 134 6 4 317 65 9 294 2 854
2908 354 280 13 102 16
3543 367
11 _ _ 7 1 _
1 507 1 7 146 41 34 401 111 71 52 18 409 70 529 118
1 507 1 7 157 41 34 401 111 71 52 18 416 71 829 118
3 343
3 343
65 1 29 2074 1 4 2 2
65 1 29 2075 1 4 2 2
3 12
3 12
114 60 2 1 42
114 60 2 1 42
13 103 16
Cowpea Country or region of origin West Pakistan Middle East Iran Israel Oman Syria Turkey United Arab Republic Americas Argentina Brazil Colombia Cuba El Salvador Guatamala Honduras Jamaica Mexico Nicaragua Paraguay Peru Surinam USA Venezuela Europe France Greece Hungary Italy Portugal UK Australia New Caledonia Unknown Total
Advanced breeding lines -
Landraces/ old cultivars 7
Total 7
29 8 72 6 47 4
29 8 72 6 47 4
3 -
1 171 2 1 1 11 1 1 23 1 12 3 17 825 3
1 171 2 1 1 11 1 1 23 1 12 3 17 828 3
1 36 1 160 5 13 24 1 886 14 096
1 36 1 160 5 13 24 1 886 14 816
30 agrobotanical descriptors, following the cowpea decriptors published by IITA (Porter et al 1974) and updated by IPGRI (IBPGR1982). Presently the database for cowpea in GRU/IITA contains 11 passport data, 30 agrobotanical characters, and 17 pests and diseases and nutritional values (N and S). The information on passport data is being updated in 1996 to include collaborators. The documentation system will be linked with the Internet through the SINGER project, for public access. Information is also available on request as a computer print-out or a floppy diskette for personal computers. Growth habits of cowpea vary greatly and they are influenced by both genotype and environment interaction. They range from acute erect to erect (usually photoinsensitive and determinate growth habit), semi-erect, intermediate, semi-prostrate, prostrate or climbing. The length and number of their branches are also quite variable. Erect and determinate plant types have a few short branches measuring less than 1 m. The prostrate and spreading type or sometimes climbing type have five or more orders of branching, and the first and second order branches are up to 5 m long. Testa colour of cowpea is variable, and 42 eye patterns and 62 eye colours have been described (Porter et al. 1974), but the common seed colours are cream, buff, brown, red and black. Eye colour or patterns refers to the pigmented area around the hilum, in an otherwise white seed; the colour may spread over the seed from the hilum to varying extents and
Biodiversity in Trust
in various combinations of speckled, mottled or solid distribution. Seed sizes vary from 2 to 12 mm long and individual seed weight can be between 50 and 340 mg. Seed shape may vary from square or globular to kidney-shaped. Seed texture is smooth, rough or wrinkled. Pods vary in length (6-90 cm) and shape (straight, curved or coiled) with between 8 and 20 seeds. Pod pigmentation varies from green or green with a purple tip and/or suture and valves, to purple or brown at the immature stage; and from straw or straw with dull black splashes to deep purple or brown at maturity. Seeds of wild cowpea are tiny, about 2-7 mm long and weigh about 20 mg (3-90 mg). Their coat colour is usually black, speckled or mottled on a grey background, sometimes solid black. Wild cowpea pods are scabrous and sometimes hairy (as in V. rhomboidea). They are small, 8 mm (2-18 mm) long and 4 mm (1.7-7.4 mm) wide, usually black and shatter at maturity. Through intensive screening of germplasm in Ibadan in the early 1970s, superior materials identified were selected and constituted two international disease nursery trials, the Cowpea Disease Nursery and the Cowpea Mosaic Virus Nursery. These were sent to scientists in several countries for evaluation. Some of the germplasm evaluated in the early 1970s was found to have high yield potential as well as resistance to multiple diseases. These are TVu 201 (S), TVu 1190, TVul977 and TVu 4557, which were subsequently described as VITA 1, VITA 3, VITA 4 and VITA 5, respectively. They have been released by several national programmes as direct introductions (IITA 1992, 1994). These elite germplasm accessions formed a major part of the basic source materials for use in the Cowpea Breeding Programme at IITA in the 1970s. Through intensive screening of the existing collections at IITA, many sources of insect pest resistance to cowpea aphids {Aphis cracivara), leafhoppers (Empoasca signata and E. dolichi), legume bud thrips (Megalurothrips sjostedti), pod borers (Maruca testulalis), pod-sucking bugs (Clavigralla tomentosicollis and C. shadabi) and bruchids (Callosobruchus maculatus) have been identified (Singh 1977; IITA 1978; Singh and Allen 1979; Singh et al 1983,1989; Ng 1987; Jackai and Singh 1988; IITA 1989; Ng and Padulosi 1991). Some of the resistant sources are listed in Table 7.6 for those who may be interested in obtaining these germplasm materials for their research. Sources of resistance against many major diseases, viruses and parasitic weeds have been found, and some of the sources are resistant to multiple diseases (Williams 1975, 1977a, 1977b; Ladipo and Allen 1979; IITA 1978,1983,1993; Allen 1980,1983; Allen et al 1981a, 1981b; Ng and Padulosi 1991; Singh and Ntare 1985; Singh et al 1983, 1989). Germplasm accessions with better drought resistance were also successfully identified and are being used in breeding programmes. Sources of resistance to major viruses, diseases and parasitic weeds and drought are listed in Tables 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9, respectively. Properties and Uses Cowpea is important both as a food legume and vegetable for human consumption and as fodder for animal feed. Cowpea seeds can be shelled green or dried, but they are mostly consumed as dried seed. They can be used in plain cooking (soups, stews, boiled or roasted) or in processed dishes (boiled, steamed, dried or baked). Detailed accounts of the use of dried seed in West Africa and the recipes can be found in Dovlo et al (1976). Young pods of the Sesquipedalis cultivars are succulent and are consumed as a vegetable like French beans. Young leaves of all cultivars can be used as leafy vegetables. Long peduncles, particularly of Textilis cultivars, are retted for fibre in the northern part of Nigeria (Duke 1981). The crop can also be used as a green manure. Prostrate varieties with good vegetative growth are suitable for use as a cover crop to reduce soil erosion and suppress weed growth. Mature cowpea seeds are very nutritious. They contain most of the essential amino acids, although deficient in cystine, methionine and tryptophan. Most traditional cowpea cultivars have an average protein content of 22-24%, ranging from 18 to 29%, with a potential of as high as 34% (Porter et al 1974). The protein content of IITA's improved varieties also falls within this average. The proteins consist of 90% water-
Table 7.4. Existing wild Vigna germplasm accessions available at the Genetic Resources Unit of IITA. Country or region Country or region of origin of origin No. of accessions No. of accessions East and South Africa (cont.) Central and West Africa 72 Cameroon 115 Tanzania 1 Uganda 43 Central African Rep. 28 Zambia 63 Chad 53 Zimbabwe Congo 108 Asia Cote d'ivoire 3 1 4 China Equatorial Guinea 11 Gabon India 77 1 Ghana Indonesia 83 1 Japan 31 Kenya 1 Liberia Laos 2 2 Mali 5 Philippines Niger North and South America 75 2 112 Nigeria Argentina Brazil Republic of Benin 18 26 Senega Colombia 45 15 1 Sierra Leone Costa Rica 8 Zaire 35 Guatemala 2 East and South Africa 1 Honduras Angola 2 Mexico 6 1 97 Botswana Paraguay 1 4 Burundi Peru 1 1 Ethiopia Puerto Rico 1 Madagascar 2 Surinam 1 Malawi Uruguay 86 1 12 USA Mozambique 1 23 Namibia Venezuela 117 Rep. of South Africa Others 1 UK Rwanda 10 Australia Swaziland 45 3 1 Unknown Uganda 189 7 Total Somalia 1651 Table 7.5. Cowpea germplasm distributed to researchers and agricultural 80 countries worldwide by the Genetic Resources Unit, IITA, 1978-95. No. of samples Region Cowpea Wild Vigna Africa 12 007 737 Asia 4 741 89 1 997 Europe 402 America 3 252 233 Total 21 997 1461
workers1 in over
Total 12 744 4 830 2 399 3 485 23 458
These figures exclude numerous advanced breeding lines distributed by IITA cowpea breeders.
soluble globulins and 10% water-soluble albumins. Amino acid content (mg/g N) is: isoleucine 239, leucine 440, lysine 427, methionine 73, cystine 68, phenylalanine 323, tyrosine 163, threonine 225, tryptophan 68, valine 283, arginine 400, histidine 204, alanine 257, aspartic acid 689, glutamic acid 1027, glycine 234, proline 244 and serine 268. Dried mature seeds contain about 12% moisture, 60% carbohydrate, 1.5% fat and 3.7% ash. Each 100 g of seed contains about 338 calories, 5.4 g fibre, 104 mg Ca, 416 mg P, 0.9 mg thiamine, 0.15 mg riboflavin, 2 mg nicotinic acid, 20 IU Vitamin A and a trace of ascorbic acid (0-2 mg) (Duke 1981; Dovlo et al. 1976). Total sugars range from 13.7 to 19.7%. Starch composition contains 20-49% amylose and 11-37% amylopectin.
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 7.6. Sources of cowpea qermplasm resistance to some major pests. Pest Aphid {Aphis craccivora)
Germplasm accessions1 TVu 18, TVu 36, TVu 42 TVu 301, TVu 408 TVu 801, TVu 1037 TVu 2755, TVu 2896 TVu 3000, TVu 3273 TVu 3629, TVu 9836 TVu 9914, TVu 9929 TVu 9930, TVu; 9944
Cowpea storage weevil (Callosobruchus maculatus)
TVu 625, TVu 2027 TVu 1192, TVu 11953 TVu 4200 (Pod wall) (all moderate resistance) TVNu 72, TVNu 73 TVNu 70, TVNu 71 TVNu 74, TVNu 75 TVNu 121, TVNu 137 TVNu 160 fel' h[g!? [©sjstance) TVu i 509, TVu' 2870 (moderate resistance)
' FJowerbud (Megalurothrips sjostedti)
Legume pod borer (Maruca testulalis)
Advanced breeding lines* IT81D-1020, IT82E-1 -108 IT84S-2246, IT90K-59 IT86D-534, IT81 D-1020 IT90K-76, IT87D-15211 IT82E-1 -108, IT88D-807-11 IT89KD-256, IT90K-77 IT90K-101
' 'if81 D-1007JT81 D-11 i 37 IT81 D-1157, IT81 D-1157 IT82D-716, IT84S-2246-4 IT86D-499, IT86D-534 IT87D-1521, IT87D-1521 IT90K-277-2, IT90K-59 IT90K-76, IT90K-77 IT89KD-457, IT89KD-288 IT89KD-256, IT90K-261 -3 (all moderate resistance) ~*TVx 3236JT82D-7T3 IT82D-716, IT84S-2246-4 IT86D-534, IT90K-76 IT90K-59, IT90K-77 IT89KD-457, IT89KD-288 JT89KD-256(all .moderate)
TVu 946, TVu 15556 (low resistance)
TVNu 64, TVNu 72, TVNu 73, TVNu 77; TVNu 200, TVNu 201; TVNu 97, TVNu 459, TVNu 119, TVNu 84, TVNu 238* TVNu 863* Teaifhoppers (Empoasca sp) Pod-sucking bugs (Clavigralla tomentosicollis)
Root-knot nematodes TVu'59,Tvu723 TVu 662, TVu 1190 (nioderate^resj^stance^ TVu 1, TVu 1890 TVu 3172, TVu 3354 TVu 3199, TVu 3364 TVu 3156 (all low level) TVNu 64, TVNu 72 TVNu 73, TVNu 85 TVNu 167, TVNu 168 TVNu 95, TVNu 87 TVNu 88, TVNu 168 TVNu 95, TVNu 87 TVNu 88, TVNu 33 TVNu 133 (hjgh_ resistance) TVu 1283, TVu 1560
.SM?!9)P°9yp.$J?y3!)i9j& M. incognita
TVu' 401, TVu11190 TVu 1962, TVu 1560
' if84S-2246-47 IT90K-59, IT90K-76
* V. unguiculata subsp. dekindtiana. + TVu: Prefix for IITA's cowpea (V. unguiculata) accession no.; TVNu: Prefix for IITA's wild Vigna accession no.; TVx or IT: Prefix for IITA's cowpea advanced breeding lines. Sources: Singh 1977; IITA 1978, 1983, 1989, 1993; Singh and Allen 1979; Karel and Malinga 1980; Zannou 1981; Jackai and Singh 1988; Ng and Padulosi 1991; Singh etal. 1996.
Table 7.7. Sources of cowpea germplasjn resistance to some major viruses Viruses CYMV
Germplasm accessions* Advanced breeding lines1 TVu113,TVu274,TVu310, TVu 410, TVu 433, TVu 470, TVu 866, TVu 746, TVu 1190, TVu 2769, TVu 2563, TVu 3650, TVu 7941 TVu 79, TVu 113, TVu 238, TVu 310, TVu 347, TVu 393, TVu 445, TVu 470, TVu 470, TVu 486, TVu 493, TVu 697, TVu 746, TVu 1185, TVu 1851, TVu 1851, TVu 1878, TVu 1888, TVu 1948, TVu 1985, TVu 1986, TVu 2672, TVu 2755, TVu 2896, TVu 6365 TVu 36, TVu 42, TVu 205, TVu 471, TVu 488, TVu 566, TVu 947, TVu 1171, TVu 1261, TVu 1477, TVu 2269, TVu 2885, TVu 2886, TVu 2887, TVu 2933, TVu 2939, TVu 2962, TVu 2964, TVu 2968, TVu 2971, TVu 3043, TVu 6433, TVNu 64, TVNu 65, TVNu 66, TVNu 72, TVNu 73, TVNu 84, TVNu 180 TVu 274, TVu 346, TVu 393, TVu 493, TVu 1888 TVu 266-1, TVu 433, TVu 393, TVu 493, TVu 1888, TVu 1947, TVu 2755 TVu 238, TVu 393, TVu 470, TVu 493, TVu 2755, TVu 1185, TVu 1849, TVu 2896 TVu 493, TVu 697, TVu 746, IT85F-867, IT85F-2687, IT84D-449, TVu 1185, TVu 1888, TVu 1948, IT82D-442 TVu 2755, TVu 393 TVu 393, TVu 493, TVu 2755, TVu 1185 IT82D-716, IT84S-2246, IT90K-59, IT90K-76 IT86D-880, IT86F-2089-5, IT86D1010 IT82D-889, IT83S-818, IT83D-442, IT85F-867-5 IT83D-442, IT85F-867-5, IT85F2687 IT82E-16, IT82D-889, IT82D-950
CYMV: cowpea yellow mosaic virus; SBMV: southern bean mosaic virus; CMeV: cowpea mottle virus; CAbMV: cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus; CGMV: cowpea golden mosaic virus; CUMV: cucumber mosaic virus; CMMV: cowpea mild mottle virus. * TVu: Prefix for IITA's cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata ) accession no.; TVNu: Prefix for IITA's wild Vigna accession no.; IT: Prefix for IITA's cowpea advanced breeding lines. Sources: Williams 1975, 1977b; Ladipo and Allen 1979; Allen 1980; IITA 1978, 1983; Singh and Ntare 1985; Singh etal. 1989; Ng and Padulosi 1991; Thottappilly etal. 1994.
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 7.8. Sources of cowpea germplasm resistance to multiple diseases. Disease Ascochyta 'Brown'blotch
'Scab 'Bacterial 'blight
Germplasm accessions 1 TVu 4536, TVu 4569, TVu 4557 ..(.m.9f?.er?*? !®.Y®J.9f ^'.stance) fvu'2bT,'fvu'i977
Advanced breeding lines t
T82ET67fB6DTi'9TfS6D715, IT84S-2246-4
IT90K-81 -4, TVx 3236, IT84S2246-4, JJ90K-59, JT90K-76
fvuM77wuTib'fVu^56i'fv ; u 483-2,' TVu 726, TVu 745, TVu 1190, TVu 1977
iT90K-284-2', lf9bk-277'2,
IT86D-719IT85D-3517-2, IT89KD-374-57, IT89KD-391, IT89KD-109, IT89KD-109,
S e p t o r i a T V u 4 5 6 , f ^ i f 8 6 D - 1 0 5 6 j ™ TVu 853, TVu 1433, TVu 1583, TVu IT81D-994, IT90K-82-2, 2455, TVu 1977 IT90K-81 -4, IT85D-3577, IT86D-885, JT90K:284-2 FusariumNi TVu'109,' TVu 347' TVu 984'fvui'lboo,' TVu1016 Fusarium root rot TVu 202, TVu 231, TVu 243, TVu 266, TVu 274, TVu 316, TVu 320, TVu 408, TVu1563 'PhakosporaVust TVu 612,TVuI 1258, TVu 1962, TVu 2455, TVu 4540 P.t}y?.9.P!?.t.tl9ra stem rot Ku 235 'Webbiight Tvu'317,'fvu2483,' TVu' 4539(aH are ...m.9.9!®.r.^!®jy. resistant) Synchytrium fast rust TVu 43, TVu 222, TVu 612, TVu 4535, TVu 4537, TVu 4569, TVu 6666 Black spot IT*87D-509-5, IAR:48,'if88S524 : 7, JT84D-666
Ia.f9®!..?P.9* Bacterial blight+ scab + septoria+ brown blotch Scab + septoria 'Bacterialbiight+ septoria Combined resistance to Anthracnose, cercospora leaf spot, rust, bacterial pustule, target spot
Anthracnose + bacterial pustule + Cercospora leaf spot + rust + cowpea yellow mosaic virus +
....T.Y.U 1.1.?Q TVu 1977
TVu 853, TVu 1433 TVu 456' TVu 7 2 6 , ' T V U 4 8 3 2
lT86D-ib^ IT90K-81-4 if96k-284-2
TVu 8, f Vu 62, TVu 64, TVu i 76, TVu 201, TVu 317, TVu 374, TVu 1190, TVu 2657, TVu 2757, TVu 2785, TVu 2846, TVu 2847, TVu 2939, TVu 3273, TVu 3408, TVu 3415, TVu 3430, TVu 3511, TVu 3521, TVu 3552, TVu 3847, TVu 4536, TVu 4546, TVu 4549, TVu 4557, TVu 4558, TVu 4562 TVu2oi, TVu 3 i b i W u ' ^ i W u 347 'TVu 393, TVu 408, TVu 410, TVu 537, TVu 645, TVu 697, TVu 746, TVu 990, TVu 1190, TVu 1283, TVu 1452, TVu 1452, TVu 1980, TVu 2430, TVu 2755, TVu 3415
TVu: Prefix for IITA's cowpea (V. unguiculata) accession no.; IT: Prefix for IITA's cowpea advanced breeding lines. Source: Williams 1975, 1977a, 1977b; Allen etal. 1981a, 1981b; Patel 1981; Oyekan etal. 1976; IITA, 1978, 1989, 1993; Singh and Allen 1979, Singh etal. 1989.
Table 7.9. Sources of cowpea germplasm resistance to Striga, Alectra and drought. Stress Striga gesnerioides
Alectra vogelii
Germplasm accessions1 TVu 1271, TVu 1272 TVu 1330, TVu 1331 TVu 1332, TVu 4642 TVu 8337, TVu 12415 TVu 12430, TVu 12431 TVu 12432, TVu 12449 TVu 12470, TVu 11788 TVu 9238, TVu 13035 TVu 13035, TVu 8453 TVu 13950, TVu 15553 TVu 12470, TVu 9238 TVu 12432, TVu 12415 TVu 13950, TVu 11788 TVu 11979, TVu 14914 TVu 15553, TVu 8713 TVu 6914, TVu 7841
Advanced breeding lines1 IT88D-867-11 IT90K-59 IT90K-76 IT90K-77 IT90K-82-2 IT81D-994 IT82D-849
IT90K-59 IT90K-76 IT90K-59-2
TVu: Prefix for IITA's cowpea (V. unguiculata) accession no.; IT: Prefix for IITA's cowpea advanced breeding lines. Sources: IITA1989, 1993.
The crop (almost entirely of the cultigroup Unguiculata) is grown extensively in the lowlands and midaltitude regions of Africa, particularly in the dry savannas, sometimes as a sole crop but more often in mixtures with cereals, typically sorghum and millet. In these associations, two distinct types of cowpea are often found. One is an early, photo-insensitive type that matures long before the cereals and provides an important source of protein at a time when food supplies have dwindled. The other is a late photosensitive cowpea that is planted in alternate rows with the early more erect type, and produces abundant vegetation as it spreads across the ground. This latter type, which matures after the cereals, is an important source of livestock feed during the long dry season, mostly in West and Central Africa. In the eastern and southern parts of the continent, farmers value the tender, green leaves of cowpea, which are harvested when succulent, then boiled or blanched, sun-dried and compressed into balls or ground into powder for use in stews and soups. In this region, the traditional varieties are grown as intercrops or sole crops for leaves as well as dry grain. They belong to medium (85 days) maturity and late photosensitive groups. In more humid areas of Southeast Asia and Southern China, the young succulent pods of the yard-long type (cultigroup Sesquipedalis) are used as a green vegetable and are more important than the pulse type. This cultigroup is also grown in parts of Japan, South Korea, the Indian subcontinent, southern Italy, Africa, Central and South America. Cultivars of this group are mostly climbing, and the pods became deflated and flabby when mature. They are grown in small patches in vegetable gardens around cities and villages or in backyard gardens. Biflora is like cultigroup Unguiculata, which is used as both dry seed and fodder. It is also used as a cover crop in plantations. It is cultivated mainly in India and Sri Lanka for its seed and used as fodder. Cultigroup Unguiculata is grown more in the drier regions in India than in other Asian countries. It is also used as seed and fodder. In many places in the tropical lowland ecology in Latin America it is grown as a substitute for lima bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), especially in the drier regions and on less fertile soil where it performs better than lima bean. In the drought-prone region in Northeastern Brazil, cowpea is frequently sown by farmers who practise shifting cultivation on marginal lands. In South America cowpea is grown as a pure crop (Ferreira and Silva 1987) but is more frequently intercropped with maize and perennial cotton (Beltrao et al. 1986). The preferred plant type for this ecology with erratic rainfall
Biodiversity in Trust
is one with medium duration (80-100 days) and prostrate growth habit; it covers the ground, reducing evaporation and controlling weed growth (Watt et al. 1985). In the savanna ecologies with intermediate rainfall (600-1500 mm) in Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Honduras, Nicaragua and Cuba, cowpea is frequently grown as a monocrop but occasionally with maize. In areas of high rainfall, climbing Sesquipedalis cultivars, whose young pods are used as a green vegetable, are frequently grown but on a limited scale in the Amazon River basin, Peru, the coastal regions of Ecuador, Surinam and Guyana and also in Trinidad. Cowpea has been cultivated in the southern parts of the USA since the early 18th century. Grain-type cowpea cultivars are mainly grown. Although it was once an important agronomic crop, it is grown and consumed on a limited basis at present but is still relatively important horticulturally. Dry seed is produced for the canning industry as well as fresh seed for market. An extensive canning industry exists to supply the processed and dry seeds that are marketed nationwide in the USA (Fery 1985). Breeding Cowpea varietal requirements vary greatly in terms of plant type, seed type, maturity and use pattern in the diverse cowpea-growing ecologies throughout the tropics. The seed colour preference and use patterns differ from region to region and the maturity, growth habit and photosensitivity requirements depend upon the cropping systems (IITA 1992; Singh et al. 1996). No single cultivar is suitable for all the needs of the cowpea-growing regions. The general objectives and strategies to meet these requirements were described by Singh and Ntare (1985) but these have now been enlarged. The breeding objectives of IITA thus evolve over the years (Ng 1995). Prior to 1987, IITA directed almost 100% of its efforts toward developing cowpea varieties for pure cropping which are early to medium maturity and resistant to pest and diseases. Since then, IITA has diversified its objectives to include breeding for intercropping as an important component of its overall cowpea improvement programme since the bulk of cowpea in West and Central Africa is still grown as an intercrop (IITA 1992, 1993). The current focus of IITA's cowpea breeding programme is to develop the following types of varieties (Singh et al. 1996): 1. Extra-early maturity (60-70 days), photo-insensitive grain type for use as sole crop in multiple cropping systems and short rainy seasons. 2. Medium maturity (75-90 days) photo-insensitive grain type for use as sole crop and intercrop. 3. Late-maturing (85-120 days) photo-insensitive dual-purpose (grain + leaf) types for use as sole crop and intercrop. 4. Photosensitive early maturing (70-80 days) grain types for intercropping. 5. Photosensitive medium-maturing (75-90 days) dual-purpose (grain + fodder) types for intercropping. 6. Photosensitive late-maturing (85-120 days) fodder type for intercropping. 7. High-yielding non-staking Sesquipedalis varieties for use as a vegetable. 8. Desirable seed types and seed colours with high protein content and short cooking time. 9. Varieties resistant to major diseases, insect pests and parasitic weeds. 10. Varieties tolerant to drought, low pH and adapted to sandy soil and low fertility. In 1975, IITA's breeding programme initiated the Cowpea International Testing (CIT) programme, in which trials were sent to many countries in the tropics (Goldsworthy and Redden 1982). This testing programme has continued until today, as a regular feature of IITA's Cowpea Improvement Network and has served as IITA's main vehicle for distributing improvement germplasm to national programmes.
Limitations and Prospects
Cowpea is very susceptible to numerous insect pests and diseases, which attack the plants at all stages of their growth, beginning from seedling stages to post-flowering and at storage. Remarkable progress in cowpea improvement has been made during the last two decades in Africa, the USA and Asia (Singh and Rachie 1985; IITA 1992; Singh et al. 1996). The most spectacular achievements are the multiple disease- and pest-resistant (aphid and bruchid), high-yielding, short- and medium-duration strains suitable to a wide range of ecologies and cropping seasons made by IITA. However, the crop is still facing serious problems, especially for its susceptibility to Maruca pod borers, coreid buds and flowering thrips in West Africa. No sources of germplasm of the cultivated cowpea have been found to possess high levels of resistance to those three major pests. Under high population pressure, the crop may be stripped bare of pod and grain. Current improved cowpea varieties could not achieve their yield potential of over 2.5 t/ha at farm level without the use of insecticides for protection against these pests. Cowpea is very nutritious, about 72% of its total seed protein being digestible. However, like most other food legumes, cowpea is deficient in sulphur-containing amino acids. This fact is very important for the region where the main diet is based on root and tuber crops, and starchy food (Bressani 1985). It also contains high oligosaccharides which have flatulent effects that may make cowpea food less acceptable. Cowpea plants are sensitive to waterlogging and cold temperature, which limits the extension of the crop to these ecologies. There are ample opportunities for further improvement of cowpea through the exploitation in breeding of currently available germplasm. The existing collection of about 1600 accessions of wild Vigna including about 500 accessions from the section Catiang should be exploited. Sources of resistance to Maruca pod borers and pod sucking bugs have been identified from wild Vigna (Table 7.6). Currently, efforts are being made by IITA scientists and their collaborators in advanced laboratories to try to find ways of exploiting this genepool. These efforts include the identification of sources of resistance, isolation of genes, interspecific hybridization and genetic transformation (Ng 1995). At the same time, efforts are continuing to identify and use the best available sources of resistance to the various abiotic and biotic stresses from the diversity found in the cultivated cowpea for further improvement of existing cultivars to suit different cropping systems, needs and ecologies. Efforts are also being made by IITA's scientists and their collaborators in advanced laboratories to utilize foreign genes for cowpea improvement through genetic transformation. Research on the integrated pest management of cowpea that includes cultural practices and biocontrol agents may help reduce the pest problems of cowpea in West Africa and in other parts of the world. REFERENCES Agwaranze, N.F. 1992. Morphological variability, inheritance of pubescence in Vigna vexillata and the histology of hybrids between wild Vigna and cultivated cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp). PhD Thesis submitted to the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. Allen, D.J. 1980. Identification of resistance to cowpea mottle virus. Trop. Agric. (Trin.) 57:325-332. Allen, D.J. 1983. The Pathology of Tropical Food Legumes. Disease Resistance in Crop Improvement. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Allen, D.J., A.A. Emechebe and B. Ndimande. 1981a. Identification of resistance in cowpea to diseases of the African savannas. Trop. Agric. (Trin.) 58:267-274. Allen, D.J., C.L.N. Nebane and J.A. Raji. 1981b. Screening for resistance to bacterial blight in cowpea. Trop. Pest Manage. 27:218-224. Barone, A., A. Del Giudice and N.Q. Ng. 1992. Barriers to interspecific hybridization between Vigna unguiculata andVigna vexillata. Sex Plant Reprod. 5:195-200. Beltrao, N.E. de M., J.C.F. de Santana, J.R. Crisos-Tomo, J.P.P. de Araujo and R.P. de Sousa. 1986. Evaluation of cowpea cultivars under intercropping system with annual cotton. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 21 (11) 1147-1153.
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Bressani, R. 1985. Nutritive value of cowpea. In Cowpea Research, Production and Utilization (S.R. Singh and K.O. Rachie, eds.). John Wiley and Sons, Chichester. Dovlo, F.E., C.E. Williams and L. Zoaka. 1976. Cowpeas Home Preparation and Use in West Africa. International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada. Duke, J.A. 1981. Handbook of Legumes of World Economic Importance. Plenum Press, New York. Ebong, U.U. 1971. The Nigerian Grain Legume Gene Bank. (Paper presented at the Ford Foundation/IITA/IRAT Grain Legume Seminar, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1970.) Samaru Agric. Newsl. 13:21-24. Fatokun, C.A. and B.B. Singh. 1987. Interspecific hybridization between Vigna pubescens Wilcz. and Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. through embryo culture. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult. 9:229-233. Ferreira, J.M. and P.S.L.E. Silva. 1987. 'Green bean' yield and other characteristics of cowpea cultivars. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira:55-59. Fery, R.L. 1985. Improved cowpea cultivars for the horticultural industry in the USA. Pp. 129-136 in Cowpea Research, Production and Utilization (S.R. Singh and K.O. Rachie, eds.). John Wiley and Sons, Chichester. Goldsworthy, P.R. and R. Redden. 1982. Cowpea improvement at IITA: 1970-1980. Trop. Grain Legume Bull. 24:9-15. IBPGR. 1982. Descriptors for cowpea. International Board of Plant Genetic Resources, Rome. IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture). 1972. IITA Annual Report for 1971. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA. 1978. IITA Annual Report for 1977. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA. 1983. IITA Annual Report for 1982. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA. 1989. Grain Legume Improvement Program Annual Report 1987. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA. 1992. Sustainable food production in sub-saharan Africa. 1. IITA's contributions, pp. 113-123. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA. 1993. Cowpea breeding Archival Report (1988-1992). Grain Legume Improvement Program. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA. 1994. IITA Annual Report for 1993. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. Jackai, L.E.N. and S.R. Singh. 1988. Screening techniques for host plant resistance to cowpea insect pest. Trop. Grain Legume Bull. 35:2-18. Karel, A.K. and Y. Malinga. 1980. Leaf hopper and aphid resistance in cowpea. Trop. Grain Legume Bull. 20:10-11. Ladipo, J.L. and D.J. Allen. 1979. Identification of resistance to southern bean mosaic virus in cowpea. Trop. Agric. (Trin.) 56:33-40. Marechal, R., J.M. Mascherpa and F. Stainer. 1978. Etude taxonomique d'un groupe complexe d'especes des genres Phaseolus et Vigna (Papilionaceae) sur la base de donnees morphologiques et polliniques, traitees par l'analyse informatique. Boissiera 28:1-273. Ng, N.Q. 1987. The genebank at IITA and its significance for crop improvement in Africa, with special reference to cowpea germplasm. In Proceedings of International Symposium on Conservation and Utilization of Ethiopian Germplasm (J.M.M. Engels, ed.). Addis Ababa, October 1986. PGRC/E, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Ng, N.Q. 1990. Recent developments in cowpea germplasm collection, conservation, evaluation and research at the genetic resources unit, IITA. Pp. 13-28 in Cowpea Genetic Resources (N.Q. Ng and L.M. Monti, eds.). IITA, Ibadan. Ng, N.Q. 1991. Long-term seed conservation. Pp. 135-148 in Crop Genetic Resources of Africa. Vol. II. (N.Q. Ng, P. Perrino and F. Attere, eds.). IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. Ng, N.Q. 1995. Cowpea Vigna unguiculata (Leguminosae - Papilionoideae). Pp. 326-332 in Evolution of Crop Plants, Second edition (J. Smartt and N.W. Simmonds, eds.). Longman Scientific & Technical, Essex, England. Ng, N.Q. and J. Apeji. 1988. Interspecific crosses between cowpea and wild Vigna. Genetic Resources Annual Report for 1988. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. Ng, N.Q. and R. Marechal. 1985. Cowpea taxonomy, origin and germplasm. Pp. 11-12 in Cowpea Research, Production and Utilization (S.R. Singh and K.O. Rachie, eds.). John Wiley and Sons, Chichester. Ng, N.Q. and S. Padulosi. 1991. Cowpea gene pool distribution and crop improvement. Pp. 161-174 in Crop Genetic Resources of Africa. Vol. II. (N.Q. Ng, P. Perrino and F. Attere, eds.). IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. Oyekan, P.O., P.T. Onesirosan and R.J. Williams. 1976. Screening for resistance in cowpea to web blight. Trop. Grain Legume Bull. 3:6-8. Padulosi, S. 1993. Genetic diversity, taxonomy and ecogeographic survey of the wild relatives of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers). Thesis, Universite Catholique de Louvain-La-Neuve. Louvain, Belgique. Pasquet, R.S. 1993. Classification infra specifique des formes spontanees de Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. (Fabaceae) a partir de donnees morphologiques. Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Bel. 62:127-173.
Patel, P.N. 1981. Pathogen variability and host resistance in bacterial pustule disease of cowpea in Africa. Trop. Agric (Trin.) 58:275-280. Pienaar, B.J. and A.E. van Wyk. 1992. The Vigna unguiculata complex (Fabaceae) in southern Africa. S. Afr. J. Bot. 58 (6):414-429. Porter, W.M., K.O. Rachie, K.M. Rawal, H.C. Wien, R.J. Williams and R.A. Luse. 1974. Cowpea germplasm catalogue no. 1. IITA, Ibadan. Rawal, K.M. and L.M. Roberts. 1975. Natural hybridization among weedy and cultivated Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. Euphytica 24:69-707. Sakupwanya S., R. Mithen and T. Mutangandura-Mhlanga. 1990. Studies on the African Vigna genepool. II. Hybridization studies with Vigna unguiculata var. tenuis and var. stenophylla. Plant Genet. Resour. Newslett. 78/79:5-9. Singh, B.B. and B.R. Ntare. 1985. Development of improved cowpea varieties in Africa. Pp. 105-115 in Cowpea Research, Production and Utilization (S.R. Singh and K.O. Rachie, eds.). John Wiley and Sons, Chichester. Singh, B.B., O.L. Chambliss and B. Sharma. 1996. Recent advances in cowpea breeding. In Proceedings of the Second World Cowpea Conference (in press). Singh, S.R. 1977. Cowpea cultivars resistant to insect pests in world germplasm collection. Trop. Grain Legume Bull. 9:3-7. Singh, S.R. and D.J. Allen. 1979. Cowpea pests and diseases. Manual Series No. 2. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. Singh, S.R. and K.O. Rachie (eds.). 1985. Cowpea Research, Production and Utilization. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester. Singh, S.R., B.B. Singh, L.E.N. Jackai and B.R. Ntare. 1983. Cowpea Research at IITA. Information Series No. 14. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. Singh, S.R., L.E.N. Jackai, B.B. Singh, B.R. Ntare, H.W. Rossel, G. Thottappilly, N.Q. Ng, M.A. Hossain, K. Cardwell, S. Padulosi and G. Myers. 1989. Cowpea Research at IITA. GLIP Research Monograph No. 1, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. Steele, W.M. and K.I. Mehra. 1980. Structure, evolution and adaptation to farming system and environment in Vigna. In Advances in Legume Science (R.J. Summerfield and A.H. Bunting, eds.). Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, UK. Thottappilly, G., N.Q. Ng and H.W. Rossel. 1994. Screening germplasm of Vigna vexillata for resistance to cowpea mottle virus. Int. J. Trop. Plant Diseases 12:75-80. Verdcourt, B. 1970. Studies in the Leguminosae-Papilionoideae for the 'Flora of Tropical East Africa'. IV. Kew Bull. 24:507-569. Watt, E.E., E.A. Kueneman and J.P.P. de Araujo. 1985. Achievements in breeding cowpea in Latin America. Pp. 125-135 in Cowpea Research, Production and Utilization (S.R. Singh and K.O. Rachie, eds.). John Wiley and Sons, Chichester. Westphal, E. 1974. Pulses in Ethiopia: their taxonomy and agriculture significance. Agric. Res. Rep. 815:1-261. Wageningen, Centre Agric. Publ. Document. Willliams, R.J. 1975. International testing programme: aims, progress and problems seen from IITA. Pp. 66-72 in Proceedings of IITA collaborators meeting on grain legume improvement, 9-13 June, 1975 (R.A. Luse and K.O. Rachie, eds.). IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. Williams, R.J. 1977a. Identification of multiple disease resistance in cowpea. Trop. Agric. (Trin.) 54:5360. Williams, R.J. 1977b. Identification of resistance to cowpea yellow mosaic virus. Trop. Agric. (Trin.) 56:61-67. Zannou, T.A. 1981. Resistance to root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne javanica (Teub, 1885) Chitwood, 1949, and M. incognita (Kofoid and White, 1919) Chitwood, 1949, in cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. Thesis, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Chapter 8 Chickpea K.B. Singh, R.P.S. Pundir, L.D. Robertson, H.A. van Rheenen, U. Singh, TJ. Kelley, P. Parthasarathy Rao, C. Johansen and N.P. Saxena
Cultivated chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is a diploid, self-pollinated, leguminous crop that ranks second in area and third in production among the pulses. It is cultivated primarily for its protein-rich seed, and the plant is an efficient symbiotic nitrogen-fixer, playing an important role in farming systems. Two types of chickpea are grown: desi, with angular and coloured seeds, primarily grown in South Asia; and kabuli, with large, owl-head shape and beige-coloured seeds, grown in the Mediterranean region. Germplasm is maintained at ICRISAT (Patancheru: 18°N, 78°E) and ICARDA (Tel Hadya: 35°5'N, 36°55'E). Before 1970, wild Cicer species were scarce, but a number of annual species accessions are now available. BOTANY AND DISTRIBUTION The name Cicer is of Latin origin and probably derives from the pre-Indo German kichere in the Pelagian language of the tribes populating north Greece before Greekspeaking tribes took over. Chickpea belongs to subfamily Papilionoideae, tribe Viceae Alef, but its position is sufficiently distinct to consider the Cicer genus a tribe of its own, the Cicereae Alef. (Kupicha 1977). Van der Maesen (1987) dealt with this genus in detail and listed 43 species, including 34 wild perennial species, 8 wild annual and the cultivated annual, C. arietinum. The study on chromosome count in Cicer species has been limited because of rare availability of living materials. The chromosome number 2n=16 can be generalized for Cicer species because some taxa which were reported to have other numbers (Iyenger 1939; Contandriopoulos et al. 1972; van der Maesen 1972; Santos Guerra and Lewis 1986) were confirmed to have only 2n=16 (Ladizinsky and Adler 1976; Ocampo et al 1992; Pundir et al 1993). Ladizinsky (1975) has described C. reticulatum, which has been suggested as the wild progenitor (Ladizinsky and Adler 1976). Since this species crossed normally with chickpea and produced fertile hybrids, the category 'variety' seemed appropriate (van der Maesen 1987). Four sections are recognized in the intrageneric classification of the Cicer genus. First, section Cicer (=Monocicer) M.G. Popov, the most relevant section for applied research, encompasses eight species with annual, erect or prostrate growth, imparipinnate leaves or the rachis ending in a tendril. Second, section Chamaecicer M.G. Popov encompasses one each of annual and perennial species, shrubs bearing thin creeping branching, and leaves with 3-7 leaflets. Third, section Polycicer M.G. Popov contains 23 perennial species with large flowers, imparipinnate leaves, or the rachis ending in a tendril. And fourth, Acanthocicer M.G. Popov accommodates nine perennial species with large flowers, paripinnate leaves, rachis ending in a spine and spiny calyx teeth. Don (1882) suggested that Cicer was derived from the Greek kikus, meaning strength. The Latin epithet arietinum probably derived as a translation of the Greek krios, another name for both ram and chickpea, alluding to the seed shape, similar to a ram's (Aries) head. In
Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Iran, Afghanistan, Russia and CIS, chickpea is called nakhut or its derivation such as nut, naut or nohot. Hommos is the name of chickpea in Arabic. In English, chickpea is derived from Cicer pea (=chich-pea). In most Sanskrit-derived languages in the Indian subcontinent, chickpea is called chana. The Anglo-Indian name Bengal gram was derived from the Portuguese grao, meaning grain (=gram), and in Spanish garbanzo; in Mexico and the USA it is the garbanzo bean. Cicer is hypogeal. The first two nodes on the main stem have simple, scale-like leaves, fused with two lateral scale-like stipules (Westphal 1974). Leaves are borne single at each node arranged in alternate phyllotaxy. A unipinnate compound leaf is the rule in the Cicer genus, although simple and multipinnate leaves are also found (Pundir et ah 1990). Chickpea possesses a deep taproot system with three to four defined rows of lateral roots. In the early stages of growth, most of the roots are confined to the surface layer of soil from 0 to 30 cm depth. As surface soil dries out, development continues to deeper layers. In deep vertisols, the roots have penetrated below 120 cm by the time fruiting begins (Sheldrake and Saxena 1979). The primary and secondary roots may develop large, lobed nodules containing rhizobia that fix atmospheric nitrogen symbiotically. Practically all nodules are confined to the top 30 cm and 90% are within 15 cm of the surface (Sheldrake and Saxena 1979). Five growth habit classes are recognized (Pundir et ah 1985). The angle of branches from the vertical is taken as the basis of this grouping (Fig. 8.1). Although named primary, secondary and tertiary branches, these terms lack a botanical and logical basis (L.J.G. van der Maesen and R.P.S. Pundir, unpublished). A sounder pattern is illustrated in Figure 8.2. Flowers are typically papillionaceous. The twin flower characteristic is a useful trait in cultivated chickpea and is monogenic recessive. This trait can offer an advantage of about 6-11% in yield under conditions in which the trait is well expressed (Sheldrake et al. 1978). One carpel a flower is the rule in the Cicer genus, but a natural mutant has 1-3 carpels a flower, producing 1-3 pods and well-formed seeds (Pundir et al. 1988). Pod size is an important yield trait, but difficult to measure and categorize. It has been estimated by equivalent volume of water replacement (Pundir et al. 1992). In a set of 83 diverse chickpea lines, the pod volume varied from 0.30 to 2.77 ml per pod. Pod-filling varies from 8.97 to 56.53%. Twenty-one different seed colours and shades have been recognized (Pundir et al. 1988). Origin, Domestication and Diffusion Chickpea most probably originated in the area of present-day southeast Turkey, where three wild species of Cicer (C bijugum K.H. Rech., C. echinospermum P.H.Davis and C. reticulatum Ladiz) are found. Seed remnants from Hacillar near Burder dated to 5450 BC (Helbaek 1970) and the most closely related wild species occur there (Ladizinsky and Adler 1976). De Candolle (1883) traced the origin of chickpea to an area south of the Caucasus and northern Persia (now Iran). Vavilov (1926) designated two primary centres of origin (now centres of diversity) - southwest Asia and the Mediterranean - and a secondary one, Ethiopia. In 1951 he recognized four centres of diversity for cultivated chickpea: (i) the Mediterranean, (ii) Central Asia, (iii) the Near East, and (iv) India, and a secondary centre in Ethiopia (Vavilov 1951). Hopf (1969) found proof of chickpea cultivation at Jericho, where large quantities were found in layers dating back to the early Bronze Age (3200 BC). The earliest record of chickpea in India (Uttar Pradesh) dates from 2000 BC (Chowdury et al 1971; Vishnu-Mittre 1974) and seed remnants dating from 300 to 100 BC were found at Nevasa (near Aurangabad), India. Chickpea spread with human movement toward the west to the Mediterranean basin and south toward the Indian subcontinent via the Silk Route (Afghanistan). Records in Ethiopia date to 1520 BC (van der Maesen 1972). The Spanish and Portuguese introduced chickpea to the New World around 1500 AD, and kabuli is of recent introduction to India (1700 AD). Domestication of chickpea began in the USA and Australia only in the last three decades.
Biodiversity in Trust
Fig. 8.1. Growth patterns in chickpea plants: (a) erect (ICC 8923); (b) semi-erect (ICC 5003); (c) semispreading (ICC 552); (d) spreading (ICC 11888); (e) prostrate (ICC 5434). (Source: ICRISAT Chickpea Germplasm Catalog, Pundir etal. 1988).
Fig. 8.2. Branch groups in a chickpea plant. 1. Basal primary branches - emerge from the leaf axils on the lower half of the main stem. 2. Apical primary branches - emerge from the leaf axils on the upper half of the main stem. 3. Basal secondary branches - emerge from the leaf axils of basal primary branches. 4. Apical secondary branches - emerge from the leaf axils of apical primary branches. 5. Tertiary branches - emerge from the leaf axils of basal and apical secondary branches. (Source: ICRISAT Chickpea Germplasm Catalog, Pundir et al. 1988).
Reproductive Biology Chickpea is a quantitative long-day plant, but in short days vernalization may replace this requirement in some cultivars (Angus and Moncur 1980). The response to cold also appears to be quantitative (Saxena and Siddique 1980). Flowering begins sooner in warm weather and at long photoperiods (Roberts et al. 1980). At ICRISAT, flowering continues for 20-30 days, depending on soil moisture. Only 20-50% of the flowers set pods (Eshel 1968; Pundir et ah 1983) and pod set is inhibited at temperatures below 5°C (Saxena and Sheldrake 1980). High mean temperature of 25°C or cloudy weather also prevent production of flowers and pods. It takes about 5-6 days from appearance of the bud and flower to bloom. Temperature is more important than photoperiod in determining the length of the reproductive period. GERMPLASM CONSERVATION AND USE Moreno and Cubero (1978) revealed the existence of two complexes in chickpea: macrosperma and microsperma. These complexes differ in a cluster of traits associated with seed, pod and leaf morphology, but no taxonomic basis exists for treating them as
subspecies. The researchers postulated that macrosperma derived from microsperma through mutation and was selected during relatively recent times. The frequency by country of origin of the cultivated chickpea collections of ICARDA and ICRISAT is given in Table 8.1. To facilitate information exchange, chickpea descriptors were developed and jointly published by IBPGR, ICRISAT and ICARDA (1993). At ICRISAT, a total of 12 018 accessions representing 41 countries were evaluated for 23 botanical and agronomic traits, and those with resistance to diseases or insects listed. ICARDA evaluated 3400 germplasm accessions of the kabuli type for 29 descriptors during the spring season of 1980 and published their first chickpea catalogue (Singh et ah 1983). Similarly, 6467 accessions of kabuli type were evaluated for 24 characters at ICARDA during winter, and a catalogue lists desirable traits (Singh et al. 1991a). The range of variability recorded is given in Tables 8.2 and 8.3. Geographic Distribution of the Major Traits The biomass and grain yield of chickpea are the ultimate results but not the major traits. Furthermore, some traits, such as large-seeded chickpea (ca. 30 g per 100 seeds), may not be major traits universally. The large seed of this crop has high consumer preference and adaptation in the Mediterranean countries, whereas small seed (ca. 15 g per 100 seeds) is a well-accepted and adapted trait in northern India and Pakistan. A list of traits that are optimum in different environments would be too extensive, but Table 8.4 summarizes the geographic distribution of major traits. Wild Genetic Resources Wild Cicer species were scarce in collections before 1970, but now a reasonable number of accessions of annual species are available at ICRISAT and ICARDA (Table 8.5) and at the Western Plant Introduction Division/USDA at Pullman, Washington, USA. Availability of perennial species is still rare, and limited information on their potential use is available. Ladizinsky and Adler (1976) proposed grouping Cicer species into three genepools, namely GP 1, GP 2 and GP 3, following the scheme suggested by Harlan and De Wet (1971). As a result of their own research work, Ladizinsky and Adler included C. reticulatum in GP 1 of chickpea because gene exchange between these species was regular. The species C. echinospermum was placed in GP 2 because gene exchange of this species with chickpea was impaired owing to high sterility of their F ] hybrids. All remaining species were placed in GP 3. Subsequent results reported by Pundir et al. (1992) and Singh and Ocampo (1993) showed that C. echinospermum crosses produced F1 hybrids with 50% fertility. The remaining six annual and 34 perennial Cicer species show no possibility of gene exchange with cultivated chickpea; hence they should be placed in GP 3. Wild species have been extensively evaluated for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses (Table 8.6). Efforts are underway to transfer genes for resistance to cyst nematode and cold (ICARDA 1994). Also the possibility of transfer of yield genes from wild to cultivated species is being explored (Singh and Ocampo 1993). More accessions of wild annual Cicer species need to be collected, particularly the progenitor species, C. reticulatum, because they possess genes for resistance to almost all stresses for which evaluations have been made. Introgression of genes from wild species can upgrade the genetic potential for seed yield. Gaps in germplasm collections
Gaps in the genetic resources of crops include geographic, taxonomic, administrative and special-purpose traits (van der Maesen et al 1988). For cultivated chickpea, geographic gap areas include Russia and CIS, Colombia, Peru, Western Nepal, Eritrea and Myanmar. The gaps for wild species are Russia and CIS, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq and Ethiopia. Known entity gaps include the types of chickpea that have been documented or described as herbarium material but are no longer available as live seed. A limited number of accessions are assembled for wild Cicer species. For example, only one
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 8.1. Frequency by country of origin of the ICARDA and ICRISAT cultivated chickpea germplasm collections. Country ICARDA ICRISAT ICRISAT Country 1CARDA 889 686 Malawi 81 Afghanistan 3 16 117 50 Mexico 396 Algeria 3 6 Moldova Armenia 4 3 Morocco 249 225 Australia Myanmar 129 13 Azerbaijan 1 170 4 80 Nepal Bangladesh 9 1 191 Nigeria 3 Bulgaria Pakistan 346 139 254 445 Chile 24 25 Palestine 36 China 1 1 Peru 4 Colombia 3 46 44 84 121 Portugal Cyprus 9 8 Romania 2 Czechoslovakia 1 Ecuador Russia 22 55 53 121 Spain 283 Egypt 932 58 Srilanka 3 Ethiopia 11 2 18 12 Sudan France 1 133 Soviet Union Georgia 106 1 11 2097 Germany Syria 203 97 18 25 Tanzania Greece 2 4 Tajikistan Hungary 8 395 7180 Tunisia 263 33 India 1737 Iran 4856 804 449 Turkey 1 30 18 Uganda Iraq 48 Ukrania 9 Israel 66 UK 45 Italy 8 Jordan 143 25 USA 82 120 1 11 Kazakhstan Uzbekistan 1 Kenya Yugoslavia 6 6 1 Kyrgyzstan Unknown 240 179 Lebanon 28 19 Breeding lines 972 2 Total Libya 9628 17108
Table 8.2. Range of variation observed in chickpea germplasm at ICRISAT. Mean Traits Minimum 64 Time to 50% flowering (days) 28 117 Time to maturity (days) 84 Plant canopy height (cm) 38 14 Canopy width (cm) 40 13 Pods per plant (number) 39 3 Seeds per pod (number) 1.2 1.0 Grain yield (kg/ha) 1286 70 16.1 100-seed weight (g) 3.8 Seed protein content (%) 19.8 12.1
Maximum 96 169 96 124 238 3.2 5130 59.1 29.6
accession of C. cuneatum is known to be available anywhere, and of the 34 perennial Cicer species known, live seed is available only for nine species. Seed conservation Chickpea has orthodox seed that can be dried and stored for long periods with minimum loss of viability. In the genebanks at ICRISAT and ICARDA, chickpea germplasm has been stored in medium-term (4°C, 20% RH) and long-term (-20°C) facilities for about 15 years with full seed viability. Ellis (1988) has given practical advice on seed viability in storage. For example, chickpea seed having 99% initial
Table 8.3. Ranges among kabuli chickpea accessions in the ICARDA collection grown at Tel Hadya, Syria during spring 1980 and winter of 1987/88. Spring Winter Min. Max. Mean Min. Max. Mean Character 70 94 137 81 115 156 Time to flower (days) 11 36 29 12 Flower duration (days) 23 83 114 124 182 174 206 Time to maturity (days) 15 50 54 30 25 85 Plant height (cm) 15 60 57 40 20 96 Canopy width (cm) 4 100 Pods per plant (number) 25 1.1 0.1 3.1 Seeds per pod (number) 35 533 574 28 1200 643 Biological yield (g/m2) 23 921 272 1 567 311 Grain yield (g/m2) 1 7 76 48 78 49 Harvest index (%) 8.7 59.1 30.0 8.4 70.1 25.1 100-seed weight (g) 28.2 16.0 24.8 23.0 13.5 20.1 Protein content (%)
Table 8.4. Geographical distribution of major chickpea traits. Countries/regions* Trait EGY, ETH, IND, MEX, SDN Crop duration Short Medium BGD, IND, MEX, MYN Long ESP, IND, IRN, MAR, NPL, PAK, RUS, SYR, TUR Branches High number AFG, IND, IRQ, ITA Low number CHL, IND, TUN, TUR GRC, IND, ITA, RUS Growth habit Erect GRC, ITA, RUS Erect (+tall) AFG, EGY, IND, MEX, NPL, PAK Seed number High Low Mediterranean countries Mediterranean countries, IND, MEX Seed mass High Low Indian subcontinent, ETH, MYN, JZA Indian subcontinent, Eastern Africa, IdYN Seed type Desi Kabuli Mediterranean countries, Western Asia, CHL ETH, IRN Intermediate BGD, ETH, IND, IRN, PAK Resistance to fusarium wilt IND, IRN Resistance to dry root rot Resistance to ascochyta blight IND, IRN, MEX, TUR IRN Resistance to gray mould IND Tolerance to Helicoverpa pod borer PAK, SDN High seed protein content * AFG=Afghanistan; IND=lndia; NPL=Nepal; BGD=Bangladesh; IRN=lran; PAK=Pakistan; CHL=Chile; IRQ=lraq; RUS=Russia; EGY=Egypt; ITA=ltaly; SDN=Sudan; ESP=Spain; MAR=Morocco; SYR=Syria; ETH=Ethiopia; MEX=Mexico; TZA=Tanzania; GRC=Greece; MYN=Myanmar; TUN=Tunisia; TUR=Turkey.
Table 8.5. Wild annual Cicer species collections of ICARDA and ICRISAT. Taxa ICARDA ICRISAT bijugum 43 9 chorassanicum 8 3 1 1 cuneatum echinospermum 15 4 judaicum 76 21 11 pinnatifidum 54 reticulatum 61 6 yamashitae 5 3 Total 263 58
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 8.6. Economic traits present in the wild Cicer species. Cicer species Reference* judaicum 2,4 bijugum 2,3,4 echinospermum 3,4 canariense, chorassanicum, ] 2 cuneatum, pinnatifidum ] reticulatum 4 bijugum, cuneatum, ] Resistance to combined soilborne 5 judaicum, pinnatifidum ] diseases bijugum Resistance to gray mould disease 3 bijugum Resistance to ascochyta blight 3,7 judaicum 1,3,7 pinnatifidum 1,3,7 1 montbretii bijugum, pinnatifidum, reticuiatum Resistance to cyst nematode 8 bijugum, echinospermum Tolerance to cold 10 judaicum, pinnatifidum, reticulatum bijugum, reticulatum Higher seed protein 6 cuneatum, most perennial species Higher biomass Resistance to leaf miner All wild annual species 9 anatolicum, bijugum, 12,11 Twin pods chorassanicum, cuneatum, microphyllum, pinnatifidum, oxyden, soongaricum cuneatum, montbretii Multiple seeds 12,11 * 1. Singh et al. 1981; 2. Kaiser etal. 1994; 3. Haware etal. 1992; 4. Infantino etal. 1996; 5. Reddy et al. 1991; 6. Singh and Pundir 1991; 7. Singh and Reddy 1993b; 8. Di Vito et al. 1996; 9. Singh and Weigand 1994; 10. Singh et al. 1990; 11. Robertson et al. 1995; 12. van der Maesen 1987. Trait Resistance to fusarium wilt
viability, 10% moisture content and stored under 4°C temperature, after a storage span of 20 years has an accepted viability of 80%. Use and Distribution Chickpea improvement research gained momentum with the establishment of ICRISAT and ICARDA in 1972 and 1977, respectively. These centres have distributed a large number of germplasm samples (Table 8.7). Besides their use in research, many lines have been found promising and worth cultivating in specific areas of adaptation. For example, 10 accessions supplied from the germplasm collection at ICRISAT and ICARDA were found superior to local cultivars and released for cultivation in Algeria, China, Cyprus, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Tunisia and the USA. Properties and Uses Crude protein content in chickpea seed ranges from 12.6 to 30.5% (Singh 1985) and contains non-protein nitrogen. Total seed carbohydrates vary from 52.4 to 70.9% (Williams and Singh 1987). Starch, the principal carbohydrate, is 20-30% amylose and the remainder amylopectin. Chickpea seeds contain 4.0-10.0% fat and 4.8-8.5% soluble sugars (Singh 1985). The seed coat contributes about 70% of the total seed calcium. Chickpea proteins are deficient in the sulphur-containing amino acids, methionine and cystine. Next to sulphur, the amino acids tryptophan, threonine and valine appear important in chickpea because in many cases the chemical scores for these amino acids are below satisfactory levels (Williams and Singh 1987). Supplementation with 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% chickpea flour significantly enhances the nutritive value of Arabic bread, but 20% supplementation is most acceptable organoleptically (Hallab et al. 1974). The biological value was considerably higher for the kabuli than for the desi type because the kabuli type contains more utilizable protein and may be nutritionally better than desi (Singh et al. 1991b). Although it depends on the methods of cooking, protein quality of chickpea is
Table 8.7. Distribution of seed samples from the chickpea germplasm collection at ICRISAT and ICARDA, from 1974 to 1994. Year ICRISAT* ICARDA* Year ICRISAT+ ICARDA* 3070 1985 1974' 4808 — 3104 7020 1986 1975 1987 2687 6268 1976 1977 1988 5095 800 1989 1978 2318 8825 462 1454 1990 2860 1979 83 1980 8336 1991 4745 1992 714 1981 10202 1945 1993 2624 165 1982 5861 1994 1983 10548 1166 3344 100332 1984 6596 Total 4768 f Germplasm samples from ICRISAT were supplied to various institutes in 80 countries and from ICARDA to 24 countries. * Germplasm samples from ICARDA were supplied from 1977 to 1989, but proper records were not maintained.
improved more by moist heat than by dry heat treatment, as available lysine was less in roasted chickpea than in boiled or pressure-cooked chickpea (Geervani and Theophilus 1980). In comparison with soybean, pea and common bean, chickpea offers less problem with protease (trypsin and chymotrypsin) inhibitors so far as a group of antinutritional factors are concerned (Singh 1988). Although not at a toxic level, chickpea produces a certain amount of agglutinating activity in cow erythrocytes, which indicates the presence of phytolectins as toxic factors in it (Contreras and Tagle 1974). The polyphenolic compounds that interfere with protein digestibility are higher in chickpea cultivars with dark seed-coat colour (Singh 1988). The cooking time of whole seed of chickpea cultivars generally ranges between 70 and 90 minutes. However, some genotypes may require more than 2 hours to cook. Cooking time of chickpea genotypes can be significantly reduced by soaking the seeds in sodium bicarbonate solution before cooking (Singh et al 1988). Cooking time is a heritable character (Williams and Singh 1987). Breeding Although chickpea breeding has a relatively short history (Singh 1987), mean world chickpea yields in 1961-63,1976-78 and 1991-93 have registered a steady increase from 613 to 682 to 704 kg/ha. Conventional techniques of crop improvement that are widely used for this self-pollinator are: mass selection, pure line selection and the pedigree, bulk and backcross methods. The latter three methods are followed singly or in combination. Mutation breeding has been mainly followed for creating new variability, e.g. to generate ascochyta blight resistance (Haq et al 1988). Some annual wild Cicer species have been used in hybridization programmes to broaden the crossing spectrum (Singh 1993). To create variability for wide adaptation, chickpea breeding often adopts a 'polygon' programme (van Rheenen 1991; van Rheenen and Haware 1994). Some breeding programmes have used multilocational, early generation, bulk-yield testing (Dahiya et al 1984). However, Geletu (1987) concluded that correlations of yield between generations were low and did not justify continuation of the elaborate method of multilocational F 2/F3 yield testing. Attempts to develop and make use of molecular markers in selection of desirable traits, such as resistance to fusarium wilt and ascochyta blight, are being pursued strongly, although their practical application has not yet been achieved (Muehlbauer et al 1990; ICARDA 1994; Kahl et al 1994). Smithson et al (1985) suggested that stagnation in chickpea productivity can be attributed to yield instability from abiotic and biotic constraints. Breeding efforts have been directed toward alleviating these constraints at ICRISAT and ICARDA by identifying resistance sources and using them in breeding programmes. The results of 17
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years of evaluation of germplasm accessions for resistance to various stresses at ICARDA are summarized in Table 8.8. Similar efforts have been made at ICRISAT to identify sources of resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Out of more than 19 000 germplasm accessions screened at ICARDA, 14 genotypes were identified as resistant to ascochyta blight (Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Lab.) (Singh and Reddy 1993a). Use of these genotypes in breeding programmes resulted in yield increases from 60 to 75% (Nene and Reddy 1987; ICARDA 1994). Freezing cold also endangers the winter-sown crop. Again the germplasm collection was screened under low winter temperatures, and 16 out of 5781 accessions were rated as resistant (Singh et at. 1989; Singh 1993). These and the wild species C. reticulatum have been used successfully in breeding programmes. The earliest-flowering chickpea cultivar in ICRISAT's genebank of about 17 000 accessions is ICCV 2, a released kabuli cultivar. It effectively escapes drought stress, and yield increases of 20% over control have been reported (van Rheenen 1991). Saxena (1987) identified two drought-resistant lines, ICC 4958 and ICC 10448. The former showed a particularly large root volume and is being used in breeding programmes to enhance drought resistance. ICCV 10 has also shown drought resistance, and reportedly exceeded controls by 16-20% in seed yield (van Rheenen 1991). Singh et al (1996) have identified FLIP 87-59C as a resistant line from an evaluation of more than 4000 accessions. In the West Asia and North Africa (WANA) region, temperatures lower than -10°C may occur. Biodiversity, both intra- and interspecific, has enabled successful enhancement of cold tolerance, which showed high heritability estimates in genetic studies (Singh et al 1989,1994). At latitudes from 25 to 30°, temperatures close to 0°C can be harmful in causing flower drop. A continued search for tolerance to chilling finally resulted in identification of a few lines and an active breeding programme is underway to capitalize on chilling tolerance (Saxena et al 1988; ICRISAT 1990). Chickpea often has to cope with above-optimal temperature conditions. By sowing chickpea in January at Patancheru and exposing flowering plants to maximum temperature ranges of 33-39°C, heat-tolerant genotypes were identified. In chickpea, 47 diseases and 54 insect pests have been reported, but two diseases and two insect pests are of major importance. Fusarium wilt and ascochyta blight are the major disease threats. Fusarium wilt, caused by F. oxysporum f.sp. ciceri, is probably the most widespread disease of chickpea. Inheritance studies have contributed significantly to the current success in breeding resistant varieties (Singh et al 1987). Several sources of resistance were identified at both ICRISAT and ICARDA (Table 8.8) and are being utilized in the breeding programme. Many sources of resistance to ascochyta blight are being used successfully in breeding programmes, although the inheritance of the resistance has been a controversial issue (Malik et al 1988; Dey and Singh 1993; van Rheenen and Haware 1994). Many researchers find this trait to be simply inherited (Singh and Reddy 1991). Good progress has been made in breeding ascochyta blight resistant cultivars worldwide. About 15 000 germplasm accessions have been screened to find resistant genotypes to pod borer (Helicoverpa and Heliothis species), the best among them being ICC 506 (Reed et al 1987; Lateef and Pimbert 1990). More lines were recommended to be used as resistant parents in crossing programmes (Sachan 1990). Progress has been made in development of lines with pod borer resistance and high yield at ICRISAT. About 7000 germplasm accessions have been evaluated at ICARDA to find resistant lines to leaf miner (Liriomyza cicerina Rond.), and three lines (ILC 3800, ILC 5900 and ILC 7738) have been identified (Singh and Weigand 1996). Little progress has been made in incorporating genes for resistance to leaf miner in high-yielding lines. Although breeding has been largely defensive and aimed to incorporate factors that alleviate stresses, proactive research has been conducted on quality factors such as seed appearance (ICRISAT 1991).
Table 8.8. Reaction of chickpea germplasm accessions to some biotic and abiotic stresses at Tel Hadya between 1978 and 1992. Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fusarium wilt*
0 0 10 22 9 1444
7 3 6 31 68 174
Leaf miner8 0 0 3 5 485 710
Seed beetle8 0 0 0 0 0 164
Cyst nematode11 0 0 0 0 20 0
Cold++ 0 0 3 10 1191 1023
1833 1185 14867 19370
277 636 1817 3019
1269 13 3540 6025
185 1551 3253 5153
494 1104 7639 9257
1014 2284 3570 9095
Ascochyta blight*
Drought** 0 0 0 3 202 2007
1172 607 77
Total 4168 Singh and Reddy 1993a; * Jimenez-Diaz etal. 1991; § Weigand and Tahhan 1990; ^ Di Vito etal. 1996; t + Singh etal. 1989, ** Singh etal. (unpublished).
Table 8.9. Chickpea area, production, yield and compound growth rates, by region. Region
Compound growth rates (1971-91) 1989-91 average Production Yield Production Yield Area Area 5562 670 -0.67** 8180 -0.19 South Asia 0.48 5.54** WANA 1115 828 0.75** 1346 4.76** 194 161 1205 -2.92** -1.26 NCS America 1.70** 160 173 1081 61.98** 64.09** -1.28 Oceania 94 68 723 -3.49** -4.53** 1.08** Europe 0.42 0.62* 706 10078 7116 0.19 World * Significant at 0.10 P level, ** Significant at 0.05 P level. Sources: FAO, unpublished data, and Government of India, DES, various years.
Table 8.10. Chickpea imports and exports ('0001), by region. Region South Asia WANA NCS America Europe Oceania World
1975-77 average Imports Exports 1 2 28 56 12 36 32 6 0 0 78 103
Imports 168 102 27 106 0 411
1989-91 average Exports 5 290 59 9 110 474
Sources: FAO 1988, 1992a, 1992b, 1993.
Production and Trade Chickpea accounts for 12% (or 7.1 million t) of world pulse production. This figure, however, understates the importance of this commodity in specific geographical regions of the world. The area of cultivation is often under-reported because of its secondary status as a companion crop in intercropped systems (Jodha and Subba Rao 1987). Compared with significant gains in world pulse production during the last two decades, chickpea share has declined (Table 8.9), and the overall declining trend in chickpea area in India and South Asia will likely continue, barring any major breakthrough in chickpea productivity to enhance its competitiveness (Kelley and Parthasarathy Rao 1994). Production increases in Turkey have come about mainly through area expansion spurred on by strong demand from importers and an attractive export incentive policy of the government. Oceania (mainly Australia) shows a positive trend in area and production (Table 8.9); this growth was in response to the relaxation of import restrictions on pulses in India during recent times (Rees et al. 1992).
Biodiversity in Trust
The WANA region ranks first in exports of chickpea with 290 000 t exported annually (Table 8.10). The world market for chickpea is thin: about 6.5% of the total chickpea produced. This is low compared with all other pulses, where exports represent about 11% of world production (Oram and Agcaoili 1994). Should a free exchange of commodities come to pass, world exports of chickpea are expected to increase as production shifts to areas of greater comparative advantage. Domestic production declines in India are already resulting in increased imports from Australia. REFERENCES
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Pundir, R.P.S., K.N. Reddy and M.H. Mengesha. 1992. Pod volume and pod filling as useful traits of chickpea. Int. Chickpea Newsl. 17:18-20. Reddy, M.V., T.N. Raju and R.P.S. Pundir. 1991. Evaluations of wild Cicer accessions for resistance to wilt and root rots. Indian Phytopathol. 44:389-391. Reed, W., C. Cardona, S. Sithanantham and S.S. Lateef. 1987. Chickpea insect pests and their control. Pp. 283-318 in The Chickpea (M.C. Saxena and K.B. Singh, eds.). CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Rees, R.O., J.B. Brower, J.E. Mahoney, G.H. Walton, R.B. Brinsmead, E.J. Knights and D.F. Beech. 1992. Pea and chickpea production in Australia. Pp. 412-425.m Expanding the Production and Use of Cool Season Food Legumes (F.J. Muehlbauer and W.J. Kaiser, eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. Roberts, E.H., J.R. Summerfield, F.R. Minchin and P. Hadley. 1980. Phenology of chickpeas (Cicer arietinum) in contrasting aerial environments. Exp. Agric. 16:343-360. Robertson, L.D., K.B. Singh and B. Ocampo. 1995. A catalog of annual wild Cicer species. 1995. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria. Sachan, J.N. 1990. Progress in host-plant resistance work in chickpea and pigeonpea against Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) in India. Pp. 14-18 in Summary Proceedings of the First Consultative Group Meeting
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on the Host Selection Behaviour of Helicoverpa armigera, 5-7 Mar 1990, ICRISAT Centre, India. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Santos Guerra, A. and G.P. Lewis. 1986. A new species of Cicer (Leguminosae - Papilionoideae) from the Canary Islands. Kew Bulletin 41(2):459-462. Saxena, M.C and M.H. Siddique. 1980. Response of some diverse kabuli chickpea genotypes to vernalisation. Int. Chickpea Newsl. 2:7-8. Saxena, M.C, N.P. Saxena and A.K. Mohamed. 1988. High temperature stress. Pp. 845-856 in World Crops: Cool Season Food Legumes (R.J. Summerfield, ed.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Saxena, N.P. 1987. Screening for adaptation to drought: case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea. Pp. 6376 in Adaptation of Chickpea and Pigeonpea to Abiotic Stresses (N.P. Saxena and C. Johansen, eds.). Proceedings of the Consultants' Workshop, 19-21 Dec 1984, ICRISAT Centre, India. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Saxena, N.P. and A.R. Sheldrake. 1980. Physiology of growth, development and yield of chickpea in India. in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Chickpea Improvement, 28 Feb-2 Mar 1979, Hyderabad, A.P., India. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Sheldrake, A.R. and N.P. Saxena. 1979. The growth and development of chickpea under progressive moisture stress. Pp. 465-485 in Stress Physiology in Crop Plants (H. Mussel and R.C. Staples, eds.). John Wiley and Sons, Chichester. Sheldrake, A.R., N.P. Saxena and L. Krishnamurthy. 1978. The expression and influence on yield of the double-podded character in chickpea {deer arietinum L.). Field Crops Res. 1:243-253. Singh, H., J. Kumar, J.B. Smithson and M.P. Haware. 1987. Complementation between genes for resistance to race 1 of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceri in chickpea. Plant Pathol. 36:539-543. Singh, K.B. 1987. Chickpea breeding. Pp. 127-162 in The Chickpea (M.C. Saxena and K.B. Singh, eds.). CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Singh, K.B. 1993. Problems and prospects of stress resistance breeding in chickpea. Pp. 17-35 in Breeding for Stress Tolerance in Cool Season Food Legumes (K.B. Singh and M.C. Saxena, eds.). John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK. Singh, K.B. and B. Ocampo. 1993. Interspecific hybridization in annual Cicer species. J. Genet, and Breed. 47:199-204. Singh, K.B. and M.V. Reddy. 1991. Advances in Disease Resistance Breeding in Chickpea. Adv. Agron. 45:191-222. Singh, K.B. and M.V. Reddy. 1993a. Resistance to six races of Ascochyta rabiei in the world germplasm collection of chickpea. Crop Sci. 33:186-189. Singh, K.B. and M.V. Reddy. 1993b. Sources of resistance to ascochyta blight in wild Cicer species. Neth. J. Plant Pathol. 99:163-167. Singh, K.B. and S. Weigand. 1994. Identification of resistant sources in Cicer species to Liriomyza cicerina. Genet. Resour. and Crop Evolution 41:75-79. Singh, K.B. and S. Weigand. 1996. Registration of three leafminer-resistant chickpea germplasm lines: ILC 3800, ILC 5901, and ILC 7738. Crop Sci. 36:472. Singh, K.B., W. Erskine, L.D. Robertson, H. Nakkoul and P.C. Williams. 1988. Influence of pretreatment on cooking quality parameters of dry legumes. J. Sci. Food Agric. 44:135-142. Singh, K.B., G.C. Hawtin, Y.L. Nene and M.V. Reddy. 1981. Resistance in chickpea to Ascochyta rabiei Plant Dis. 65:586-587. Singh K.B., L. Holly and G. Bejiga. 1991a. A catalog of kabuli chickpea germplasm: An Evaluation Report of Winter Sown Kabuli Chickpea, Land Races, Breeding Lines and Wild Cicer Species. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria. Singh, K.B., R.S. Malhotra and J.E. Witcombe. 1983. Kabuli chickpea germplasm catalog. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria. Singh, K.B., R.S. Malhotra and M.C. Saxena. 1989. Chickpea evaluation for cold tolerance under field conditions. Crop Sci. 29:282-285. Singh, K.B., R.S. Malhotra, M.H. Halila, E.J. Knights and M.M. Verma. 1994. Current status and future strategy in breeding chickpea for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Pp. 572-591 in Expanding the Production and Use of Cool Season Food Legumes (F.J. Muehlbauer and W.J. Kaiser, eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Singh, K.B., R.S. Malhotra and M.C. Saxena. 1990. Sources of tolerance to cold in Cicer species. Crop Sci. 30:1136-1138. Singh, K.B, M. Omar, M.C. Saxena and C. Johansen. 1996. Registration of FLIP 87-59C, a drought-tolerant chickpea germplasm line. Crop Sci. 36:472. Singh, U. 1985. Nutritional quality of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.): current status and future research needs. J. Plant Food Hum. Nutr. 35:339-357. Singh, U. 1988. Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing. Plant Foods Hum. Nutr. 38:251-261.
Singh, U. and R.P.S. Pundir. 1991. Amino acid composition and protein content of chickpea and its wild relatives. Int. Chickpea Newsl. 25:19-20. Singh, U., N. Subrahmanyam and J. Kumar. 1991b. Cooking quality and nutritional attributes of some newly developed cultivars of chickpea. J. Sci. Food Agric. 55:37-46. Smithson, J.B., J.A. Thompson and R.J. Summerfield. 1985. Chickpea (deer arietinum L.). Pp. 312-390 in Grain Legume Crops. Collins, London, UK. van der Maesen, L.J.G. 1972. deer L., A monograph of the genus with special reference to chickpea {deer arietinum L.), its ecology and cultivation. Maded. Landbou. Wageningen, 72-10. van der Maesen, L.J.G. 1987. Origin, history and taxonomy of chickpea. Pp. 11-34. in The Chickpea (M.C. Saxena and K.B. Singh, eds.). CAB International, UK. van der Maesen, L.J.G., W.J. Kaiser, G.A. Marx and M. Worede. 1988. Genetic basis of pulse crop improvement: Collection, preservation and genetic variation in relation to needed traits. Pp. 55-66 in World Crops: Cool Season Food Legumes (R.J. Summerfield, ed.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, van Rheenen, H.A. 1991. Production aspects and prospects of chickpea. Pp. 31-35 in Proceedings of the consultancy meeting on uses of grain legumes (R. Jambunathan, ed.)., 27-28 Mar 1989, ICRISAT Centre, India. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India, van Rheenen, H.A. and M.P. Haware. 1994. Mode of inheritance of resistance to ascochyta blight (Ascochyta rabiei Pass. Labr.) in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and its consequences for resistance breeding. Int. J. Pest Manage. 40:166-169. Vavilov, N.1.1926. [Studies on the origin of cultivated plants.] Leningrad 129-238. Vavilov, N.I. 1951. The origin, variation, immunity and breeding of cultivated plants. Chronica Botanica, New York 13-1/6:26-38, 75-78,151 (1949-50). Vishnu-Mittre, A. 1974. The beginnings of agriculture: Paleobotanical evidence in India Pp. 23-24 in Evolutionary Studies on World Crops: Diversity and Change in the Indian Sub-continent (J.B. Hutchinson, ed.). Cambridge University Press. Weigand, S. and O. Tahhan. 1990. Chickpea insect pests in the Mediterranean zones and new approaches to their management. Pp. 169-175 in Chickpea in the Ninties (H.A. van Rheenen and M.C. Saxena, eds.). ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Westphal, E. 1974. Pulses in Ethiopia, their taxonomy and agricultural significance. Agric. Res. Rep. 815. Wageningen, The Netherlands. Williams, P.C. and U. Singh. 1987. The chickpea - Nutritional quality and the evaluation of quality in breeding programs. In The Chickpea (M.C. Saxena and K.B. Singh, eds.). CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
Chapter 9 Groundnut1 A.K. Singh and S.N. Nigam
Groundnut, Arachis hypogaea L. (also called peanut in English, mani in Spanish, amondoim in Portuguese, pistache in French, mungphali in Hindi and ying zui dou in Chinese), ranks 13th among food crops and annual oilseed crops (FAO 1995). Its high oil and protein contents serve important needs for food, energy and industrial uses. Although a native of South America, the crop is now cultivated in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions of the world extending from 40°N to 40°S. BOTANY AND DISTRIBUTION Arachis hypogaea L. is a member of family Leguminoseae-Papilionoideae, tribe Aeschynomeneae and subtribe Stylosanthinae. It is a tetraploid with 2n=40. Krapovickas and Gregory (1994) divided the genus Arachis into nine sections. Section Arachis contains cultivated groundnut, A. hypogaea, another tetraploid species A. monticola Krapov. & Rigoni and a number of wild diploid species. Gregory et al. (1973) earlier divided A. hypogaea into two subspecies, fastigiata Waldron and hypogaea Krap. et Rig., and each subspecies into two botanical varieties. According to the new classification, subsp. fastigiata is subdivided into four botanical varieties, fastigiata, peruviana Krapov. & W.C. Gregory, aequatoriana Krapov. & W.C. Gregory and vulgaris C. Harz. The two botanical varieties in subsp. hypogaea are hypogaea and hirsuta Kohler. The key for identification of different botanical varieties is given in Box 9.1. Origin, Domestication and Diffusion The genus Arachis is naturally restricted to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay in South America. Both Krapovickas (1969, 1973) and Gregory et al (1980) postulated a planalto profile from Corumba to Joazeiro, Brazil as the centre from which distribution of Arachis occurred. Cultivated groundnut most probably originated in the region of southern Bolivia and northwestern Argentina (Krapovickas 1969), which is an important centre of diversity of subsp. hypogaea. A few forms of subsp. fastigiata, certain wild diploid annuals such as A. duranensis Krapov. & W.C. Gregory and A. batizocoi Krapov. & W.C. Gregory and A. monticola, considered to be the probable ancestors of A. hypogaea (Singh 1988), also occur naturally in this area. It has been suggested that A. duranensis (with A genome) and A. batizocoi (with B genome) initially evolved into the wild tetraploid A. monticola through amphidiplodization, which on domestication gave rise to the cultivated A. hypogaea (Smartt et al. 1978; Singh 1986, 1988), although RFLP results do not show A. batizocoi to be close to A. hypogaea. Subsequent spread of the crop to different agroclimatic zones brought further diversification and variability in growth habit and seed and pod characteristics (Singh 1995). Submitted as Journal Article No. 1851 by ICRISAT.
Box 9.1. Key to distinguish the taxa of Arachis hypogaea Central axis without flowers and lateral branches, the vegetative and reproductive branches alternate regularly (alternate ramification).
subsp. hypogaea
B. Leaflets with a glabrous dorsal surface or with some hair along the midrib.
var. hypogaea
B1. Leaflets with hairy (1-2 mm) dorsal surface, entire surface is hairy.
var. hirsuta
Central axis with flowers and lateral branches, the reproductive and vegetative branches show no order (sequential ramification).
subsp. fastigiata
Fruits with more than two seeds. Open/widespread fruiting.
Leaflets with a glabrous dorsal surface and hair only on the midrib. E. Fruits with smooth or lightly marked reticulation, without highlighting of the longitudinal ribs. Reproductive branches mostly short and thin.
var. fastigiata
E1. Fruits with very marked reticulation, and with prominent longitudinal ribs. Long, strong, reproductive branches (5-10 cm), with strong central axis and lateral branches.
var. peruviana
D1. Leaflets with a hairy (1-2 mm) dorsal surface, entire surface hairy. Long reproductive branches, mainly the lateral branches. Central axis mostly with short inflorescence and reproductive branches.
var. aequatoriana
C1. Fruits mostly 2-seeded. Bunched fruits, pointing to the base of the plant. Frequently with compact ears.
var. vulgaris
Source: Krapovickas and Gregory 1994 (translated from Spanish).
Domestication probably first took place in the valleys of the Parana and Paraguay river systems in the Gran Chaco area of South America. Early European explorers found native Indians cultivating this crop in many islands in the Antilles, on the northeastern and eastern coasts of Brazil in all warm regions of the Rio de la Plata basin; extensively in Peru and sparsely in Mexico (Hammons 1994). In South America, where the greatest diversity is found, Krapovickas (1969) and Gregory and Gregory (1976) recognized the Chaco region between southern Bolivia and northwestern Argentina as the primary centre of diversity and another six regions as secondary centres of diversity for cultivated groundnut (Fig. 9.1). On the basis of presence of distinct landraces found during further exploration in Ecuador, Singh and Simpson (1994) recently have added Ecuador as another secondary centre of diversity. Most authorities believe that in the late 15th century the Portuguese carried two-seeded groundnut varieties from the east coast of South America (Brazil) to Africa, to the Malabar coast of southeastern India and possibly to the far east. The Spaniards in the early 16th century took three-seeded Peruvian types (including
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116 —i
L -10

1 r
iI /

1 cm 1
Maximum Procumbent Alternate Present Woolly 10 cm 5
Intermediate(s) Decumbent Irregular Hairy, very hairy Continuous 2,3,4
Absent Yellow
Present Garnet
Standard petal markings
Leaf colour
Yellowish green
Dark green
Leaflet length (L) Leaflet width (W) Leaflet L/W ratio Leaflet shape
17 mm 7 mm 1 Suborbicular
94 mm 52 mm 6 Linear lanceolate
Hairiness of leaflet
Profuse and long
No. of seeds/pod Pod beak
1 Absent
5 V. prominent
Pod constriction Pod reticulation Pod length Pod width Seed colour pattern Seed colour
Absent Smooth 14 mm 7 mm One White
Very deep Prominent 65 mm 20 mm Variegated Dark purple
Seed length Seed width 100-seed weight Days to emergence Days to 50% flowering Days to maturity Fresh seed dormancy Oil content Protein content
4 mm 5 mm 14g 4 15 75 Odays 31.8% 15.8
23 mm 13 mm 140 g 18 54 > 155 > 66 days 55.0% 34.2
Lemon yellow, light orange, orange, dark orange Lemon yellow, light orange, orange, dark orange Light green, green, bottle green Continuous Continuous Continuous Elliptic, ovate, obovate, oblong Scarce and short, scarce and long, profuse and short 2,3,4 Slight, moderate, prominent Slight, moderate, deep Slight, moderate Continuous Continuous Yellow, shades of tan, rose shades of red, grey-orange, shades of purple Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous
Groundut germplasm is conserved as pods or seeds, except for some wild Arachis species, mostly in section Rhizomatosae, which are conserved as live plants in concrete rings under contained conditions. The following facilities are used for processing and ex situ conservation of seed. 1. Short-term storage. This facility at ICRISAT is maintained at 18°C and 30% RH. Pods/seeds in these chambers remain viable for a few years without much loss in viability.
Table 9.4. Number of accessions identified with resistance to different biotic and abiotic stresses and high biological nitrogen fixation capacity (BNF)f at ICRISAT. Stress/Factor Biotic stresses Late leaf spot Rust Seed invasion and colonization by A. flavus in the laboratory Seed infection by A. flavus in the field Peanut bud necrosis Aphids Leaf miner Jassids Thrips Abiotic stresses Drought High BNF
Status* RC Wild
Botanical type§ Hyr Hyb
2 3 35
17 19 2
2 19
4 4 9
6 -
37 105 2
1 2 -
2 19 2 7 48 14
1 7 1
2 3 2 1 11 -
6 13 -
1 3 14 -
13 2 9 38 9
10 2 2 42 6
29 -
12 4
7 1
7 -
28 3
11 3
7 1
49 135 18
6 15 11
2 1 6 70 20 3
27 57
Source: ICRISAT published and unpublished data. LR=Landrace, BL=Breeding line, RC=Released cultivar, Wd=Arachis spp. Vu=vulgaris, Fst=fastigiata, Hyb= hypogaea bunch, Hyr=hypogaea runner, Pru=peruviana, Aeq=aequatoriana.
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Table 9.5. Variation in reaction of groundnut accessions to various stresses and for nutritional factors at ICRISAT. Level of reaction1 HR/H R/M MR/L
Susceptible/ Stress/Factor Average Access, screened Fungal disease Early leaf spot 5 2084 2089 Late leaf spot 59 39 10103 10201 75 Rust 23 10024 79 10201 Aflatoxin 4 582 578 production Aspergillis flavus 21 8 10 580 539 seed invasion Pod rot 6 3222 3216 Viral disease _ PBNV 23 7377 7400 — — PMV 2 6944 6942 Pest Thrips 15 5330 5345 Jassids 28 3 105 6709 6845 Termites 9 511 520 2 2 Aphids 596 600 Leaf miner 14 10187 10201 Abiotic stress Drought 8 38 774 820 Nutritional quality 632 High oil 5247 20 8849 8868 High protein 97 117 3119 8751 8868 1. HR=Highly Resistant, R=Resistant, MR=Moderately Resistant; H=50-58%, M=40-50%, L=31.8-40% for oil and H=>31%, M=21-30%, L=< 20% for protein and Average=average oil and protein contents.
2. Medium-term chambers. These modules are maintained at a temperature around 4°C and 20% RH. The pods can remain for 25-35 years without much loss in seed viability. 3. Long-term chambers. These modules are maintained at -18°C without any control over RH and host 1000-1500 seeds of base or duplicate collections. The seeds are dried to a moisture level of 4-5% in the dryers maintained at a temperature of 15°C and 15% RH and are hermetically sealed in aluminium pouches before being transferred to long-term chambers. Long-term chambers can hold the seeds for periods in excess of 35-50 years without much loss in viability. Seed/pod samples have been supplied worldwide for research and use in breeding programmes to improve the genetic potential of existing groundnut cultigens (Table 9.6). Several wild Arachis species have been used for transfer of foliar disease resistance into cultivated groundnut. Properties and Uses Groundnut is rich in oil and protein, most of which is found in the cotyledons. Chemically a groundnut seed contains around 30% protein, 48% fat, 15.0% carbohydrate, 3.0% crude fibre, 5.0% moisture and 2.0% ash (Natrajan 1980). Groundnut protein is deficient in lysine, methionine and threonine (Pancholy et al. 1978). Non-protein or free amino acids are thought to react with glucose and fructose, produced by hydrolysis of sucrose during the browning process, to produce the typical roasted groundnut flavour, colour and aroma (Young et al. 1974; Woodroof 1983). The ratio of these amino acids varies with seed size (Young et al 1974). A methionine-rich protein (MRP) also has been identified in groundnut seed. Studies have shown considerable variation in MRP composition, thereby suggesting the possibility of improving the nutritional value of groundnut (Basha 1991).
Table 9.6. Number of groundnut germplasm accessions distributed to different regions of the world from ICR1SAT Center (1976 to December 1995). Internat. National University Programme Region Individual Programme Total Others' 727 14201 492 59 10 15489 Asia 771 98 133 6 Europe 8 1016 15732 21956 53 100063 11 62311 India 32 0 0 598 Oceania 0 630 1207 25 12 N & E Africa 0 0 1244 983 61 11028 8 12085 S Africa 5 924 65 5434 W & C Africa 20 0 6443 57 67 C America 30 80 0 234 207 291 12 14 N America 68 592 312 S America 0 43 25 98 478 Others includes supplies to commercial companies, non-governmental organizations and regional institutes.
Groundnut shells are used in many ways: as fuel, conditioner for heavy soil, filler in cattle feed, a raw source of activated carbon, combustible gases, organic chemicals, reducing sugars, alcohol and extender resins, a cork substitute and a component of building block and hardboard. The use of shells as mulch or manure is beneficial in areas of scarce rainfall. Residue left after furfurol extraction makes good compost after treatment with H2SO4 and neutralization with tricalcium phosphate. Groundnut hay (haulm) is used for livestock feed. Nutritionally it is not superior to alfalfa but is comparable to or better than grasses. Recently there has been some interest in exploitation of wild Arachis species for forage. Arachis glabrata and A. pintoi have been released as forage species in Australia, Brazil and the USA. These species are good sources of protein for livestock in grazing lands. Breeding Breeding procedures in use for cultivar development in groundnut are those generally used for self-pollinated crops. A real boost to groundnut breeding came with the perfection of a field hybridization procedure (Nigam et al. 1990). A modified pedigree (single-seed descent) procedure has been followed in some countries with good success (Hildebrand 1985). Only limited use has been made of the recurrent selection procedures (Wynne and Gregory 1981), owing to space and hybridization requirements. However, intercrossing of derived breeding lines is commonly resorted to, and it represents a delayed recurrent selection programme. Backcross breeding has been used to a limited extent to transfer simply inherited traits such as resistance to groundnut rosette virus disease into adapted cultivars (Gibbons 1969). Resistance to most of the diseases and insect pests is not simply inherited. Bulk and bulk pedigree methods are extensively used in regional and international programmes to retain variability in breeding populations for exploitation by the breeders in collaborating countries. Prospects Most of the cultivars of groundnut stand on a very narrow genetic base, either because of non-availability of varied sources from different centres of diversity or lack of proper characterization of available groundnut genetic resources. Utilization of available genetic resources can be improved with the use of some advanced molecular marker techniques in genetic characterization and identification of uniqueness of genotypes. Poor partitioning, particularly in runner-type landraces of subsp. hypogaea, has resulted in the erosion of these types from traditional production systems all over the world. Besides causing ecological imbalance, this loss also has resulted in soil degradation because of lack of soil-binding capacity in the introduced erect types.
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Correction is required, either through simple in situ conservation of runner types or an on-farm in situ conservation with a mixture of local and introduced high-yielding runner types in these areas. With the development of new mixed production systems and agroforestry, the lack of tolerance to shade, heat and cold could become a limitation in the further spread of groundnut. South America has extensive areas where groundnut can be cultivated but is not, because of acid soils and deficiency of micronutrients. Evaluation of genetic diversity for resistance to these constraints could help overcome them and spread groundnut to new production systems and areas. Biotic and abiotic stresses reduce yield, and some of these are amenable to chemical and cultural controls but such approaches are not always possible in low-input rain-fed agriculture. Abiotic stresses such as drought, nutrient toxicity, nutrient deficiency and low pH have received very little attention in breeding. Genetic amelioration to stresses, through exploitation of host-plant resistance by conventional methods, has been successful in many cases, such as rust, late leaf spot and groundnut rosette virus diseases, but much more remains to be done. The wild Arachis species are resistant to many stresses such as early leaf spot, peanut stripe virus, peanut bud necrosis virus, Spodoptera and leafminer where the genetic variation in A. hypogaea is limited. Advancement in molecular techniques related to the groundnut crop is expected to overcome some of the barriers to gene transfer between wild and domesticated species. Lack of adapted cultivars is often cited as one of the major constraints in increasing groundnut production and further spread of groundnut cultivation to new areas. Development of location-specific, improved germplasm with stable performance will require more attention by breeders. In sub-Saharan Africa, which is characterized by increased frequency of a shorter and less reliable wet season, extra-early genotypes are required if groundnut is to maintain its position there. Limitations Compared with the leading agricultural crops of the world the groundnut crop remains poorly researched and as such suffers from many limitations. In spite of significant developments in crop improvement research, benefits have been very slow to reach small farmers because of low seed multiplication rates and the bulky nature of the seed of this crop. These limitations have made the crop unattractive to the commercial seed sector. Public sector seed-producing agencies have not been able to meet the demand for improved seed. Since most of the Ca requirement of the developing pod and seed is met by direct absorption, the availability of moisture in the first 8-10 cm of topsoil at the poddeveloping stage is crucial for high yield. The crop is not able to make use of soil moisture in deeper layers in a productive manner in spite of its availability at the poddeveloping stage. In certain soil types and under conditions of end-of-season drought, the harvesting of pods becomes very difficult. Because the crop is indeterminate the crop lacks uniformity in maturity of pods at the time of harvest. Consequently, the economic yield is reduced owing to discarding of immature pods. The current world trade of groundnut is mainly in edible types. With increasing health consciousness, the high oil content of groundnut becomes a limitation in food trade. Susceptibility of groundnut to aflatoxin contamination is a serious health hazard. With better crop husbandry, tolerant genotypes and appropriate post-harvest technology, this problem can be overcome to a large extent. However, groundnut remains predominantly a rain-fed crop making it vulnerable to aflatoxin contamination in the field due to drought stress at the pod-developing stage. Groundnut as an oilseed crop is losing its competitiveness with other oilseed crops in many countries. If groundnut is to maintain its position as a leading oilseed crop, its productivity under low-input rain-fed agriculture will have to increase to meet the requirements and expectations of small-scale farmers in developing countries, where it continues to be a labour-intensive crop.
To exploit its full potential on the world food market, the crop will have to move away from the subsistence level. As a food crop, complete freedom from aflatoxin and chemical residues in the produce will be an essential requirement. To meet this requirement, crop husbandry including curing and drying will require more attention. Crop husbandry will have to be more environmentally friendly with less dependence on agrochemicals. Quality considerations also will become more important: seed shape, size and colour, low oil content, better taste and flavour and increased shelf-life. Diversification in crop uses and development of new groundnut products will help increase groundnut demand in the world market. Despite relatively low nutritional value, groundnut protein has unique functional properties, such as low solution viscosity and relatively high concentration (5-10%), good compatibility with bread dough systems, white colour and bland flavour. In view of this, opportunities exist for the food industry to manufacture defatted groundnut flours, groundnut protein isolates and concentrates as well as a wide range of food products, which might include vitamin-fortified infant food, precooked dehydrated foods, groundnut bread, groundnut cheese and groundnut milk. Texturized groundnut protein can provide an excellent substitute for expensive animal protein to meet the food requirements of developing countries in Africa and Asia. Many less-industrialized countries do not produce enough vegetable oil to meet domestic demand. It is usually in rural areas where deficit occurs because of the cost of transportation and distribution. The development and introduction of technologies for processing of groundnut oil on a small scale for use in rural areas will help alleviate the short supply of edible oil and generate employment, adding value to agricultural production and developing local engineering skills for rural agro-industrial development. Groundnut shells can be processed for economically useful purposes such as in the manufacture of activated charcoal, biogas, alcohol, extender resins, cork substitute and hardboards. The manufacture of adhesive glues, fire-extinguishing liquid and waterresistant powder from groundnut press cake has not yet been exploited commercially. Groundnut has good potential to move into new and non-traditional areas of cultivation. However, suitable cultivars will have to be tailored for such areas. In the rice- and wheat-based cropping systems, groundnut can play a significant role together with other legumes in restoring the balance in soil fertility and arresting the decline in productivity of the system. The use of wild Arachis species, which have great diversity for growth forms and adaptation, in forage production is another potential area for future research and conservation in forage germplasm banks. To date only three species have been recognized and commercialized for forage production. These species have demonstrated high yields and high quality of forage, high palatability, excellent haymaking quality, persistence under intensive grazing, tolerance to low fertility and high aluminium and manganese, good drought tolerance and minimal loss due to pest and diseases, which are essential for good forage and successful animal production. REFERENCES
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Culver, J.N., J.L. Sherwood and H.A. Melouk. 1987. Resistance to Peanut Stripe Virus in Arachis germplasm. Plant Dis. 71:1080-1082. de Berchoux, C. 1960. La rosette de l'arachide en Haute Volta. Comportement des lignesresistantes. Oleagineux 15:237-239. Dwevedi, S.L., S.N. Nigam, D.V.R. Reddy, A.S. Reddy and G.V. Ranga Rao. 1995. Progress in breeding groundnut varieties resistance to peanut bud necrosis virus and vector. Pp. 35-40 in Recent Studies on Peanut Bud Necrosis Disease (A.M.M. Buiel, J.E. Parlevliet and J.M. Lenne, eds.). Dept. of Plant Breeding, University of Wageningen / ICRISAT Center, Patancheru, India. FAO. 1995. Year Book: Production 1994. 48:108-109. Fitzner, M.S., S.C. Alderman and H.T. Stalker. 1985. Greenhouse evaluation of cultivated and wild peanut species for resistance to Cylindrocladium black rot. In Proceedings of American Peanut Research and Education Society Inc. 17:28. Foster, D.J., H.T. Stalker, J.C. Wynne and M.K. Beute. 1981. Resistance of Arachis hypogaea L. and wild relatives to Cercospora arachidicola Hori. Oleagineux 36:139-143. Foster, D.J., J.C. Wynne and M.K. Beute. 1980. Evaluation of detached leaf culture for screening peanuts for leaf spot resistance. Peanut Sci. 7:98-100. Gibbons, R.W. 1969. Groundnut rosette research in Malawi. Pp. 1-8 in Third African Cereals Conference Zambia and Malawi. Mimeo Report. Gibbons, R.W. and B.E. Bailey. 1967. Resistance to Cercospora arachdicola in some species of Arachis. Rhodesia, Zambia and Malawi. J Agric. Res. 5:57-59. Gouk, H.P., J.C. Wynne and H.T. Stalker. 1986. Recurrent selection within a population from an interspecific peanut cross. Crop Sci. 26:249-253. Green, C.C., M.K. Beute and J.C. Wynne. 1983. A comparison of methods of evaluating resistance to Cylindrocladium crotalariae in peanut field tests. Peanut Sci. 10:66-69. Gregory, W.C. and M.P. Gregory. 1976. Groundnut. Pp. 151-154 in Evolution of Crop Plants (N.W.Simmonds ed.). Longman Group Ltd., London. Gregory, W.C, M.P. Gregory, A. Krapovickas, B.W. Smith and J.A. Yarbrough. 1973. Structures and genetic resources of peanuts. Pp. 47-133 in Peanuts - Culture and Uses (C.T. Wilson, ed.). American Peanut Research and Education Association Inc., Stillwater, Oklahoma. Gregory, W.C, A. Krapovickas and M.P. Gregory. 1980. Structures, Variation, Evolution and Classification in Arachis. Pp. 469-481 in Advances in Legume Science (R.J. Summerfield and A.H. Bunting, eds.). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Hammons, R.O. 1994. The origin and history of the groundnut. Pp. 24-42 in The Groundnut Crop: A Scientific Basis for Improvement (J. Smartt, ed.). Chapman & Hall, London. Hildebrand G. 1985. Use of single-seed descent method of selection in groundnut breeding in Zimbabwe. Pp. 137-140 in Proceedings of the Regional Groundnut Workshop for Southern Africa, 26-29 March, 1984 Lilongwe Malawi. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Holbrook, C.C. and J.P. Noe. 1990. Resistance to Meloidogyne arenaria in Arachis spp. and the implications on development of resistant peanut cultivars. Peanut Sci. 17:35-38. IBPGR and ICRISAT. 1992. Descriptors for groundnut. International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome, Italy; International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, India. ICRISAT. 1983. Annual Report 1982. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. ICRISAT. 1985. Annual Report 1984. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Krapovickas, A. 1969. The origin, variability, and spread of the groundnut (Arachis hypogaea). Pp. 427440 in The Domestication and Exploitation of Plants and Animals (R.J. Ucko and C.W. Dimbleby, eds.). Duckworth, London. Krapovickas, A. 1973. Evolution of the genus Arachis. Pp. 135-157 in Agricultural Genetics: Selected Topics (R. Moav, ed.). National Council for Research and Development, Jerusalem. Krapovickas, A. and W.C Gregory. 1994. Taxonomia del genero Arachis (Leguminosae). Bonplandia VIIL1-187. Lynch, R.E. 1990. Resistance in peanut to major arthropod pests. Florida Entomol. 73:422-445. Lynch, R.E., W.D. Branch and J.W. Garner. 1981. Resistance of Arachis species to the Fall Armyworm, Spodepterafrugiperd A. Peanut Sci. 8:106-109.
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Chapter 10 Lentil L.D. Robertson and W. Erskine
Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) is a dietary mainstay and one of the principal pulse crops in the drier regions of the Middle East, North Africa and the Indian subcontinent. The seed provides an important source of protein to people of these regions, where lentil straw is valued for animal production. Lentil is grown to a lesser extent in southern Europe and the Americas, and as a field legume it is usually grown in rotation with cereals. The major factor in the domestication of lentil has been selection pressure for an appropriate phenology (Erskine et ah 1989). This force still drives the ICARDA breeding strategy. Most accessions of lentil in the ICARDA collection came from the West Asia and North Africe (WANA) region, which is the centre of origin and primary diversity (Zohary and Hopf 1988). The strategy has led to the successful use of landraces from the collection for direct release as cultivars for the WANA region and beyond. Separate programmes target improvements for the diverse environments in which lentil is grown in the developing world. BOTANY AND DISTRIBUTION Lentil is derived from the genus Lens, which describes the shape of the cultivated lentil seed. The genus Lens Miller belongs to the order Rosales, suborder Rosinae, family Leguminosae and subfamily Papilionaceae, in the tribe Vicieae (Kupicha 1981). Lens is characterized by small-flowered, low annual herbs. Cultivated lentil is a slender, pilose annual, 20-40 cm tall, long-day plant. All species in the genus are diploid with 2n=14 and have similar karyotypes. Wild Lens has four taxa (Ladizinsky 1993): Lens culinaris subsp. orientalis (Boiss.) Ponert Lens odemensis Ladiz. Lens ervoides (Brign.) Grande Lens nigricans (M.Bieb) Godr. Lens culinaris subsp. orientalis is fully crossable with the cultigen and is considered to be the lentil progenitor (Zohary 1972; Ladizinsky 1979; Ladizinsky et ah 1984). Common names of lentil are phakos in Greek; ads, adas and ades in Arabic; adis and bersim in Berber; merjimek and mecumeck in Turkish; lenteje in Spanish; masur dhal in Hindi; lentille in French; chechevitza in Russian and shozvpindu in Chinese. Many researchers still use macrosperma and microsperma as subspecies (Baurlina 1930) to distinguish seed sizes of 6-9 mm and 26 mm (Muehlbauer et ah 1995). Origin, Domestication and Diffusion Baurlina (1930) suggested the Hindu Kush-Himalaya border region as the centre of origin. Because wild species evidence does not support this hypothesis, the border may be a secondary centre of diversity. This mountainous area has many isolated valleys in which
the effects of genetic drift and gene fixation could have led to the high diversity of endemic varieties Baurlina found. Wild progenitors and relatives are primarily found in the West Asian region (Cubero 1981). Lens culinaris subsp. orientalis (Boiss.) Ponert is endemic to this region, although it has probably been distributed to some extent as a weed with the cultigen in the Asian Republics of the former Soviet Union. Archaeological records of carbonized lentil seed reveal the pattern of dissemination from its centre of origin. The crop was cultivated as early as 8000 BC in the Middle East (Zohary and Hopf 1988) and domesticated in the Lidia-Kurdistania region (Cubero 1981; Ladizinsky 1979) along the Near East Arc with einkorn, emmer and barley (Ladizinsky 1979; Vavilov 1992). It spread to Cyprus and southeastern Europe in 6000 BC, to Central Europe via the Danube, with wheat and barley to Egypt and with Hamitic invaders to Ethiopia. To the east, lentil reached Georgia in 5000 BC and early 4000 BC, then India and Pakistan around 2000 BC. It reached the Americas after their discovery. Reproductive Biology Lentil is a self-pollinated species with little outcrossing (Wilson and Law 1972), although up to 6.6% outcrossing has been reported (Erskine and Muehlbauer 1991). Flowers are complete and borne singly or in multiples on peduncles from the upper part of the plant. GERMPLASM CONSERVATION AND USE The primary lentil genepool consists of the cultigen and its progenitor, L. culinaris subsp. orientalis. Germplasm available for the cultigen at ICARDA is listed in Table 10.1. The early ICARDA years focused on collecting and assembling a large germplasm base. Today, 21% of the ICARDA lentil accessions are landraces collected by ICARDA and ALAD (Arid Lands Agricultural Development Program, the precursor organization of ICARDA). Breeding programmes have built upon the foundation of the germplasm collections. Seed Conservation Because lentil has less than 1% outcrossing (Wilson and Law 1972), it is easily grown for multiplication and rejuvenation in adjacent plots without taking measures to control pollination. The seeds of wild Lens species shatter, so these plants are grown in plastic or glasshouses and bagged at flowering. Lentil and its wild relatives have orthodox seeds that are easily maintained in the ICARDA genebank in active and base collections. Seeds are dried to 6% moisture content before storage at -20°C in the base collection and 0°C/16% RH in the active collection. Cultivated lentil germplasm is tested on a schedule to ensure that seed is pathogen- and virus-free (Khare 1981; Bos et al. 1988). ICARDA has signed an agreement for the safety-duplication of its cultivated lentil collection with the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) in New Delhi, India, prepared and stored 91% of its collection there, and will store the remainder after regeneration for seed supply and to obtain proper viability for storage. Germplasm Characterization and Evaluation Abiotic and biotic stresses affect lentil, and sources of resistance are being identified (Table 10.2). In addition, resistance to more than one stress is often needed for the farming systems, and several accessions have resistance to two or more diseases (Table 10.3). Rust (induced by Uromyces fabae (Pers.) de Bary) is the most important foliar disease. Epiphytotics of rust are common in Chile, Ecuador, Ethiopia, India, Morocco and Pakistan (Erskine and Saxena 1993). ICARDA screens for rust resistance through joint research with the national programmes of Ethiopia, Morocco and Pakistan. As a result of this effort, rustresistant cultivars have been released in Chile, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Morocco and Pakistan. An international nursery for rust resistance was initiated with national programmes in 1990 to clarify the host-pathogen relationships in different regions and to assist in
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Table 10.1. Current status of the cultivated lentil germplasm collection at ICARDA by country of origin1. Country No. access. Country No. access. Country No. access. 2 ETH 380 PAL AFG 142 2 PER FRA 9 2 ALB 1 POL 11 18 GBR ARG PRT 14 104 GRC 9 ARM 1 ROM 2 GTM 3 AUS HUN 28 RUS 4 31 AZE 1854 SAU 2 IND 3 BEL SDN 2 IRN 912 BGD 36 1 SOM 24 41 IRQ BGR 1 SUN ITA 12 82 BLR 392 SYR 4 1206 JOR BRA 1 TJK 6 KAZ 4 CAN TUN 21 LBN 76 350 CHL LBY 412 TUR 1 3 CHN UKR MAR 14 8 89 COL 1 URY MEX 2 45 CRI USA 34 1 21 MUS CSK UZB 1 1 NLD 28 CYP 1 YEM 32 60 NOR DEU NPL YUG 263 DZA 35 25 NZL 1 Not known EGY 98 106 7477 222 PAK Total 180 ESP f Origin country codes as per ISO (International Standardization Organization) three-letter country codes. Table 10.2. Resistant sources to biotic and abiotic stresses in lentil. Stress Resistant sources Fusarium wilt ILL 241, 632, 813, 1712, 4403, 5714, 5871, 5883, 6024, 6025, 6410, 6427, 6458, 6461, 6797, 6976, 6991, 7005, 7012, 7180, 7192, 7193, 7199, 7204 Rust ILL 358, 4605, 5604, 6002, 6209 Ascochyta blight ILL 358, 2439, 5244, 5480, 5588, 5597, 5684, 5714, 5725, 5755, 6258 Winter hardiness ILL 52, 465, 468, 590, 662, 780, 857, 975, 1878, 1918 Table 10.3. Some examples of multiple disease resistance in lentil with combinations of resistance to Ascochyta blight, rust and vascular wilt. Resistance reaction1 Accession no. (ILL) Ascochyta blight Rust Vascular wilt 2439 R R s 4605 MR R S R 5588 R S R 5714 R S R 5871 R na R R 5883 T R R 6024 MR R 6025 R S R 6212 MR S R 6258 R MR R R 6264 na R 6458 R S R=Resistant, MR=Moderately resistant, T=Tolerant, S=Susceptible, na=Data not available.
identifying variation in the fungus. Vascular wilt (induced by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lentis Vasd. and Srin.) is the most important soilborne disease of lentil in the Mediterranean region and also causes major yield losses in the Indian subcontinent. Bayaa and Erskine (1990) have developed an efficient screening method for vascular wilt in lentil and identified several useful sources of resistance. Ascochyta blight (induced by Ascochyta lentis Bond, and Vassil.) causes losses in productivity in WANA, Ethiopia, parts of the
Indian subcontinent and Canada. Losses affect not only the standing crop but also seed quality from infection in the swathe. Good sources of resistance to ascochyta blight have been identified in cooperation with the National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan and are now being used in the breeding programme. Although more than 1774 accessions of lentil have been screened for Orobanche crenata resistance, no useful source of resistance has been found. At higher altitudes, experiments have shown that changing from spring-sown to winter-sown lentil can increase yields by 50-100% (Sakar et al. 1988). Screening for cold tolerance started in 1980 near Ankara, Turkey, in cooperation with the national breeding programme (Erskine et al. 1981). Winter survival of lentil often requires tolerance to factors other than cold, such as frost-heaving, waterlogging and diseases caused by root pathogens and ascochyta blight. This screening has resulted in identification of sources of winterhardiness. With the onset of spring, rising temperatures lead to higher evapotranspiration and drought stress that coincide with the crop's reproductive growth stage, and thus yields are often low. Drought avoidance by earliness is the only effective trait for resistance to drought in the cultigen (Hamdi et al. 1992; Silim et al 1993). Erskine et al. (1993) have found differences in country of origin for iron deficiency when screening the ICARDA germplasm collection. Lentil accessions from the Fertile Crescent expressed iron deficiency symptoms at much lower frequencies than those from areas with warmer climates. The cultivated lentil germplasm collection also has been evaluated for agronomic and stress descriptors over the past 15 years. A catalogue describes the evaluation of the first 4550 accessions in the collection (Erskine and Witcombe 1984). Geographic patterns of diversity emerge when the data are analyzed by country of origin. Most significant of these patterns was time to flowering. Germplasm from the Indian subcontinent flowered and matured early. This material was also characterized by small-seeded types, an expected result because microsperma types are preferred in this region. Data collected for an additional 1859 accessions in which 20 descriptors were evaluated are being prepared for publication in catalogue form. Summary statistics (Table 10.4) reveal that the largest variation for quantitatively scored descriptors was for the yield descriptors seed yield (SYLD), biomass (BYLD), straw yield (STYLD) and 100-seed weight (HSW). Days to flowering, plant height, seed yield and straw yield showed normal distributions. Detailed analyses also have been made for quantitative traits in germplasm evaluation trials, with significant differences found for all characters, including straw and seed yield, between countries of origin (Erskine 1983; Erskine et al. 1989). This information was used to separate the lentil genepool into three major regional groups: 1. a Levantine group (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria) 2. a northern group (Greece, Iran, Turkey and the former USSR) 3. accessions from India and Ethiopia. Trials have been conducted to characterize the responses to temperature and photoperiod for time to flowering of lentil (Erskine et al. 1990a, 1994). Most of the variation among accessions in time to first flowering was attributed to country of origin and was dependent upon latitude of origin. Seed protein content varied from 18.6 to 30.2% (Erskine and Witcombe 1984). Cooking time has been determined in the world collection and showed a large variation (Singh et al. 1988). However, this variation was lost when pre-soaking was done before cooking, which is a common practice. Again, cooking time is not an objective in breeding programmes, although it is periodically determined in elite lines. Lentil originated in the Fertile Crescent and its wild relatives are most common in this region (Cubero 1981; Ladizinsky 1979,1993). The progenitor species of lentil, Lens culinaris subsp. orientalis, is endemic to this region. Collections of wild Lens are much smaller than those of the cultigens, but the one at ICARDA is the largest in the world (Table 10.5) and has been evaluated for morphological and agronomic descriptors (Table 10.6). Mean values for the quantitatively scored descriptors for each species are given in Table 10.7. High levels of winterhardiness have been found within L. culinaris subsp. orientalis (ICARDA 1994). The wild subspecies of Lens were found to be more drought resistant
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Table 10.4. Summary statistics for 1859 lentil germplasm accessions evaluated at Tel Hadya, Syria during 1991/92. Descriptor1
Check mean
CV (%)
DFLFT (days) 122.4 122.8 106 147 4.8 4.4 162.2 162.5 142 184 DMAT (days) 23.8 22.8 6 41 19.6 PTHT (days) 1 33.7 12.4 11.1 26 HTFP (cm) 44.3 42.0 2.0 18.8 75.8 HI (%) 40.9 5.5 4.3 1.6 10.1 HSW (g) 1302 43.8 976 23 3453 SYLD (kg/ha) 40.3 2924 2325 360 7293 BYLD kg/ha) 207 43.2 4667 1623 1349 STYLD (kq/ha) f DFLR=days to flowering; DMAT=days to maturity; PTHT=plant height; HTFP=height to 1st pod; Hl=harvest index; HSW=100-seed weight; SYLD=seed yield; BYLD=biomass yield; STYLD=straw yield.
Table 10.5. Frequency by country of origin1 of the ICARDA wild Lens germplasm collection. Taxa orientalis
No. of accessions 3 7 4 4 4 4 101 5 2 65 12
Taxa en/oides
No. of accessions 3 6 15 3 47 36 2 14
11 5 3 1 LBY 2 odemensis PAL 2 13 34 SYR 2 11 7 TUR 429 Total + 'Origin country codes as per ISO (International Standarization Organization) three-letter country codes. mgncans
than the cultigens with their low relative reduction in yield with drought stress (ICARDA 1992,1994). Two accessions of L. culinaris subsp. orientalis have high levels of resistance to vascular wilt (Bayaa et al. 1995). Twenty-four accessions of L. culinaris subsp. orientalis have high levels of resistance to ascochyta blight (Table 10.8) (Bayaa et al 1994). Gaps in Germplasm Collections Gaps remain in the collection, especially for wild accessions of L. culinaris subsp. orientalis. The cultivated lentil collection of ICARDA has incomplete passport data for some regions, especially Iran and India, and the true origin of many accessions from these countries is questionable. Extensive effort is being made to document the ICARDA genetic resources to clarify the status of the passport data of the collections to make their use more efficient. Within the WANA region, data from Algeria and to a lesser extent Tunisia are incomplete. Outside this region, the major gap is for Bangladesh; however, a collecting mission just completed in April 1995 will probably complete this information. Specific regions within a country may not be adequately covered, and when updating the passport data these regions need to be addressed. A major gap in the germplasm collections of lentil (both cultivated and wild) is the lack of accessions with a high biomass. Low biomass restricts the yield ability of the crop and reduces its competitiveness against weeds. There also is a lack of resistance for pea leaf weevil (Sitona sp.) and the parasitic weed broomrape (Orobanche sp.).
Table 10.6. Frequency distributions for some discretely scored descriptors for 316 accessions of wild Lens evaluated at Tel Hadya, Syria in 1991/92. Lens species (%) Descriptor/ nigricans ervoides orientalis odemensis score Flower colour 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 White 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 White, blue veins 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 Blue 60.0 93.5 91.0 100.0 Violet 40.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 Pink 0.0 0.0 6.5 3.9 Other Pod pigmentation 93.2 88.6 64.5 26.5 Absent 11.4 5.7 27.1 14.7 Slight, some pods 14.7 7.7 0.0 1.1 Slight, most pods 44.1 0.6 Deep purple 0.0 0.0 Growth habit 3.4 5.3 3.0 0.0 Erect 30.3 47.3 72.0 45.6 Semi-erect Semi-spreading 36.8 48.5 38.8 26.3 18.2 1.8 Spreading 10.5 12.3 Cotyledon colour Yellow 14.3 0.0 46.7 29.7 65.7 Orange/red 8.8 47.8 55.5 17.1 14.2 Olive-green 20.6 4.3 0.6 70.6 1.1 2.9 Mixed Tendril 77.1 Rudimentary 55.9 92.4 55.5 44.1 44.5 Prominent 22.9 7.6 Arista 11.8 5.8 80.2 Present 8.6 88.2 91.4 94.2 Absent 19.8 34 Number of accessions 35 155 92
Table 10.7. Means for quantitative descriptors for 316 accessions of wild Lens species evaluated at Tel Hadya, Syria in 1991/92. Descriptor/ Lens species* check orien.b ode/77. nigr. ervo. score1 106.2 DFLR (days) 103.1 106.3 120.0 112.3 110.7 DAP (days) 120.8 120.8 131.3 121.5 43.2 47.2 47.1 41.1 DDFLR (days) 43.1 2.9 7.1 DDAP days) 5.8 6.5 5.9 241.7 136.8 102.7 PTHT (mm) 99.3 86.3 PWX (mm) 224.4 178.4 215.3 143.6 108.6 PWY (mm) 187.9 132.2 209.3 165.1 101.5 17.1 FPP 12.1 11.8 12.0 10.2 21.9 INL (mm) 15.5 10.9 13.1 12.6 9.4 LPL 7.7 7.0 7.0 4.9 11.6 LFTL (mm) 6.0 7.5 8.8 8.0 LFTW (mm) 3.5 2.7 2.0 2.6 1.8 LFL (mm) 25.0 11.7 14.0 10.9 4.9 LPP 188.3 73.4 46.5 41.3 99.9 LAP (cm2) 338.0 23.7 58.1 104.7 18.4 DFLR=days to flowering; DAP=days to podding; DDFLR=duration of flowering; DDAP=duration of podding; PTHT=plant height; PWX=plant width between rows; PWY=plant width within rows; FPP=flowers per plant; INL=internode length; LPL=leaflets per leaf; LFTL=leaflet length; LFTW=leaflet width; LFL=leaf length; LPP=leaves per plant; LAP=leaf area per plant. * Orien.=orientalis; odem.=odemensis; nigr.=nigricans; ervo.=ervoides.
J 34
Biodiversity in Trust
Use and Distribution
Since 1989, ICARDA has distributed 6230 accessions of lentil and 638 accessions of the wild Lens species (Table 10.9), mostly to countries in the developing world. Selection was first made among, then within, locally adapted landraces, and they were distributed through the International Testing Network (ITN). To date, 18 cultivars of lentil have been released either from landraces or by direct selection from the germplasm collections (Table 10.10). Many of these selections also have been purified for such traits as seed size, disease resistance, frost tolerance and non-shattering. Major use of this material has been for screening and sources of resistance to rust, ascochyta blight and fusarium wilt. Other requests have been fulfilled to broaden the genetic base of the crop in particular countries or to supply wild species of Lens for research. Several genebanks in the ICARDA region, e.g. Iran, have been supplied with large numbers of wild Lens accessions to start their own collections. Bhatty (1988) and Savage (1988) have reviewed composition and nutritive quality, and Table 10.11 lists dry matter composition. Lentil contains a number of antinutritional factors that are unimportant in human diets because they are heat-labile and deactivated by cooking. The chief food uses of lentil are summarized in Table i0.12. Processing includes cleaning, sizing, dehulling, splitting and polishing (Williams et al. 1993). The most common lentil-based foods have been summarized by Hawtin and Sears (1993). In the Middle East, lentil is cultivated for its straw in addition to grain. In Syria, a farmer's revenue from straw is sometimes greater than that from the grain. Straw enters both national and international trade as a livestock feed, particularly for sheep, contributing up to 20% of the diet of ewes from November to February. The straw comes from the traditional threshing process and includes broken branches, pod walls and leaflets. The protein content of lentil straw, whose genetic variation of quality is limited (Erskine et al. 1990b), varies from 5 to 7% and its digestible dry matter from 43 to 46%. Breeding The geographic distribution of landrace variation in the world lentil collection for morphological characters (Erskine and Witcombe 1984; Erskine et al. 1989), responses in flowering to temperature and photoperiod (Erskine et al. 1990a, 1994), winterhardiness (Erskine et al. 1981) and iron deficiency chlorosis (Erskine et al. 1993) collectively illustrate the specificity of adaptation in lentil. The ICARDA breeding programme is linked closely to national efforts aimed toward producing genetic material across regions (Table 10.13). Many cultivar releases by national programmes are selections from landraces in the ICARDA germplasm collection. For example, within the lowland, medium-rainfall Mediterranean region, selections from Jordanian landraces are registered in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya and Syria; Lebanese germplasm has been released in southeastern Turkey, and a selection from a Syrian landrace has been released in Algeria and Tunisia (ICARDA 1995). In the highland region, releases in Turkey emanate from germplasm selections from highland Algeria and Iran. These registrations demonstrate the value of direct exploitation of landraces (Stage 1) as well as the underexploitation of the lentil. A particular combination of characters required for specific regions is often not found 'on the shelf in the germplasm collection. In such cases, hybridization and the bulk/pedigree breeding method with off-season generation advancement (at Terbol, Lebanon, 950 m asl), single-plant selection in the F4 generation and selection in Syria and Lebanon have been used to produce Stage 2 material. Today, however, selection at ICARDA in West Asia is limited to adaptation to the home region - the Mediterranean, low-to-medium elevation - and for traits where ICARDA has a comparative advantage. This selection includes breeding for such traints as vascular wilt resistance, because selection locally for adaptation to a specific target area is the most efficient selection method. For the other regions, Stage 3 crosses are agreed with cooperators and made at ICARDA, Tel Hadya. After off-season generation advance, segregating populations are shipped to national cooperators for local selection. Since 1985, specific crosses have been produced for the national programmes of Algeria, Bangladesh, India, Jordan, Morocco,
Table 10.8. Sources of resistance in Lens orientalis. Source of resistance Disease Fusarium wilt ILWL79, 113 Ascochyta blight
ILWL 4, 1r, 69, 77, 80, 84, 86, 88, 93, 94, 117, 121, 146, 180, 181, 248, 257, 277, 302, 304,315,330, 331
ILWL 89, 91,97
Table 10.9. Distribution of cultivated lentil and wild Lens species from the ICARDA collections, 1990-92. Country Country Cultivated Cultivated Wild Total Wild Total codef codef 1990 1993 4 AUT 18 18 4 ARG 52 72 GBR 33 39 BGR 52 12 22 CSK 3 IND 10 3 ETH POL 23 66 23 66 4 IND 301 27 31 RUS 301 111 55 20 166 IRQ Total 20 ITA 19 1991 19 44 JPN 539 AUS 8 495 8 NZL PAK 365 365 16 16 PAK POL 36 36 1000 1000 1 1 SYR SYR 25 6 31 941 80 TUR Total 123 861 123 1992 Total 1610 33 1643 101 1994 AUS 101 11 11 4 4 CSK BEL EGY BGD 36 36 20 20 ETH CAN 96 96 102 102 1 1 1 GBR CSK 14 13 IND EGY 20 20 303 303 IND JOR 1549 79 30 109 1549 LBN 152 322 474 IRN 20 20 ITA 46 46 NPL 500 500 78 NZL 4 JOR 78 4 MDA PAK 145 30 175 300 30 11 MEX 19 SYR 25 19 36 SYR Total 2795 64 50 50 2859 1 1 TUR 49 ZAF 49 Grand 853 1259 Total 6230 Total 406 638 6868 Origin country codes as per ISO (International Standardization Organization) three-letter country codes.
Table 10.10. Lentil cultivars selected from ICARDA's germplasm collections Country/ Year of Country/ Cultivar released release crop Crop Cultivar released Algeria ILL 4400 1988 ILL 4605 (Precoz) Morocco ILL 481 (Indian head) Canada 1989 ILL 4402 Nepal Chile ILL 5523 (Centinela) 1989 Pakistan ILL 4605 (Manserha 89) ILL 4605 (Precoz) 1990 Sudan ILL813(Rubatab1) Egypt ILL 358 Ethiopia 1984 ILL 4400 (Neir) Tunisia NEL 2704 1993 Turkey ILL 942 (Erzurum '89) ILL 5582 Iraq 1992 ILL 1384 (Malazgirt '89) Jordan ILL 5582 1990 ILL854(Sazak'91) ILL 5582 Libya 1993 USA ILL 784 (Crimson)
Year of release 1990 1989 1990 1993 1986 1990 1990 1991 1991
J 36
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 10.11. Ranges1 for proximate composition (% of dry matter) of lentil (Savage 1988). Crude protein Raw Whole seed Testa Cooked Whole seed Testa
Ether extract
Crude fibre
Nitrogen-free extract
19.5-35.5 19.5-32.5
0.6-3.9 0.9-2.8
1.4-5.9 0.2-3.0
52.5-69.7 35.3-68.3
1.9-5.7 2.2-3.0
20.5-31.4 22.5-29.0
0.7-1.6 0.6-2.2
2.7-4.9 0.5-3.9
61.4-69.4 60.4-66.4
1.4-3.5 1.0-2.8
All values converted to an oven-dried basis.
Table 10.12. Common lentil-based foods. Type Macrosperma Green seeds Mature seeds
Microsperma Mature seeds
Green vegetable Soup (whole seeds or lentil flour), fried lentil, mujeddharah (whole seeds with rice or cracked wheat) Soup (whole seeds)
Soup (splits), masurdhal, khichri
Nepal, Syria and Turkey. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA markers linked to the genes for resistance to these diseases are also being explored to determine the potential of marker-assisted selection (Eujayl et al. 1995). For autogamous small grains, pure lines are the usual product of breeding in the developed world, whereas in the developing world subsistence cropping is characterized by varietal mixtures. From a review of research in temperate regions under modern agriculture, it is clear that improved stability and lower disease severity are common features of mixtures compared with their components in monoculture (Lenne and Smithson 1995). Landraces possess considerable heterogeneity (Erskine and Choudhary 1986). To provide some heterogeneity within individual lines, the breeding programme at ICARDA for the West Asian lowlands is producing advanced-generation bulk lines, formed by bulking the progeny of early generation (F3 or F4) single-plant selections. Continued segregation in later generations at the remaining heterozygous alleles produces a low level of heterogeneity within bulked lines parallel to that within landraces. The wild genepool also has been used to improve the cultivated lentil. After crossing lentil with its wild progenitor L. culinaris subsp. orientalis at ICARDA, 10 lines were selected from bulk segregating populations for distribution worldwide in the Lentil International Nursery Program in 1984. Among these selections, the small-seeded ILL *5700 ranked 3rd, 1st, 7th and 2nd for average yield among 24 entries of the Lentil International Yield Trial tested in 13-15 countries from 1985 to 1988. This selection with wild parentage has since been widely used in crossing to introgress wild genes into the cultivated plant. The other major current use of wild germplasm in the breeding programme is to introgress winterhardiness genes from L. culinaris subsp. orientalis. Prospects Exciting gains in sustainable production arise from the integration of a change in agronomic practice with using a new cultivar. In highland West Asia, lentil is sown in spring. Sowing in late autumn/early winter, however, coupled with the use of a winterhardy cultivar gives yield advantages of approximately 50% (Sakar et ah 1988). Although agronomic constraints to winter-sown lentil in the Highlands require further research, this substantial yield increase can be expected in the future to augment the area and production in this agro-ecological zone. In some areas around the Mediterranean, such as south Syria, lentil production has ceased primarily because of vascular wilt disease. The registration of wilt-resistant cultivars ILL 5883 in Syria and Talya 2 in Lebanon offers the prospect of a return of lentil
Table 10.13. Target agro-ecological regions of production of lentil and key breeding aims. Region Key traits for recombination Mediterranean low to medium elevation 1. 300-400 mm annual rainfall Biomass (seed + straw), attributes for mechanical harvest and wilt resistance 2. 2000 m)
Insensitivity to photoperiod, early maturity, resistance to BCMV, halo blight, anthracnose and angular leaf spot Adaptation to relatively drier areas Highly photoperiod-sensitive, adapted to moderately wet and cool temperatures, long growing cycles
Andean South America Nueva Granada 1,3 Chile Peru
3 4
Lowlands of Latin America
4^ CO
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 11.3. Centres of diversity of the different wild and cultivated forms of Phaseolus acutifolius. Biological form P. acutifolius var. tenuifolius (wild) P. acutifolius var. acutifolius (wild) P. acutifolius, domesticated land races of Mesoamerica
Region Mexico, southwestern USA Mexico, southwestern USA, Guatemala Northern Mexico (Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco)
Table 11.4. Geographic centres of diversity for some truly wild Phaseolus species.1
Species P. glabellus P. glaucocarpus P. marechalii P. xolocotzii P. jaliscanus P. salicifolius P. sempervirens P. leptostachyus P. macrolepis P. minimiflorus P. ovatifolius P. venosus P. maculatus P. microcarpus P. polymorphus P. sinuatus P. polystachyus P. sonorensis P. grayanus P. angustissimus P. filiformis P. pedicellatus P. oaxacanus Adapted from Marechal et al. 1978.
Geographic distribution Cool highlands of Mexico Volcanic axis of Mexico Volcanic axis of Mexico Sierra Madre del Sur, Mexico Western Mexico Western Mexico Western Mexico Nuevo Leon, Mexico, to San Jose, Costa Rica Mountainous ranges in Central-Western Guatemala Baja, California Northern Mexico Northern Mexico Northern Mexico Mountains of Mexico San Luis Potosi, Mexico Southeast USA (Florida) Southeast USA (Florida, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky) Sonora, Mexico North of Mexico, Arizona, New Mexico Texas, New Mexico, Arizona California, Gulf of California Highlands of Mexico Oaxaca, Mexico
in situ (Debouck 1979, 1986b). In addition, the bean crop is being displaced and traditional landraces are being replaced by more profitable varieties (Kaplan 1956; Esquinas A. 1983). Chang (1985) stressed that the primary goal in ex situ conservation should be to conserve as many representative samples of existing germplasm as human resources permit. Bettencourt et al (IBPGR 1989) found more than 106 000 Phaseolus bean accessions stored as ex situ collections. Most of these collections are under shortor medium-term storage and are working collections of the National Programmes (Table 11.5). The Phaseolus beans collection at CIAT comprises a total of 27 813 accessions (Debouck 1979,1986b, 1988) (Table 11.5). The seed storage facility includes a long-term storage (-20°C), short-medium term storage (5-8°C, 35% RH) and a seed-drying room (20°C, 20% RH). It can hold 100 000 accessions, half of which have been assigned to Phaseolus. Characterization has been carried out for the most important morphological traits for the cultivated beans: seed type, growth habit and flowering characteristics. The five species present high polymorphism mainly for seed colour and size as well as for growth habit. Nine groups of seed colours and four prototypes of growth habits have been defined. More than 270 000 bean samples have been requested by the resident Bean Program, about 80 000 samples have been distributed internationally and many new cultivars have been produced (Tables 11.6 and 11.7).
Phaseolus Beans
Properties and Uses The wider distribution of the common bean, P. vulgaris, has made it by far the most important in terms of consumption (Pachico 1989). The estimated per capita consumption in Latin America is 13 kg/year, while in Central and East Africa it is about 31 kg/year (Shellie-Dessert and Bliss 1991). Both dry seed and immature seed are utilized for human consumption, usually by boiling. Because of their protein content and through combination with other foods, especially cereals, Phaseolus beans constitute a cheap source of high-value dietary protein in developing countries (Pinchinat 1977). Protein content of dry beans ranges from 18 to 29%, but beans also have a substantial proportion of carbohydrates (24-68%), as well as minerals and vitamins (3.5-4.7%) (Uebersax and Occena 1991). In developed countries, beans are generally prepared by commercial food-processing operations and consumed as canned beans in brine or sauce. Seeds of Phaseolus beans offer numerous opportunities for processing into a variety of food products: sprouts, curds, ferments, bean meals, flours, powders, quick-cooking beans, frozen/dehydrated beans, extruded products, microwaveable products and weaning products (Uebersax and Occena 1991) Popping beans called nunas have been selected by the Incas in the highlands of Peru and Bolivia in the pre-Ceramic era (Debouck 1989) because of the difficulty in cooking beans by boiling at high altitudes. In Peru, beans are toasted 5-10 minutes in a hot frying pan and these bean types may become a widely available, nutritious, tasty and fuel-conserving food (National Research Council 1989). They also possess wide
P vulgaris L.
I Mesoamerican
P. coccineus L P. polyanthus Greeman
P. nelsonii M.M.S.
P. acutitolius Asa Gray
P. oaxacanus Rose
P. amabilis Standley
P. ovatifoliusPipei
P. oligospermus Piper
P. amblyosepalus Monton
P palmer. Piper
P. amblyosepalus Morton
P parvuius Greene
P. angustissimus Asa Gray
P pauciflorus Sesse Mocino
P. anisotrichus Schlecht
P.. pediceilatus Benth
P. brevicalyx Micheli
P. plagiocylix Harms
P. chiapasanus Piper
P. pluriflorus M.M.S
P. esperanzae Seaton
P. polyanthus Greemar,
P. 'alcitormts Piper
P. filiformis Benth
P. lloribundus Piper
P ntensis Jones
P. foliaceus Piper
P. saiicifoiius Pipei
P glabellus Piper
P. scabrellus Benth
P. glaucocarpus Norvell P. grayanusWw*
& Standl.
P- gnseus Piper
P. schalfnen Piper P. sempervirensPipci P sinuatus Nutt
P. jaliscanus Piper
P smilacifolius Pollard
P. leiosepalus Piper
P sonorensis Standley
P. macrolepib Piper
P. striatus Brandegee
P. metcaltet Woot & Standl
P tuerckeheimii Donn Smith
P micranthus Hook & Arn
P. venosus Piper
R microcarpus Mart
P. vulcanicus (Piper) M.M-S
R minillorus Norvell
P. wrightii Asa Gray
P. neglectus Hermann
P xanthotrichus Piper
South Andean P vulgaris L P lunatus L P augusti Harms
Fig. 11.1. Geographic distribution of the Phaseolus species in the three primary centres of diversity, as proposed by Debouck (1986a).
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 11.5. Ex situ Phaseolus beans germplasm collection1 Region/ Country Americas Argentina Brazil
No. of inst. 1 2
Colombia CIAT Costa Rica Cuba Ecuador
Guatemala Mexico Peru USA
1 1 1 3
Venezuela Subtotal Europe Austria Belgium
1 1 2
1 3
Bulgaria Czechoslov.
1 2
Netherlands Poland Portugal
1 1 2
Rumania Spain Russia UK
1 1 1 2
Subtotal Africa Ethiopia Ghana Kenya Morocco Tanzania Subtotal Asia Afghanistan India Indonesia
1 2 1 1 1
1 1 1
P. coc, P.pol
P. spp.
Phas. ?
Total access.
P. vul
561 1800 4202 939 24563 870 860 1336 600 8315 1500 7965 4000 4465 827 62803
373 1548 51 834 580 50 910 300 567 5213
889 91 1335 18 342 _ 116 2791
271 9 289 61 _ 24 654
164 21 26 _ 5 216
511 _ 511
561 2173 4202 939 27435 1532 834 860 1336 600 10540 1568 9304 4300 5177 827 72188
281 122 150 42 2420 545 173 511 3696 410 256 57 65 3331 39 31 1000 26 354 559 159 1007 41 4950 700 20925
94 22 _ 2 4 122
94 2 148 _ 23 20 14 28 6 100 435
57 2 5 _ 10 4 78
99 _ _ 10 109
130 13 _ — 190 52 385
281 466 150 172 2420 545 173 528 3871 410 256 57 65 3331 39 56 1030 26 368 111 211 1013 49 4960 800 22054
263 1601 315 1348 3527
8 193 201
263 8 193 1601 315 1348 3728
94 1700 _
94 1700 3846
P. acu
Phaseolus Beans
Region/ Country Iran Israel Philippines Turkey Subtotal Total +
No. of inst. 1 2 1 1 55
P. vul
P. lun
274 350 495 883 3796 91051
— 515 4361 9897
P. coc, P. pol — 12 12 3238
P. acu — 10 10 742
P. spp. -
Phas. ? -
Total access. 274 10 350 1010 895 8179 106149
Adapted from IBPGR 1989.
Table 11.6. Traits evaluated in ClAT's Phaseolus collection and number of promising accessions. Number of accessions Traits evaluated Evaluated Promising* Resistance to disease/pest BCMV 21686 3079 BGMV 1660 12 Angular leaf spot 23848 221 Anthracnose 23924 1941 Common bacterial blight 23060 109 Zabrotes subfasciatus 10973 12 Acanthoscelides obtectus 6550 8 Leafhopper 17706 487 Apionspp. 1600 100 Other traits Low P tolerance 2178 143 Drought tolerance 5156 118 D1 genes 114 Phaseolin types 658 Photoperiod response 1655 = +
Includes all Phaseolus germplasm conserved at CIAT.
* Includes approximate numbers, and some accessions should be rechecked for confirmation. Table 11.7. Materials released as cultivars through international bean nurseries of the Bean Program, 1979-94 t . Region North America Central America Caribbean South America Europe Africa Asia-Oceania Total
No. of countries 2 7 2 8 13 4 37
Sources and number of cultivars Genebank (GRU) Breeding programme — 2 7 42 3 9 21 70 20 23 2 4 55 148
Total 2 49 12 91 43 6 203
Source: CIAT Bean Program.
genetic variability (Tohme et al. 1995b). In some areas, green pods are consumed, and flat, oval or round-podded cultivars are preferred (Purseglove 1968). A rough estimate of world production is close to 5 million t (Silbernagel et al. 1991). In Africa, young leaves are used as a vegetable and source of vitamin A (Westphal 1974; Silbernagel et al. 1991). Young shoots and leaves of P. coccineus are reported to be boiled and seasoned with chile and salt (Laughlin 1975; Arias 1980, in Delgado Salinas
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 11.8. Comparison of nutrient composition (100 g, fresh weight) and/or physical propertiest of different parts of the common bean plant. Nutrient and/or Leaves Snap beans inmature seeds Dry beans (raw) (raw) (cooked) (raw) physical properties 36 36 50 Energy (calories) 336 87 89 Moisture (%) 88 12 3.6 2.5 21.7 Protein (g) 1.7 0.4 0.2 3.2 Lipid (g) 1.5 Carbohydrate (g) 6.6 7.9 5.5 60.9 274 42 43 120 Ca (mg) 9.2 Fe (mg) 8.2 0.8 1.4 Thiamine (mg) 0.18 0.08 0.37 Niacin (mg) 0.5 2.4 1.3 Cooking time 10 25 40 120 Post-harvest storability short short short medium-long 1 Adapted from Shellie-Dessert and Bliss 1991; Silbernagel et al. 1991.
1988). Likewise, P. coccineus produces a considerable amount of large tuberous roots, which are dug up by natives, then boiled and used as starchy food (Briicher 1989). Raw roots are used for medicinal prevention of vomiting, malaria and other ailments. Flowers also can be boiled and then fried (Delgado Salinas 1988). Some physical and biological drawbacks need to be addressed in order to enhance consumption and utilization, such as cooking time, the post-harvest seed storage changes (hardening and discolouration), antinutrients (protease inhibitors and lectins, amylase inhibitors and phytic acid), digestibility and flatulence (Uebersax and Occena 1991). Table 11.8 is a nutritional comparison of the different parts of the plant. Breeding The genetics of common bean has been studied since the beginning of this century (Singh 1992), and research areas reviewed: Yarnell (1965) on bean genetics, Leakey (1988) and Prakken (1970, 1972) on seed, pods and other marker traits, Zaumeyer and Meiners (1975) on bean diseases, Roberts (1982) on major genes, and Basset (1988) on linkage mapping of marker genes. Table 11.9 summarizes the reports. Using molecular techniques of DNA analysis, several genetic maps have been created with Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) (Vallejos et al 1991; Nodari et al 1993) and Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) (Jung et al 1994; McClean et al 1994). Also, recent efforts are directed to coordinate several linkage maps of P. vulgaris, in order to produce one high-density linkage map in this species (Freyre et al 1995); this map is urgently needed to have a more comprehensive correlation and interpretation of those results. Plant breeding efforts lead to increased yield potential as well as attempting to stabilize yield potential by overcoming production constraints. Although both objectives have received attention in bean improvement, the alleviation of production constraints often has received more emphasis. Recent reviews have been published on breeding common bean for adaptation to drought (White and Singh 1991), for disease resistance (Beebe and Pastor C. 1991) and for insect resistance (Kornegay and Cardona 1991). Additionally, Singh (1992) has reviewed bean breeding in tropical environments, as well as breeding for seed yield (Singh 1991), and has proposed that breeding programmes be organized around the principle of races and genepools of common bean. The strategy of utilizing distinct races to improve yield potential of Mesoamerican beans has already proven successful (Kelly and Adams 1987; Singh et al. 1992, 1993). It is likely that this strategy will also be useful for overcoming yield constraints as well. The genepool structure of bean germplasm also has shed light on co-evolution with certain bean pathogens, especially Colletotrichum lindemutheanum and Phaeoisariopsis griseola (Beebe and Pastor C. 1991).
Phaseolus Beans
Table 11.9. Summary of reports on the genetics of the common bean Phaseolus vulgaris (adapted from Singh 1991). Trait Incompatibility Seedling wilt, leaf rolling Semilethal chlorosis Virescent foliage Cripple morphology Variegated foliage Leaf distortion Dwarfism Male sterility (MS) Indehiscent anthers Gamma induced MS Restorer cytoplasmic Seed characters Size Colour Brilliance Coat rupture Semihard seed Immature white coat Coat whiteness Total proteins Phaseolin types Lectins absence Arcelin Tannins Cooking quality Flowering-maturity Delayed flowering Early flower maturity Flowering behaviour Early daylength-neutral Photoperiod sensitivity Early flowering Time to flowering Late maturity Flower colour Purple colour White colour Blotch on standard Pod characters Weight of dry pods Number of pods Length Diameter Flat shape Round shape Curved tip shape Interlocular cavitation Stringy rogue Stringless Detachment force Yellow wax colour Dry pod colour Colour pattern Broken end discolouration Flavour (alfa-terpinol)
Genes Action
2 1 3 2 2;3 1 2
Recessive Recessive Recessive Recessive Duplicated, recessive Dominant Complem-dominant
1 2 3;1
Recessive Recessive Complem.-dominant
1;2 9 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 -
Additive Complementary(?) Dominant Incomplete dominant Recessive Recessive Additive-dominant Quantitatively, GCA Codominant alleles Recessive Dominant Quantitative Additive, GCA
1;2;3 1 4 2 2 1 1 1;2 1
Domin., complem., recessive Dominant Recessive Recessive, epistatic Heterosis, GCA, SCA Addit.-domin.-overdominant Dominant Pleitropic, linked Dominant, complem. Pleitropic Dominant
1;4 1 1 1 Poly 1 1 2 1 3 1 1
Heterosis, overdominant Domin., addit., epistatic Domin., addit., epistatic Heterosis, GCA, SCA Incomplete dominance Dominant Dominant Dominance, additive Recessive Domin., duplic, recessive Dominant Quantitative Dominant Dominant, complem. Dominant, epistatic Dominant
Trait Leaf characters Colour-shape mutants Abaxial pubescence Reclining foliage Photonastic movement Leaf area Leaf number Photosynthethic efficiency Root characters Dry weight Nitrogen fixation Low nitrogenase activity Isozyme systems Stem characters Indeterminate Climbing ability Sprawling vs. upright Plant height habit Internode length Number of branches Number of nodes Dry weight Inflorescence Harvest index Abiotic stress Phosphorus absorption Iron defficiency Low zinc tolerance Ozone tolerance Heat tolerance Temp.-drought resistance Biotic stress Leafhopper resistance Nematode resistance BCMV virus resistance BYMV virus resistance Rugose virus resistance Tobacco mosaic resistance Soybean mosaic resistance Subclover stunt resistance Watermelon mosaic BICMV, CAbMV resistance Peanut mottle resistance Common bacterial resistance Halo blight resistance Bacterial brown spot Bacterial wilt resistance Rust resistance Anthracnose Angular leaf spot resistance White mould Thielaviopsis Fusarium
Biodiversity in Trust
Genes Action
9 2 1 2 Few
Independent, recessive Dominant, complem. Recessive Dominant, epistatic Additive Dominance Quantitative
1 6
Transgressive, additive GCA Dominant Independent, codominant
1 1; poly 1 1;poly 6 _
Dominant Dominant Dominant Dominant-epist.-modif.-heter.-addit.-GCA Dominant-heter.-GCA Heterosis-GCA-SCA Heterosis-GCA-SCA Heterosis Heterosis Heter.-addit.-dominant
2 2 2 1;2
Addit.-domin.-mix Dominant Dominant, complem. Dominant, interact. Addit.-domin.-epistatic Dominant, complem.
2;3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 Few 1 1 3 2
Dominant, GCA, SCA Recessive Dominant Dominant Allelic dominance Dominant Incomplete dominance Partial dominance Dominant Independent-dominant Incomplete-dominant Domin.-quant.-additive Domin. race-specific Duplic-recessive, quantit. Race specific Race specific Dominant Quantitative, additive Quantitative, additive Partly recessive, additive
The major world's germplasm collection of Phaseolus beans has been assembled at the Genetic Resources Unit at CIAT. This bank holds more than 27 000 accessions, which includes a wide genetic variability of the five cultivated species, their respective
Phaseolus Beans
wild ancestral forms plus 22 wild non-cultivated species; the largest proportion of this collection (90%) is filled by P. vulgar is. In attempting to understand the genetic value of the sizeable collection, a core collection subset from CIAT's collection has been assembled. About 1500 accessions of this species were selected based on agroecological origin, plant and seed morphology, and history of specific regions as areas of traditional bean production (Tohme et ah 1995a). Besides detailed morphological characterization and analysis of seed for protein characteristics, the core collection is being evaluated for traits such as yield potential, tolerance to low phosphorus and drought tolerance. It is hoped that these evaluations will serve to identify pockets of useful variability which can be further explored in the reserve collection. The core is also being subjected to molecular analysis to elucidate more fully the genetic structure of genepools and races of bean. Interspecific crosses have been utilized on a very limited scale and in most cases to obtain resistances to specific diseases: with P. acutifolius for common blight resistance (Honma 1956; McElroy 1985) and P. coccineus for resistance to root rots (Wallace and Wilkinson 1965). The use of molecular markers, especially DNA markers for Marker Assisted Selection (MAS), has created a revolution in plant breeding in recent years. Molecular markers for several economic traits in beans have been reported: resistance to common bacterial blight (Nodari et ah 1993; Jung et ah 1994), bean rust (Miklas et ah 1993), bean golden mosaic virus (Miklas et ah 1995), bean common mosaic virus (Johnson and Gepts 1994) and anthracnose (Young and Kelly 1994). Prospects Despite the outstanding advances in knowledge of the evolution of the genetic diversity of P. vulgaris and, on a minor scale, of the other Phaseolus cultivated species, a wide range of research still claims urgent attention. Thus, key genetic variability of cultivated and wild relatives from Southern (Peru) and Northern Andes (Colombia, Venezuela) needs to be collected; there is a high risk of genetic erosion in these areas. Also, more systematic collecting of variability of the non-cultivated wild species is required, because it is lacking in all genebanks. Research on molecular markers as a tool for breeding and for the completion of genetic mapping offers tremendous potential for improvement of the crop. The setting-up of core collections will improve utilization of the germplasm. Interspecific crossing, using wild non-relative species, will be the challenge of the future. Genetic resistance and/or tolerance to several biotic and/or abiotic stresses has been poor or absent in germplasm of the cultivated species, and hence the wild non-cultivated species are a world to explore.
The most widespread and endemic production problems of the common bean are diseases, insects, drought and low soil fertility; in fact, many species of pests and diseases attack Phaseolus (Schoonhoven and Voysest 1989; Beebe and Pastor C. 1991; Kornegay and Cardona 1991; Singh 1992). Bean yields are also reduced by edaphic and climatic stresses. The most important diseases are bean common mosaic virus (BCMV), bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV), common bacterial blight (Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (Smith) Dye), anthracnose (Colletotrichum), angular leaf spot (Phaeoisariopsis griseola (Sacc) Ferraris), rust (Uromyces appendiculatus (Pers) Unger var. appendiculatus) and root rots caused by several fungi (Beebe and Pastor C. 1991). Among the insects, the most important are leafhoppers (Empoasca kraemeri Ross and Moore), bean pod weevil (Apion godmani Wagner), Mexican bean beetle (Epilachma varivestis Mulsant), bean fly (Ophiomyia phaseoli Triyon), Mexican bean weevil (Zabrotes subfaciatus Boheman) and bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus). Deficiencies of phosphorus and nitrogen are common in bean production. Agronomical and breeding efforts in most regions must be directed toward recovering yield potential of existing commercial cultivars, stabilizing production and reducing crop losses (Singh 1992).
Biodiversity in Trust
Basset, M.J. 1988. Linkage mapping of marker genes in common bean. Pp. 329-353 in Genetic Resources of Phaseolus Beans: their Maintenance, Domestication, Evolution, and Utilization (P. Gepts, ed.). Kluwer, Dordrecht, Netherlands. Baudoin, J.P. 1988. Genetic resources, domestication and evolution of lima bean, Phaseolus lunatus. Pp. 393-407 in Genetic Resources of Phaseolus Beans: their Maintenance, Domestication, Evolution, and Utilization (P. Gepts, ed.). Kluwer, Dordrecht, Netherlands. Beebe, S.E. and M. Pastor C. 1991. Breeding for disease resistance. Pp. 561-617 in Common Beans: Research for Crop Improvement (A. van Schoonhoven and O. Voysest, eds.). CAB International, Wallingford, UK/CIAT, Cali, Colombia. Briicher, Heins. 1989. Useful Plants of Neotropical Origin: and their Wild Relatives, pp. 87-103. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, New York. Bukasov, S.M. 1931. Las plantas cultivadas de Mexico, Guatemala y Colombia, Pp. 54-66. [Trad, de la version en Ingles de M.H. Byleveld por Jorge Leon. 1981.] CATIE. Carter, G.F. 1945. Plant geography and culture history in the American Southwest. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology 5:1-140. Chang, T. 1985. Principles of genetic conservation. Plant genetic resources: key to future plant production. Iowa State J. Res 59(4):325-348. Cromarty, A.S., R.H. Ellis and E.H. Roberts. 1982. The Design of Seed Storage Facilities for Genetic Conservation, pp. 21-30. IBPGR, Rome, Italy. Debouck, D.G. 1979. Proyecto de recoleccion de germoplasma de Phaseolus en Mexico, CIAT-INIA, 1978-1979. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, CIAT (internal report), Cali, Colombia. Debouch, D.G. 1986a. Primary diversification of Phaseolus in the Americas: three centres? Plant Genet. Resour. Newsl. 67:2-8. Debouck, D.G. 1986b. Phaseolus germplasm collection in Cajamarca and Amazonas, Peru. Trip report. International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome, Italy, AGP/IBPGR 86/161. Debouck, D.G. 1988. Recoleccion de de Phaseolus en Bolivia. Internal Report. CIAT, Cali, Colombia. Debouck, D.G. 1989. Early beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. and P. lunatus L.). Domesticated for their aesthetic value?. Ann. Rept. Bean Improve. Coop. 32:62-63. Debouck, D. 1991. Systematics and morphology. Pp. 55-118 in Common Beans: Research for Crop Improvement (A. van Schoonhoven and O. Voysest, eds.). CAB International, Wallingford, UK/ CIAT, Cali, Colombia. Debouck, D.G., O. Toro, O. Paredes, W. Johnson and P. Gepts. 1993. Genetic diversity and ecological distribution of Phaseolus vulgaris (Fabaceae) in Northwestern South America. Econ. Bot. 47:408-423. Delgado Salinas, A.O. 1985. Systematics of the genus Phaseolus (Leguminosae) in North and Central America. Thesis (PhD). The University of Texas at Austin. Delgado Salinas, A. 1988. Variation, taxonomy, domestication, and germplasm potentialities, in Phaseolus coccineus. Pp. 441-463 in Genetic Resources of Phaseolus Beans: their Maintenance, Domestication, Evolution, and Utilization (P. Gepts, ed.). Kluwer, Dordrecht, Netherlands. Esquinas A., J.T. 1983. Los recursos fitogenetiocs: una inversion para el futuro. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias, Madrid, Espana. Freeman, G.F. 1992. Southwestern beans and teparies. University of Arizona, Agric. Exp. Stat. Bull. 68:57-619 Freyre, R., P.W. Skroch, A. Adam-Blondon, A. Shirmohamadali, W.C. Johnson, R.O. Nodari, E.M. Koinange, M. Sevignac, H. Bannerot, J. Nienhuis and P. Gepts. 1995. Towards and integrated linkage map of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L): Coordination of the Davis, Paris and Wisconsin maps. Ann. Rept. Bean Improve. Coop. 38:115-116. Freytag, G.F. 1965. Clasificacion del frijol comun (Phaseolus vulgaris L) y especies afines. Ceiba (Honduras) ll(l):51-64. Gepts, P. and F.A. Bliss. 1985. Ft hybrid weakness in the common bean: differential geographic origin suggests two gene pools in cultivated bean germplasm. J. Hered. 76:447-450. Gepts, P. and F.A. Bliss. 1986. Phaseolin variability among wild and cultivated common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) from Colombia. Econ. Bot. 40(4):469-478. Gepts, P. and F.A. Bliss. 1988. Dissemination pathways of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, Fabaceae) deduced from phaseolin electrophoretic variability, II: Europe and Africa. Econ. Bot. 42(l):86-104. Gepts, P. and D.G. Debouck. 1991. Origin, domestication , and evolution of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Pp. 7-53 in Common Beans: Research for Crop Improvement (A. van Schoonhoven and O. Voysest, eds.). CAB International, Wallingford, UK/ CIAT, Cali, Colombia. Gutierrez Salgado, A., P. Gepts and D.G. Debouck. 1995. Evidence for two gene pools of the Lima Bean, Phaseolus lunatus L., in the Americas. Genet. Resour. and Crop Evolution 42:15-28. Harlan, J.R. and J.M.J. de Wet. 1971. Toward a rational classification of cultivated plants. Taxon 20:509517.
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Phaseolus Beans
Appendix 1 . Tentative list of Phaseolus sensu stricto species (including the three sections Phaseolus, Alepidocalyx and Minkelersia) (as proposed by Debouck 1991). Species
P. acutifolius A. Gray P. amabilis Standley P. amblyosepalus (Piper) Morton P. angustissimus Asa Gray P. augustii Harms P. brevicalyx Micheli P. chiapasanus Piper P. coccineus L. P. costaricensis Freytag & Debouck P. esperanzae Seaton P. filiformis Bentham P. floribundus Piper P. foliaceus Piper P. glabel1us Piper P. glaucocarpus Norvell P. grayanusNoo. & Standl. P. griseus Piper P. hintonii Delgado P. jaliscanus Piper P. leptostachyus Bentham P. lunatus L. P. macrolepis Piper P. maculatus Scheele P. micranthus Hook. & Arn. P. microcarpus Mart. P. minimiflorus Norvell
Ph Mi Al Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph
P. A77O///S H o o k
P. neglectus Hermann 1
P. nelsonii M.M.S P. oaxacanus Rose P. oligospermus Piper P. ovatifolius Piper P. pachyrrhizoides Harms P. palmeri Piper P. parvulus Greene P. pauciflorus Sesse Mocino P. pedicellatus Bentham P. pluriflorus M.M.S. P. polyanthus Greenman P. polymorphus S. Wats. P. polystachyus (L) B.S.P. P. ritensis Jones P. salicifolius Piper P. scabrellus Bentham P. schaffneri Piper P. sempervirens Piper P. sinuatus Nutt P. smilacifolius Pollard P. sonorensis Standley P. striatus Brandegee P. tuerckheimii Donn. Smitt P. venosus Piper P. vulgaris L. P. xanthotrichus Piper P. xolocotzii Delgado
Mi Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Mi Mi Ph Mi Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph* Ph
Ph = Phaseolus; Mi = Minkolorsia; Al = Alepidocalyx. * May form another section.
Chapter 12 Pigeonpea1 P. Remanandan and L. Singh
BOTANY AND DISTRIBUTION Pigeonpea, Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp., belongs to the subtribe Cajaninae, tribe Phaseoloideae, subfamily Papilionoideae and family Leguminosae. It is an ancient cultivated crop with many vernacular and trade names in various languages and dialects. In India, it is called arhar and tur, in Portuguese guand and in Spanish guandu. The name pigeonpea was first reported from Barbados where the seeds were used to feed pigeons (Plukenet 1692). Van der Maesen (1986) has recorded over 300 names of pigeonpea. The important names include red gram, tur, arhar, guandul and pois d'Angole. The plant is a perennial shrub, though in India it is usually cultivated as an annual crop. Pigeonpea has a deep root system which helps to withstand drought. The plant has a C3 pathway for carbon fixation, and interacts with cowpea strains of Rhizobium to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Most traditionally grown pigeonpeas have an indeterminate flowering habit. The inflorescences develop as axillary racemes from the branches and flowering proceeds acropetally. In the determinate types, the apical buds of the main shoots develop into inflorescences. Flowers are yellow with orange or red streaks, and the back of the corolla is fully red or orange. The flower has a typical papilionaceous structure with diadelphous (9+1) stamens, superior, subsessile or short, stalked ovary, long, filiform style with a terminal stigma. Pods are compressed, pubescent with a diagonal depression, 5-8 cm long and 1-5 cm wide. Seed number per pod varies from 2 to 9, but is usually 3 to 5. Seed shape is usually oval; other shapes are square, pea (globular) and elongate. Seed colour varies from white to almost black, and cultivars show remarkable diversity in seed mass (weight), with 100-seed mass range of 3-25 g. Seeds are non-endospermic and contain two large cotyledons. Germination is hypogeal. Origin, Diffusion and Distribution Pigeonpea originated in India, and spread to Africa quite early, where a secondary centre of diversity developed (van der Maesen 1986). Seventeen species of Cajanus, including the closest species, Cajanus cajanifolius (Haines) van der Maesen comb, nov., occur in India. Cajanus cajanifolius, the most probable progenitor of pigeonpea, is found only in India. The only distinguishable morphological trait by which it differs from cultivated pigeonpea is the presence of seed strophiole in C. cajanifolius. The species readily crosses with pigeonpea. It is extremely rare and is probably on the verge of extinction since its natural habitat consists of open areas which are vulnerable to grazing. The species still occurs in rare patches in the southern parts of Orissa and Madhya Pradesh states, and the genetic diversity found in the pigeonpea landraces 1
Submitted as lournal Article no. 1895 by ICRISAT.
presently grown in this area is remarkable. This leads us to believe that pigeonpea originated in the central and eastern parts of India. Reddy (1973) and De (1974) postulated that the genus Cajanus probably originated from an advanced Atylosia species through single-gene mutation. It is now apparent that this advanced species is C. cajanifolius. Pigeonpea is cultivated in the tropical and subtropical areas between 30°N and 30°S latitudes. It has been introduced into most of the tropical and subtropical countries to which people of Indian origin have migrated. With the slave trade, pigeonpea moved from Africa to the Americas, and is now widely grown in the Caribbean. Reproductive Biology Pigeonpea is a quantitative, short-day plant with a critical day length of 13 hours (Sharma et ah 1981). However, there are genotypic variations in sensitivity to photoperiod. No pigeonpea cultivar is truly photoperiod-insensitive and the degree of sensitivity varies quantitatively, the shortest-duration types being the least sensitive. The floral structure of pigeonpea favours self-pollination, which occurs in the flower before the petals open. When the petals are open, insect pollination may take place (van der Maesen 1986). Outcrossing of 0-70% has been reported, depending on the genotype, location, season and the pollinators. Taxonomy Following the revision of the taxonomy of Cajanus (van der Maesen 1986), its nearest relatives, earlier classified in Atylosia W. and A., have been merged with Cajanus DC. These include all the species of Atylosia, three newly described species from Australia, two species of Endomallus Gagnep. and the cultivated C. cajan. Primarily on the basis of the success in hybridization between pigeonpea and its wild relatives, van der Maesen (1990) placed all the species interfertile with pigeonpea in the secondary genepool. These are C. acutifolius (F. von Muell.) van der Maesen comb, nov., C. albicans (W. and A.) van der Maesen comb, nov., C. cajanifolius (Haines) van der Maesen comb, nov., C. lanceolatus (W. V. Fitzg.) van der Maesen comb, nov., C. latisepalus (Reynolds and Pedley) van der Maesen comb, nov., C. lineatus (W. and A.) van der Maesen comb, nov., C. reticulatus (Dryander) F. von Muell., C. scarabaeoides (L.) Thou, van der Maesen comb, nov., C. sericeus (Benth. ex Bak.) van der Maesen comb. nov. and C. trinervius (DC.) van der Maesen comb. nov. All these were earlier included in Atylosia and most of the crossing efforts were directed toward these species. Those species which do not readily cross with pigeonpea have been placed in the tertiary genepool. These are C. goensis Dalz., C. heynei (W. and A.) van der Maesen comb, nov., C. mollis (Benth.) van der Maesen comb, nov., C. platycarpus (Benth.) van der Maesen comb, nov., C. rugosus (W. and A.) van der Maesen comb. nov. and such other Cajaninae as Rhynchosia Lour., Dunbaria W. and A., Eriosema (DC.) Reichenb. GERMPLASM CONSERVATION AND USE Genetic Resources Some 12 885 accessions of pigeonpea from 72 countries are conserved at the ICRISAT Asia Center, Patancheru, India. This diverse assemblage of germplasm has been systematically characterized and subjected to preliminary evaluation (Remanandan et ah 1988a, 1988b) and detailed information on 11034 accessions originating from 52 countries is now available.
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 12.1. Range of variability in pigeonpea germplasm held in the ICRISAT genebank. Character Minimum Maximum No. observations 52 237 Days to 50% flowering 11 968 97 Days to 75% maturity 11 956 299 39 11 957 Plant height (cm) 385 2 Primary branches (number) 66 11 900 Secondary branches (number) 0.3 145.3 11 865 6.0 Racemes (number) 915.0 11 052 Seeds/pod (number) 7.6 11 888 1.6 100-seed mass (g) 2.8 11 887 25.8 Harvest index (%) 0.6 62.7 10 975 5.3 Shelling ratio (%) 87.5 11 006 12.4 Seed protein percentage (%) 11 601 29.5 This indicates the number of accessions in which a specific trait has been measured.
Range of diversity for major characteristics
Pigeonpea germplasm offers a wide range of variation for almost all yield components, quality traits and adaptation (Table 12.1). Genetic male sterility is available and can be transferred easily to any cultivar. This is currently used in hybrid pigeonpea breeding programmes (Lai et al. 1989). Use of multiple disease resistant lines and insecttolerant lines can substantially contribute to yield stability. Information on the origin of accessions from diverse ecological regions can aid in selecting cultivars suitable for introduction to new areas. The ICRISAT Asia Center collection has a fair representation of germplasm from arid areas, acidic soils, high altitudes and other harsh environments. Cultivars have various combinations of desirable traits, such as disease-resistant, large-seeded lines adapted to high altitude, or short-duration, determinate lines. Some genetic stocks have such unique traits as dwarfism, genetic markers, modified flowers (cleistogamous and/or wrapped flowers) and mutants. The potential for improvement within the germplasm is evident from the remarkable diversity available and the yields attained in experimental fields. Many traditional landraces have been released directly as cultivars without any change in genetic constitution and several have been used as sources for specific characters such as yield components, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, quality traits and adaptation (Table 12.2). Notwithstanding the impressive variation available in the germplasm, limits to genetic enhancement of the species are frequently encountered. The perennial nature of the species, its slow initial growth rate and poor partitioning of biomass resulting in low harvest index all constrain genetic enhancement for yield. Although shortduration pigeonpeas are less perennial, true annuality is not known in pigeonpea. The reproductive biology of the species favours self-pollination. However, pigeonpea is often cross-pollinated. Therefore, traditional breeding methods of selfpollinated species, particularly pedigree breeding, have not been very effective for traits with low heritability. The large genotype by environment interaction, in particular, photoperiod by temperature interaction, further reduces the efficiency of selection. There is genotypic variation for sensitivity to photoperiod in the germplasm and there are genotypes which are comparatively less sensitive to photoperiod. The exploitation of hybrid vigour has recently become possible with the discovery of genetic male sterility, but the cost of hybrid seed production remains high. The search for cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) was initiated in the 1990s; a stable CMS system has not yet been found in the species. Insect pests are the major yield constraints in all pigeonpea-growing areas. Tolerant genotypes have been reported, but a stable source of host-plant resistance, an important component of integrated pest management, remains a weak link in the overall effort to
improve productivity of pigeonpea. Biotechnological techniques for enhancement of this critical trait have not yet been developed.
Geographic distribution of important traits The Indian subcontinent is the major area of genetic diversity. Nearly all the important traits are found in the subcontinent, particularly in north and central India. Pigeonpea varies widely in duration, from 3 months to >9 months; this trait is very important in the adaptation of cultivars to various agroclimatic areas and cropping systems. In recent years there has been increased interest in short-duration pigeonpeas. These are relatively less sensitive to photoperiod by temperature interactions and have a short growing season in which to interact with environmental factors. One major limitation in achieving significant impressive genetic enhancement in short-duration pigeonpeas is its narrow genetic base. Out of the 943 short-duration lines presently conserved in the ICRISAT genebank, over 50% are breeding products, sharing many common parents. Nearly all short-duration accessions originate from northern and central India. Most of the medium-duration accessions also originate from India, and, as we have noted above, it is interesting that nearly all the pigeonpeas found outside the Indian subcontinent are long-duration, indeterminate types, many of which are vegetable types with large pods and large, light-coloured seeds. Pigeonpeas of all durations and plant types are found in various parts of the Indian subcontinent. However, vegetable types are grown mainly in the state of Gujarat. The vegetable types are preferred by tribal people who grow pigeonpea around their houses in the hilly areas of the states of Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and in the Western Ghats of southern India. Determinate genotypes are generally short in stature and have clusters of pods at the top of the plant canopy; they are predominantly of short or medium duration. Most of the determinate genotypes are also products of breeding programmes. The ICRISAT genebank presently holds 463 determinate accessions, of which 309 accessions are breeding products, 258 from ICRISAT and 51 from the University of Queensland, Australia. A further 34 lines are purified germplasm for photoperiodic insensitivity. The remaining 120 accessions originate from India, Sri Lanka and the Caribbean. The genetic base in this group is not very large. Host-plant resistance to disease is another important trait in sustainable crop improvement programmes. Systematic screening at ICRISAT of germplasm for hostplant resistance to diseases resulted in the identification and development of resistant genotypes to three diseases of major economic importance: sterility mosaic (SM), fusarium wilt and phytophthora blight. The collection at ICRISAT Asia Center has 321 accessions resistant to SM, of which 59 are landraces directly identified as resistant and 267 are lines purified through single-plant selection. Most of the accessions resistant to these three diseases are from northern and central India (Table 12.3). Cajanus platycarpus, a wild relative, is the only source which is immune to phytophthora blight and this species, which is rather rare now, is distributed in the Western Ghats of India. The species belongs to the tertiary genepool and hence does not cross readily with Cajanus. Recently, a successful hybrid was produced at ICRISAT through the embryo-rescue method (Nalini and Moss 1995). Thirteen accessions of C. platycarpus, which is on the verge of extinction, have been salvaged from the Western Ghats in the state of Maharashtra, and northern parts of Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh. It is essential to secure more accessions of this species because it has other desirable traits such as earliness of flowering and high seed protein (Remanandan 1990). Central and northern India are rich in other important yield components such as number of primary and secondary branches and number of racemes. This area is the home of pigeonpea's progenitor, C. cajanifolius, which has vanished from most of its natural habitats but still occurs, albeit rarely, in the Bailadela area in Madhya Pradesh.
Table 12.2. Origin of pigeonpea cultivars released since 1979 by ICRISAT and its collaborators. Origin
Country, year of release
Short duration 15598 MN5
Sel.Extra SD Composite
USA, 1995
Sel.Extra SD Composite
USA, 1995
MN 1
Sel.Extra SD Composite
USA, 1995
14440 14057 14057 11543
Sarita(ICPL 85010) Hunt Megha Pragati (ICPL 87)
ICPL 87 x DL 78-1 Prabhatx ICP 7018 PrabhatxlCP7018 T21 x ICP 6393
63 76 76 77
13194 11605 14421
Quantum Jagriti (ICPL 151) Durga (ICPL 84031)
78 78 78
T21 x ICP 6393 ICP 6997 x Prabhat ICPL 87x (Prabhatx UPAS 120) ms Prabhatx ICPL 161
India, 1996 Australia, 1983 Indonesia, 1987 India, 1986; Myanmar, 1992 Australia, 1985 India, 1990 India, 1995
Selection made at Minnesota from Extra SD composites developed at ICRISAT Selection made at Minnesota from Extra SD composites developed at ICRISAT Selection made at Minnesota from Extra SD composites developed at ICRISAT Short-duration DT cultivar released in HP. India ICP 7018 originates from Madhya Pradesh
India, 1991
PPH4 CoH1 Quest
India, 1994 India, 1994 Australia, 1988
ICP no.
Medium duration Birsa Arhar 15600
ms Prabhat x AL 688 m s T 2 1 x ICPL 87109 (Prabhat x HY 3C) x (ICP 7018 x ICP 7035)
Wilt-resistant bulk from BDN 1 x ICP 7620 Sel. ICP 7626
Abhaya (ICPL 332)
Sel. ICP 1903
ICP 6393 originates from Madhya Pradesh
ICP 6997 originates from Madhya Pradesh Released in Andhra Pradesh, India
Short-duration indeterminate hybrid released in the central zone of India. Parent of ICPL 161 (ICP 6) originates from Andhra Pradesh Short-duration indeterminate hybrid released in Punjab, India Short-duration indeterminate hybrid released in Tamil Nadu, India ICP 7018 and ICP 7035 originate from Madhya Pradesh
India, 1992
Wilt-resistant population, released in Bihar, India
India, 1985
India, 1989
Wilt-resistant selection from ICP 7626, which originates from Uttar Pradesh, India Pod borer tolerant selection from ICP 1903, which originates from Andhra Pradesh
ICP no.
Royes (UQ 50)
Q 8189 West Indies
Asha(ICPL 87119)
C11 xlCP 1-6
Long duration Kamica 7035
Landrace from Madhya Pradesh Landrace from Grenada
Country, year of release
Wilt- and SM-resistant; C 11 is a released cultivar; ICP 1-6 is a wilt- resistant selection from another released cultivar 'Sharda'
Fiji, 1985
Landrace, resistant to wilt and SM, released directly as a variety
Venezuela, 1991 Nepal, 1992
Semi-determinate vegetable type landrace selected from farmers' fields in Grenada (PR 6534), released directly as a variety SM-resistant landrace, released directly as a variety
Cerro Pelon
Rampur Rhar
La Cerrera
9145 11916
Nandolo wa nswana Aroa
Landrace from Kenya Landrace from W.Ghats, India
Venezuela, 1991 Malawi, 1988 Venezuela, 1991
Landrace from Nepal
Nepal, 1992
Remarks Medium-duration DT cultivar, released for mechanized production
Landrace from Madhya Pradesh Sel. ICP 7217
Australia, 1979; Fiji India, 1993
Days to 50% flowering at ICRISAT Asia Center, Patancheru, India.
140 144 163 170
Selection from a landrace ICP 7217 (Turk-Thogari) which originates from Karnataka, India, released directly as a variety Wilt-resistant landrace, released directly as a variety A high-performing ratoonable landrace selected from the fields of ethnic communities of Attapadi, Western Ghats, India (PR 5193) released directly as a variety for crop-livestock system in Venezuela SM-resistant landrace, selected from farmers' fields in Nepal (PR 5147), released directly as a variety.
f !
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Table 12.3. Number of accessions resistant to three major diseases of pigeonpea, and their geographical origin. Area of origin Sterility mosaic Fusarium wilt Phytophthora blight Uttar Pradesh 59 6 44 Madhya Pradesh 7 12 35 Bihar 2 22 80 4 14 Maharashtra 3 21 Orissa Andhra Pradesh 36 3 10 2 15 Karnataka 3 Assam 3 2 5 2 Tamil Nadu 1 Rajasthan 1 Haryana 2 Gujarat 1 Meghalaya West Bengal 2 1 Punjab 60* 6 Others1 26 321 Total 29 140 These include breeding lines, where the precise origin of the parents which contributed disease resistance could not be traced to their original habitats. * Out of these, 11 accessions are from Kenya.
Wild relatives as a source of diversity
Information on the desirable traits available in closely related wild species can be found in Remanandan (1981). Cajanus albicans, C. lineatus, C. sericeus and C. crassus var. crassus are resistant to SM. Cajanus platycarpus is resistant to phytophthora blight, although such high levels of resistance are not known in cultivated pigeonpeas. This species flowers in 48 days. Cajanus sericeus is resistant to both blight and SM. Insect damage is the major constraint in pigeonpea production. Cajanus scarabaoides has a higher level of tolerance to insect pests than any other pigeonpea line. Despite this comparatively higher level of tolerance, even this species is not totally resistant to insect pests such as pod borers and pod flies; a truly resistant source is not yet known. Evaluation Passport information and characterization data of the world collection of pigeonpea have been documented and computerized using descriptors and descriptor states jointly developed by the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) and ICRISAT (IBPGR/ICRISAT 1981). Passport information consists of accession identifiers, information on origin and related data. Characterization data include 40 descriptors on morpho-agronomic traits, of which 22 have been entered into a computer-based catalogue. The pigeonpea germplasm passport and characterization information is stored in a Relational Database Management Software known as System 1032 (CompuServe Techologies, USA) on VAX (VMS) environment. The application software developed for this crop allows authorized users to add/update the information. Other users on the system can retrieve the information on all or a desired set of accessions (either with all the data on these accessions, or with information on only a few descriptors). They can also retrieve information on accessions belonging to a particular class. Further, the system facilitates manipulation of the stored data for statistical analysis to examine patterns of variation. It hence serves as a live catalogue, which is frequently revised and updated as new information becomes available.
The utility of the stored information depends largely upon its accessibility to germplasm users the world over. To achieve this, ICRISAT published a catalogue of pigeonpea germplasm (Remanandan et al. 1988a, 1988b). In this catalogue, the accessions have been classified into a number of natural and artificial groups, together with several short lists of accessions that have frequently required combinations of morpho-agronomic traits. Conservation techniques Pigeonpea has orthodox seeds and can be safely stored under low temperature and low relative humidity after the moisture content of the seed is brought to the desired level. The seeds produced during the post-rainy season are generally of high quality and are used for conservation. Since pigeonpea is a partially cross-pollinated crop, seed multiplication is carried out under controlled pollination. The branches or the whole plant are covered with muslin bags. Selfed seeds from about 30 plants per accession are bulked to constitute the next generation and to reconstitute the original population as closely as possible. Sowing pigeonpea close to the shortest day of the year results in reduced plant height, and thus allows whole plants to be conveniently covered with muslin bags. It is also possible to control pollination by using cages made of frames covered with nets. When small numbers of cultivars are to be multiplied for large-scale seed production, geographic isolation of about 100 m is desirable. Accessions are rejuvenated by resowing selfed seed. It is desirable, however, to restrict the number of rejuvenations to the bare minimum to minimize the risk of genetic drift. Harvested pods are sun-dried and machine-threshed. Since the ambient relative humidity at the time of harvest (Feb-Apr) is generally low at ICRISAT Asia Center (in India), the moisture content of the harvested seed will also be low (10-12%), which is sufficient for medium-term conservation. However, for long-term conservation, the moisture content should be 5±1%, and the conventional technique of sun-drying does not always achieve this level without affecting viability. Therefore, a satisfactory drying system at 15°C and 15% RH is employed to dry seeds to the desired moisture level for long-term conservation. The active germplasm is stored under medium-term conditions, at 4°C and 20% RH. To minimize the frequency of rejuvenation, a relatively large quantity of seed (300-400 g) is stored. Seeds are stored in aluminium cans with screw caps that have rubber gaskets inside to keep them moisture proof. The base collection is stored at -20°C for long-term conservation using modules procured from Watford Refrigeration (UK). About 5000 seeds per accession are stored in the base collection. We are in the process of transferring a duplicate set of the world collection to the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), New Delhi, India, as an extra measure of safety. The viability of the seed is determined by conducting germination tests at regular intervals (3-5 years) during storage to predict the storage life and time of rejuvenation. Properties and Uses Pigeonpea is a unique crop with multiple uses as a source of food, feed, fuel and fertilizer. It is used in more diverse ways than any other legume. In the Indian subcontinent, pigeonpea is used mainly as human food. Starch and protein are the principal constituents of the seed. Starch content of the cotyledons in diverse cultivars varies from 51.4 to 58.8% (mean 54.7%); protein content ranges between 18.5 and 26.3% (mean 21.5%). Closely related wild species have a seed protein content of up to 30%. Faris and Singh (1990) have listed the distribution of dietary nutrients in different parts of mature pigeonpea seed. In India, pigeonpea is used mostly in the form of dehulled split cotyledons known as dhal. In Africa, the dry seed is cooked together with vegetables or meat. The use of pigeonpea to partially substitute
Biodiversity in Trust
for soyabean is being explored in Southeast Asia. Pigeonpea sauce, made by fermenting pigeonpea with Aspergillus oryzae, A. niger and Rhizopus sp., is an acceptable substitute for soyasauce in Indonesia. Green seeds are consumed as a vegetable in eastern Africa, the Caribbean islands, South/Central America, Indonesia the Philippines and parts of India (Fig. 12.1). Pigeonpea plants and grain have been used as animal feed for centuries by Indian farmers. After the harvest, plants are often left in the field to be browsed by animals. The crop debris left behind after threshing is widely used as cattle feed. Its value as animal feed will depend on the proportions of stem, leaf and pods in the residue. Pigeonpea is considered an acceptable protein source for all classes of poultry feed (Wallis et ah 1986). Dry pigeonpea stems (Fig. 12.2) are widely used as cooking fuel in the Indian subcontinent and the drier parts of eastern and southern Africa. They are also used to make field fences, huts and baskets. Farmers often grow pigeonpea in poor soils on which it is difficult to grow other crops. The canopy provides extensive ground-cover,
Fig. 12.1. Pods and seeds of purified germplasm with excellent vegetable-type characteristics; large pods and large, globular seeds are preferred in vegetable pigeonpea.
helping to control soil erosion by wind and water. Being a legume, it fixes nitrogen; leaf fall further improves soil fertility. Dry roots, leaves, flowers and seeds are used to treat a wide range of skin, liver, lung and kidney ailments. Breeding Genetic variation
The landraces that have been grown for centuries are the principal primary genepool of pigeonpea. The landraces grown in Asia, Africa and the Americas are largely of medium to long duration (180-250 days), photoperiod-sensitive, tall (2-3 m), with slow early growth and indeterminate flowering habit. They are adapted to inter /mixed cropping with tall cereals; after the cereal is harvested, pigeonpea grows, produces vegetative biomass, flowers and fruits on residual soil moisture. These populations, however, are heterogeneous. Since the early 1900s, breeders have used these landraces for selection, hybridization and improvement for such traits as yield, plant height (genetic dwarfs), growth habit, duration, resistance to fusarium wilt, seed size and colour. More recently, landraces have provided sources for resistance to sterility mosaic disease, shorter duration (100-150 days), relative insensitivity to photoperiod and temperature, and genetic male sterility. When this primary genepool is grown outside its area of adaptation, e.g. from coastal regions to high altitudes or from 20°N latitude to over 40°N latitude, hidden variability for sensitivity to photoperiod by temperature interactions is expressed, providing a source for selection to increase or reduce this sensitivity. This primary genepool, a reservoir of apparent and potential variability, has evolved in low-input rain-fed agriculture, retaining such traits as perenniality, low harvest index and slow early growth. These genotypes are adapted to intercropping systems and appear to be in a state of equilibrium with locally occurring diseases and pests.
Fig. 12.2. Harvested long-duration pigeonpea, showing the huge biomass that can be used for fuel and fodder.
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Table 12.4. Breeding procedures for different traits in pigeonpea genetic enhancementTrait Dry grain yield in all maturity groups
Breeding procedures Selection among landraces; hybridization-pedigree or bulk pedigree methods; multilocational testing. Hybrids using genetic male sterility.
Resistance to SM, fusarium wilt, phytophthora blight (single or multiple resistance)
Screening in disease nurseries and other procedures as above. Introgression from wild species and cultivated landraces.
Seed characteristics
Especially for eastern and southern Africa, selections for large (100-grain mass >12 g) white seeds in all maturity groups.
Improved resistance to Helicoverpa pod borer and podfly (not much work is being done on tolerance to pod-sucking bugs, Maruca, etc.)
Screening and selection under pesticide-free conditions. Strategic studies on traits relating to pest incidence for future application as integrated pest management components. Introgression from wild species and transformation (limited).
Tolerance to drought and waterlogging, insensitivity to photoperiod x temperature interactions
Presently looking for genetic variants and mechanism of tolerance; no specific breeding programme,
Plant type (stature, growth habit, harvest index, biomass)
Characterization of genetic variability and introgression.
With changing patterns in agriculture, e.g. monocropping and mechanization, breeders now look for such traits as short plant stature, short duration, more productivity per unit area/time, stability and sustainability of the cropping system or the crop/ livestock system. To achieve some of these goals, variability in the primary, secondary and tertiary genepools will be more intensively studied and utilized (Table 12.4). Prospects Interest in pigeonpea is growing in many countries because it has multiple uses and is a hardy plant that, when intercropped with a cereal, ensures a measure of income stability in the rain-fed semi-arid tropics. Known for its efficient root system, the pigeonpea plant has been described as a biological plough, because of the improvement its cultivation brings about in soil structure. Substantial organic deposition takes place in the soil through leaf fall and mobilization of unavailable soil phosphorus; this contributes further to the improvement of soil fertility. It is a potential crop for marginal lands both in the plains and on hilly slopes, not only to improve soils, but also to prevent soil erosion. Since the crop does not require high inputs, its importance will increase as a component of sustainable production systems, particularly in the rain-fed areas of tropical Asia, South America and Australia. The potential of pigeonpea as a cover crop in the new rubber plantations of Thailand and Indonesia has been demonstrated (Wallis et ri. 1986) The agro-industry for dehulling pigeonpea dry grain to produce dhal is dependent on the raw material, which is produced largely in the Indian subcontinent and eastern Africa. The demand for dhal currently exceeds production in the Indian subcontinent and in many parts of the world with large Asian populations. The dhal-miing industry will, therefore, grow further and generate employment in both the rural and urban sectors. The by-products of dehulling such as seed husk (10%) and broken cotyledons and powder (15-25%) are used mostly as cattle feed. Their nutritive value needs to be investigated (Whiteman and Norton 1981). Because of the high cost of such sources of animal protein as fishmeal, high-quality plant protein is being used increasingly to feed
animals, particularly pigs and poultry. Recent ICRISAT studies show that pigeonpea can be successfully grown in semi-arid Venezuela, thus reducing expensive imports of soyabean for poultry and animal feed. Pigeonpea also has high potential for cultivation in many other parts of semi-arid South America. In recent years, short-duration cultivars developed by the Indian national programme and ICRISAT have begun to change the existing cropping system in some parts of India from intercropping to sole cropping with high planting density. There is also considerable potential to use short-duration genotypes in double-cropping and multiple-harvest systems. Further, the short-duration cultivars are relatively less sensitive to photoperiod; there is therefore the potential to extend the adaptation of pigeonpea from tropical and subtropical areas (up to 30° latitude) to temperate regions (up to 45° latitude). The potential for using pigeonpea in agroforestry/alley cropping systems for fodder, firewood and grain, exploiting its perenniality and ratoonability, has not been exploited fully. REFERENCES
De, D.N. 1974. Pigeonpea. Pp. 79-87 in Evolutionary Studies in World Crops: Diversity and Change in the Indian Subcontinent (J. Hutchinson, ed.). Cambridge University Press, London, UK. Faris, D.G. and U. Singh. 1990. Pigeonpea: nutrition and products. Pp. 401-433 in The Pigeonpea (Y.L. Nene, S.D. Hall and V.K. Sheila, eds.). CAB International, Wallingford, UK. IBPGR/ICRISAT. 1981. Descriptors for Pigeonpea. IBPGR, Rome, Italy. Lai, S., A.N. Asthana and C.L.L. Gowda. 1989. Use of chickpea and pigeonpea germplasm and their impact on crop improvement in India. Pp. 101-103 in Collaboration on Genetic Resources: Summary Proceedings of a Joint ICRISAT/NBPGR (ICAR) Workshop on Germplasm Exploration and Evaluation in India, 14-15 Nov 1988, ICRISAT Center, India. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Nalini, M. and J.P. Moss. 1995. Production of hybrids between Cajanus platycarpus and Cajanus cajan. Euphytica 83:43-46. Plukenet, L. 1692. Phytographia 3. Reddy, L.J. 1973. Interrelationship of Cajanus and Atylosia Species as Revealed by Hybridization and Pachytene Analysis. PhD Thesis, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. Remanandan, P. 1981. The wild gene pool of Cajanus at ICRISAT, present and future. Pp. 29-38 in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Pigeonpeas, 15-19 Dec 1980, ICRISAT Center, India, Vol. II. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Remanandan, P. 1990. Pigeonpea: genetic resources. Pp. 89-115 in The Pigeonpea (Y.L. Nene, S.D. Hall and V.K. Sheila, eds.). CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Remanandan, P., D.V.S.S.R. Sastry and M.H. Mengesha. 1988a. ICRISAT Pigeonpea Germplasm Catalog: Evaluation and Analysis. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Remanandan, P., D.V.S.S.R. Sastry and M.H. Mengesha. 1988b. ICRISAT Pigeonpea Germplasm Catalog: Passport Information. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Sharma, D., L.J. Reddy and K.C. Jain. 1981. International adaptation of pigeonpea. Pp. 71-81 in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Pigeonpeas, 15-19 Dec 1980, ICRISAT Center, India, Vol. I. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India, van der Maesen, L.J.G. 1986. Cajanus D.C. and Atylosia W. & A. (Leguminosae). Wageningen Papers, 85-4 (1985). Agricultural University, Wageningen, Netherlands, van der Maesen, L.J.G. 1990. Pigeonpea: origin, history, evolution, and taxonomy. Pp. 15-46 in The Pigeonpea (Y.L. Nene, S.D. Hall, and V.K. Sheila, eds.). CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Wallis, E.S., D.G. Faris, R. Elliott and D.E. Byth. 1986. Varietal improvement of pigeonpea for smallholder livestock production systems. Pp. 536-553 in Proceedings of the Crop Livestock System Research Workshop, 7-11 July 1986, Khon Kaen, Thailand. Farming Systems Research Institute, Dept. of Agriculture, Thailand, and Asian Rice Farming Systems Network, IRRI, Philippines. Whiteman, P.C. and B.W. Norton. 1981. Alternative uses of pigeonpea. Pp. 365-377 in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Pigeonpeas, 15-19 Dec 1980, ICRISAT Center, India, Vol. I. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India.
Chapter 13 Faba Bean L.D. Robertson
Faba bean (Vickfaba L.) is an Old World legume that has been called 'poor man's meat'. China and Ethiopia are the major producers, but it also is cultivated in the Mediterranean region, northern Europe, North Africa and West Asia. Faba beans introduced to South America are mostly grown at higher elevations instead of Phaseolus beans. Australia has dramatically increased the area planted to faba bean in the past decade. BOTANY AND DISTRIBUTION The genus Vicia belongs to the order Rosales, suborder Rosinae, family Leguminosae and subfamily Papilionaceae and is in the tribe Vicieae (Kupicha 1981). Vicia faba is in the subgenus Vicia and section Faba. Muratova (1931) subdivided V.faba into two subspecies: paucijuga and eu-fabae. Maxted (1993) placed V.faba in the monospecific section Faba (Miller) Ledeb. and contributed the following infraspecific classification: V.faba subsp. faba L. V.faba subsp. faba var. minor Beck V.faba subsp. faba var. equina Pers. V.faba subsp. faba var. faba L. V.faba subsp. paucijuga Murat. The crop is known by many names in the English language: faba bean, broadbean, field bean, tick bean, horse bean. The common names of faba bean in different countries are', foul, Arabic; haba, Spanish; feve,feverole, French; chechevitza, Russian; zeindo, Chinese. The varieties major (large-seeded), minor (small-seeded) and equina (intermediate seed size) are also used. Field beans are usually of the minor (tick beans) and equina (horse bean) types. Cubero and Suso (1981) used the concept of fertility barriers for defining biological species and concluded that V. faba could only be grouped into one subspecies, Vicia faba subsp. faba. They felt that the paucijuga forms were probably the most similar to the wild types and more closely related to the supposed extinct progenitor. Faba bean is diploid species with 2n=12. Vicia faba does not produce fertile hybrids with any other species and to date no gene exchange has been achieved between this and any other species; thus it is the only species in its primary and secondary genepool. Faba bean is a partially outcrossing species, with cross-pollination the result of insect pollination (Bond and Poulsen 1983). Still retaining vestiges of its past, faba bean can loosely be regarded as an incompletely domesticated species, as indicated by the breeding system of the species (which stands between full autogamy and full allogamy), the indeterminate growth habit and dehiscent pods.
Origin, Domestication and Diffusion Schafer (1973) hypothesized that V.faba originated from an extinct ancestor and Vicia narbonensis L. (2n=14) has received the greatest attention as the putative ancestor of faba bean. Vicia faba was most likely domesticated between Afghanistan and the eastern Mediterranean in 7000-4000 BC (Hanelt 1972). Cubero (1972) concluded that culture spread in four directions: north to central Europe, northwest to western Europe, west to the Mediterranean and east to the Far East. The minor type faba bean was introduced to China in 100 BC (Tao 1981) and the major type in 1200 AD (Hanelt 1972). Reproductive Biology Bond and Poulsen (1983) summarized the data on outcrossing from many studies and reported an average of 35% with a range of 4-84%. The reproductive system of faba bean influences improvement for yield and yield stability through both autosterility problems of cultivars and its effects on efficiency of various breeding strategies. Pollination control is a major problem for faba bean breeding programmes, whether they follow pedigree selection, mass selection within crosses or develop synthetics. The major constraint to most breeding programmes is in overcoming problems of pollination control. GERMPLASM CONSERVATION AND USE ICARDA has maintained the faba bean resources in two types of germplasm collections (Robertson 1985). The original germplasm accessions were originally maintained as populations (Burton 1970) and are now maintained as composite bulks in the landrace or International Legume Faba Bean (ILB) collection. A Faba Bean Pure Line collection (BPL) has been derived from the ILB collection by a 'pure-breeding' process of single-plant progeny rows to obtain uniformity using insect-proofed screenhouses to ensure selfing (Fig. 13.1). The status of the collections is presented in Table 13.1. Fifteen percent of faba bean accessions held at ICARDA are landraces collected by ICARDA and ALAD (Arid Lands Agricultural Development Program, precursor organization of ICARDA) and most accessions are from the West Asia and North Africa (WANA) region. Germplasm Characterization and Evaluation This material was first screened in trials and nurseries in Syria and Lebanon, covering a wide range in rainfall and thermal regimes to include elite lines in the International Testing Network. To date, four cultivars of faba bean have been released from landraces or landrace selections from the germplasm collections (Table 13.2). Many are selections that have been purified for such traits as seed size, disease resistance, frost tolerance, nonshattering, etc. Selections for disease resistance sources in faba bean for chocolate spot (induced by Botrytis fabae Sard.), ascochyta blight (induced by Ascochyta fabae Speg.), rust (induced by Uromyces fabae (Pers.) de Bary) and stem nematodes (Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kiihn) Filipjev) have followed a parallel course to that described for the development of homogeneous BPL accessions in Fig. 13.1. The same cyclic single-plant progeny row system was used, with the additional factor of selecting under artificial inoculation for disease resistance, instead of taking random plants, as done for the normal BPL accessions. In this way, many useful sources of resistance were developed for these pathogens (Table 13.3). This material was tested internationally and several sources were found to have durable resistances for chocolate spot and ascochyta blight (Hanounik and Robertson 1987, 1988). Research under drought conditions at ICARDA identified lines ILB 1814, 80S43856 and 80L90121 as more efficient in water use over three seasons (Robertson and Saxena 1993). The BPL germplasm collection has been partially evaluated for descriptors listed by IBPGR/ICARDA. Results for 840 BPL lines are summarized in a published catalogue (Robertson and El-Sherbeeny 1988) which provides listings of useful accessions for various
Biodiversity in Trust
New Introduction assigned ILB number 1-3 rows sown In screen house, 1-4 single plants selected In each accession Cycle 1 Progeny rows given BPL number when grown In screen house
Multiplication/ rejuvenation under open-pollinated conditions
Seed for storage In ILB base collection
Single representative plant selected from every row
Cycle 2 Progeny rows grown In screen house
Bulk harvest of remaining plants In every row
Storage of BPL collection
Single representative plant selected from every row
Preliminary characterization and evaluation
Direct use In breeding program
Cycle 3
Progeny rows grown in screen house
I etc.
Bulk harvest of remaining plants
Storage. New seed replacing old for at least first four cycles
Maintenance/ re uvenation & Increases In screen house
Fig. 1 3 . 1 . S c h e m e for developing faba b e a n pure line (BPL) collection at I C A R D A .
descriptors (Table 13.4) along with their summary statistics. Analysis of discretely scored descriptors (Robertson and El-Sherbeeny 1991) for frequency distributions showed eight (stipule spot pigmentation, leaflet size, lodging, intensity of streaks, pod angle, pod shape, pod colour and seed shape) with significant variation (Table 13.5). Summary statistics (Table 13.6) for quantitative descriptors show large variation, except for maturity date. Inbred lines self-pollinated for at least five generations were found to show a normal distribution for seed yield, with yield varying between 0 and 7.5 t/ha, mean 3.6 t/ha (Fig. 13.2a). The faba bean pure line collection has been screened for autofertility (Robertson and El-Sherbeeny 1995), the ability to self-pollinate in the absence of pollinating insects (Bond and Pope 1987). The mean seed index (SI, measurement for autofertility) among the 840 BPL accessions was 0.54 with a standard error of 0.01 (Table 13.7). The distribution for autofertility clearly demonstrates marked differences among accessions (Fig. 13.2b). A high number of BPL accessions failed to set seeds without tripping and are described as autosterile. A large number of accessions possessed high autofertility (Table 13.4) and marked differences were found among countries of origin, with Egyptian faba beans having the highest autofertility and the former USSR the lowest (Table 13.8).
Faba Bean
Table 13.1. Frequency by country of origin1 of the ICARDA faba bean germplasm collections. BPL BPL Country ILB ILB Country 11 LBY 94 108 AFG 4 1 LKA 4 2 ARG 1 1 LVA 30 9 AUS 1 181 MAR 330 2 AUT 14 2 MEX 7 14 BGR 2 NLD 10 10 BOL 1 NPL 5 172 9 CAN OMN 4 2 CHE 50 35 342 PAK 159 CHN 4 10 PAL 43 95 COL 47 PER 12 35 CSK 20 POL 40 104 251 CYP 64 PRT 15 109 68 DEU 14 41 ROM 33 41 DZA 2 2 97 235 RUS ECU 44 127 SDN 115 74 EGY 34 52 779 SUN 339 ESP 11 384 682 SWE 6 ETH SYR 176 330 15 15 FRA TUN 65 98 31 85 GBR 212 54 147 TUR 29 GRC 7 4 UKR 12 15 HUN 1 2 URY 1 1 IDN 11 11 USA 7 10 IND 27 YEM 13 17 15 IRN 14 30 64 114 YUG IRQ 57 ZAF 3 73 ITA Not known 1134 951 33 23 JOR 12 6 JPN Total 5248 88 4453 36 LBN * Origin country codes as per ISO (International Standardization Organization) three-letter country codes. Table 13.2. Release of faba bean varieties based on ICARDA-supplied genetic resources. Country Variety Year of release 1992 Australia ICARUS (BPL 710) GizaBlanka (ILB 1270) 1991 Egypt Giza461 (ILB 938) 1993 Barkat (ILB 1269) Iran 1986 Table 13.3. The most important faba bean inbred resistant sources to chocolate spot, ascochyta blight, stem nematodes, rust, Orobanche crenata, Bean Leaf Roll Virus (BLRV) and Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus (BYMV). Disease Sources Chocolate spot BPL 110, 112, 261, 266, 710,1179,1196, 1278,1821; ILB 3025, 3026, 2282, 3033, 3034, 3036, 3106, 3107, 2302, 2320,; L82003, L82009 Ascochyta blight BPL 74, 230, 365, 460, 465, 471, 472, 646, 818, 2485; ILB 752; L83118, L83120, L83124, L183125, L83127, L83129, L183136, L83142, L83149, L83151,L83155, L83156, L82001 Rust BPL 7, 8, 260, 261, 263, 309, 409, 417, 427, 484, 490, 524, 533, 539; Sel.82 Lat. 15563-1,-2, -3, -4 Stem nematode BPL 1,10,11, 12, 21, 23, 26, 27, 40, 63, 88, 183 Orobanche crenata 18009, 18025,18035, 18054, 18105, LS 222, LS 225, 8/9-72, -85, -86, 128, -136, -137, -138, -139, -143, -152, -153 BLRV BPL 756, 757, 758, 769 BYMV BPL 1351, 1363, 1366, 1371
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 13.4. Faba bean accessions with desirable values for various descriptors. Descriptor/desired Flowering (earliness) Lodging resistant Height of pods (tall) Pods per plant (high) Pod length (long) Seed yield (high)
Autofertility (high)
Protein content (high)
Accessions (BPL)
180, 237, 247, 271, 280, 281, 286, 298, 548, 558, 561, 570, 589, 600, 609, 719, 726, 729, 1230 185,218,376,385,545,643 39, 40, 42, 48, 50, 53, 58, 60, 65, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 76, 85, 828, 836, 844, 894, 969, 972, 1262, 1351, 2443 704, 787, 805, 978, 1703, 1732, 1739, 1758, 1766, 1827 250, 251, 255, 318, 339, 415, 416, 455, 632, 890, 1089, 1102, 1106, 1129, 1157. 1159, 1868, 1872, 1876 22, 24, 46, 47, 52, 53, 65, 77, 133, 348, 379, 393, 442, 444, 451, 596, 725, 787, 936, 999, 1015, 1043, 1046, 1120,1160 17, 42, 43, 44, 50, 69, 70, 101, 296, 543, 555, 568, 569, 579, 580, 591, 614, 698, 703, 722, 1029, 1145, 1151, 1342, 1815 61, 171, 491, 495, 526, 527, 528, 603, 737, 976, 1014, 1386
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Seed yield (kg/ha)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Seed index
Fig. 13.2. Frequency distribution for (a) seed yield and (b) autofertility for 840 BPL faba bean accessions evaluated at Tel Hadya, Syria during 1985/86.
Table 13.5. Frequency distributions for 840 BPL faba bean accessions evaluated at Tel Hadya, Syria in 1985/86. Descriptor/ Score Growth habit Stem pigmentation
Leaflet size
Stem colour Stipule spot pigmentation Flower ground colour Intensity of streaks on the standard petal
Wing petal colour Pod angle
Pod shape
All accessions were indeterminate Absent Weak Intermediate Strong Mixed Small Medium small Medium Medium large Large All accessions were light Absent Present White Dark brown No streaks Slight Moderate Intense Uniformly white Spotted Erect Horizontal Pendant Subcylindrical Flattened constricted Flattened non-constricted
Frequency (%) 100.0 17.5 58.0 21.3 3.1 0.1 37.6 24.9 26.2 8.9 2.4 100.0 2.0 98.0 99.8 0.2 0.4 54.3 33.8 11.5 0.5 99.5 42.9 40.2 16.9 39.6 12.7 47.6
Descriptor/ Score Pod surface reflectance
Pod colour
Pod distribution
Pod shattering Male fertility Ground colour of testa
Hilum colour
Seed shape
Matte Glossy Mixed Light Dark Mixed Uniform Mainly basal Mainly terminal Non-shattering Shattering All accessions were male fertile Dark brown Light brown Light green Dark green Red Violet White Grey Violet brown Black Colourless Grey Mixed Flattened Angular Round
Frequency (%) 97.0 2.4 0.6 35.7 62.4 1.9 93.1 5.5 1.4 90.4 9.6 100.0 5.6 91.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 2.0 0.1 0.2 0.2 93.1 5.7 0.1 1.1 28.3 56.7 15.0
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 13.6. Summary statistics for 840 BPL germplasm accessions evaluated at Tel Hadya, Syria during 1985/86. Check mean 98.5 185.3 91.8 23.3 14.7 9.4 39.8 132.0 5420
Descriptor DFLR (days) DMAT (days) PTHT (days) HTFP (cm) PPP PL (cm) HI (%) HSW (g) SYLD (kg/ha)
Mean 101.4 186.5 93.4 23.8 13.5 7.6 32.0 85.4 3574
Minimum 91 173 52 7.5 2.3 2.0 5.0 20.8 0
Maximum 127 200 152 84.0 42.5 14.8 63.7 193.2 7510
CV (%) 7.3 2.4 13.9 44.4 40.1 23.2 24.0 39.9 40.3
DFLR=days to flowering; DMAT=days to maturity; PTHT=plant height; HTFP=height to 1st pod; PPP=pods per plant; PL=pod length; Hl=harvest index; HSW=100-seed weight; SYLD=seed yield.
Table 13.7. Summary statistics of autofertility indices and yield and its components for all tested BPL accessions. Variable1 SI FPI SYLD HSW PPP SPD
Mean 0.539 4.63 3570 85.4 13.5 2.5
SE of mean 0.014 0.30 49.7 1.17 0.19 0.02
CV (%) 74.2 18.4 40.3 39.9 40.1 17.4
Minimum 0.00 1.33 0 20.8 2.3 1.3
Maximum 1.99 7.92 7510 193.2 42.5 4.6
Range 1.99 6.58 7510 172.4 40.2 3.3
df 821 839 839 839 839 839
SI=Seed index; FPI=flowers per inflorescence; SYLD=seed yield; HSW=100-seed weight; PPP=pods per plant; SPD=seeds per pod.
Table 13.8.
Minimum, maximum and mean of seed index (autofertility) and standard
deviations for BPLs according to country of origin1. Country AFG DZA EGY ESP ETH GBR GRC IRQ JOR JPN LBN MAR SDN SUN SYR TUN TUR YUG Overall F (Among/Within)
Number of BPLs 63 27 58 63 79 48 10 55 18 10 29 12 16 13 27 28 84 12
Minimum 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.03 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.03 0.15 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.06 0.00
Seed Maximum 1.51 1.34 1.84 1.48 1.99 1.52 1.15 1.92 1.42 0.98 0.93 1.44 1.96 0.78 1.87 1.43 1.46 1.33 1.99
index Mean 0.43 0.43 0.94 0.50 0.40 0.54 0.49 0.73 0.70 0.61 0.46 0.59 0.79 0.26 0.71 0.50 0.54 0.64 0.57 6.70**
SD 0.32 0.35 0.50 0.35 0.37 0.38 0.34 0.51 0.52 0.26 0.27 0.41 0.57 0.26 0.41 0.30 0.30 0.43 0.39
Origin country codes as per ISO (International Standarization Organization) three-letter country codes.
Faba Bean
Table 13.9. Minimum, maximum and mean of protein content (%) and standard deviations for BPLs according to country of origin . Country AFG DZA EGY ESP ETH GBR GRC IRQ JOR JPN LBN MAR SDN SUN SYR TUN TUR YUG Overall F (Among/Within)
Number of BPLs 63 27 58 63 79 48 10 55 18 10 29 12 16 13 27 28 84 12 652
Minimum 20.0 20.1 21.3 20.5 18.0 18.8 20.4 21.2 19.5 22.0 21.8 20.2 22.8 19.3 20.1 20.5 19.7 19.5 18.0
Protein (%) Maximum Mean 27.0 24.6 27.7 23.5 28.3 25.0 24.4 29.8 30.1 23.5 23.7 26.9 25.7 23.1 28.8 24.6 25.8 23.0 28.7 26.6 27.0 24.3 26.5 23.1 27.5 25.3 23.7 27.8 23.2 26.1 24.2 27.2 28.5 23.6 25.6 22.5 24.1 30.1 6.70**
SD 14 19 14 19 21 17 17 15 16 20 12 19 14 28 15 15 16 19 17
Origin country codes as per ISO (International Standarization Organization) three-letter country codes.
Table 13.10. Distribution of the faba bean ILB and BPL collections from ICARDA for the period 1990-92. Year Country code1 1990 GBR IND IRQ PRK RUS YEM Subtotal 1992 BGD CHN DEU EGY ITA JOR MAR MEX USA Subtotal
No. of accessions 1 20 49 23 2 2 97 20 11 222 92 22 2 9 8 127 513
Year Country code* 1993 AUS DEU ETH FRA GBR IRQ MAR POL USA Subtotal 1994 DZA EGY ETH JOR MAR TUN Subtotal Total
No. of accessions 516 120 822 45 1 48 3 253 26 1834 3 38 43 2 4 182 272 2716
Origin country codes as per ISO (International Standarization Organization) three-letter country codes.
Seed protein content varied between 18.0 and 31.0% with a mean of 24.0% (ElSherbeeny and Robertson 1992). Accessions with a high protein content are listed in Table 13.4. There was moderate variation among countries for protein content (Table 13.9), with
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Biodiversity in Trust
Yugoslavia having the lowest and Japan the highest. Cooking time for faba bean has been determined in the world collections and showed a large variation. Gaps in Germplastn Collections One of the major gaps in the faba bean collections is the lack of passport data. Another is the relatively small number of accessions from China, the major producer of faba bean. The collection lacks adequate resistance sources to Orobanche crenata Forsk. The genetic base of resistance sources to chocolate spot also needs to be widened. Use and Distribution Since 1990, 2716 accessions of the faba bean ILB and BPL collections have been distributed from ICARDA (Table 13.10), most of them to countries in the developing world. Major uses of this material have been for screening for and receiving sources of resistance to rust, ascochyta blight, chocolate spot and O. crenata. Other requests have been made to broaden the genetic base of the crop in a particular country. Many faba bean breeding programmes built their foundation on ICARDA resources. Seed Conservation Faba bean has orthodox seeds that are easily maintained in the active collection at 0°C at a relative humidity of 16%. Seeds are dried to a seed moisture content of about 6% before storage. The major problem in conservation is the relatively large seed size, storage space and the low rates of multiplication and rejuvenation. There is a schedule of seed testing to ensure that only pathogen- and virus-free seed of faba bean are kept in the collection on a long-term basis. Also, during multiplication in the field, there is routine monitoring of the faba bean multiplication plots for viruses and pathogens. ICARDA has signed an agreement for the safety-duplication of its ILB and BPL collections with the Federal Institute of Agrobiology (FIA) in Vienna, Austria and about 1500 accessions have been duplicated. Properties and Uses Several excellent reviews describe composition of faba bean seed (Hill-Cottingham 1983; Halse 1994) and Table 13.11 summarizes the analyses. Amino acid composition of faba bean complements that of cereals and although it is deficient in essential amino acids it has adequate concentrations of arginine and leucine (Williams et al. 1994). Important antinutritional factors affect its utilization as a human food. The most important are the glucosides, convicine and vicine (Marquardt 1982) which cause a haemolytic anaemia that is often fatal when young males first eat faba bean. The cause of the disease has been traced to a deficiency in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (Mager et al. 1965). The levels of the glucosides are higher in the green seed and consumption of even small quantities can trigger an attack. Other antinutritional factors include L-Dopa, haemaglutinins, oligosaccharides, phytic acid, tannins, trypsin inhibitors and saponins (Williams e* al 1994). The chief uses of faba bean for human consumption are summarized in Table 13.12. They are often consumed as a green salad, vegetable dish and dry seed. The dry seeds of faba bean are used whole in dishes such as cous-cous and foul medames, a mainstay of the diet in Egypt. In Ethiopia the dishes hollo, kik, nirfro, gurikul, ashuk and endushdush are made from faba bean by various methods including roasting, soaking and sprouting; seed is ground to a flour and used in such national dishes as shiro and siljo. In Asia whole seeds of faba bean are commonly used for snacks, either roasted or fried and are eaten like nuts. Dry seeds are also ground and flour used to make falafel, a doughnut-shaped dish which is deep-fried. In China faba bean seeds are important for processing and many products for food and industrial use are produced (Table 13.12). In Europe faba bean is used as a protein supplement in animal feed.
Faba Bean
Table 13.11. Ranges for proximate composition (% of dry matter) for faba bean reported by various researchers. Component Crude protein
Crude fibre
Carbohydrates Mineral matter
Amount (%) 18.0-31.0 23-39 22-36 20.3-41.0 5.1 -9.9 5.0 - 8.5 6.0-10.6 5.0 - 7.3 50.9 - 67.9 50.9 - 53.5 2.7 - 3.7 3.1 -4.8 2.7 - 3.0
Reference El-Sherbeeny and Robertson 1992 Halse1994 Bond 1977 Chavan etal. 1989 Frauen etal. 1984 Chavan etal. 1989 Eden 1968 AW etal. 1981
Chavan etal. 1989 AW etal. 1981
Chavan et al. 1989 Eden 1968 AW etal. 1981
Table 13.12. Common faba bean foods prepared from green pods, green seeds and dry seeds, including processed foods. Type of material used Green pods Green seeds Dry seeds
Ground dry seeds Processed Industrial
Type of food produced Sliced pods as green beans Vegetable, salad, canned and frozen vegetable Foul medames, harira (soup), cous-cous, cooked beans, canned foul medames, fried snack (as nut type food), kik, kollo, gunkul, ashuk,
Fafafel, shiro, siljo Faba sauce (soya sauce substitute), noodles, vermicelli, protein additive, protein drinks, health foods Starch (papermaking, spinning, adhesive, weaving and medicine)
The type of cultivar desired is of paramount importance to a breeding programme and for faba bean includes: (1) landraces and mass selections from landraces, (2) openpollinated populations and synthetics, (3) fully autogamous lines, (4) hybrids and (5) nearpure lines developed mostly by pedigree selection. All cultivars are open-pollinated, whether they are heterogeneous populations from mass selection or synthetics, or nearhomozygous lines from pedigree programmes. Use of heterogeneous, heterozygous, open-pollinated cultivars, whether synthetics or products from mass selection, offers the exploitation of heterosis. If the attempt to convert faba bean to a truly self-pollinated crop (using the closed flower mutant and sources of autofertility available in the germplasm collection) is successful, then truly autogamous uniform cultivars could be developed. More importantly, breeding procedures would become more efficient. Breeding The breeding programme at ICARDA, initiated in 1977, stopped in 1991. A summary is given by Robertson et al (1992). Germplasm collections are the main sources for resistances for diseases such as chocolate spot (Hanounik and Robertson 1987, 1988) and to O. crenata (Cubero and Martinez 1980). Most faba bean breeding programmes follow a pedigree breeding scheme with various degrees of pollination control. Pedigree selection is especially useful when selection is practised for such traits as disease and pest resistance, seed size, pod length and earliness. The ICARDA faba bean breeding programme made use of germplasm selected for disease resistances in the development of the BPL collection in a pedigree selection scheme which made use of an off-season nursery and alternate years of selection for disease resistance (Fig. 13.3). Selections for frost resistance and yield were made at Tel Hadya, Syria and for disease resistance at Lattakia,
Biodiversity in Trust
Crosses - Tel Hadya F2 populations « (national programmes)
Bulk FBIF4N < (national programmes)
Lattakia (screenhouse) SPS
Early generation progenies (national programmes)*
Progeny rows (Tel Hadya) SPS Progeny rows (Lattakia) SPS Increase (Shawbak) Bulk
Early generation lines ^_ (national programmes)
Brassica (Tel Hadya) PYT, AYT (Tel Hadya, Terbol, Lattakia)
AYT Regional yield trials
On-farm trials
Fig. 13.3. Breeding scheme followed by the ICARDA breeding programme for disease resistance.
Syria. The off-season nursery was grown at Shawbak, Jordan. This scheme allowed the maximum use of disease-resistant sources from the germplasm collection for developing populations for use in national programmes for development of disease-resistant selections. Prospects Because of the considerable genetic variation in the Vicia faba germplasm collection, WANA breeding programmes are beginning to show interest in increasing areas of production. Exciting new plant types may alleviate some of the traditional problems of
Faba Bean
excessive vegetative growth with the accompanying large drop of flowers, young pods and lodging. The determinate genes and independent vascular supply types of faba bean are now available in Mediterranean-type germplasm through introgression with landraces from this region, offering the possibility for their use in the major production areas for faba bean. Disease-resistant varieties are becoming available from breeding programmes that have made use of sources from germplasm collections. Sources of resistance for two or more diseases are now becoming available for use in breeding programmes. Recent results in breeding for O. crenata resistance offer hope of control of this noxious weed. Newer biotechnological techniques offer the possibility of inserting herbicide resistance genes into faba bean with the possibility to control O. crenata by chemical means. The genetic potential of faba bean is high, with yields of 5-6 t/ha reported. Using germplasm that offers solutions to many of the traditional problems of growing faba bean offers the promise of greatly increasing faba bean production by both increasing yield levels and alleviating the destabilizing effects of biotic and abiotic stress factors.
REFERENCES Ali, A.E.M., G.E.E.A. Ahmed and E.K.B.E. Hardallou. 1981. Faba beans and their role in diets in Sudan. Pp. 317-318 in The Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.): A Basis for Improvement (P.D. Hebblethwaite, ed.). Butterworths, London, UK. Bond, D.A. 1977. Breeding for zero-tannin and protein yield in field beans (Vicia faba L.). Pp. 348-360 in Protein Quality from Leguminous Crops. EUR 5686 EN. Bond, D.A. and M. Pope. 1987. Proportion of cross-bred and selfed seed obtained from successive generations of winter bean (Vicia faba L.) crops. J. Agric. Sci., Camb. 108:103-108. Bond, D.A. and M.H. Poulsen. 1983. Pollination. Pp. 23-76 in The Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.): A Basis for Improvement (P.D. Hebblethwaite, ed.). Butterworths, London, U.K. Burton, G.W. 1970. Handling cross-pollinated germplasm efficiently. Crop Sci. 19:685-690. Chavan, J.K., L.S. Kute and S.S. Kadam. 1989. Pp. 223-245 in CRC Handbook of World Legumes (D.K. Salunkhe and S.S. Kadam, eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA. Cubero, J.I. 1972. On the evolution of Vicia faba L. TAG 45:48-51. Cubero, J.I. and A. Martinez. 1980. The genetics of the resistance of faba bean to Orobanche crenata. FABIS Newsl. 2:19-20. Cubero, J.I. and M.J. Suso. 1981. Primitve and modern forms of Vicia faba. Kulturpflanze 29:137-145. Eden, A. 1968. A survey of the analytical composition of field beans (Vicia faba L.). J. Agric Sci., Camb. 70:299-301. El-Sherbeeny, M. and L.D. Robertson. 1992. Protein content variation in a pure line faba bean (Vicia faba) collection. J. Sci. Food Agric. 58:193-196. Frauen, M, G. Robbelen and E. Ebmeyer. 1984. Quantitative measurement of quality determining constituents in seeds of different inbred lines from a world collection of Vicia faba. Pp. 279-296 in Vicia faba: Agronomy, Physiology and Breeding (P.D. Hebblethwaite, T.C.K. Dawkins, M.C. Heath and G. Lockwood, eds.). Marinus Nijhoff, The Hague, The Netherlands. Halse, J.H. 1994. Nature, composition, and utilization of food legumes. Pp. 97 in Expanding the Production and Use of Cool Season Food Legumes (F.J. Muehlbauer and W.J. Kaiser, eds.). Proceedings of IFLRC II Conference, 12-16 April 1992, Cairo, Egypt. Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Hanelt, P. 1972. Zur Geschichte des Anbaues von Vicia faba L. und ihrer verschiedenen Formen. Kulturpflanze 20:209-223. Hanounik, S.B. and L.D. Robertson. 1987. New sources of resistance in Vicia faba to chocolate spot caused by Botryisfabae. Plant Dis. 72:696-698. Hanounik, S.B. and L.D. Robertson. 1988. Resistance in Vicia faba germplasm to blight caused by Ascochyta fabae. Plant Dis. 73:202-205. Hill-Cottingham, D.G. 1983. Chemical constituents and biochemistry. Pp. 159-180 in The Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.): A Basis for Improvement (P.D. Hebblethwaite, ed.). Butterworths, London, UK. Kupicha, F.K. 1981. Pp. 377-381 in Advances in Legume Systematics Part 1 (R.M. Polhiss and P.H. Raven, eds.). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK. Mager, J., G.N. Glaser, A. Razin, S. Bien and M. Noam. 1965. Metabolic effects of pyrimidines derived from faba bean glycosides on human erythrocytes deficient in glycose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 20:235-240. Marquardt, R.R. 1982. Favism. Pp. 343-353 in Faba bean Improvement: World Crops: Production, Utilization, Description, Vol. 6 (G.C. Hawtin and C. Webb, eds.). Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, The Netherlands.
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Maxted, N. 1993. A phenetic investigation of Vicia L. subgenus Vicia (Leguminosae-Vicieae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 111:155-182. Muratova, V. 1931. Common beans, Vicia faba L. Suppl. Bull. Appl. Bot. Genet. Plant Breed. (Leningrad). Robertson, L.D. 1985. Faba bean germplasm collection, maintenance, evaluation, and use. P. 15-21 in Faba Beans, Kabuli Chickpeas, and Lentils in the 1980s, Proceedings of an International Workshop (M.C. Saxena and S. Verma, eds.), 16-21 May, 1983, Aleppo, Syria. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria. Robertson, L.D. and M. El-Sherbeeny. 1988. Faba Bean Germplasm Catalog: Pure Line Collection. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria. Robertson, L.D. and M. El-Sherbeeny. 1991. Distribution of discretely scored descriptors in a pure line faba bean (Vicia faba L.) germplasm collection. Euphytica 57:83-92. Robertson, L.D. and M.C. Saxena. 1993. Problems and prospects of stress resistance breeding in faba bean. P. 37-50 in Breeding for Stress Tolerance in Cool-Season Food Legumes (K.B. Singh and M.C. Saxena, eds.). John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. Robertson, L.D. and M.H. El-Sherbeeny. 1995. Autofertility in a pure line faba bean (Vicia faba L.) germplasm collection. Genet. Resour. and Crop Evol. 42:157-163. Robertson, L.D., S.B. Hanounik, Z.A. Fatemi, R. Kallida, S.P.S. Beniwal and M.C. Saxena. 1992. Development and highlights of faba bean research in Morocco under INRA/ICARDA collaborative program. Al Awamia 78:83-112. Schafer, H.I. 1973. Zur Taxonomie der Vicia narbonensis-Gruppe. Kulturpflanze 21:211-273. Tao, Z.H. 1981. Faba bean production and research in China. FABIS Newsl. 3:24. Williams, P.C., R.S. Bhatty, S.S. Deshpande, L.A. Hussein and G.P. Savage. 1994. Improving nutritional quality of cool season food legumes. Pp. 113-129 in Expanding the Production and Use of Cool Season Food Legumes (F.J. Muehlbauer and W.J. Kaiser, eds.). Proceedings of IFLRC II Conference, 12-16 April 1992, Cairo, Egypt. Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Chapter 14 Soyabean K. Dashiell and C. Fatokun
BOTANY AND DISTRIBUTION Soyabean or soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr. which also is synonymous with Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc, Glycine hispida (Moench) Maxim, and Soja max (L.) Piper, belongs to the family Leguminosae, subfamily Papilionoideae, tribe Phaseoleae and genus Glycine Wild. The genus Glycine is divided into two subgenera: Glycine and Soja. While cultivated soyabean is in the subgenus Soja along with its annual wild relatives G. soja and G. gracilis, the subgenus Glycine contains nine wild perennial species (Juvik et al. 1985): G. argyrea Tindale, G. canescens F.J. Herm., G. clandestina Wendl., G. cyrtoloba Tindale, G.falcata Benth., G. latifolia (Benth.) Newell & Hymowitz, G. latrobeana (Meissn.) Benth., G. tabacina (Labill.) Benth. and G. tomentella Hayata. All of the nine perennial species are native to Australia with seven of them restricted to Australia. Botany The soyabean plant is an erect, bushy and hairy annual. It can grow to a height of 20-108 cm depending on the genotype and length of growing period before flowering because soyabeans are reproductively photosensitive. The time needed to attain maturity can range from 75 to 200 days and this period is of great importance in the adaptation of the crop to a particular latitude. All cultivars flower earlier when grown in environments with 14-16 hours of darkness (Purseglove 1977). Grey or tawny hairs are found on the stem, leaves, calyx and pods. Primitive cultivars tend to be prostrate and this is particularly so when plants are shaded. Improved soyabean varieties are generally determinate in growth. The stems have very few primary branches and no secondaries. In general, buds found in the primary leaf axils do not develop except when the shoot-tip is damaged. Three types of stem growth occur in soyabean. In both determinate and semideterminate, stem growth stops abruptly and the stem terminates in a long raceme. The third type is indeterminate where stem growth declines rather slowly, with the stem terminating in one or two pods or a small leaf. The root system is extensive and distributed mainly in the upper 20 cm of the soil. The radicle develops into the taproot, which is little different in thickness from its several branches, and can penetrate as deep as 2 m. When present, the root nodules are small, globose and sometimes may be irregular or lobed, especially when two or more infection areas develop close to one another and merge as they grow. Soyabean nodules are determinate because they do not have the extended terminal growth observed in some other legumes like Medicago and Trifolium. The mature structure of the nodules is retained until the 6th or 7th week after they start to senesce (Bergersen and Briggs 1958). Four types of leaves are found on soyabean plants: first is a pair of seed leaves (cotyledons), followed by another pair of simple primary leaves, then the trifoliate and the prophylls. The trifoliate leaves are alternate in arrangement. The leaflets, with entire margins, vary in shape from ovate to lanceolate and also in size. Usually each
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leaf has three leaflets but occasionally four to seven may be found. Two small stipels subtend each terminal leaflet while the asymmetrical lateral leaflets have one each. The petiole is long, cylindrical and narrow, ending with a pulvinus at its base. Origin, Domestication and Diffusion The centre of diversity of a crop does not necessarily imply its centre of origin (Harlan 1971), but for soyabean China is both the centre of diversity and the centre of origin. Soyabean is believed to have been derived from G. ussurienses Regel & Maack, a slender, twining plant found growing wild throughout eastern Asia (Purseglove 1977). The wild, annual Glycine soja is, from most of the available evidence, the presumed ancestor of cultivated soyabean. Soyabean was domesticated in China where, according to records, it has been in cultivation for over 3000 years. Since the process of domestication takes place over time it is suggested that for soyabean this may have occurred during the Shang Dynasty (ca. 1700-1100 BC) or even earlier (Hymowitz 1970). A semicultivated, weedy form of soyabean, G. gracilis, with an intermediate morphology between G. max and G. soja, is known only from Northeast China. These three species are also generally crosscompatible (Broich and Palmer 1980). Soyabean is a very ancient crop of China where according to Hymowitz and Newell (1981) its primary gene centre is located. Records show that soyabean reached northeast, central and southern China and the Korean peninsula by the 1st century AD (Kwon 1972). Soyabean was introduced from China to Japan and southeast Asia, as well as south-central Asia where landraces have also developed. Movement of the crop to these places followed the Silk Route (Hymowitz and Newell 1981). Soyabean then spread to other parts of the world from this Asiatic region. It must have reached the Netherlands before 1737 as soyabean was described by Linnaeus. This implies that soyabean was one of the plants growing in the garden at Hartecamp (Hymowitz and Newell 1981). The Royal Botanic Garden in Kew, England recorded planting of soyabean for the first time in 1790 while in South America records show that the crop was present as early as 1882. According to Hymowitz and Newell (1981) soyabean was first mentioned in the American (USA) literature by Mease in 1804. Because soyabeans are daylength-sensitive, they spread much easier between east and west than between north and south. Movement of the crop across latitudes was therefore rare (Hymowitz and Kaizuma 1981). On the basis of seed protein electrophoresis data, historical and agronomic literature, Hymowitz and Kaizuma suggested that the paths of soyabean movement from the eastern half of north China, the primary centres of diversity, were: 1. to the Asiatic regions of the former Soviet Union, 2. to northern China and Japan to southern Korea, and 3. to central China and Kyushu in Japan before moving northwards to Hokkaido. There were further movements from: 4. coastal China to Taiwan, 5. central China to the northern half of the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent, and 6. Japan, south China and southeast China to central India. The genotypes found in these places constitute the primary, secondary and tertiary genepools for soyabean. Reproductive Biology After a period of vegetative growth, the duration of which varies with genotype and the environment, plants reach the reproductive stage when the axillary buds develop into clusters of flowers containing 2-35 flowers each. In the determinate type, vegetative growth terminates at the appearance of the first flowers, whereas in the indeterminate types, flowering occurs at the 8th to 10th leaf stage. Three major genes are known to influence flowering and time to maturity in soyabean. On the plants the
first flowers appear as from the 5th, 6th or even higher nodes on the main stem since the lower ones are vegetative. The bud in the axil of a trifoliate leaf that develops into an inflorescence has a stalk which is like a stem and possesses attributes of a stem by having epidermis, cortex and vascular tissue. The stalks expand following secondary growth from the vascular cambium. Flowers are borne on short axillary or terminal racemes on main stem and branches; they are small and white or lilac. Two bracteoles subtend each flower, of which the calyx is persistent and hairy. The five sepals are fused for most of their length with the two upper lobes behind the standard petal while the remaining three are below the keel. The standard petal is ovate and about 5 mm; the wings are narrow and obovate. The keel is shorter than the wings, its two petals fused along the base but free along the upper part. Soyabean produces a large number of flowers, many of which abort. The proportion of flowers that produce mature pods ranges from 19 to 57% (Schaik and Probst 1958). Flower abortion can occur at several stages of its development, e.g. at flower bud initiation, at time of fertilization, or during any of the different stages of embryo development. Failure of fertilization is not a major cause of flower abscission in soyabean (Abernathy et a. 1977) as in most flowers that abscise, the ovules are fertilized and have developed proembryos. Pods which are retained on plants for more than 7 days from anthesis usually develop to maturity. Fertilized and retained ovules initiate cotyledons 1 week after anthesis with a mostly cellular endosperm. For another week the seed and embryo continue to grow while vascularization of the seed coat has taken place. There is a continued accumulation of dry matter and maximum seed weight is attained from 30 to 70 days after anthesis and, thereafter, losses in fresh weight of seeds and pods commence. The maximum seed growth rate is in the range of 5-15 mg seed'1 day'1 (Summerfield and Wien 1980). Depending on the variety and environment, seed maturity can take 50-80 days (Carlson and Lersten 1987). GERMPLASM CONSERVATION AND USE Presently, IITA maintains in its genebank a collection of about 2500 accessions of soyabean germplasm introduced from many parts of the world, for use in soyabean breeding and related research. The existence of a wide range of diversity in soyabean and its wild relatives for agronomically important traits has been reported by several workers. These traits range from simply inherited ones such as disease resistance to more complex ones such as maturity and adaptability. In eastern Asia, China and Japan different cropping systems involving soyabean have been adopted and as a consequence landraces have developed to suit these different systems. The soyabean cultivars in Japan have been classified into eight groups on the basis of days to flowering and days from flowering to maturity. These eight groups are identified as la, Ib, Ha, lib, Illb, Ilk, IVc and Vc. In China attempts also have been made to classify available germplasm into groups as has been done for USA and Japanese cultivars. No satisfactory grouping has emerged, mainly because in China the environment is quite variable owing to a wide range of latitude, altitude and cropping system including spring, summer, fall and winter plantings (Gai 1985). The phenotypic frequencies of a few agronomic and morphologic attributes among native Chinese accessions are presented in Table 14.1. Throughout China genotypes characterized by determinate and indeterminate stem termination, erect and semi-erect growth habit, yellow seed coat, yellow cotyledon and broad leaf shape dominate their counterparts, respectively. Lines with purple and white flower colour were almost equally distributed as gray and tawny pubescence colour. Genes conferring resistance to parasitic nematodes have been detected among Asian soyabean landraces. Parasitic nematodes adversely affect soyabean plants and it has been estimated in the USA that yield losses due to nematode infestations can be up to 10%. The most important of the nematodes are the soyabean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycities as well as some others in the Meloidogyne spp. There are also a few other
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 14.1. Phenotypic frequencies (%) of agronomic and morphological characters of soyabean land cultivars in China (summarized from historical records; Gai 1985). Northern Northern Southern Character springt summer1 multiple Total 33.5 37.4 % of strains 29.1 100.0 Planting type* SP 100.0 5.2 23.9 42.4 SU 0 94.8 70.5 56.0 FA 0 0 5.6 1.6 Stem termination IN 71.8 13.2 32.5 40.0 SD 5.3 15.3 8.3 9.9 DE 52.2 22.9 78.5 50.1 Growth type11 ER 60.6 41.6 67.8 56.1 SE 27.8 39.5 22.5 31.0 3.5 SP 2.7 10.5 5.0 PR 8.1 8.1 7.0 7.9 Seed coat colour++ YW 61.9 62.2 59.4 61.3 GN 12.0 10.7 24.7 15.2 BK 17.6 6.7 18.5 14.7 B1 2.9 2.7 2.0 2.6 Cotyledon colour** YW 95.1 97.1 98.6 97.0 GN 4.9 2.9 1.4 3.0 Flower colour§§ 47.9 49.0 PU 54.1 67.6 WH 52.1 32.4 51.0 45.9 Pubescence colour1'1 GY 68.2 38.6 56.9 61.1 TH 38.9 61.4 31.8 43.1 BD Leaf shape* 93.9 96.1 95.4 95.6 NW 6.1 3.9 4.4 4.6 Planting region/season. Planting type: SP - Spring, SU - Summer, FA - Fall (Autumn). Stem termination: IN - Indeterminate, SD - Semi-determinate, DE - Determinate. Growth type: ER - Erect, SE - Semi-erect, SP - Semi-prostrate, PR - Prostrate. Seed coat colour: YW - Yellow, GN - Green, BW - Brown, BK - Black, B1 - Bicolour. Cotyledon colour: YW - Yellow, GN - Green. Flower colour: PU - Purple, WH - White. Pubescence colour: GY - Grey, TW - Tawny. Leaf shape: BD - Broad, NW - Narrow.
nematodes that could be of local importance. Some efforts have been expended toward breeding soyabean varieties with resistance to these nematodes in the USA. Following screening of a number of genotypes, a black-seeded cultivar (Peking), which was introduced into the USA in 1907 from China, was identified as resistant to two of the four races of the cyst nematode. Some other black-seeded soyabean types have also demonstrated reasonable levels of resistance to the nematode. Genetic studies indicate that three recessive gene pairs and a single dominant gene are responsible for resistance to cyst nematode. The dominant gene is, however, closely linked with the gene for coloured seed (Hague 1980). The genetic base of most soyabean varieties grown in the USA is narrow since about 80% of their genepool can be traced to between seven and 10 introductions made from the same geographical area (Delannay et at. 1983). This situation could lead to catastrophes should an outbreak occur of any disease or pest for which no gene(s) for resistance is available among these varieties. There is therefore the need to broaden the base of genetic variability by exploiting the germplasm of the wild perennial relatives of cultivated soyabean.
The soyabean genetic collection has been divided into four categories, according to Palmer and Kilen (1987), as follows: 1. the Type Collection made up of strains that contain all published genes as well as those mutants or strains considered to have genetic potential by the Soybean Genetics Committee. 2. the Isoline Collection made up of near-isolines of single genes or combination of genes backcrossed to the adapted cultivars Clark, Harosoy and Lee. 3. the Linkage Collection containing all linkage combinations and various genetic recombinations. 4. the Cytological Collection made up of interchanges, inversions, deficiencies, trisomics and tetraploids. Soyabean genotypes in the USA have been divided into 12 maturity groups and this is based on their adaptation to different latitudes. The genotypes making up maturity groups 00 through IV are adapted to the northern latitudes while strains in maturity groups V through X are adapted to shorter-day conditions. Over 70% of the germplasm, comprising forage crop, old US and Canadian cultivars, and plant introductions, maintained at Urbana and Stoneville (both in the USA), belong to the maturity groups 00 to V. This classification of soyabean genotypes in the USA on the basis of maturity does not seem applicable most times to those grown in the tropics. A new classification that is based on photoperiodic response and maturity duration has been proposed for soyabeans grown in the tropics (Fig. 14.1). Evaluation Some morphological and biochemical attributes of soyabean plants have been studied in relation to their expression among genotypes of different geographical regions. Among these attributes are rhizobium response, root fluorescence, presence of flavonols in leaves and isozymes, among others. Scientists at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) reported a soyabean germplasm line, TGm 685, from Indonesia with a high level of resistance to field weathering, a problem of soyabean in the humid tropics. In addition this line showed a very low level of anthracnose in the seed compared with seeds of some other lines that were susceptible to field weathering (Ndimande et al. 1981). Soyabean varieties showing resistance to field weathering have been developed and distributed to farmers in some parts of Nigeria. With the availability of these varieties farmers are now more favourably disposed to allow seeds to dry to a fairly low moisture level in the field before harvesting. Previously, viability of seeds of varieties grown by the farmers was very low when the seeds were left in the field to dry to low moisture content. Germplasm lines (plant introductions) respond differenttly when inoculated with several fast-growing rhizobia strains. Fast-growing rhizobia strains collected from eastcentral China were found to inoculate and nodulate a G. max plant introduction (Peking) but caused the development of ineffective nodules with many USA improved varieties (Keyser et al 1982). When Devine (1985) tested 285 plant introductions from Asia for their ability to nodulate with rhizobium strain USDA 205 he found that 56% in G. max did form nodules. Three dominant alleles designated as Rj2, Rj3 and Rj4 led to ineffective nodule response with some slow-growing rhizobium strains. Recently, IITA scientists have incorporated promiscuous nodulation into improved breeding lines. The flavonol content in leaves is a heritable trait and alleles (Fgl,fg2, Fg3 and Fg4) governing its inheritance are not random among accessions from different geographical regions. The allele Fgl occurred at a high frequency in G. max accessions from India while Fg3 was found at a lower frequency than in accessions from China and Japan (Buttery and Buzzel 1973,1976). They also found that allele Fgl was almost nonexistent in accessions of G. soja from Japan while on the other hand it occurred at high frequencies among accessions from China, Russia and Korea. Broich and Palmer (1981)
Biodiversity in Trust
Soyabean Germplasm
Varieties Insensitive to Photoperiod
Varieties Sensitive to Photoperiod
-Day Length-
D 13-14h
I Tl
Tl T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Tl T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Tl T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Tl T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Days to Maturity Classification Tl T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Fig. 14.1. A soyabean classification system for use in the tropics (Shanmugasundaran 1976).
reported that allele Fg3 was absent in 28 accessions of G. soja collected from Russia but was found in many of those obtained from China, Korea and Japan. Genetic studies showed that root fluorescence is controlled by four independent alleles, three of which are recessive (frl, fr2 and fr4); the fourth is dominant (Fr3). Delannay and Palmer (1982) tested 572 accessions belonging to G. max for the presence or absence of root fluorescence and found that absence of fluorescence occurred at a higher frequency among European lines (19%) than among those of Asian origin (3.4%). Distribution of the different alleles also varied such that alleles Fr3 and fr4 were found only among accessions from Asia. According to Broich and Palmer (1981) negative root fluorescence is common in the wild in certain geographical areas but occurs rarely under cultivation. In their view the distinct geographical distribution of this trait in G. soja may be because the domestication process occurred in an area where negative root fluorescence was rare. The presence, form and number of trichomes on soyabean plant parts are controlled by several known alleles. Broich and Palmer (1981) reported that among accessions evaluated, more than 95% of G. soja had sharp pubescence tip while less than 10% of G. max accessions showed this trait. The appressed form of pubescence is common in G. soja but not universal. It is also commonly found among accessions from Japan and Korea. Bernard (1975) reported that soyabean (G. max) cultivars characterized by
appressed pubescence are heavily damaged and stunted by the potato leafhopper (Empoasca fabae) in the north-central USA. He belived that in Asia appressed pubescence may confer resistance to pod borer. Hence differences in selection pressures between natural and agricultural environments may be reponsible for the differences in the frequency of pubescence among genotypes in this subgenus. Properties and Uses When compared with other crops of world importance, soyabean can be described as neglected in terms of germplasm collecting for both close and distant relatives of the crop. Brown et al. (1985) have speculated that there is a risk of losing some wild soyabean relatives, especially those growing in the not easily accessible areas of southeast Asia. Concerted efforts aimed at collecting, characterizing and exploiting germplasm of more distant relatives of soyabean commenced in the 1970s (Marshall and Broue 1981). Singh et al. (1993) stated that the wild relatives of soyabeans have not been sufficiently exploited for the improvement of the crop. The reason for this lack of exploitation of wild soyabean relatives has been attributed to the problems encountered while embarking on wide crosses. These problems include failure of hybrid embryos to develop and sterility of the interspecific hybrids. This trend is, however, changing with the availability of tissue culture techniques by which very young and potentially abortive interspecific hybrid embryos can now be successfully rescued and made to grow into plants. The subgenus Glycine contains nine perennial species which are found mainly in Australia. Some of these are distributed over a wide range of environments. For example, G. tomentella is mainly found in the monsoonal tropical north, G. canescens in the central semi-arid region, G. falcata in the periodically flooded, heavy basaltic plains, G. clandestina in the subalpine woodlands to altitudes of 1450 m and G. latrobeana is found in the cooler southerly latitudes (42°S). The distribution of these perennial Glycine genotypes in such diverse environments is an indication of the potential existing for tolerance to adverse environments. This should be an advantage in the development of soyabean lines for adaptation to a wide range of environments (salinity, drought, etc.). In addition these perennial Glycine spp. show a wide range of diversity in their morphology. For example, some of them have a thick taproot system that penetrates deep into the soil, plant growth habit is variable, some produce chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers and even set pods underground, as happens in G. falcata. These perennial Glycine spp. would therefore be excellent sources of genes for many desirable attributes that may not be readily encountered among the cultivated soyabean genotypes. Leaf rust, caused by Phakospora pachyrhizi, is a disease that adversely affects soyabean productivity. Grain yield losses of up to 30% can be caused by this disease. Breeding soyabean lines with resistance to this disease has been chosen as an option for its control in the crop. Fortunately sources of resistance have been detected among the perennial Glycine spp. Genes for resistance to this disease have been found in the six perennial Glycine spp. that were tested against several races of the pathogen (Brown et al 1985). Breeding Breeding soyabean varieties with resistance to pests and diseases received attention only after 1950. Some plant introductions were found to be particularly promising because of their resistance to some pests and diseases. Among these are PI 229358, PI 227687 and PI 171451 which were found to be extremely resistant to Mexican bean beetle. Following further field tests these lines showed multiple resistance to bean leaf beetle, corn earworm, striped blister leaf beetle, soyabean looper and the bollworm (Kilen et al. 1977). Yang (1980) has provided a list of varieties and accessions (Pis) with resistance to various soyabean diseases such as bacterial pustule, brown stem rot, downy mildew and mosaic virus.
Biodiversity in Trust
A very extensive review of soyabean breeding methods is available (Fehr 1987). This report describes objectives of cultivar development, population development, inbred line development, inbred line evaluation, breeder seed production and commercial use of seed mixtures. There also have been several reports describing the soyabean breeding activities at IITA (Dashiell et ah 1985, 1987, 1991). These reports have described the importance of having soyabean germplasm available and then using it as a source for developing improved varieties. The procedures used to screen germplasm and breeding lines for seed longevity, promiscuous nodulation and disease and insect resistance are described. Presently, the goal of the soyabean breeding project at IITA is to develop improved soyabean varieties well adapted to the savannas of Tropical Africa. The specific objectives are to develop soyabean breeding lines with high and stable grain yield, resistance to the major diseases and insect pests, resistance to pod shattering, promiscuous nodulation, improved seed longevity and acceptable seed colour, oil and protein content. These objectives focus on developing soyabean varieties that are productive and easy to manage and market. In 1995, IITA began to develop soyabean breeding lines that are improved for their contribution to the cropping system. In essence, we are developing soyabean varieties that contribute more to assisting a rotation crop such as maize. Our goal is to make the cropping system more productive and not just the soybean component of the system. One of the areas that we are focusing on is nitrogen fixation. In trials that were conducted in the savanna of Nigeria in 1994 and 1995, different varieties had 20-60% of their total nitrogen derived from the atmosphere (%NDFA) (Sanginga and Dashiell, unpublished data). Each of the varieties produced high grain yield and thus, when standard variety evaluation procedures are used, would probably qualify as a very good variety. However, with the additional information of %NDFA it is evident that some varieties (those with low %NDFA) are mining nitrogen from the soil and this may not be good for the crops on this same land during the next growing season. The varieties with relatively high %NDFA should be very good for the sustainability and productivity of the cropping systems. In most areas of the world, the sole purpose of a soyabean crop is grain production. However, we believe that both grain and fodder production of soyabean will be important for the farming systems in Africa. In 1995, we had soyabean trials in the savanna of Nigeria. The dry fodder yield was 1500-4000 kg/ha for varieties that all had good grain yields (Dashiell and Sanginga, unpublished data). In these trials if only the grain yield had been measured, then all of the varieties would appear to be equally productive. However, with the additional information on fodder yield it is clear that there are big differences in the total market value of these varieties. Even in farming systems where soyabean fodder will not be fed to livestock, the high fodder yields will have value in the farming system as a mulch and as additional organic matter for soil improvement. Prospects The effort to develop soyabean varieties that contribute to making the farming system more productive has just begun. This is a radical change from previous efforts when the aims were primarily breeding for maximum soyabean grain yield. Of course, soyabean grain yield is still an important component of the productivity of the farming system. We have given two examples, of higher %NDFA and fodder yield, as traits that we are now breeding for. The soyabean germplasm collection will continue to be a very important source for the improvement of these and many other traits. REFERENCES
Abernathy, R.H., R.G. Palmer, R. Shibles and J.C. Anderson. 1977. Histological observations on abscising and retained soybean flowers. Can. J. Plant Sci. 57:713-716. Bergersen, F.J. and M.J. Briggs. 1958. Studies on the bacterial component of soybean root nodules: Cytology and organisation in the host tissue. J. Gen. Microbiol. 19:482-490.
Bernard, R.L. 1975. The inheritance of appressed pubescence. Soybean Genet. Newsl. 2:34-36. Broich, S.L. and R.G. Palmer. 1980. Segregation patterns of some simply inherited traits in Glycine max x G. soja crosses. Soybean Genet. Newsl. 7:62-64. Broich, S.L. and R.G. Palmer. 1981. Evolutionary studies of the soybean: the frequency and distribution of alleles among collections of Glycine max and G. soja of various origin. Euphytica 30:55-64. Brown, A.H.D., J.E. Grant, J.J. Burdon, J.P. Grace and R. Pullen. 1985. Collection and utilisation of wild perennial Glycine. Pp. 345-352 in Proceedings World Soybean Research Conference III (R. Shibles, ed.). Westview Press, London. Buttery, B.R. and R.I. Buzzel. 1973. Varietal differences in leaf flavonoids of soybean. Crop Sci. 13:103106 Buttery, B.R. and R.I. Buzzel. 1976. Flavonol glycoside genes and photosynthesis in soybeans. Crop Sci. 16:547-550. Carlson, J.B. and N.R. Lersten. 1987. Reproductive morphology. Pp. 95-134 in Soybeans: Improvement, Production and Uses, 2nd edition (J.R. Wilcox, ed.). American Society of Agronomy, Inc., Madison, WI, USA. Dashiell, K.E. E.A. Kueneman, W.R. Root and S.R. Singh. 1985. Breeding tropical soybean for superior seed longevity and for nodulation with indigenous rhizobia. Pp. 133-139 in Soybean in Tropical and Subtropical Cropping Systems (S. Shanbmugasundaram and E.W. Sutzberger, eds.). Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center, Shanhua, Taiwan. Dashiell, K.E. L.E.N. Jackai, G.L. Hartman, H.O. Ogundipe and B. Asafo-Adjei. 1991. Soybean germplasm diversity, uses and prospects for crop improvement in Africa. Pp. 203-212 in Crop Genetic Resources of Africa, Vol. II (N.Q. Ng, P. Perrino, F.Attere and H. Zedan, eds). Sayce Publishing, UK. Dashiell, K.E., L.L. Bello and W.R. Root. 1987. Breeding soybeans for the tropics. Pp. 3-16 In Soybeans for the Tropics (S.R. Singh, K.O. Rachie and K.E. Dashiell, eds.). John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester. Delannay, X. and R.G. Palmer. 1982. Four genes controlling root fluorescence in soybean. Crop Sci. 22:278-281. Delannay, X., D.M. Rodgers and R.G. Palmer. 1983. Relative genetic contributions among ancestral lines to North America soyabean cultivars. Crop Sci. 23:944-949. Devine, T.E. 1985. Nodulation of plant introduction lines with the fast-growing rhizobia strain USDA 205. Crop Sci. 25:354 - 356 Fehr, W.R. 1987. Breeding methods for cultivar development. Pp. 249-293 In Soybeans: Improvement, Production and Uses, 2nd edition (J.R. Wilcox, ed.). American Society of Agronomy, Inc. Madison, WI, USA. Gai, J. 1985. Utilizing the genetic diversity of annual soybean species. Pp. 353-360 in Proceedings World Soybean Research Conference III (R. Shibles, ed.). Westview Press, London. Hague, N.G.M. 1980. Nematodes of legume crops. Pp. 199-205 in Advances in Legume Science (R.J. Summerfield and A.H. Bunting, eds.). Proceedings of International Legume Conference, Kew, 31 July - 4 August 1978. Vol. 1. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Harlan, J.R. 1971. Agricultural origins: Centers and noncenters. Science 174:468-474. Hymowitz, T. 1970. On the domestication of the soybean. Econ. Bot. 24:408-421. Hymowitz, T. and C.A. Newell. 1981. Taxonomy of the genus Glycine, domestication and uses of soybeans. Econ. Bot. 35:272-288. Hymowitz, T. and N. Kaizuma. 1981. Soybean, seed protein electrophoresis profiles from 15 Asian countries or regions: hypotheses on paths of dissemination of soybeans from China. Econ. Bot. 35:10-23. Juvik, G.A., R.L. Bernard and H.E. Kauffman. 1985. Directory of germplasm collections 1. II. Food legumes (Soyabean). IBPGR, Rome; INTSOY, Urbana-Champaign. Keyser, H.H., B.B. Bohlool, T.S. Hu and D.F. Weber 1982. Fast-growing rhizobia isolated from root nodules of of soybeans. Science 215:1631-1632. Kilen, T.C., J.H. Hatchett and E.E. Hartwig 1977. Evaluation of early generation soyabeans for resistance to soyabean looper. Crop Sci. 17:397-398. Kwon, S.H. 1972. History and the land races of Korean soybean. SABRAO Newslett. 4:107-111. Marshall, D.R. and P. Broue. 1981. The wild relatives of crop plants indigenous to Australia and their use in plant breeding. J. Aust. Inst. Agric. Sci. 47:149-154. Ndimande, B.N., H.C. Wien and E.A. Kueneman. 1981. Soybean seed deterioration in the tropics. 1. The role of physiological factors and fungal pathogens. Field Crops Res. 4:113-121. Palmer, R.G. and T.C. Kilen. 1987. Qualitative genetics and cytogenetics. Pp. 135-209 in Soybeans: Improvement, Production and Uses, 2nd edition (J.R. Wilcox, ed.). American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI, USA. Purseglove, J.W. 1977. Tropical Crops: Dicotyledons, pp. 264-273. Longman, London. Schaik, P.H. van and A.H. Probst. 1958. Effects of some environmental factors on flower production and reproductive efficiency in soyabeans. Agron. J. 50:192-197.
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Shanmugasundaram, S. 1976. Important considerations for the development of a soyabean classification system for the tropics. Pp. 63-64 and 191-196 in INTSOY Series no. 10 (R.M. Goodman, ed.). University of Illinois, USA. Singh, R.J., K.P. Kollipara and T. Hymowitz. 1993. Backcross (BC2-BC4)-derived fertile plants from Glycine max and G. tomentella intersubgeneric hybrids. Crop Sci. 33:1002-1007. Summerfield, R.J. and H.C. Wien. 1980. Effects of photoperiod and air temperature on growth and yield of economic legumes. Pp. 17-36 in Advances in Legume Science (R.J. Summerfield and A.H. Bunting, eds.). Proceedings of International Legume Conference, Kew, 31 July - 4 August 1978. Vol. 1. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Yang, C.Y. 1980. Developments in crop protection of Glycine. Pp. 323-335 in Advances in Legume Science (R.J. Summerfield and A.H. Bunting, eds.). Proceedings of International Legume Conference, Kew, 31 July - 4 August 1978. Vol. 1. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Chapter 15 Barley J. Valkoun, S. Ceccarelli and J. Konopka
Barley is a cool-season crop in countries with a Mediterranean climate and is well adapted to stressful and extreme environments. Barley fields can be seen as high as 4800 m asl in the Himalayas, in latitudes over 60°N in Iceland and Scandinavia and in the rain-fed semi-arid regions of WANA with less than 250 mm annual rainfall. Barley is a principal food crop in highlands and marginal areas where other cereals will not grow, as well as animal feed and forage all over the world. It is also an important industrial crop, providing raw material for malt and beer production. Its straw is of better quality than that of wheat and is, therefore, a valuable complement of cattle and small ruminant diets. Barley is grown in a wide range of environments but nearly twothirds of the world's production is grown in subhumid or semi-arid regions. BOTANY AND DISTRIBUTION Barley belongs to the tribe Triticeae of the grass family Poaceae together with other important cereals, wheat and rye. The main distinction from other members of the tribe is that each spike node bears three 1-flowered spikelets ('triplets') of which one, two or all three are fertile. The genus Hordeum includes about 30 species (Bothmer 1992a). According to the same author, the 45 taxa of the genus are mostly diploid (2n=2x=14 chromosomes, 28 taxa), but also tetraploid (2n=4x=28 chromosomes, 16 taxa) and hexaploid (2n=6x=A2 chromosomes, 8 taxa) with a basic chromosome number x=7. Botanical Nantes Hordeum vulgare L., 1753, Sp. pi., p. 84; H. aegiceras Neux ex Royle, 1839, Illustr. Bot. Himal., p. 418; H. sativum Jessen, 1865, Deutschl. Graser., p. 200; H. eurasiaticum Vav. et Bacht., 1948, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 59, p. 974; H. aethiopicum Vav. et Bacht, H. sinojaponicum Vav. et Bacht., 1948, loc. cit., p. 975. Vernacular Nantes Barley (English), orge (French), Gerste (German), cebada (Spanish), yachmen' (Russian), shai'r (Arabic). Morphology Plants are usually up to 1 m tall; some landraces can be even taller, up to 1.5 m. Culms are mostly erect, up to 3 mm thick, with 3 to 4 nodes. Leaves are glabrous, rarely hairy, with long, prominent auricles surrounding the culm; however, ligule-less forms also exist. Leaf sheets are split almost to the base. Spikes with awns are 5-25 cm long; their colour ranges from white-yellowish over purplish to blackish, without the terminal fertile spikelet. There are 10-30 nodes, each bearing three one-flowered
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spikelets. All three spikelets are fertile in six-rowed forms, but only the central spikelet is fertile in two-rowed barley. In the latter form, the lateral spikelets are non-fertile with anthers (type nutans) or fully reduced (type deficiens). The central spikelet is sessile, with more or less flat narrow glumes; the lemma is glabrous or scabrid with five nerves, usually tightly covering the kernel (not in naked forms). The awn of the lemma is rough or glabrous, 3-18 cm long. Sometimes awns are absent or transformed into 'furcs'. Lateral spikelets are usually sessile, but may be pedicellate (3 mm long) when fertile. Glumes are 1-2 cm long, more or less flattened. Kernels in naked forms have a furrow on the dorsal side; their colour may be yellow, gray, green, violet or black. In contrast to other cereals, the aleurone layer has more than one row of cells (two to four). Plants are essentially autogamous, diploid, 2n=14; tetraploids, 2n=28, have been produced artificially. Both winter and spring forms exist. Origin, Domestication and Diffusion Archeological evidence from the Near East indicates that barley was first domesticated from its wild progenitor, Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. spontaneum (C. Koch) Thell., in the Fertile Crescent region more than 10 000 years ago. The earliest cultivated forms with non-brittle rachis were two-rowed hulled and also naked barley, which were found in the Prepottery Neolithic A layers in two sites dated 8000 BC. The sixrowed forms appeared some 1000-2000 years later. Barley and emmer wheat appear to be the first cultivated crops and together with two domesticated animals, sheep and goats, they formed a basis of the Neolithic farming system, which spread from the nuclear area to other parts of the Old World. With this Neolithic 'package', barley spread throughout Europe, around the Mediterranean, eastward to the Indus and southward to Ethiopia, but it did not reach China before the second millennium BC (Zohary and Hopf 1988; Harlan 1991). The archeological evidence is supported by the contemporary geographical distribution of subsp. spontaneum. The area of its massive stands in primary habitats includes or is located close to the Neolithic archeological sites of the Near East. However, the monophyletic two-rowed progenitor hypothesis has been questioned by some authors, who propose an alternative hypothesis that assumes six-rowed forms originated from an extinct six-rowed progenitor with a brittle rachis, similar to present agriocrithon forms. These are, however, secondary products of hybridization of subsp. spontaneum with six-rowed cultivated forms (Zohary 1959), not adapted to the survival in undisturbed habitats. Bothmer et al. (1991) provided a logical explanation of barley origin, arguing that the one-seeded diaspora in subsp. spontaneum is more functional for seed dispersal in the natural habitat than three seeds linked together. Therefore, the wild progenitor of all cultivated barley forms would be a tworowed spontaneum type with a brittle rachis from which a diversity of tough-rachis forms developed through mutations and domestication. Traits like brittle/tough rachis, row number, seed cover or awn development are controlled by relatively few genes. Additional genetic diversity has been generated through repeated cycles of differentiation and hybridization (Harlan 1992). As there are no crossing barriers between cultivated barley and wild or weedy subsp. spontaneum, gene introgression in both directions is a common process at the field borders and/or within fields in West Asia and North Africa (WANA). Therefore, mutation, hybridization and gene recombination generated new genetic diversity including new brittle types. This type of barley evolution was first suggested by DeCandole in 1886 and later advocated by a number of other authors. There are, however, at least four other hypotheses on the origin of cultivated barley, postulated by Cberg, Takahashi, Bakhteev and Shao, respectively (Shao and Li 1987). Cberg suggested that H. agriocrithon was a common ancestor of both cultivated barley, H. vulgare, and two-rowed wild barley, H. spontaneum, while Takahasi favoured the diphyletic theory of barley origin. According to this, the two-rowed cultivated barley originated from H. spontaneum and
the six-rowed cultivated form was derived from H. agriocrithon. Bakhteev identified the bottle-shaped wild barley form, H. lagunculiforme Bacht., to be the ancestor of all cultivated H. vulgare forms. However, Shao and Li (1987) questioned the latter hypothesis claiming that H. lagunculiforme was an unstable intermediary form in evolution from two-rowed to six-rowed wild barley. In their opinion, two-rowed wild barley was the oldest ancestor, which was the first stage of evolution of cultivated barley. The six-rowed wild barley, H. agriocrithon, was the second stage, while the cultivated form was the third and final stage of evolution. Genetic Resources Global holdings The barley genepool, held in the ex situ genebank collections worldwide, is the second largest after wheat, with 486 724 accessions (FAO 1996). This represents 8.4% of global genetic resources holdings. As with other cereals, the major part of the barley genebank holdings are replications and the number of distinct accessions would be much smaller. An earlier estimate (Plucknett et al. 1987) indicates that only 20% of barley global collections may be distinct (unique) accessions. Chapman (1987) made an inventory of unique accessions of barley and concluded that both landraces and cultivars are represented in the global collections by the same number of unique accessions, i.e. 25 000. Genetic diversity of cultivated barley is relatively well represented in genebanks; it is believed that 85% of landraces have been collected. This high percentage is in contrast with 20% of wild Hordeum spp. (Plucknett et al. 1987). Barley holdings in major genebanks are presented in Table 15.1. The highest proportion of landraces/obsolete cultivars is in PGRCE, Ethiopia (100%) and ICARDA (87%) collections. In spite of the impressive number of barley accessions in germplasm collections, only 10% are stored under long-term conditions, i.e. at temperatures below -10°C, and less than half of the total holdings are kept in medium-term cold stores (FAO 1996). Genetic resources exchange among genebanks has generated many duplications or multiplications of original accessions. In order to rationalize and increase efficiency of national and international genetic resources programmes, attempts have been made to eliminate undesirable duplications from barley genebank holdings (Kniipffer 1988). The identification of tentative duplications usually starts with passport information screening of databases. However, it is advisable to verify the results of the database screening by morphological characterization and/or biochemical or molecular fingerprinting before duplicate accessions are eliminated from the genebank. Recently, ICARDA used passport information in the European Barley Data Base (Kniipffer 1988) and GRIN (US Genetic Resources Information Network) for the identification of duplications between a new shipment received from IPK, Gatersleben, Germany and the barley germplasm collection held at the ICARDA Genetic Resources Unit (GRU). The results of the database screening were verified in the field by planting the 'duplicate' accessions side by side. Surprisingly, only 740 out of the total of 1100 'duplicates' were morphologically identical. Since all the accessions were landraces, the discrepancy between the database information and the seed sample may have resulted from selection of distinct morphotypes in originally heterogenous samples. This example clearly demonstrates that the 'rationalization' of germplasm collections has to be done with caution.
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Table 15.1. The largest barley collections in the world. No. of accessions
% of global holdings
41 360 8 0 5 0 26 019 5 80§ 24 268§ 5 0 23 766 4 0 18210 4 0 17 768 3 100 16 351 3 0 12 648 2 97 10 648 100 10 486 724 Source: FAO 1996. * Long-term storage conditions. * Medium-term storage conditions. § ICARDA database, 6 July 1996.
MT*(%) 100 100 100§ 100 100 98 0 100 3 42
PGRC Canada USA NSGC ICARDA Syria UK IPSR CENARGEN Brazil VIR Russia USA NSSL PGRCE Ethiopia IPK Germany Total global barley holdings
International Collaboration Coordinated multilateral international collaboration started in 1981 when the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) convened an ad hoc Working Group on Barley Genetic Resources to review the current status of collections and set up priorities for international action. In Europe, the coordination of genetic resources activities began in 1983 with the establishment of a Barley Working Group of the UNDP/IBPGR European Cooperative Programme for Conservation and Exchange of Genetic Resources. The European collaborative effort resulted in the development of a European Barley Core Collection (ECPGR 1983) and the European Barley Data Base (Kniipffer 1988). The regional effort was extended to the global level when an International Barley Genetic Resources Network (IBGRN) was established and an international Barley Core Collection (BCC) committee was formed (Kniipffer and van Hintum 1995). In another initiative, IBPGR set up a world network of base collections. The IBPGR (now the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, IPGRI) designated barley global base collections are at ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria and Plant Gene Resources of Canada (PGRC), Ottawa, Canada. Regional collections are held at the Nordic Gene Bank (NGB), Lund, Sweden for Europe, at the Plant Genetic Resources Centre (PGRC), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for Africa, and at the National Institute for Agrobiological Research (NIAR), Tsukuba, Japan for Asia (IBPGR 1990). A new collection structure was proposed to increase the efficiency of the system (IBPGR 1992). In 1994, ICARDA and other CGIAR centres placed their germplasm collections under the auspices of the FAO. According to the agreement with the FAO, the germplasm is held in trust for the benefit of the global community. Current Status of Barley Ex Situ Collections The primary task of genetic resources programmes is to assemble genetically diverse collections with the traits required by breeders to develop cultivars for sustainable agriculture. An additional and increasingly important role of genebanks is to conserve the maximum genetic diversity of a crop genepool, particularly that in danger of genetic erosion. Barley genepool
Harlan and de Wett (1971) classified the crop genepool into primary, secondary and tertiary pools, according to the relationships with the cultivated species. According to
Bothmer et al. (1991), the primary barley genepool has three major components: cultivars and breeding lines, landraces and the barley wild progenitor, H. vulgare subsp. spontaneum. As there are no crossability barriers within the primary genepool, gene transfer to adapted cultivars is feasible from three components. A single species, H. bulbosum, belongs to the secondary genepool. Crosses with cultivated barley mostly result in bulbosum chromosome elimination and production of vulgare haploids. This phenomenon has been widely exploited in the dihaploid method of barley breeding, which can shorten the breeding cycle and ensure complete homozygosity and, consequently, uniformity of the breeding products. Sometimes the bulbosum chromosomes are not eliminated and the embryo develops into a true hybrid. Chromosome meiotic pairing in such hybrids may be high but the fertility is extremely low, making gene transfer possible but very difficult. All other Hordeum species belong to the tertiary genepool. Strong crossability barriers and no or very low chromosome homology with vulgare chromosomes have prevented their contribution to barley breeding so far. This situation may change with new developments in biotechnology, and new, interesting methodologies could become available to barley breeders. The barley wild progenitor, H. vulgare subsp. spontaneum, belongs to the primary genepool, there are no crossing barriers with cultivated barley and their chromosomes are fully homologous. As the species has evolved in the harsh and diverse environments in WANA, it is a valuable source of genes for stress tolerance and adaptation to marginal environments and low-input farming systems. Natural populations of wild barley in many parts of the Near East, a region of origin and primary genetic diversity, are continuously eroded by heavy overgrazing by small ruminants but wild barley can tolerate overgrazing better than wild wheat species. Although the total number of wild barley accessions held in genebanks (16 100) is quite impressive, most of them (86%) are single-seed progenies from a very limited number of accessions from Palestine held at the Plant Breeding International (PBI), Cambridge, UK. Other collections represent diversity of specific areas and the area of distribution of the species is insufficiently represented (Bothmer 1992b). To improve the geographical coverage of spontaneum collections, ICARDA has conducted a number of missions to countries of West and Central Asia and North Africa in which natural collections were sampled and introduced to ICARDA's genebank as new accessions (Tables 15.2 and 15.3). Utilization of other wild Hordeum spp. in cultivated barley breeding has been very limited because of crossability problems, sterility of hybrids, resistance to chromosome doubling and linkage of desirable with undesirable traits (Fedak 1985). Hordeum bulbosum L. is the single species in the secondary genepool and its global holdings are approximately 1000 accessions. The other 30 species are rather distantly related to the cultigen and all belong to the tertiary genepool. It is estimated that 3200 accessions are held in 11 genebanks, but a large majority (95%) is concentrated in the CanadianScandinavian Collection. Attractiveness of this previously neglected part of the barley genepool will certainly increase with new advances in biotechnology. Diversity in cultivated barley collections
Attempts have been made to analyze genetic diversity of barley global collections, using different means. Vavilov initiated the agro-ecological characterization of the global barley collection held at VIR (All-Union Institute of Plant Industry, now Vavilov All-Russian Scientific Institute of Plant Genetic Resources), St. Petersburg, Russia. This several-decade effort resulted in the identification of 37 agro-ecological groups or 'proles' (Kobyl'yansky and Lukyanova 1990): Abyssinian (Ethiopian), Azerbaijano-Daghestanian, Anatolian, Apenninian, Apsheronian, Arabic (=proles jemenicum), Armenian, Armeno-Georgian, East-Siberian, Highland-Caucasian, Greek-Macedonian, Daghestanian, Far-East, Egyptian, West-
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Table 15.2. Origin of H. vulgare subsp. spontaneum accessions held at ICARDA genebank. Country Palestine Syria Jordan Iran China Lebanon Turkmenistan Iraq Libya Turkey Afghanistan
No. of accessions 926 241 146 71 46 25 22 28 11 48 7
No. of accessions
USSR Cyprus Russia Tajikistan Azerbaijan Uzbekistan Pakistan
2 3 3 3 2 6 2 1 1 21 1609
Egypt Kazakhstan Unknown Total
Table 15.3. Barley germplasm collected by ICARDA. Country Morocco Syria Egypt Jordan Pakistan Algeria Ecuador Iran Lebanon Turkmenistan Tajikistan Tunisia Uzbekistan Turkey Iraq Libya Cyprus Russia Total
No. of accessions Cultivated barley (subsp. vulgare) Wild barley (subsp. spontaneum) 459 220 151 107 102 95 56 46 12 5 5 3 1 1271
113 1 139 2
8 25 8 1 2 36 8 7 3 2 352
European, West-European intensiv, West-Caucasian, West-Siberian, West-Ukranian, Indian, Iranian, Irano-Turkestanian, Chinese, Manchurian, Mongolo-Tibetian, PamiroBadakhshanian, Pyrenean, Coastal (USA), Northern (Scandinavia and north of the European Russia), North-African, North-European naked-grain, Cis-Caucasian, Syriaco-Palestinian, Steppic, Tibetian winter-type, Central-European and Japanic. Takahashi (1987) identified two very different barley groups, the oriental and occidental, in studies of the world barley collection based on the geographical distribution of genes controlling morphological and physiological traits. The oriental group includes barley originating from Japan, Korea, China, the Hindukush region of Pakistan and Afghanistan and the highlands of Nepal, and the occidental barley comes from lowlands of Nepal, India, Turkey, Europe, the former USSR, North Africa and Ethiopia. Genetic variation of both the occidental and oriental type was found in barley from Southwest Asia, thus confirming its status as a centre of barley origin and primary diversity. Konishi (1988, 1995), studying geographical distribution of alleles of neutral complementary genes controlling brittle rachis, hybrid chlorosis and weakness and genetic variation among isozyme loci, confirmed the difference between East-Asian
barley and barley of Western origin. Germplam exchange between countries and the extensive utilisation of exotic germplasm in barley breeding resulted in the emergence of new centres of diversity (Peeters 1988). In his analysis of the global barley germplasm collection of the AFRC held at the Institute of Plant Science Research, Cambridge, UK comprising approximately 5000 accessions of worldwide origins and 12 qualitative and 18 quantitative traits, the highest mean genetic diversity was found in the US germplasm, followed by barley of Turkey, Japan, the USSR, China, West Germany and France. When the number of unique character combinations was considered, then the ranking was as follows: the USA, the USSR, West Germany, UK, Turkey, Japan, France, Afghanistan, Canada, Netherlands and Ethiopia. This study also indicates that erosion of genetic diversity in the centres of primary diversity may be accompanied by the opposite process in other parts of the world, i.e. increase in genetic diversity through germplasm introductions and the use of germplasm of worldwide origin held ex situ in genebanks. However, van Hintum (1994) questioned Peeters' conclusions because of a biased sampling procedure, low authenticity of the genebank material and no data on within-accession variation. A total of 17 000 accessions of the USDA world barley germplasm collection were analyzed using five morphological descriptors (Tolbert et ah 1979). Mean diversity index values H', i.e. scaled Shannon-Weaver information index (H7), pooled over characters, showed wide variation. Romania, Hungary and the USSR were countries with the highest H' values, 0.66, 0.61 and 0.58, respectively. Again, as with the previous study, the validity of the results was disputed by van Hintum (1994). Genetic diversity also has been studied in parts of the barley genepool, both in natural populations of the barley wild progenitor, H. vulgares subsp. spontaneum, and landraces of cultivated barley. Nevo (1992) found a clear geographical differentiation in 52 populations from three countries of West Asia. Out of 127 isoenzyme alleles in 27 loci, 65 occurred only in one country. In general, the alleles were not widespread but localized, having an 'island' structure of the genetic diversity. There were multilocus associations indicating the effect of natural selection. Landraces of cultivated barley have been analyzed on a regional or country basis in several studies including important countries from primary or secondary centres of genetic diversity, e.g. Ethiopia (Bekele 1983; Negassa 1985; Engels 1991), Iran (Brown and Munday 1982), Syria and Jordan (Ceccarelli et ah 1987; Weltzien 1989), Jordan (Jaradat 1989), the Himalayas (Murphy and Witcombe 1981; Konishi and Matsura 1991), Yemen and Nepal (Damania et ah 1985). These studies indicate that genetic diversity in barley landraces is distributed non-randomly and depends both on ecogeographic and ethnographic factors, and landraces are highly heterogeneous and a significant part of diversity is within landraces. Results of six comparative studies of genetic diversity in cultivated barley (H. vulgare subsp. vulgare) and its wild progenitor were summarized by Brown (1992). Both allozyme and DNA data showed higher levels of diversity in wild barley, with one exception (Jana and Pietrzak 1988) which can be explained by a limited ecological niche of wild barley populations adjacent to cultivated fields. It was concluded that: (a) considerable molecular variation was present within landrace populations, (b) the barley species is more variable than other autogamous crops such as tomato and soybean, and (c) within bred cultivars the level of genetic diversity was much less. The predominantly autogamous breeding system in the wild and the cultivated subspecies of H. vulgare resulted in the following features of diversity: 1. Levels of diversity differ substantially from one population to another, reflecting the combined interaction of variation in whole-genome selection and repeated occurrence of bottleneck events. 2. Genetic variants at several loci are liable to be correlated in occurrence (linkage
J 98
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disequilibrium'). If an individual within a population carries a distinctive allele in one locus, then it is likely to do so at a second locus and a population that is polymorphic at one locus is likely to be polymorphic at a second. 3. Variation shows geographical patterns both in levels and in allelic occurrence. In some loci it is adaptive, i.e. related to environmental variables. The spontaneous (natural) genetic variation in barley germplasm collections has been found to be extensive. However, considerable new variation has been generated by artificial mutagenesis because barley has been a model for mutation research for 65 years. More mutants have been induced in barley than in any other flowering plant (Hockett and Nilan 1985). Although induced and spontaneous variants were mostly similar, induced mutations also produced forms of traits not found among the spontaneous variants. For example, waxy coating of the plant was induced in more than 1300 eceriferum mutants. Spontaneous variation for this trait is controlled by six loci, where analyses of induced variation revealed 77 loci, some having 15 to 20 alleles. Induced mutations extended genetic variability in traits as erectoides, anthocyanin synthesis, desynaptic chromosomes, mildew resistance and intermediate spike. At least 58 cultivars were released either through direct use of mutants or through hybridization of mutant lines (Hockett and Nilan 1985). Diversity of barley germplasm collection held at ICARDA
The barley collection held at ICARDA is of relatively recent origin, because the centre was founded in 1976. In the first years of ICARDA's existence, barley germplasm was held at the Cereal Program as a working collection. In 1983, when the Genetic Resources Unit (GRU) was established, the barley genetic resources were transferred to the active collection and maintained under medium-term storage conditions. The base collection has been developed since 1989, when the long-term store facility became available. The present structure and genetic diversity of the barley collection resulted from ICARDA's acquisition and collecting strategy. From the very beginning the focus was on germplasm indigenous to the WANA region and landraces from other parts of the world. There were two main reasons for this strategy: (a) indigenous germplasm, i.e. the barley wild progenitor and cultivated barley landraces, is subjected to genetic erosion and (b) a valuable source of genes for adaptation and stress tolerance in breeding barley for low-input less-favourable environments exists in semi-arid regions of developing countries. Of the total 22 628 accessions, more than half (14 489) were received from the USDA Small Grain Collection, 2049 were obtained from Germplasm Resources Institute, CAAS, China and 1068 from the Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben, Germany. Twenty other donors contributed with smaller donations. The Cereal Improvement Program (now merged in the Germplasm Program) at ICARDA provided 2336 accessions, mostly breeding lines and named cultivars. Accessions collected by ICARDA in collaboration with national programmes are listed in Table 15.3. The collecting missions were undertaken to fill the gaps not only in the ICARDA barley germplasm collection but also in other global collections. Other major gaps were filled with germplasm received from IBPGR/IPGRI-supported missions to Bhutan, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Saudi Arabia and Yemen (399 accessions), and by donations from national programmes of Tunisia (490), Nepal (317), Morocco (258), Syria (209), Iraq (108) and Iran (100). Cultivated barley germplasm held at ICARDA was characterized and evaluated for a number of descriptors. Characterization and preliminary evaluation data for more than 12 000 accessions were published in two catalogues (ICARDA 1986, 1988). The third catalogue with data on more than 9000 accessions is in press. Characterization data for growth class, kernel row number and kernel covering by country are shown in Table 15.4. The major part of this germplasm is spring barley (11 270 accessions), followed by facultative types (5607) and winter barley (4141). Six-rowed barley with
14 545 (70%) accessions is more frequent than two-rowed barley (6312 accessions, i.e. 30%, including the types with rudimentary sterile florets). The proportion of tworowed barley is higher than in the USDA collection, where 23% was reported by Tolbert et al. (1979) and lower than the 37% found in European genebanks (Kniipffer et al. 1987). Barley with covered (hulled) kernels prevails (17 978 accessions), naked barley is less frequent (2274). The percentage of naked barley (11%) is similar to that in the USDA collection (14%). Frequency distributions for other descriptors are summarized in Table 15.5. Characterization data were used for estimating phenotypic diversity for individual characters in 21 countries well represented in the ICARDA barley germplasm collection. The Shannon-Weaver information index was used for the measurement and comparisons of phenotypic diversity. The index was calculated as: Hs= -3.Jpi In (p.)], where p. is the proportion of the total number entries in the ith category. Relative indices HSR were calculated according to Andrivon and de Vallavieille-Pope (1995), i.e. each H s value was divided by its maximum value (In N), where N is_the maximum number of the character categories. The overall country diversity HSR was calculated as the arithmetic mean of the character HSR values. World collection diversity was estimated from pooling over countries. The diversity estimates by character and country and the mean country diversity are shown in Table 15.6. The highest diversity in the world estimates was for rachilla hair (1.00), growth class (0.92) and growth habit (0.87), while the lowest diversity was in hoodedness/awnedness (0.17) and stem colour (0.26). The mean diversity in the ICARDA world collection (0.65) was higher than in any individual country, as well as higher than in the USDA barley collection (0.57) when calculated by the same method from the data in Tolbert et al. (1979). However, their data include only five characters, while 12 characters were used in our estimates of diversity in the ICARDA barley collection. The diversity estimates from ICARDA characterisation data were substantially higher than the estimates by Tolbert et al. (1979) for all developing countries except Pakistan, e.g. Turkey (0.57 vs. 0.43), Syria (0.56 vs. 0.43), Ethiopia (0.55 vs. 0.48), Iran (0.55 vs. 0.46), Afghanistan (0.55 vs. 0.46), China (0.55 vs. 0.36), India (0.53 vs. 0.43), Morocco (0.50 vs. 0.28), Jordan (0.45 vs. 0.31) and Tunisia (0.34 vs. 0.13). Our data indicate that barley germplasm from countries of the primary and secondary centres of diversity such as Turkey, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, China, India and Morocco possesses high phenotypic diversity, as well as that from developed countries which introduced exotic germplasm and utilized it extensively in their breeding programmes (USA, Japan, Russia and Germany). Peeters (1988) estimated overall country diversity in the barley collection of the Agriculture and Food Research Council (AFRC), UK using the Shannon-Weaver index to describe variation for 18 qualitative traits and standard deviation to assess the variation in 12 quantitative traits. The overall country means over all traits were calculated for both parameters and these were subsequently used to calculate average country ranks. We employed the same method for the calculation of average country ranks using 12 categorical characters (Table 15.7). The first eight countries displaying the highest diversity in the Peeters study were also included in our diversity estimates. Thus, it is interesting to compare the ranks in the two studies. In general, our ranking of countries from West and Central Asia and Africa is much higher (Table 15.8). This, again, indicates that ICARDA's systematic focus on the WANA region countries in the germplasm collection and acquisition resulted in higher genetic diversity conserved ex situ than in the USDA or AFRC collections.
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Table 15.4. Geographical distribution of traits in ICARDA barley collection. Origin China Ethiopia USA Turkey Morocco Switzerland Tunisia Colombia Nepal Germany Syria India Iran Yugoslavia Greece Ukraine Afghanistan Unknown Japan Russia Pakistan Austria Spain Libya Korea Egypt Canada Iraq South Africa UK Jordan Algeria Poland USSR Peru Yemen Czechoslovakia Georgia Hungary Australia France Sweden Azerbaijan Finland Oman Denmark Bulgaria Netherlands Romania Turkmenistan Mongolia Bhutan Italy Albania Portugal Mexico Uzbekistan Saudi Arabia Lebanon Argentina Armenia Bolivia Chile Tajikistan Sudan
Total samples 3039 2692 2244 1393 743 689 602 569 494 492 443 434 428 423 339 327 285 284 262 259 248 238 226 202 196 196 184 175 146 140 137 127 117 114 110 106 98 94 84 84 72 68 58 53 44 43 38 37 36 34 33 30 29 28 18 18 16 16 16 16 15 14 9 8 8
Winter 174 99 1154 491 44 49 40 5 20 83 4 48 63 273 42 91 47 59 84 158 4 20 121 94 9 51 11 5 56 2 21 47 56 9 25 19 20 27 36 23 49 2 13 30 20 19 12 3 8 3 5 7 2 7 1 4 9 2 7 2
Growth class Spring Facult. 772 1946 324 2216 547 491 534 351 507 94 102 518 134 417 517 43 444 19 115 288 10 100 41 338 97 265 69 81 140 155 144 85 171 59 110 69 112 65 41 51 54 180 127 59 19 85 4 197 32 68 3 135 94 33 103 45 132 8 23 56 114 8 2 9 38 30 24 32 71 28 90 5 30 41 17 27 20 17 17 7 13 . 12 2 8 5 14 1 1 14 10 7 4 5 1 4 3 3 4 2 3 4
57 15 32 17 25 1 38 16 6 6 12 7 29 3 10 13 4 12 2 15 11 8 3 4 5 1
Kernel row six two 346 2488 1433 1043 437 1726 723 653 527 117 583 81 16 575 554 10 478 3 125 353 242 43 398 23 186 238 322 101 308 28 181 133 223 46 150 78 223 35 52 193 236 2 159 46 186 38 18 183 192 7 140 144 31 90 70 124 20 54 78 91 36 1 31 30 83 75 35 103 5 16 89 4 92 50 16 52 39 25 55 19 8 34 16 24 26 24 12 19 19 16 16 11 3 13 9 9 9 7 4 7
43 46 25 30 38 1 34 33 4 17 11 7 9 8 9 2 2 3 13 3 6 6 1 2 4 _
Naked 1027 130 79 8 12 28 194 16 2 81 13 1 6 8 25 11 71 5 112 3 12 41 3 1 2 1 7 72 4
Kernel Covered 1808 2436 2041 1358 628 634 588 564 266 457 278 316 261 419 333 299 238 210 176 232 53 60 225 187 143 146 168 71 144 125 121 32 107 100 36 91 72
2 2 1 2
93 62 71 67 61 57 50
1 1 3 18 2 6 1
41 37 33 32 30 15 10 21 28 17 18 12 16 13 14 15 9 8 7 4
1 . 1 1 1 2
Origin Venezuela Cyprus Norway Belgium Uruguay Palestine Ecuador Belarus United Arab Emirates Zimbabwe Lithuania Brazil Paraguay Latvia Kyrgyzstan Guatemala Estonia Maldives Kazakhstan Ireland Greenland Central Afr. Rep. ICARDA lines Grand total
Total samples 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2336 22628
Winter 1 2 5 2 1 2
Growth class Spring Facult. 4 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 2
1 2 1 1 1
2 1 3
233 4141
395 5607
1 1 2 1 -
1 1 1 2 1 1303 11270
201 Kernel row six two 7 1 1 3 6 2 3 2 3 4 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1505 14545
3 2 2 1 1 1
Kernel Covered 6 1 4 6 5 2 3 4 4 3 3 1 2 2 1
1 2 1 1 1 1
1 1 -
421 6312
260 2274
1666 17978
GERMPLASM DISTRIBUTION AND USE The demand for cultivated barley germplasm held at GRU/ICARDA has been high in the last 7 years. From 1990 to 1996, the GRU distributed 27 256 seed samples on request from its barley active collection. Of these, 14 966 barley germplasm samples went to users in 30 countries and 12 290 samples were provided to barley breeders and scientists at ICARDA. Thus, on average, 3890 barley germplasm samples were distributed to users every year. As our data for 1992-94 indicate, the number of distinct accessions is around 60% of the total samples distributed. Therefore, we estimate that some 10% of the total 22 628 cultivated barley holdings are annually distributed to users at ICARDA and worldwide. The germplasm provided to the ICARDA Cereal Improvement Program contributed to the development of barley improved germplasm which was released as 80 new varieties in 32 countries (ICARDA 1995). Properties and Uses Barley grain is used for different purposes - as feed for animals, malt and food for human consumption. Archeological and historical evidence show that barley has been used in human food several thousand years ago. Barley preceded wheat as food grain in ancient Egypt and Nubia and it was eaten by Roman gladiators known as 'Hordearii' (Bhatty 1992). At the beginning of this century, it was still an important component of rural people's diet in Scandinavian countries. However, as living standards increased, barley was replaced by wheat and rice because of the superior quality of wheat gluten, which is important for baked products, and the better organoleptic quality of rice. Nevertheless, it is still an important food grain in developing countries. The consumption per person and year in the 1986-89 period was 68.3 kg in Morocco, 19.0 kg in Ethiopia, 18.1 kg in Algeria, 15.4 kg in Afghanistan, 11.5 kg in Iraq, 10.6 kg in Tunisia, 8.9 kg in Libya and 7.1 kg in Iran (Bhatty 1992). In the highlands of the Andes and Himalayas, barley is an essential food grain. About 7% of the world total production (11 million t) is used in beer and malt production (Munck 1992). The majority of the world's barley grain production is utilized for animal feed. It is a significant source of
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 15.5. Frequency distribution of categories in 13 characters. Category
No. of access.
Awn roughness
Spike density
Growth habit
1 180 19 468 2 074 16 964 1 918 2 548 11 235 5 333 168 213 129 20 366 147
Lemma colour
Awn colour
Glume colour
Grain colour (pericarp)
Rachilla hair length
Stem colour
Frost damage
Resistance to lodging
Powdery mildew resistance
14 343 3 257 1 931 4 390 8 371 2 904 738 465 3 531 6 175 1 165 1 061 794 1 491 3 149 1 030 6 949 7 181 5 731 607 187 12 156 675 399 1 292 3 070 173 1 920 11 454 2 125 1 775 1 151 14 1 862 2 030 1 003 174
Description smooth rough lax (rachis internode >4 mm) intermediate dense erect intermediate prostrate sessile hoods elevated hoods awnless or awnleted (40% HI and traits related to adaptation to biotic and abiotic stress factors, and better nutrition and consumers' preference. REFERENCES Alagarswamy, G. and F.R. Bidinger. 1985. The influence of extended vegetative development and d2 dwarfing gene in increasing grain number per panicle and grain yield in pearl millet. Field Crops Res. 11:265-269. Anand Kumar, K. and S. Appa Rao. 1987. Diversity and utilization of pearl millet germplasm. Pp. 69-82 in Proceedings of the International Pearl Millet Workshop, 7-11 Apr 1986, ICRISAT Center, India Q.R. Witcombe and S.R. Beckerman, eds.). ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Andrews, DJ. and K.A. Kumar. 1992. Pearl millet for food, feed, and forage. Adv. Agron. 48:89-139. Andrews, DJ., S.C. Gupta and P. Singh. 1985. Registration of WC-C75 pearl millet. Crop Sci. 25:199200. Andrews, D.J., J.F. Rajewski and K.A. Kumar. 1993. Pearl millet: a new feed grain crop. Pp. 198-208 in New Crops (J. lanick and J. Simons, eds.). John Wiley & Sons, New York, USA. Appa Rao, S. 1980. Progress and problems of pearl millet germplasm maintenance. Pp. 279-282 in
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Italy and ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. IBPGR. 1985. Documentation of Genetic Resources: Information Handling Systems for Genebank Management (J. Konopka and J. Hanson, eds.). IBPGR, Rome, Italy. Jambunathan, R. and V. Subramanian. 1988. Grain quality and utilization of sorghum and pearl millet. Pp. 133-139 in Biotechnology in Tropical Crop Improvement: Proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop, 12-15 Jan 1987, ICRISAT Center, India. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Jauhar, P.P. 1981. Cytogenetics and Breeding of Pearl Millet and Related Species. Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York. Lohani, S.N., P. Sereme and R. Zangre. 1995. Registration of IKMP1 and IKMP2 pearl millet. Crop Sci. 35:590-591. Mann, J.A., C.T. Kimber and F.R. Miller, 1983. The origin and early cultivation of sorghum in Africa. Tex. Agric. Exp. St. Bull. 1454. Marchais, L. 1982. La diversite phenotypique des mils penicillaires cultives au Senegal et au Mali. Agron. Trop. 37:68-80. Marchais, L. and J. Pernes. 1985. Genetic divergence between wild and cultivated pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides). I. Male sterility. Z. Pflanzenzucht. 95:103-112. Mengesha, M.H., S. Appa Rao and C. Rajagopal Reddy. 1990. Characteristics and potential uses of some genetic stocks of pearl millet in the world collection. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 3:1-7. Mengesha, M.H., P.P. Khanna, K.P.S. Chandel and N.K. Rao. 1989. Conservation of world germplasm collections of ICRISAT mandate crops. Pp. 65-69 in Collaboration on Genetic Resources: Summary Proceedings of a Joint ICRISAT/NBPGR (ICAR) Workshop on Germplasm Exploration and Evaluation in India, 14-15 Nov 1988, ICRISAT Center, India. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Peacock, J.M., P. Soman, R. Jayachandran, A.U. Rani, C.J. Howarth and A. Thomas. 1993. Effects of high soil surface temperature on seedling survival in pearl millet. Exp. Agric. 29:215-225. Perten, H. 1983. Practical experience in processing and use of millet and sorghum in Senegal and Sudan. Cereal Foods World 28:680-683. Porteres, R. 1976. African cereals: Eleusine, fonio, black fonio, teff, Brachiaria, Paspalum, Pennisetum and African rice. Pp. 409-452 in Origins of African Plant Domestication (J.R. Harlan, J.M.J. de Wet and A.B.L. Stemler, eds.). Mouton, The Hague, Netherlands. Rachie, K.O. and J.V. Majmudar. 1980. Pearl Millet. Pennsylvania University Press, University Park, USA. Rai, K.N. 1990. Development of high-yielding dwarf composites of pearl millet. Crop Improv. 17:96103. Rai, K.N. 1995. A new cytoplasmic-nuclear male sterility system in pearl millet. Plant Breeding 114:445447. Rai, K.N. and K. Anand Kumar. 1994. Pearl millet improvement at ICRISAT - an update. Int. Sorghum and Millets Newsl. 35:1-29. Rai, K.N., A.S. Rao and C.T. Hash. 1995. Registration of pearl millet parental lines ICMA 88004 and ICMB 88004. Crop Sci. 35:1242. Rai, K.N., K. Anand Kumar, D.J. Andrews, A.S. Rao, A.G.B. Raj and J.R. Witcombe. 1990. Registration of ICTP 8203 pearl millet. Crop Sci. 30:959. Rangaswami Ayyangar, G.N., C. Vijiaraghavan and V.G. Pillai. 1933. Studies on Pennisetum typhoides (Rich.). The pearl millet. Part I. Anthesis. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 3:688-694. Rao, N.K., S. Appa Rao, M.H. Mengesha and R.H. Ellis. 1991. Longevity of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) seeds harvested at different stages of maturity. Ann. Appl. Biol. 119:97-103. Rattunde, H.F. and J.R. Witcombe. 1993. Recurrent selection for increased grain yield and resistance to downy mildew in pearl millet. Plant Breeding 110:63-72. Singh, J., T.R. Raju, L.L. Relwani, A. Kumar and A.K. Mehta. 1974. Forage yields and chemical composition of different strains of pearl millet. Indian J. Agric. Res. 8:179-184. Singh, P., U. Singh, B.O. Eggum, K.A. Kumar and D.J. Andrews. 1987. Nutritional evaluation of high protein genotypes of pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum) (L.) Leeke). J. Sci. Food Agric. 38:41-48. Singh, S.D. 1990. Sources of resistance to downy mildew and rust in pearl millet. Plant Dis. 74:871-874. Singh, S.D., G. Alagarswamy, B.S. Talukdar and C.T. Hash. 1994. Registration of ICML 22 photoperiod insensitive, downy mildew resistant pearl millet germplasm. Crop Sci. 34:1421. Singh, S.D., S.B. King and P. Malla Reddy. 1990a. Registration of five pearl millet germplasm sources with stable resistance to downy mildew. Crop Sci. 30:1164. Singh, S.D., S.B. King and P. Malla Reddy. 1990b. Registration of five pearl millet germplasm sources with stable resistance to rust. Crop Sci. 30:1165. Thakur, R.P., K.N. Rai, S.B. King and V.P. Rao. 1993. Identification and utilization of ergot resistance in pearl millet. Research Bulletin no. 17. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Thakur, R.P., S.B. King, K.N. Rai and V.P. Rao. 1992. Identification and utilization of smut resistance in
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pearl millet. Research Bulletin no. 16. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Thakur, R.P., R.J. Williams and V.P. Rao. 1982. Development of ergot resistance in pearl millet. Phytopathology 72:406-408. Tostain, S. and L. Marchais. 1989. Enzyme diversity in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum). 2. Africa and India. Theor. Appl. Genet. 77:634-640. Weltzien, R.E., M.L. Whitaker and M.M. Anders. 1995. Farmer participation in pearl millet breeding for marginal environments. Presented at the IDRC/IPGRI/FAO (ICCPPGR) Workshop on Participatory Breeding Approaches, 26-28 June 1995, Wageningen, Netherlands. Wilson, J.P., G.W. Burton, J.D. Zongo and I.O. Dicko. 1990. Diversity among pearl millet landraces collected in central Burkina Faso. Crop Sci. 30:40-43. Zongo, J.D., M.C. Sedogo, P. Sereme and G.R. Zangre. 1988. Synthese des prospections du mil [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] au Burkina Faso. Pp. 121-131 in Proceedings of Regional Pearl Millet Improvement Workshop (L.K. Fussell and J. Werder, eds.). Institute for Agricultural Research, Samaru, Nigeria and ICRISAT Sahelian Center, Niamey, Niger.
Chapter 18 Small Millets1 K.E. Prasada Rao and J.M.J. de Wet
Small millets are small-grained cereals mainly grown in arid, semi-arid or montane zones as rain-fed crops under marginal and submarginal conditions of soil fertility and moisture. Small millets are important to global agriculture and are major cereal crops, grown in fairly large areas of South Asia, China, the former USSR and Africa. They are also found in areas of the United States and Europe on a limited scale. Although precise estimates on their area and production are not available, these crops may occupy between 18 and 20 million ha, producing 15-18 million tonnes of grain. The region-wise distribution of area is 6.3 million ha in South Asia, 5 million ha in China, 4 million ha in USSR and 3 million ha in Africa. Finger millet is the principal small millet species grown in South Asia, followed by kodo millet, foxtail millet, little millet, proso millet and barnyard millet, in that order. Foxtail millet and proso millet are important in China and the latter is grown extensively in southwestern USSR. In Africa, finger millet, teff and fonio have local importance (Riley 1988). The average global productivity of small millets is almost 1 t/ha. There has been a trend in the last two decades to replace these crops with major cereals like maize and wheat, which has been a factor in the reduction of area under these crops. Presently, small millets are cultivated in areas where they produce a more dependable harvest than any other crop. This has been largely responsible for their continued presence and cultivation in many parts of the world. There is now an increasing realization of this fact, and a greater awareness that these crops merit more research and development. BOTANY AND DISTRIBUTION All the crop species of small millets (also called minor millets) belong to the family Poaceae (Gramineae). Of them, the genera Setaria, Panicum, Paspalum, Echinochloa and Digitaria are classified under the tribe Paniceae of subfamily Panicoideae, and the other two genera Eleusine and Eragrostis under the tribe Eragrostideae of subfamily Chloridoideae (Prasada Rao and Mengesha 1988). Doggett (1989) and this chapter include the following crop species under small millets: Finger millet, Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.; Foxtail millet, Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.; Proso millet, Panicum miliaceum L.; Little millet, Panicum sumatrense Roth, ex Roem. & Schult.; Barnyard millet, Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv.; Echinochloa colona (L.) Link; Kodo millet, Paspalum scrobiculatum L.; Teff, Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter; Fonio millet, Digitaria exilis Stapf and Digitaria iburua Stapf.
Submitted as Journal Article no. 1894 by ICRISAT.
Biodiversity in Trust
Finger millet is an old tropical cereal widely grown in eastern Africa, southern Africa and South Asia. Foxtail, proso and barnyard millets have been important, especially in Asia. Kodo and little millets continue to be important in Asia in times of famine. Origin, Domestication and Diffusion The most important plant of this group is finger millet, which was domesticated in Africa, probably in the Ethiopian region. It was introduced to India perhaps more than 3000 years ago (Doggett 1989). It is a tropical crop, grown from sea level to 3000 m asl. It is the most widely grown small millet in India and Africa, and can be very productive. In Africa, finger millet is grown abundantly in the Rift Valley region: Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zaire, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique. Significant amounts are also grown in Zimbabwe. Cultivated finger millet is Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. subsp. coracana. The closest wild relative is Eleusine coracana subsp. africana (Kenn.-CByrne) Hilu & de Wet. Wild finger millet (subsp. africana) is native to Africa but was introduced as a weed to the warmer parts of Asia and America. Derivatives of hybrids between subsp. coracana and subsp. africana are companion weeds of the crop in Africa. Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. is a diploid (2n=18) and Eleusine coracana subsp. africana and subsp. coracana are tetraploid (2n=36). The weedy E. indica is genetically isolated from finger millet (de Wet 1995). Eleusine coracana and E. africana have a basic chromosome number of nine (2n=4x=36), regularly show the formation of 18 bivalents during meiosis, and apparently are allotetraploid in origin (Hiremath and Chennaveeraiah 1982). Cultivated finger millets are divided into races and subraces on the basis of inflorescence morphology (Table 18.1). Eleusine coracana is predominantly self-fertilized. The subspecies africana, however, does cross occasionally with subsp. coracana to produce fully fertile hybrids. Derivatives of such crosses are aggressive colonizers and are grouped under the race spontanea (de Wet et al. 1984b). Members of the race compacta are commonly referred to as cockscomb finger millets in both Africa and India. The race plana is characterized by large spikelets (815 mm long) that are arranged in two more or less even rows along the rachis, giving the inflorescence branch a flat ribbon-like appearance. The race vulgaris is the common finger millet of Africa and Asia (Fig. 18.1a). Four subraces are recognized on the basis of inflorescence morphology. Foxtail millet (Setaria italica) is grown as a cereal in southern Europe and in temperate, subtropical and tropical Asia. Its closest wild relative is S. italica subsp. viridis (2n=18), the spontaneous green foxtail, extensively variable, widely distributed in temperate Eurasia, and extensively naturalized as a weed in the temperate parts of the New World. Foxtail millet was domesticated in the highlands of central China; remains of cultivated foxtail are known from the Yang-Shao culture dating back some 5000 years. Comparative morphology suggests that foxtail millet spread to Europe and India as a cereal soon after its domestication (Prasada Rao et al. 1987). Foxtail millet was widely cultivated across southern Eurasia until the early 20th century. It remains an important cereal in India and China (Naciri and Belliard 1987). China is the principal producer of foxtail millet today. Comparative morphological study of the accessions resulted in the recognition of the races and subraces presented in Table 18.2. Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult (yellow foxtail, 2n=36) is occasionally sown across southern India. Cultivated kinds differ from wild S. pumila, which naturally colonizes cultivated fields, primarily by efficient natural seed dispersal. Large inflorescences, colonizing ability of grains and ease of harvesting make this species a favourite wild cereal across southern Asia (Bor 1960).
Small Millets
Table 18.1. Races and subraces of finger millet (Eleusine coracana). Species E. coracana
Subspecies africana africana coracana coracana coracana coracana coracana coracana coracana coracana coracana coracana coracana
Race africana spontanea elongata elongata elongata plana plana plana compacta vulgaris vulgaris vulgaris vulgaris
Subrace laxa reclusa sparsa seriata confundere grandigluma liliacea stellata incurvata digitata
Source: Prasada Rao etal. 1993.
Table 18.2. Races and subraces of foxtail millet (Setaria italica). Species S. pumila S. italica
Subspecies viridis italica italica italica italica italica italica italica italica italica italica Source: Prasada Rao etal. 1993.
Race moharia moharia moharia maxima maxima maxima indica indica indica indica
Subrace aristata fusiformis glabra compacta spongiosa assamense erecta glabra nana profusa
Study of accessions of Setaria italica subsp. italica (2n=18) suggests three morphologically distinct races (Prasada Rao et al. 1987): race moharia is centred in Europe and southwest Asia, maxima in former Transcaucasian Russia and the Far East, and indica in India and the rest of southern Asia. Grammie (1911) suggested, on the basis of comparative morphology, that Indian cultivars were derived from primitive Manchurian foxtail millets. Cultivars of the race moharia often resemble members of wild subsp. viridis (green foxtail) in phenotype, except that they have lost the ability for natural seed dispersal. Extensively variable, the race maxima is characterized by spikelets closely arranged on elongated lateral branches, giving the inflorescence a lobed appearance (Fig. 18.1b). The race was introduced into the USA, where it is grown for bird feed, and also occurs in Nepal and Assam, along the southern foothills of the Himalayas, and in Georgia, former Russia (Prasada Rao et al. 1987). The race indica is cultivated in many parts of India and is extensively variable. It was probably derived from a combination of moharia cultivars from southwest Asia and maxima cultivars from China. Plants in which the bristles bear a spikelet at the tip occur across the range of foxtail millet cultivation in India (Prasada Rao et al. 1987). The botanical name of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) is derived from the Latin word millium which means millet (Rangaswamy Ayyangar 1938). The chromosome numbers have been reported to be 2n=36, 72 in some of the Indian races (Bor 1960). In the former USSR, this millet is known by the name proso. The common English names of this millet are common millet, hog millet and broom corn millet. The progenitor of proso millet is native to Manchuria. The species was introduced into Europe as a cereal
Biodiversity in Trust
Fig. 18.1. (a) Finger millet, mostly grown in India and Africa (race vulgaris, subrace digitata); (b) foxtail millet (race maxima); (c) little millet, mostly grown in the hilly Eastern Ghats region of India (race robusta); (d) barnyard millet, grown in India (race robusta); (e) Kodo millet, cultivated in India (race irregularis).
Small Millets
at least 3000 years ago. The bran or seed coat is always creamy white (Martin and Leonard 1959). The comparative morphological study of the accessions suggests the recognition of five cultivated races (Table 18.3). Little millet (Panicum sumatrense) is widely cultivated as a cereal across India, Nepal and western Myanmar. The chromosome number of P. sumatrense (previously named P. miliare) has been reported to be 2n=36 (Bor 1960). It is particularly grown in the Eastern Ghats of India, where it forms an important part of tribal agriculture. The species is divided into subsp. sumatrense, cultivated little millet and subsp. psilopodium (Trin.) de Wet comb, nov., its wild progenitor. These two subspecies cross where they are sympatric to produce fertile hybrids, derivatives of which are often weedy in little millet fields (de Wet et ah 1984a). Panicum sumatrense subsp. sumatrense includes a morphologically variable cultivated complex that is widely cultivated in Sri Lanka, India, Nepal and Myanmar. The comparative morphological study of the accessions resulted in the recognition of the races and subraces given in Table 18.4. The race robusta includes plants that are erect, or produce erect flowering culms from a short, geniculate base. Flowering culms are 120-190 cm tall and robust. Terminal inflorescences are 20-46 cm long, open or compact and strongly branched (Fig. 18.1c). Two species of Echinochloa are grown as cereals. Echinochloa crus-galli is native to temperate Eurasia and was domesticated in Japan around 4000 years ago. Echinochloa colona (L.) Link is widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics of the Old World. It was domesticated in India. The species is morphologically allied to E. crus-galli, but hybrids between them are sterile, although both the species are hexaploids (2n=54). Echinochloa colona differs consistently from E. crus-galli in that it has smaller spikelets with membraneous rather than chartaceous glumes. Hybrids between wild and cultivated taxa of E. colona and between those of E. crus-galli are fertile. Cultivated E. colona is variable. It is grown as a cereal crop in India (Kashmir) and Sikkim (de Wet et ah 1983). The comparative morphological study of the accessions resulted in the recognition of the species, subspecies and races given in Table 18.5. Barnyard millet remains an important cereal only in the tropics and subtropics of India. Four morphological races are recognized, although these do not have geographical, ecological or ethnological unity. The race laxa is confined to Sikkim where races robusta (Fig. 18.Id), intermedia and stolonifera are also grown. Kodo millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum) is widely distributed in damp habitats across the Old World tropics. The chromosome number of this species has been reported to be 2n=40 and n=20 (Hiremath and Dandin 1975). It is harvested as a wild cereal in West Africa and in India. The species was domesticated in India around 3000 years ago. Raceme morphology allows for the recognition of three racial complexes (Table 18.6). The most common kodo millet is characterized by racemes with the spikelets arranged in two rows on one side of a flattened rachis (regularis). In most fields of kodo millet, plants with irregularly arranged spikelets also occur. Rarely are these aberrant kinds grown as pure stands. Two kinds of aberrations occur. In one kind, the spikelets are arranged along the rachis in 2-4 irregular rows (irregularis) (Fig. 18.1e). In the other, the lower part of each raceme is characterized by irregularly arranged spikelets, while spikelet arrangement becomes more regularly two-rowed in the upper part of the raceme (variabilis). Teff (Eragrostis tef) is an important cereal crop cultivated in Ethiopia. It is extensively cultivated in Ethiopia for grain, and as a fodder crop in Australia and South Africa. The wild ancestor of teff has not been determined with certainty, but it probably is E. pilosa (L.) Beauv. (de Wet 1995). Although the exact date of its domestication is not known, there is no doubt that teff is an ancient crop of Ethiopia (Costanza 1974; Tadessa 1975). It is believed that teff domestication first took place somewhere in the northern highlands of Ethiopia. Teff is an annual grass forming
Biodiversity in Trust Table 18.3. Races of cultivated proso millet (Panicum miliaceum). Species P. miliaceum
Subspecies miliaceum miliaceum miliaceum miliaceum miliaceum Source: Prasada Rao etal. 1993.
Race miliaceum patentissimum contractum compactum ovatum
Table 18.4. Races and subraces of cultivated little millet (Panicum sumatrense). Species P. sumatrense
Subspecies psilopodium sumatrense sumatrense sumatrense sumatrense Source: Prasada Rao etal. 1993.
Race nana nana robusta robusta
Subrace laxa erecta laxa compacta
Table 18.5. Species, subspecies and races of barnyard millet (Echinochloa). Species E. colona
Subspecies colona frumentacea frumentacea frumentacea frumentacea E. crus-galli crus-galli crus-galli crus-galli crus-galli Source: Prasada Rao etal. 1993.
Races — stolonifera intermedia robusta laxa crus-galli macrocarpa utilis intermedia
Table 18.6. Races of kodo millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum). Species P. scrobiculatum
Races regularis irregularis variabilis Source: Prasada Rao etal. 1993.
scanty tufts. The chromosome number is 2n=40. The flowers are cleistogamic, thus self-pollinated. Double fertilization is typically the means of reproduction (Mengesha and Guard 1966). The fruit is a caryopsis (Tadessa 1975). Tadessa (1975) enumerated 35 cultivars in E. tef and described them botanically after conducting field and laboratory studies of plants grown at the College of Agriculture, Alemaya, Ethiopia. Several species of Digitaria are harvested as wild cereals in Africa (Busson 1965; Jardin 1967). Two species, Digitaria exilis (fonio) and Digitaria iburua (black fonio), are cultivated in West Africa (Porteres 1976; de Wet 1977). Fonio millet (Digitaria exilis Stapf), also known as hungry rice, is grown as a cereal crop throughout the savanna zone of West Africa. In parts of Guinea and Nigeria, it is the staple crop (Doggett 1989). Fonio is largely cultivated from Senegal to Chad, as are pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). The primary centre of origin and evolution of fonio is the upper river valleys of The Gambia, Casamance, Senegal and Niger rivers in the Fouta-Djalon Plateau (Porteres 1951, 1955; Bezpaly 1984). According to Porteres (1955, 1976) and Purseglove (1972), the cultivation of fonio in West Africa goes back to the Neolithic period. This cereal is among the oldest indigenous crops. Its origins date back to 5000 BC (Ndoye and Nwasike 1993). Fonio
Small Millets
(D. exilis) grains are tiny; 1000-grain mass is about 0.5-0.6 g (Ndoye and Nwasike 1993). Black fonio (D. iburua) is known only as a cultivated crop (Stapf 1915). The species is grown by the Hausa of Nigeria between Jos and Zaria. It is also sporadically cultivated around Zinder in Niger, Azagiue in the Ivory Coast, Kande and Atalote in Togo, and between Birni and Natitingou in Benin (former Dahomey) (Porteres 1955; Clayton 1972). Black fonio is often grown between rows of sorghum or pearl millet, and frequently as a mixture with D. exilis (true fonio). It is a more aggressive species than D. exilis, and often provides a crop when true fonio fails as a result of drought. Grains of black fonio are cooked like rice, or as stews. GERMPLASM CONSERVATION AND USE A total of 9094 accessions of small millets were assembled from 46 countries at ICRISAT (Table 18.7). The following list gives the locations of other accessions. Teff Fonio Finger millet
Foxtail, proso, barnyard, kodo and little millets
Plant Genetic Resource Centre, Ethiopia. ICRISAT Sahelian Center, Niamey, Niger ICRISAT Asia Center (IAC) (Patancheru, India); Southern African Development Community (SADC) and ICRISAT-Southern and Eastern Africa (Bulawayo Zimbabwe and Nairobi, Kenya) ICRISAT Asia Center (IAC), Patancheru, India
At ICRISAT Asia Center, Patancheru, India (IAC) all small millet germplasm accessions are sown for seed increase normally in the rainy season to meet seed requests from institutions from various countries. Since all six small millet crop species are reported as mostly self-pollinated, they are maintained without pollination control. IBPGR/IPGRI has assigned special responsibility to ICRISAT by providing funds to characterize the available germplasm. A total of 4984 accessions have been characterized for important morpho-agronomic descriptors (Table 18.8). Parameters for some of the important morphological characters are given in Table 18.9. All the assembled germplasm of small millets, a total of 9094 accessions, is conserved at IAC under medium-term storage conditions of 4°C and 20% relative humidity. So far, 42 130 seed samples have been distributed from the ICRISAT genebank (Table 18.10). The Plant Genetic Resource Center (PGRC), Ethiopia, is holding about 2650 accessions of teff (Kebebew 1988). The most important development since 1986 is the completion of the work on the characterization of 2225 germplasm lines. The minimum and maximum values for some of these characters are given in Table 18.11. Fonio has received very little attention from research organizations at either the regional level or the international level. In the past, small programmes were carried out in Nigeria and Mali. ORSTOM, France has 315 accessions of which 62 are from Togo, 100 from Mali and 21 from Burkina Faso (Froment and Renard 1996). Properties and Uses Small millets are considered coarse grains and are consumed where other food grains are expensive or difficult to grow. Compared with other cereals the information available on small-millet processing for food and industrial uses is very limited (Malleshi 1989). Small millets are used in India mainly to prepare roti (unleavened pancakes), mudde or dumpling, and thin porridge (ambali). Except for roti and mudde, debranned millets are cooked similar to rice. Upma (coarse-ground and boiled), dosai
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 18.7. Geographic origin of the small millet germplasm collection at ICRISAT Asia Center as of December 1995. Country Africa Burundi Cameroon Egypt Ethiopia Kenya Malawi Mozambique Nigeria Senegal South Africa Sudan Tanzania Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe Asia Afghanistan Bangladesh China India Iran Iraq Japan Korea Lebanon Maldives Myanmar Nepal Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Syria Taiwan Turkey Former USSR Europe Hungary Italy Spain Switzerland UK Former Yugoslavia Germany Americas Argentina Canada Mexico USA Oceania Australia Origin not known Total
15 8 27 440 248 1 19 5 39 918 125 941
8 1 8 4 1 —
1315 3 740 1 18 -
1 1 — —
1 2 2 — —
_ _
— _
15 16 1 28 449 251 1 19 5 4 2 39 919 125 941
20 60 931 4 52 33 6 22 29 14 119 28 23 67
17 2 1 106 9 2 1 73 6 34 2 290 48 129
419 164 11 98 2 16
443 — 2 -
37 2 61 3756 13 2 165 125 33 3 8 768 75 209 36 411 28 71 212
7 28
10 1 1 20
9 1 4

19 7 2 1 56
1 12
1 13
2 38
1 1 13 65
1 1 15 110
55 4953
9 1495
2 831
_ 655
2 64 9094
542 111 2 -
Small Millets
Table 18.8. Small millet germplasm evaluated at ICRISAT Asia Center, India. Crop Finger millet (Eleusine coracana) Foxtail millet (Setaria italica) Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) Little millet {Panicum sumatrense) Barnyard millet (Echinochloa spp.) Kodo millet {Paspalum scrobiculatum)
Suggested access, no. IE
Countries (no.) 20
No. accessions Assembled Evaluated 4953 1948
Descriptors 32
(fermented batter, cooked as thin pancakes) and idli (steamed) are popular south Indian preparations that are sometimes prepared from small millets. Some desserts made from foxtail millet are tastier and have a far better texture than those made from rice and wheat. Flakes can be prepared from pearled small millets. Because of their small size, quick hydration and soft texture, these flakes require less energy to produce than do flakes from rice or maize. Malting of finger millet is a traditional process in India, mostly used in infant foods and in milk-thickener formulations, conventionally called ragi malt (Malleshi and Hadimani 1993). Traditional opaque beer is a commercial product in several finger millet-producing countries in Africa (Gomez 1993). Foxtail millet is native to China and is cultivated mainly for food; the straw is used as feed. The grain is used to prepare medicinal foods (Jiaju 1989). Proso millet, one of the most popular cereals in northern China, commands the same price as wheat. It is generally dehulled, and then steamed or boiled in a manner similar to rice. It is also sometimes sweetened with sugar and eaten as a dessert or flaked (Hulse et at. 1980). The other small millets (little, kodo and barnyard millets) are usually cooked after dehulling (Pushpamma 1989). Barnyard millet is grown as a forage crop in the USA, where it has been reported to produce eight harvests per year (Hulse et al. 1980). Teff flour is most widely used for making a pancake called injera. It is also used to make porridge and alcoholic drinks called tella and katikalla. The straw is used to reinforce mud-plastered walls, and as feed for cattle (Ketema 1989). Fonio is used in West Africa to make porridge, or added to other cereals as meal. It can be used as fodder, and the stems as roofing material (Spore 1995). In some countries in West Africa, fonio is still the cereal reserved for special occasions. In Nigeria and Togo it is used to make nonalcoholic drinks like burujuto or pito (Ndoye and Nwasike 1993). Breeding ICRISAT has designated finger millet (E. coracana) as an additional millet for special study in the highlands of eastern and southern Africa, where it is particularly important as a food crop. Projects have been initiated by ICRISAT-Southern and Eastern Africa at its regional centres at Nairobi (Kenya) and Bulawayo (Zimbabwe), with the objective of cooperating with national programmes to identify and improve finger millet genotypes with high yield potentials. The research priority will be to breed cultivars resistant to blast disease caused by Pyricularia (ICRISAT 1991). Two improved finger millet varieties, Lima (a selection from IE 2929) and FMV 2 (a selection from IE 2247), have been released for cultivation in Zambia and Zimbabwe, respectively (SADC/ ICRISAT Southern Africa Programs 1993). Some breeding work on small millets is being done by the national agricultural research systems (NARS) in several countries.
Table 18.9. Parameters for some important quantitative characters of small millets, evaluated at ICRISAT Asia Center, Patancheru, India. Crop Finger millet Mean SD Range
Days to 50% flowering
Plant height (cm)
Basal tillers (no.)
Flag leaf length (mm)
Flag leaf width (mm)
Sheath length (mm)
Peduncle length (mm)
Exsertion (mm)
Inflorescence length (mm)
79.10 10.42 54-120
102.90 15.54 45-165
6.56 3.94 1-70
351.00 70.70 100-700
13.38 3.78 5-20
105.60 20.08 20-280
219.80 40.92 18-380
112.90 40.89 10-800
100.60 32.96 10-320
Foxtail millet Mean SD Range
52.41 10.31 32-135
105.80 31.18 20-175
7.75 6.65 1-80
286.20 82.33 30-520
20.56 6.24 5-40
136.20 32.31 50-260
299.50 59.73 0-500
165.30 52.56 10-360
156.40 55.67 10-320
Proso millet Mean SD Range
33.87 2.89 28-50
60.74 17.83 23-133
231.40 48.64 100-380
20.41 6.86 10-30
82.81 17.10 30-170
181.80 64.63 50-400
99.70 60.80 -50-320
195.70 60.16 22-400
Little millet Mean SD Range
54.50 12.11 39.98
116.10 25.59 60.240
256.80 76.28 120-560
12.23 4.12 5-30
107.80 22.65 50-180
144.70 41.56 60-280
37.42 43.06 -80-280
298.20 65.95 27-500
Barnyard millet Mean SD Range
44.68 10.43 37-90
74.38 24.18 52-242
191.90 74.85 100-420
17.99 7.46 5-40
87.94 21.51 40-260
165.20 63.37 95-520
78.64 66.60 -50-800
137.20 54.73 100-280
Kodo millet Mean SD Range
87.75 8.19 65-103
53.19 10.37 30-90
249.60 64.88 24-440
9.86 1.95 5-15
153.70 22.95 80-220
58.29 19.56 20-120
19.06 7.99 5-46
23.56 7.68 10-48
Small Millets
Table 18.10. Distribution of small millet germplasm from the ICRISAT genebank, 1978-95. Distributed to: No. of accessions Distributed to: No. of accessions Africa Asia (cont.) Benin 6 Nepal 1316 Pakistan 114 37 Burkina Faso 25 Saudi Arabia 60 Burundi 10 Sri Lanka 220 Djibouti Taiwan 749 320 Ethiopia 4 92 Thailand Ghana Former USSR 4366 206 Kenya 89 Oceania Mali 30 Australia Mozambique 50 21 Niger Europe 444 Czechoslovakia 17 Nigeria Denmark 125 30 Rwanda 29 France 125 Senegal Germany 10 18 Somalia 34 Sudan 33 Italy 22 800 Romania Uganda 2007 UK Zambia 191 Former Yugoslavia 1198 1970 Zimbabwe Americas Asia Bangladesh 522 Argentina 25 17 Brazil Bhutan 180 515 Canada 61 China 24382 Mexico India 289 48 Uruguay Indonesia 100 392 USA 674 Korea 127 Venezuela Malaysia 20 Myanmar 10 Total 42130 Table 18.11. Some agronomic and morphological characters of teff, evaluated at the Plant Genetic Resource Centre, Ethiopia. Characters Minimum Maximum Days to germination 4 12 26 54 Days to germination to heading 29 76 Days to heading to maturity 62 123 Days to germination to maturity 1.5 4 Culm thickness (mm) 11 82 Culm length (cm) 7 42 Peduncle length (cm) 14 Panicle length (cm) 65 31 Total plant height (cm) 55 0.4 Grain yield per panicle (g) 3 4 22 Grain yield per plant (g) Straw yield per plant (g) 20 90 Shoot biomass yield per plant (g) 26 105 Leaf area (flag leaf) (cm2) 5 22 7 Harvest index 38 Source: Ketema 1993.
In India, the All India Coordinated Millets Improvement Project started its work on finger millet at five centres: Bangalore, Coimbatore, Majhera, Sangla and Vizianagaram. Work on the other millets was started with help from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC); the sites chosen were Dindari (Madhya Pradesh) for kodo millet, Semiliguda (Orissa) for little millet, Dholi (Bihar) for proso millet, Nandyal (Andhra Pradesh) for foxtail millet and Almora (Uttar Pradesh) for barnyard millet
Biodiversity in Trust
(Doggett 1993). Research on finger millet improvement in Africa has been done in Zambia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi and Ethiopia. Genetic improvement has been largely limited to selection in germplasm lines except at Serere, Uganda, where some breeding work is in progress, using a male-sterile line introduced some 15 years ago (Doggett 1989). There has been good progress in China in breeding foxtail millet; over the years, more than 100 improved varieties have been released in different provinces. The breeding approaches adopted include systematic selection, hybridization and radiationinduced mutations. The Hebei Baxia Agricultural Institute has developed two good hybrids, which are cultivated on more than 2000 ha (Jiaju and Yuzhi 1993). Breeding work on proso millet in the Prvolzhye province in Russia is aimed at high productivity, smut resistance and improved grain quality. A step-by-step procedure is used, involving complex crosses combining many parents. Saratovskoye 6 and Saratovskoye 8 are some of the recent releases that meet these requirements (Ilyn et at. 1993). Extensive research on teff is conducted in Ethiopia (and very little in other countries), where it is the staple food. Tareke (1975) reported the first successful intraspecific crosses, and this signalled a new era in teff breeding research (Ketema 1989). The importance of research in fonio improvement has been recognized in Mali, where a programme for the promotion of Indigenous Cereals of the Sahel has been initiated in Bamako. A project for domesticating fonio is being undertaken at the Agricultural Research Station at Farako-Ba in western Burkina Faso, with assistance from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) based in Vienna, Austria. Although the project has only just begun, it is already showing great promise (Spore 1995). Prospects Different species of small millets possess many unique traits that should make them an important component of improved agricultural systems (Riley 1988). For example, they are generally fast-maturing and could fit into more intensive cropping systems. A short-duration millet could be used as a catch or relay crop in association with other, slower-maturing crops. Rapid seed multiplication is generally fairly simple and seed costs are low. The small seeds generally store well for long periods, ensuring a continued food supply during the dry season or when there is a crop failure. The seeds often require less cooking or preparation time than those of other cereals. Millets can be processed in a number of ways for use in traditional and novel preparations. Some millets perform well in difficult or marginal farming situations. Teff, for example, is tolerant of waterlogged and acidic soils. Proso millet can tolerate both drought and salinity. Foxtail millet is adapted to low-fertility soils. Because many millets mature quickly, they can escape such stress conditions as drought. Many varieties of millets have excellent nutritional properties, with high levels of such essential minerals as iron and calcium. Finger millet, especially, is known to be particularly important in the diets of people involved in hard manual work. Millets are generally highly valued for their fodder. A new Indian variety of foxtail millet, SLA 326, is extremely popular with farmers in Andhra Pradesh, India. In addition to its high grain yield, the straw is highly palatable as livestock feed. For these farmers, the economic value of foxtail millet straw is almost equal to the value of the grain. Recent work at the Dryland Agricultural Centre in Bangalore, India, has shown that little millet and barnyard millet produced more forage yield per day under dry conditions than any other forage crop tested. With the development of a dehiscent fonio variety, post-harvest treatment became much easier. With a combination of higher yields, improved processing and already proven market demand, fonio could have a more significant future than might once have been expected (Spore 1995). Small millets, currently assigned only a subsistence
Small Millets
role, could be grown as surplus crops for sale and processing. They could have application in a range of foods: composite flour, bread, biscuits, pastas, instant uji and other 'instant' food items for sale in urban areas (Dendy 1993). REFERENCES Bezpaly, 1.1984. Les plantes cultivees en Afrique occidentale. Pp. 84-87 in Ouvrage sous la direction de Oustimenko. Bakoumovski. Editions MIR, Moscow. Bor, N.L. 1960. Grasses of Burma, Ceylon, India and Pakistan. Pergamon, London, UK. Busson, F. 1965. Plantes Alimentaires de l'Ouest Africain. L'imprimerie Leconte, Marseilles, France. Clayton, W.D. 1972. Gramineae. Pp. 349-512 in Flora of West Tropical Africa (2nd edn.), Vol. III. Part 2 (J. Hutchinson and J.M. Dalziel, eds. and F.N. Hepper, rev.). Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administration, London, UK. Costanza, S.H. 1974. Literature and Numerical Taxonomy of Teff (Eragrostis tef). MSc Thesis, B.S. Cornell University, Illinois, USA. de Wet, J.M.J. 1977. Domestication of African cereals. Afr. Econ. Hist. 3:15-32. de Wet, J.M.J. 1995. Minor cereals - various genera (Gramineae). Pp. 202-208 in Evolution of Crop Plants (J. Smartt and N.W. Simmonds, eds.). Longman Scientific and Technical, Harlow, UK. de Wet, J.M.J., K.E. Prasada Rao and D.E. Brink. 1984a. Systematics and domestication of Panicum sumatrense (Gramineae). J. Agric. Trad. Bot. Appl. 30:159-168. de Wet, J.M.J., K.E. Prasada Rao, D.E. Brink and M.H. Mengesha. 1984b. Systematics and evolution of Eleusine coracana (Gramineae). Am. J. Bot. 71:550-557. de Wet, J.M.J., K.E. Prasada Rao, M.H. Mengesha and D.E. Brink. 1983. Domestication of sawa millet, Echinochloa colona. Econ. Bot. 37:283-291. Dendy, D.A.V. 1993. Opportunities for non-traditional uses of the minor millets. Pp. 259-270 in Advances in Small Millets (K.W. Riley, S.C. Gupta, A. Seetharam and J.N. Mushonga, eds.). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi, India. Doggett, H. 1989. Small millets - a selective overview. Pp. 3-18 in Small Millets in Global Agriculture (A. Seetharam, K.W. Riley and G. Harinarayana, eds.). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi, India. Doggett, H. 1993. Introduction. Pp. 3-8 in Advances in Small Millets (K.W. Riley, S.C. Gupta, A. Seetharam and J.N. Mushonga, eds.). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi, India. Froment, D. and C. Renard. 1996. Fonio Digitaria exilis Stapf. In Crop Production in Tropical Africa. Belgian Agency for Cooperation and Development, Brussels, Belgium (in press). Gomez, M.I. 1993. Preliminary studies on grain quality evaluation for finger millet as a food and beverage use in the southern African region. Pp. 289-296 in Advances in Small Millets (K.W. Riley, S.C. Gupta, A. Seetharam and J.N. Mushonga, eds.). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi, India. Grammie, G.A. 1911. Millets of the genus Setaria in the Bombay Presidency and Sind. Mem. Dep. Agric. India Bot. Ser. 4:1-8. Hiremath, S.C. and M.S. Chennaveeraiah. 1982. Cytogenetical studies in wild and cultivated species of Eleusine (Gramineae). Caryologia 35:57-69. Hiremath, S.C and S.B. Dandin. 1975. Cytology of Paspalum scrobiculatum Linn. Curr. Sci. 44:20-21. Hulse, J.H., M.E. Laing and E.O. Pearson. 1980. Sorghum and the Millets: Their Composition and Nutritive Value. Academic Press, London, UK. ICRISAT. 1991. ICRISAT Report 1990. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Ilyn, V.A., E.N. Zolotukhin, IP. Ungenfukht, N.P. Tikhonov and B.K. Markin. 1993. Importance, cultivation and breeding of proso millet in Povolzhye province in Russia. Pp. 109-116 in Advances in Small Millets (K.W. Riley, S.C. Gupta, A. Seetharam and J.N. Mushonga, eds.). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi, India. Jardin, C. 1967. List of Foods Used in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy. Jiaju, C. 1989. Utilization of small millets in China. Pp. 347-350 in Small Millets in Global Agriculture (A. Seetharam, K.W. Riley and G. Harinarayana, eds.). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi, India. Jiaju, C. and Q. Yuzhi. 1993. Recent developments in foxtail millet cultivation and research in China. Pp. 101-107 in Advances in Small Millets (K.W. Riley, S.C. Gupta, A. Seetharam and J.N. Mushonga, eds.). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi, India. Kebebew, F. 1988. The activities of the Plant Genetic Resource Centre/Ethiopia (PGRC/E) on teff and minor millets. Pp. 21-22 in Small Millets - Recommendations for a Network. Manuscript Report IDRC-MR 171e. International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada.
Biodiversity in Trust
Ketema, S. 1989. Cropping systems, production technology, pests, diseases, utilization and forage use of millets with special emphasis on teff in Ethiopia. Pp. 309-314 in Small Millets in Global Agriculture (A. Seetharam, K.W. Riley and G. Harinarayana, eds.). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi, India. Keteme, S. 1993. Teff crop improvement, nutrition and utilization. Pp. 61-65 in Advances in Small Millets (K.W. Riley, S.C. Gupta, A. Seetharam and J.N. Mushonga, eds.). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi, India. Jardin, C. 1967. List of Foods Used in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy. Malleshi, N.G. 1989. Processing of small millets for food and industrial uses. Pp. 325-339 in Small Millets in Global Agriculture (A. Seetharam, K.W. Riley and G. Harinarayana, eds.). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi, India. Malleshi, N.G. and N.A. Hadimani. 1993. Nutritional and technological characteristics of small millets and preparation of value-added products from them. Pp. 271-287 in Advances in Small Millets (K.W. Riley, S.C. Gupta, A. Seetharam and J.N. Mushonga, eds.). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi, India. Martin, J.H. and W.H. Leonard. 1959. Principles of Field Crop Production. Macmillan, New York, USA. Mengesha, M.H. and A.T. Guard. 1966. Development of the embryo of teff, Eragrostis tef. Can. J. Bot. 44: 1071-1075. Naciri, Y. and J. Belliard. 1987. Le millet Setaria italia - une plante a redecouvrir. J. Agric. Trad. Bot. Appl. 36:65-87. Ndoye, M. and C.C. Nwasike. 1993. Fonio millet (Digitaria exilis Stapf) in West Africa. Pp. 85-94 in Advances in Small Millets (K.W. Riley, S.C. Gupta, A. Seetharam and J.N. Mushonga, eds.). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi, India. Porteres, R. 1951. Geographie alimentaire - berceaux agricoles et migrations des plantes cultivees en Afrique intertropicale. C.R. Somm. Seances Soc. Biogeogr. 239:16-21. Porteres, R. 1955. Les cereales mineures du genre Digitaria en Afrique et Europe. J. Agric. Tradit. Bot. Appl. 2:349-675. Porteres, R. 1976. African cereals: Eleusine, fonio, black fonio, teff, Brachiaria, Paspalum, Pennisetum and African rice. Pp. 409-452 in Origins of African Plant Domestication. (J.R. Harlan, J.M.J. de Wet and A.B. Stemler, eds.). Mouton, The Hague, Netherlands. Prasada Rao, K.E. and M.H. Mengesha. 1988. Minor millets germplasm resources at ICRISAT. Pp. 38-45 in Small Millets - Recommendations for a Network. Manuscript Report IDRC-MR 171e. International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada. Prasada Rao, K.E., J.M.J. de Wet, D.E. Brink and M.H. Mengesha. 1987. Infraspecific variation and systematics of cultivated Setaria italia, foxtail millet (Poaceae). Econ. Bot. 41:108-116. Prasada Rao, K.E., J.M.J. de Wet, V. Gopal Reddy and M.H. Mengesha. 1993. Diversity in the small millets collection at ICRISAT. Pp. 331-346 in Advances in Small Millets (K.W. Riley, S.C. Gupta, A. Seetharam and J.N. Mushonga, eds.). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi, India. Purseglove, J.W. 1972. Tropical Crops: Monocotyledons. Longman, London, UK. Pushpamma, P. 1989. Utilization of small millets in Andhra Pradesh (India). Pp. 321-324 in Small Millets in Global Agriculture (A. Seetharam, K.W. Riley and G. Harinarayana, eds.). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi, India. Rangaswamy Ayyangar, G.N. 1938. Studies in the millet Panicum miliaceum Linn. Madras Agric. J. 26:196-206. Riley, K. 1988. Small millets with big potential - introductory remarks. Pp. 2-5 in Small Millets Recommendations for a Network. Manuscript Report IDRC-MR 171e. International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada. SADC/ICRISAT Southern Africa Programs. 1993. Annual Report 1992. SADC ICRISAT Sorghum and Millet Improvement Program, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Spore, C. 1995. A small cereal with big promise. Bull. Tech. Cent. Agric. Rural Cooperation (Wageningen) 55:5. Stapf, 0.1915. Iburu and Fundi, two cereals of Upper Guinea. Kew Bull. 1915:318-386. Tadessa, E. 1975. Teff (Eragrostis tef) Cultivars: Morphology and Classification: Part II. Debre Zeit Junior College and Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Number 66. Alemaya University of Agriculture, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. Tareke, B. 1975. A breakthrough in teff breeding technique. FAO Inf. Bull. Cereal Improv. and Prod. 12:11-13.
Chapter 19 Rice M.T. Jackson, G.C. Loresto, S. Appa Rao, M. Jones, E.P. Guimaraes and N.Q. Ng
Rice feeds half the world's people, mainly in Asia. Their food security and crop biodiversity depend upon continued access to seed developed from thousands of locally adapted varieties of Oryza sativa and O. glaberrima that Asian and African farmers have grown for generations, the more than 20 species of wild rice native to Asia, Africa, Latin America and Oceania, and the related genera in the tribe Oryzeae. Worldwide, about 80 million ha of rice are grown under irrigated conditions, the most important rice production system, with average yields of 3-9 t/ha. Athough four CGIAR centres (IRRI, WARDA, CIAT and IITA) hold and use rice germplasm, only IRRI has a global mandate to conserve and improve germplasm. Other centres have regional or continental mandates in Africa and Latin America. The aggregate population of the less-developed countries grew from 2.3 billion in 1965 to 4.1 billion in 1991. Asia accounted for 59% of the global population, about 92% of the world's rice production and 90% of global rice consumption. Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam are the world's largest rice producers, accounting for about 78% of world production (IRRI 1995). Even with rice providing 35-80% of total calories consumed in Asia and with a slowing of growth in total planted area, production has so far kept up with demand. The world's annual rough rice production, however, will have to increase by almost 70% over the next 35 years to keep up with population growth and income-induced demand for food. The urban poor in Asia spend a large part of their income on rice and the consumption of rice will continue to increase as incomes and urbanization increase. BOTANY AND DISTRIBUTION Besides domesticated Oryza, other wild Oryza and related genera of the tribe Oryzeae are distributed throughout the tropics (Tables 19.1 and 19.2). The basic chromosome number is n=12. Oryza species are generally grouped into four complexes of closely related species (Chang and Vaughan 1991; Vaughan 1989, 1994). Species of the O. ridleyi complex inhabit lowland swamp forests, and species of the O. meyeriana complex are found in upland hillside forests. The O. officinalis complex consists of diploid and tetraploid species found throughout the tropics. The O. sativa complex consists of the wild and weedy relatives of the two rice cultigens as well as the cultigens themselves. The wild relatives of O. glaberrima in Africa consist of the perennial rhizomatous species O. longistaminata, which grows throughout sub-Saharan Africa, and annual and weedy relatives are found primarily in West Africa. Among the wild relatives of O. sativa, the perennial O. rufipogon is widely distributed over South and Southeast Asia, southeast China and Oceania. Other forms are found in South America, usually in deep water swamps (Chang 1976a).
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 19.1. Taxa In the genus Oryza: the species complexes and genome groups (adapted from Chang and Vaughan 1991 and Vaughan 1994). Species complex 0. sativa
O. ridleyi
0. meyeriana 0. officinalis
Species not yet assigned to a complex
Genome group
0. glaberrima O. barthii O. longistaminata O. sativa O. nivara O. rufipogon O. meridionalis O. glumaepatula O. longiglumis
A'A' A'A' A'A1
O. O. O. 0. O. O. O. O. O. O. O.
granulata meyeriana officinalis minuta eichingeri rhizomatis punctata latifolia alta grandiglumis australiensis
Diploid Diploid
West Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar Worldwide Tropical and subtropical Asia Tropical and subtropical Asia Northern Australia South and Central America Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea Southeast Asia, Papua New Guinea South and Southeast Asia Southeast Asia Tropical and subtropical Asia Philippines, Papua New Guinea Sri Lanka, Sub-Saharan Africa Sri Lanka Sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar South and Central America South and Central America South America Northern Australia
AA AA AA AA A9IA' Tetraploid
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea Sub-Saharan Africa
Table 19.2. Genera in the tribe Oryzeae (adapted from Chang and Vaughan 1991). Genus Oryza Leersia Chikusiochloa Hygroryza Porteresia Zizania Luziola Zizaniopsis Rhynchoryza Maltebrunia Prosphytochloa Potamophila
No. of species
22 17 3 1 1 3 11 5 1 5 1 1
Pan-tropical Worldwide China, Japan Asia South Asia Europe, Asia, North America North and South America North and South America South America Tropical and southern Africa Southern Africa Australia
tropical temperate temperate temperate tropical temperate temperate temperate temperate tropical temperate temperate
/ tropical / tropical / tropical / tropical / tropical
/ tropical
Origin, Domestication and Diffusion The centre of origin of rice and the exact time and place of its first development may never be known. The most convincing archaeological evidence for domestication, dated to 4000 BC, was discovered in Thailand (Solheim 1972). In the early Neolithic era, rice was grown in forest clearings under a system of shifting cultivation; puddling the soil and transplanting seedlings were likely refined in China (Chang 1976b, 1976c). In Southeast Asia rice originally was produced under dryland conditions in the uplands and only recently came to occupy the vast river deltas. Diffusion has carried rice to every continent except Antarctica. Wetland rice cultivation came to the Philippines during the second millennium BC and Deutero-Malays carried the practice to Indonesia about 1500 BC. The crop was
introduced to Japan no later than 100 BC (Chang 1976a, 1976c). It reached India in early times and by 1000 BC was a major crop in Sri Lanka. Rice was introduced about 344324 BC to Greece and the Mediterranean by returning members of Alexander the Great's expedition to India and spread gradually throughout southern Europe and to a few locations in North Africa (Huke and Huke 1990). Rice cultivation was introduced to the New World by early European settlers (Grist 1986). Early in the 18th century rice spread to Louisiana, but not until the 20th century did it reach California's Sacramento Valley (Adair et ah 1975). The California introduction corresponded with that of the first successful crop in Australia's New South Wales (Huke and Huke 1990). The primary centre of diversity for O. glaberrima is in the swampy basin of the upper Niger River (Chang 1976a). Two secondary centres lie to the southwest near the Guinean coast. In West Africa, O. glaberrima is a dominant crop grown in the flooded areas of the Niger and Sokoto River basins (Chang 1985). Ecological diversification in O. saliva, which involved cycles of hybridization, differentiation and selection, was enhanced when ancestral forms of the cultigen were carried by farmers and traders to higher latitudes, higher elevations, dryland sites, seasonably deepwater areas and tidal swamps (Chang 1985). Two major ecogeographic races differentiated as a result of isolation and selection: indica, adapted to the tropics, and japonica, adapted to the temperate regions and tropical uplands. Selections made to suit cultural and socioreligious traditions added diversity, especially grain size, shape, colour and endosperm properties (Chang 1985). Today, thousands of rice varieties are grown in more than 100 countries. Re-productive Biology The morphology of rice is divided into the seedling, vegetative organs and reproductive organs (Chang and Bardenas 1965; Vergara 1991). Growth duration is 3-6 months and potential grain yield is primarily determined before heading. The life history of rice has three growth phases: vegetative, reproductive and ripening (Fig. 19.1). A 120-day variety, when planted in a tropical environment, spends about 60 days in the vegetative phase, 30 days in the reproductive phase and 30 days in the ripening phase (Yoshida 1981; Vergara 1991). Heading is considered a synonym for anthesis in rice. It takes 10-14 days for a rice crop to complete heading because there is variation in panicle exsertion among tillers of the same plant and among plants in the same field (Yoshida 1981). Agronomically, heading is usually defined as the time when 50% of the panicles have exserted. The length of ripening varies among varieties from about 15 to 40 days. Ripening is also affected by temperature with ranges from about 30 days in the tropics to 65 days in cool, temperate regions such as Hokkaido, Japan and Yanko, NSW, Australia (Yoshida 1981; Vergara 1991). GERMPLASM CONSERVATION AND USE The full spectrum of germplasm in the genus Oryza consists of the following: • Wild Oryza species, which occur throughout the tropics, and related genera, which occur worldwide in both temperate and tropical regions. • Natural hybrids between the cultigens and wild relatives and primitive cultivars of the cultigen in areas of rice diversity. • Commercial varieties, obsolete varieties, minor varieties and special-purpose types in the centres of cultivation. • Pure line or inbred selections of farmers' varieties, elite lines of hybrid origin, Fq hybrids, breeding materials, mutants, polyploids, aneuploids, intergeneric and interspecific hybrids, composites, cytoplasmic sources from breeding programmes and, more recently, transgenic lines produced through genetic engineering.
Biodiversity in Trust
Amount of growth Plant height
Tiller number
Panicle number
Ineffective tillers
Grain weight
60 Days after germination
c 0
I 0
0 0
T3 0 0
u E.E
C/) CD
.E o
» o
c o
ef fec
-I Reproductive
CD 0
£•§1 I
Fig. 19.1. Schematic growth of a 120-day rice variety in the tropics.
Conservation ex situ is a safe and efficient way to conserve rice genetic resources and to make the germplasm readily available to breeders and other researchers (FordLloyd and Jackson 1986). Orthodox rice seed can be dried to a moisture content of ±6% and stored at subzero temperatures to keep them viable for decades and longer. More than 219 000 accessions of cultivated and wild rices are stored in genebanks in more than 40 countries (Bettencourt and Konopka 1990). In Latin America and Europe, the accessions of O. sativa represent germplasm that has been introduced or developed as part of national rice breeding efforts. Accessions of O. sativa and O. glaberrima in Asia and Africa mostly represent indigenous landrace varieties that comprise the important germplasm heritage of these countries. The widespread distribution of wild rices throughout the tropics of Asia, Africa, South America and the Caribbean is reflected in their representation in national germplasm collections. The number of rice
germplasm accessions does not necessarily reflect the genetic diversity of the rice crop because of the considerable exchange and duplication of genetic materials among genebanks. Almost 100 000 samples of cultivated and wild rices are held in India, at the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, and in the People's Republic of China, at the National Genebank of the Institute of Crop Germplasm Resources, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Important collections are maintained in many other Asian countries, including the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia. Japan holds about 12 000 accessions at the National Institute of Agrobiological Resources, in Tsukuba, which has a particular responsibility for the temperate-adapted japonica rices. The most geographically diverse collections of rice germplasm are held in trust in the genebanks of two CGIAR centres, IRRI and IITA (Table 19.3). Together these institutes carry the responsibility for the long-term preservation of more than 86 100 samples of O. saliva, 3750 samples of O. glaberrima and 2900 samples of the 20 wild species in the genus Oryza - a total of almost 93 000 accessions. Add to these the several thousand accessions that WARDA maintains in working collections, many of them derived from its own breeding programmes, and the figure for rice germplasm in the CGIAR centres approaches 100 000 samples. About 34% of the germplasm conserved at IITA is a duplicate of accessions in the collection at IRRI. Germplasm Collecting and Acquisition Germplasm collecting has traditionally been a collaborative activity between the CGIAR centres and national programmes, and in Africa the effort has also involved other organizations such as ORSTOM, IRAT, IDESSA and IPGRI. Between 1972 and 1993, IRRI scientists have participated in 84 collecting missions in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka in South Asia; in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam in Southeast Asia; and in Botswana, Zambia and Madagascar in Africa. These missions resulted in the collection of more than 11 900 cultivated rice samples and 1908 wild species samples. Beginning in 1978, WARDA scientists at the Mangrove Swamp Rice Program in Rokupr, Sierra Leone, collected traditional mangrove swamp rice varieties. By 1986, the collection stood at 754 accessions of mainly O. saliva and a few O. glaberrima from the Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone. The WARDA Continuum Program at Bouake in Cote d'lvoire also collected and received upland rice varieties from NARS between 1985 and 1993. Many accessions were also received from IRAT, IITA and ORSTOM. This collection now encompasses more than 4800 samples of O. saliva, more than 1200 samples of O. glaberrima and some wild species. Samples have been collected from most of the major West Africa rice-growing countries, including Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Cote d'lvoire, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo. Between 1976 and 1990, IITA carried out 60 exploration missions in more than 30 countries in Africa and collected more than 6000 cultivated and wild rice samples. Between 1977 and 1985 IRAT and ORSTOM collected samples around Lake Chad, the Senegal River basin, Mali, Cote d'lvoire, Guinea and Guinea Bissau. Their collection consists of three main species: O. glaberrima (222), O. breviligulala (=O. barthii) (19) and O. longislaminata (53), the perennial allogamous wild species (Bezangon el at 1984; De Kochko 1985; Charrier and Hamon 1991). Seed Conservation Facilities The genebank at IRRI has operated since 1977 and after extensive renovation in 1993-94 was renamed the International Rice Genebank (IRG). It operates in accordance with the internationally accepted standards adopted by the FAO Commission on Plant Genetic Resources.
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 19.3. The number of germplasm accessions of cultivated and wild rice species at IRRI and IITA in December 1995 (Q. sat.=Oryza sativa; O. glab.=Oryza glaberrima). IRRI IITA O. sat. O. sat Country O. glab. Wild O. glab. Wild 2 Afghanistan 69 1 1 Argentina 73 94 66 Australia 16 2 Austria Bangladesh 5462 77 23 3 Belize 4 2 Benin 16 75 Bhutan 229 11 1 Bolivia 2 7 11 Botswana 849 Brazil 38 143 159 13 Brunei 27 Bulgaria 457 52 2 Burkina Faso 180 861 1 36 Burundi 1398 84 Cambodia 49 27 Cameroon 84 66 69 1 Canada 1 Central African Rep. 7 9 61 32 21 56 22 Chad 43 12 7 Chile Colombia 160 3 10 1 1 Congo 1 12 7 Costa Rica 1 841 11 Cote d'lvoire 10 79 209 5 Cuba 4 1 161 Dominican Republic 10 Ecuador 2 45 1 62 2 130 Egypt 37 El Salvador 24 Ethiopia 6 12 Fiji 26 2 Former Yugoslavia 192 France French Guiana 1 Gabon 1 180 Gambia 4 47 337 1 6 Ghana 198 15 6 163 44 Greece 3 Guatemala 13 8 52 1 Guinea-Bissau 12 15 70 549 Guinea-Conakry 14 484 110 77 3 1 Guyana 80 47 Haiti 1 Honduras Hong Kong 10 64 Hungary India 635 14948 157 Indonesia 8454 34 96 Iraq 15 Islamic Republic of Iran 195 Italy 170 Jamaica 4 6 Japan 1103 16 Kenya 253 10 Republic of Korea 1098 104
Country Korea DPR Lao PDR Liberia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Mali Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Pakistan Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay People's Rep. of China Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Romania Russia & CIS Rwanda Saudi Arabia Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Surinam Taiwan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tunisia Turkey Uganda United Kingdom United States Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam Zaire Zambia Zimbabwe (Unknown) Total
O. sat. 7 1396 1413 1000 11 2741 46 2 1 119 7 2 54 1727 1472 14 1 3 323 1073 11 12 7774 65 4454 9 69 40 32 337 2 1 552 775 2 42 2010 15 96 1681 125 5084 6 1 53
IRRI O. glab.
O. sat.
25 1 3
56 121 1
10 1021 743 280 21 53 3
142 16
1 176
1 12 35 1 46 1 58 115
13 1092
IITA O. glab.
35 1076
5 68
81 28
11 1
3 2 5 16 178
14 14
85 24
18 18
548 358
104 6 7 79 37 522
11 17 12 328 21 5
15 8 1106 5 27 1588 56 30 93 1059 76614
40 3 49 2 7 25 1255
56 2765
2 28 484 44 330 9343
18 2 104 2808
24 164
Biodiversity in Trust
The IRG facilities include: • An Active Collection for medium-term storage and distribution of samples maintained at a temperature of +4°C, 927 m3, capacity for about 110 000 accessions of ±500 g each. • A Base Collection for long-term (50->100 yr) conservation maintained at a temperature of -20°C, 164 m3, capacity for 108 000 accessions, each with two aluminium cans, ±60 g each. • Two screenhouses with a combined area of >4000 m2. One is used for the cultivation of low viability or low seed stock accessions of cultivated rice. The other is used exclusively for the cultivation of the wild rices, in pots or special seedbeds. • A seed drying room at 15°C and 15% RH, where seeds equilibrate to ±6% moisture content. • A seed testing and germplasm characterization laboratory. • A data management laboratory, with four computer work stations connected to the IRRI local area network. • A conservation support laboratory for tissue culture of low viability and seed stock accessions, for cytological and biosystematic studies of the collection. • A molecular marker laboratory, for studies of isozymes, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and other markers. • Access to > 10 ha of field space on the IRRI Central Research Farm - upland site, with assured irrigation facilities for the multiplication and rejuvenation of germplasm and also field characterization. The IITA also has both active and base collection seed storage facilities for rice germplasm conservation. The germplasm maintained by WARDA, however, including breeding lines, is currently stored in three working collections at each of its research sites: the Continuum Program at Bouake, Cote d'lvoire; the Irrigated Sahel Program at St. Louis in Senegal, and at WARDA's lowland breeding unit at IITA. Rice can be grown almost throughout the year at the IRRI Central Research Farm, which is located at 121°15'E longitude and 14°13'N latitude. Germplasm is multiplied or rejuvenated for long-term conservation from November to May. Studies are conducted to determine optimal conditions for seed quality and longevity. In recent research at Los Banos, Kameswara Rao and Jackson (1996a, 1996b) identified the environmental factors that affect seed quality and therefore potential longevity of storage. Extending the work of Ellis et al. (1993) conducted under controlled conditions at the University of Reading in the UK, the field research in the Philippines included more rice varieties and a range of environmental conditions. Changes in seed quality during the ripening stage were studied in 16 rice cultivars, representing the three main types of O. saliva - indica, japonica and javanica - and one cultivar of O. glaberrima, grown during the 1992-93 dry season (November-May) at Los Banos, Philippines (Kameswara Rao and Jackson 1996a). Kameswara Rao and Jackson (1996b) also studied changes in seed quality during development and maturation in three japonica cultivars and one indica cultivar planted on three different dates in October and November 1993 and early January 1994. The changes in germplasm multiplication and rejuvenation that have been introduced at IRRI, coupled with the post-harvest handling of the seeds, have significantly enhanced the quality of rice germplasm stored in the IRG. If seeds do not germinate after 7 days under optimal conditions, their viability is determined using the topographical tetrazolium test (Ellis et al 1985). Dehulling often improves germination, but studies indicate that different species respond to different temperature regimes (F.C. de Guzman, pers. comm.). For export of germplasm to some countries, a hot water treatment of seeds at 57°C for 15 minutes is a seed health requirement to control the seedborne nematode Aphelenchoides besseyi. Checking seed health before conservation has permitted the preparation of 10-g packs of seeds in the Active
Collection, ready for distribution. In the case of the wild species, only 10-20 seeds are distributed per sample. In West Africa, seed is produced at each of WARDA's main research stations during the post-rainy season. The standing crop is inspected by experts and only disease- and insect-free seed is harvested. The moisture content is brought down to 6-8% before storage in the cold room. At each station, a 500-2000 g seed sample of each accession is kept in appropriate containers in air-conditioned rooms with temperatures ranging from 18 to 20°C and 20-30% RH. IITA maintains a collection of over 12 500 accessions, which include some accessions from WARDA and IRRI. Rice germplasm maintained at IITA was multiplied at rice paddies on site at IITA's station in Ibadan. During the growing season, rice plants were inspected by plant quarantine officers. Seeds harvested from healthy plants were certified for distribution. For the active collection, up to about 500 g of seeds of each accession are stored in a plastic screw-top jar in a cold store conditioned at 5°C and 30% RH. Requests for germplasm samples from rice researchers are taken from this collection. For the base collection, about 150 g of seeds of each accession with seed germination rate known to be greater than 85% is dried to 5% moisture content in a drying cabinet or room conditioned at less than 10% RH and 20°C, and then sealed into aluminium cans or aluminium foil envelopes and stored in a cold room at -20°C. At IRRI, the wild species are grown in pots in a restricted-access screenhouse. All wild species accessions are grown under a quarantine agreement with the Philippine Bureau of Plant Industry. Perennial species are maintained as living plants when seeds are difficult to produce. Since the panicles of wild rices shatter at maturity, they are bagged with nylon nets after pollination and mature seeds accumulating in the nets are collected for conservation. The seeds are dried to 6% moisture content, and small samples are stored in the Active and Base Collections. For many years, the National Seed Storage Laboratory (NSSL) at Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, has provided a 'black box' duplicate safety storage for the germplasm from the IRG. In 1993 IRRI signed a formal agreement with USDA-ARS under which this 'black box' facility has operated. Sealed boxes of rice accessions in aluminium foil packs (20 g per accession) are placed in the -20°C vaults at NSSL, and remain sealed. The IITA, WARDA and IRRI also duplicate a proportion of the rice germplasm they hold in trust among the three institutes. For several countries, including Sri Lanka, Cambodia and the Philippines, the germplasm conserved in the IRG represents a more or less complete duplicate of national rice collections. For other countries, such as India and the People's Republic of China, only a proportion of national collections are duplicated at IRRI. The IRG has provided an important safety net for several national conservation efforts, when for one reason or another, national collections were lost or where a genebank has not been established within a country. In this respect the germplasm conserved at IRRI has had a significant impact on national conservation efforts and whole collections have been restored to the country of origin. A notable example is Cambodia, where the cultivation of deepwater rices was actively discouraged during the period of political and civil strife of the 1970s. As a consequence, these rices were abandoned and lost in several provinces. Fortunately, earlier germplasm had been collected and conserved at IRRI and when the political climate changed, it was possible to return samples of each accession to Cambodia. In the cases of the Philippines and Sri Lanka, duplicate storage of national germplasm was an essential step during the development of a germplasm conservation infrastructure within each country. Once a medium-term genebank had been constructed in 1992 at the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) located in Nueva Ecija Province on the island of Luzon, IRRI was requested to make available a complete set of Philippine accessions that now form the basis of the national rice germplasm collection. In Sri Lanka, a modern genebank was opened in the late 1980s at
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 19.4. Germplasm restored to donors from the IRRI genebank. Year Country No. of samples 524 Cambodia 1981-1989 1986,1988,1993, 1994 7111 India 1994 Indonesia 416 1995 Mexico 110 Nepal 1981 537 Pakistan 1982,1984,1985, 1994 3678 Philippines 1987,1988 1973 Senegal 1988 517 Sri Lanka 1989,1991 1950 1994 Thailand 392
Peradeniya, near Kandy, and local germplasm was restored to that country from accessions conserved at IRRI. In 1994, IRRI received a request from the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) in India for samples of the Assam Rice Collection which had been sent to IRRI for duplicate storage in the 1960s. Within a few months of receipt of this request, the IRG was able to return more than 5000 samples of this valuable germplasm to India, where it once again forms part of that country's germplasm heritage. In the same year, the IRG also restored rice germplasm to Thailand and Indonesia. In 1995, the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council requested the restoration of Pakistani accessions stored in the IRG. A list of all germplasm restoration is given in Table 19.4. Germplasm Characterization and Evaluation The IRRI and IITA germplasm has been characterized using 44 morphological and agronomic characters and according to the IRRI-IBPGR descriptors for O. saliva, published in 1980. Scientists have screened thousands of accessions and identified those having resistance to biotic stresses (Tables 19.5 and 19.6). Resistance to some stresses like grassy stunt virus was not found in O. saliva, but its identification in one accession (IRGC 101508) of O. nivara from India and its use in rice breeding led to the release of IR36 that at one time was the most widely cultivated variety of any cereal, occupying more than 11 million ha in its heyday (Swaminathan 1982). Based on extensive evaluation and analysis of resistance genes, researchers found distinct 'hot spots' for different pests and diseases (Table 19.7). Resistance to bacterial blight was found in Bangladesh and the Philippines; for blast in Vietnam, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand; and brown planthopper in Sri Lanka. Vaughan (1991) also has indicated that the frequency of resistance genes to major pests and diseases is not uniformly spread throughout Asia. These areas deserve further collecting to acquire more sources and possibly new sources in a different genetic background. Characterization of rice germplasm at WARDA's main research station at M'be, near Bouake in Cote d'lvoire, showed very wide variation in important morphological and agronomic traits within the traditional landraces of O. saliva and O. glaberrima as well as within some wild rice populations (Jones el ah 1993). In their evaluation studies, germplasm with rapid and vigorous vegetative growth to suppress weeds, tolerance for and resistance to major stresses such as drought, blast, African rice gall midge (ARGM), RYMV, nematodes and soil acidity has been identified. Growth duration (days from planting to maturity) of West African rice germplasm ranged from 80 to 140 days (Jones el al. 1993). Several accessions with very early duration of between 65 and 75 days to maturity were also identified, confirming earlier reports that some accessions of O. glaberrima evaluated during the dry season at Los Banos, Philippines matured within 50-60 days (Ng el al 1991). Of 123 O. glaberrima entries screened in 1993 at WARDA, 14 were rated as resistant to leaf and neck blast (Jones el al 1993). Forty-four accessions of
Table 19.5. The value of rice genetic resources: resistance to 13 disease and insect pests in Oryza sativa germplasm evaluated at IRRI. O. sativa accessions Number % resistant Biotic stress 11.2 48203 Bacterial blight {Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae) Blast (Pyricularia oryzae) Sheath blight (Thanatephorus (Rhizoctonia so Ian i))
Rice tungro disease Rice ragged stunt virus Brown planthopper biotype 1 (Nilaparvata
36305 22754
26.2 9.2
15795 13759 47268
3.5 4.7 1.6
13652 16643 56237 57437 22598 2732 8005
1.5 1.9 1.6 2.7 3.0 10.1 0.6
Brown planthopper biotype 2 Brown planthopper biotype 3 Whitebacked planthopper (Sogatella furcifera) Green leafhopper (Nephotettix spp.) Rice whorl maggot (Hydrellia philippina) Zigzag leafhopper (Recilia dorsalis)
Rice leaf folder (Cnaphalocrosis medinalis; Marasmia patnalisj
Table 19.6. Rice germplasm accessions tested againsit major insect pests and diseases of rice by IITA scientists for the development of resistant varieties in Africa. Number of accessions/lines Insect Tested Identified as resistant 3767 Stalk-eyed fly (Diopsis longicornis) 35 1369 Pink stem borer (Sesamia calamistis) 8 White stem borer (Maliarpha separatella) 2415 5 600 10 Striped stem borer (Chilo zacconius) 635 11 Gall midge (Orseola oryzivora) 430 2 Whorl maggot {Hydrellia prosternalis) 700 4 Case worm (Nymphula stagnalis) 234 Angoumois grain moth (Sitotroga cerealella) 2 1531 Rice yellow mottle virus 95 1531 167 Rice blast Sources: IITA 1975, 1976, 1977, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986; Soto and Siddiqi 1976; Ng et al. 1980a, 1991; John et al. 1985; Alam and Masajo 1986; Abifarin 1991; Thottappilly and Rossel 1993; Paul et al. 1995. Table 19.7. 'Hot spots' of useful resistance to diseases and pests in Oryza sativa germplasm. Disease or pest Country Bacterial blight {Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae) Bangladesh, Philippines Blast {Pyricularia oryzae) Vietnam, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand Sheath blight {Thanatephorus cucumeris Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam {Rhizoctonia solan i))
Rice tungro disease Brown planthopper (biotypes 1, 2 and 3)
Bangladesh Sri Lanka
{Nilaparvata lugens)
Whitebacked planthopper {Sogatella furcifera) Green leafhopper {Nephotettix spp.)
Lao PDR Bangladesh
O. glaberrima inoculated with RYMV were highly resistant at IITA (Ng et al 1980b). Jones et al (1993) indicated that O. glaberrima could serve as a source of increased biomass, grain yield and improved grain quality.
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 19.8. Varietal classification of Oryza sativa L based on isozyme polymorphism (adapted from Glaszmann 1986). Isozyme group I II III IV V VI
Germplasm Typical indica: Aman (Bangladesh, northeast India), Tjereh (Indonesia), Hsien (China) Varieties from foothills of Himalayas, from Iran to Assam Bhadoia, Aswina (two deepwater varieties from Bangladesh) Rayada varieties (Bangladesh) Very diverse group (along Himalayas from Iran to Myanmar): basmati rices (Pakistan, India, Nepal); some special rices from Myanmar Japonica rices (Japan, Korea), keng (China), bulu (Indonesia), upland rices (Southeast Asia), high-altitude varieties (Himalayas)
The application of isozyme and molecular techniques now permits further insight into genetic diversity. Glaszmann (1986) developed a classification of O. sativa based on the allelic pattern of 21 isozyme loci. Varieties of O. sativa were classified into six groups based on isozyme polymorphism that showed distinct geographic distribution (Table 19.8). The indica and japonica rices are placed in Groups I and VI, respectively, and this classification has proved extremely useful for the effective utilization of different germplasm in rice breeding because of the potential reproductive barriers. The javanica rices also fall within Group VI, and are often now referred to as tropical japonicas for this reason. They have become the basis of the new plant types being developed at IRRI and described by Khush (1993). The other isozyme groups II, III, IV and V include rice varieties with rather restricted distribution, such as the Rayada varieties of Bangladesh (Group IV) and the Basmati rices from Pakistan (Group V) renowned for their aroma. Analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA has also added a new dimension to our understanding of the pattern of differentiation and diversity in rice (Second 1985; Second and Wang 1992). The identification of duplicate accessions is a major concern for the IRG because the size of the collection is not necessarily a true reflection of genetic diversity of its germplasm. Efforts are underway to identify germplasm based on passport information, morphological comparison and molecular markers. In a collaborative research project between the University of Birmingham (UK) and IRRI, Virk et ah (1995a, 1995b) have demonstrated the utility of the PCR-based technique of analysis of RAPD. In one study, 'true' duplicates were included for comparative purposes, as well as suspected duplicate accessions and several that just represented a broad range of rice varieties and were not expected to be duplicates of any of the samples included in the study (Virk et al. 1995b). Not only did the study demonstrate that duplicate accessions could be identified, but it also raised the probability of identifying duplicate accessions with a given number of primers, and it indicated how many primers must be used to have confidence that duplicate accessions can be identified. In another study, these researchers showed that RAPD markers could be used to predict quantitative traits in the field (Virk et al 1996). Germplasm Exchange Rice researchers throughout the world consider the IRG as a reliable source of rice germplasm. Since 1973, more than 740 000 samples of 10 g of seeds of each (for wild species just 10-20 seeds per packet) have been distributed to rice researchers free of charge, which includes more than 18% to collaborators outside IRRI. The requests are increasing every year, and during 1990 to 1994 alone, 157 363 samples of the cultivated and 9644 samples of wild relatives were supplied in response to requests from diverse sources. The major recipients were universities, research institutes and NARS. The germplasm is used most frequently by scientists at IRRI to identify sources of resistance
to biotic and abiotic stresses. To send rice germplasm outside the Philippines requires an import permit from the requesting country and a Philippine phytosanitary certificate to accompany all shipments. Although it no longer has a mandate for rice improvement, IITA continues to distribute rice germplasm on request from its genebank. Properties and Uses Table 19.9 lists the caloric properties of rice for human use. Rice provides 20% of global human per capita energy and 15% of per capita protein (Juliano 1993). Unmilled (brown) rice of 17 587 cultivars in the IRRI germplasm collection averages 9.5% protein content, ranging from 4.3 to 18.2%. Rice also provides minerals, vitamins and fibre, although all constituents except carbohydrates are reduced by milling. Milling also removes roughly 80% of its thiamine. Environmental factors (soil fertility, wet or dry season, solar radiation and temperature during grain development) and crop management (added N fertilizer, plant spacing) affect rice protein content (Juliano and Bechtel 1985). Where rice is the main item of the diet, it is frequently the basic ingredient of every meal and is normally prepared by boiling or steaming. In Asia, bean curd, fish, vegetables, meat and spices are added to rice. A small proportion of rice is consumed in the form of noodles, which serve as a bed for highly spiced specialities and as the bulk ingredient in soups. Most rice is consumed in its polished state and when it constitutes a high proportion of food intake, dietary deficiencies may result (Juliano 1993). By contrast, parboiling rough rice before milling, a common practice in India and Bangladesh, allows a portion of the vitamins and minerals in the bran to permeate the endosperm and be retained in the polished rice (Juliano 1993). This treatment also lowers protein loss during milling and increases whole grain recovery. Breeding Landraces have become widely adapted to a range of agro-ecological conditions and to some pests and diseases. Initial rice breeding activities were limited to selection and purification of locally adapted landraces, which resulted in marginal gains of 10-15% increase in yield (Parthasarathy 1972). The first success in international rice breeding, which led to the release of Mahsuri and ADT27, was achieved at the Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, India, by crossing the tall tropical indica varieties with shorter japonicas from Japan and other regions of Eastern Asia. Rice breeding at IRRI began in 1962 following the acquisition of an array of rice germplasm from different sources. A major advance in rice breeding was the development of semidwarf varieties. These possessed high yield potential (10-11 t/ha), shorter crop duration from 150 days or longer to around 100 days, and greater yield stability through genetic resistance or tolerance for pests, diseases and problem soils. The first significant rice breeding achievement was the release of IR8 from a cross between the Chinese dwarf variety Dee-geo-woo-gen and the Indonesian variety Peta. Rice germplasm has been used to develop new plant types, reduce crop duration and incorporate resistance to biotic stresses (Chang 1985; Plucknett et al. 1987; Khush 1987, 1993; Chang and Li 1991; Jackson and Huggan 1993; Jackson 1995). Breeding objectives vary from one rice ecosystem to another, but all emphasize high yield potential, good grain quality and yield stability (Khush 1993). IRRI breeders use pedigree breeding to develop germplasm with multiple resistance to diseases and insects important to Asian rice. Major genes control resistance to blast, tungro, grassy stunt, green leafhopper, brown planthopper and gall midge. Recurrent selection is the preferred method for quantitative trait loci (QTLs). In Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), breeding aims to stabilize yields and reduce production costs by developing
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 19.9. Rice consumption, caloric intake and percent of calories from rice, 1990. Country
Milled rice consumption 1 (kg capita 1 yr 1 )
Myanmar 190 Bangladesh 155 138 Indonesia Thailand 128 Madagascar 104 Philippines 99 People's Rep. of China 94 India 66 Japan 62 Brazil 43 28 Egypt Pakistan 19 12 Nigeria South Africa 8 6 Mexico USA 6 Turkey 6 CIS 6 World 55 Source: IRRI 1993. + Amount available for human consumption. * Data include all food available for human consumption.
Calories capita 1 year'1 Total* 2448 2100 2631 2271 2162 2452 2706 2243 2926 2723 3318 2377 2147 3158 2986 3680 3262 3391 2712
% calories
from rice
1893 1580 1519 1258 1091 995 959 673 699 448 300 189 130 86 64 69 57 56 574
77 75 58 55 50 41 35 30 24 16 9 8 6 3 2 2 2 2 21
lines with higher and more stable resistance to major diseases and insects (particularly blast, RHBV, Tagosodes oryzicolus and leaf scald), grain discolouration, greater lodging resistance and better grain quality. A recurrent selection programme to increase the yield potential of lowland rice was initiated by CIAT-Palmira in 1993, using several genepools developed by CIRAD and CNPAF. Breeding for upland rice in LAC is concentrated in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, and each programme deals with a different set of constraints. The Mexican group working on upland rice improvement for unfavourable environments is exploiting an Asian upland indica genetic base to identify drought tolerance and blast resistance. The semidwarf varieties have been adopted in 65% of the rice areas of the world and have doubled rice production from 256 million t in 1965 to 520 million t in 1990 (Khush 1993). The subsequent breeding efforts done by CIAT's Rice Program steadily improved the semidwarf prototype obtained from IRRI, particularly for early maturity, improved grain type and better pest resistance while maintaining the yield potential. Pests rapidly evolve to overcome resistances, however, and breeders constantly bring in new resistance sources just to maintain varietal performance. To increase yield potential further, IRRI scientists have developed a new plant type based on crosses between indica rices and the bulu rices of Indonesia - the so-called tropical japonicas. The discovery of cytoplasmic male sterility wild abortion type (CMS-WA) has permitted exploitation of hybrid vigour, which is reported to produce a 10-20% increase in yield (Virmani 1994). The wild rices represent a reservoir of useful genes for resistance to diseases, insect pests and tolerance for abiotic stresses. Several useful traits from wild species (Table 19.10) have been transferred into elite breeding lines of rice through backcross breeding (Jena and Khush 1990). Four varieties (MTL98, MTL103, MTL105, MTL110) with resistance to the brown planthopper and whitebacked planthopper from O. officinalis (IRGC 100896) have been released in Vietnam. Two new CMS lines - IR66707 A and IR69700 A having cytoplasm from O. rufipogon and O. glumaepatula, respectively, and in the nuclear background of IR64 - also have been developed. The CMS source of these
Table 19.10. Transfer of useful characteristics from wild species into Oryza sativa using embryo rescue. Species (genome) O. brachyantha (FF) O. australiensis (EE) O. latifolia (CCDD) O. minuta (BBCC) O. officinalis (CC) O. ridleyi (4x) O. nivara (AA) O. longistaminata (A'A1) O. rufipogon (AA) Source: D.S. Brar, pers. comm.
Resistance to / tolerance for pests and diseases Yellow stemborer, bacterial leaf blight (BB) Brown planthopper (BPH), BB BPH BPH, blast, BB; sheath blight BPH, whitebacked planthopper, tungro Yellow stemborer BB, grassy stunt virus BB (Xa-21) Tungro, acid sulphate, elongation ability
lines is different from WA cytoplasm, the most commonly used source in hybrid rice breeding (Virmani 1994). Founded in 1975 as the International Rice Testing Program (IRTP), the International Network for Genetic Evaluation of Rice (INGER) today still provides an important mechanism for the safe exchange of elite germplasm. Prospects The collaborative efforts of the IARCs and scientists in many countries over more than three decades have contributed significantly toward the safe preservation of the rice genepool. Without this collaboration, much of the diversity of rice would have been lost altogether. Although much has been accomplished, the task has not yet been completed. Many countries in Asia are aiming to complete the task of collecting rice varieties before the end of the decade. In some countries, this means only collecting in a few remote areas that have not been surveyed in the past. In others, such as the Lao PDR, where collecting activities have been limited and few modern varieties have been introduced, much of the cultivation of rice is based on traditional varieties. During collecting in the second half of 1995, it was possible to identify many hundreds of different rice landraces being grown by farmers under rain-fed lowland and upland conditions. As the economies of Asian countries in particular grow rapidly and as long as population growth remains unchecked, the demand for rice production from improved varieties will increase, thereby placing further pressure on traditional farming systems. On-farm conservation or farmers' management of diversity is being actively promoted as an alternative, and even better, strategy to ex situ conservation in genebanks. Beyond the generally accepted advantage of continued evolution of diversity, there is opportunity for seed exchange in dynamic systems, varietal improvement and the establishment of linkages between farmers' management of diversity and ex situ conservation (Bellon et ah 1997). Advocating these linkages is necessary, but developing a sustainable strategy is essential. There is a remarkable lack of research to back up the claims of the most ardent proponents of on-farm conservation. IRRI has initiated a research project to remedy this situation, and a multidisciplinary team led by a social anthropologist and population geneticist will evaluate the social and genetic consequences of different farmer management systems. A question that is often asked concerns the value of rice genetic resources and what has been the return on investment for genetic conservation. Since genetic conservation does not aim to establish museum collections, the assumption has been that germplasm collections have value and genetic conservation has had an impact on rice improvement. Yale economist Robert Evenson and his colleague, Doug Gollin, made a study of the flows of rice germplasm and their impact on national rice production in a number of countries (Evenson and Gollin 1994). They showed that the use of landrace
Biodiversity in Trust
varieties had indeed increased over the past 10-15 years. Plucknett et al. (1987) also described IR36, in which no fewer than 15 landraces and one wild species figure in this variety's pedigree. The impact of particular alleles, such as that conferring grassy stunt virus from O. nivara (accession IRGC 101508), is easy to demonstrate. Unfortunately, such examples are few and far between. We should not restrict our definition of use or value of germplasm to whether or not a particular accession has been used in breeding or appears in the pedigree of a released rice variety. Generating knowledge for rice science is equally important. The use of rice germplasm in research contributes to our knowledge about rice genetics, physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology and the reaction of this important crop to its many pests and diseases. All of these factors affect rice production. The genebanks of the world contain much of the diversity of the rice genepool. This diversity has been used effectively by plant breeders to increase the productivity of rice varieties and thereby contribute to the well-being of growing populations in Asia and elsewhere in the world. It remains to be seen whether the application of biotechnology and molecular biology, which now permit the exploitation of novel and even alien genes to transfer important traits to rice varieties, will supersede the use of rice genetic resources. We do know that these tools are helping rice scientists to understand better the nature of genetic diversity in rice. In future they should help us to produce new varieties and to make the conservation of rice genetic resources more efficient.
Limitations Irrigated rice production problems in Latin America and the Caribbean differ in many respects from those observed in Southeast Asia, South Asia and West Africa. Rice hoja blanca virus (RHBV) and its vector Tagosodes oryzicolus are present only in this region, whereas some constraints found in Asia, such as tungro and grassy stunt virus diseases and the brown planthopper, are not present. Similarly, yellow mottle virus found in Africa is not found in Latin America and the Caribbean. Some pests like blast are common to all rice-growing regions, but virulence diversity and frequencies are different. Direct seeding has always been a prevalent feature of rice in Latin America and the Caribbean, which together with often poor water control has resulted in serious weed problems that have led to the widespread use and abuse of herbicides in the region. About one-fourth of the world's total riceland or approximately 40 million ha is rain-fed, contributing 18% of the global rice supply. Adverse climate, poor soils, a lack of suitable modern varieties and poverty keep farmers from being able to increase productivity. Technologies for the irrigated rice sector can also be applied in the favourable rain-fed lowland subecosystem. Although upland rice constitutes a relatively small proportion of the total rice area, it is the dominant rice culture in Latin America and West Africa. In Asia, the area of the upland ecosystem is much larger than the area under rice, because rice is grown in rotation with many other crops (De Datta 1981). Upland rice soils range from erodible, badly leached alfisols in West Africa to fertile volcanic soils in some areas in Southeast Asia (Oldeman and Woodhead 1986). In Brazil, where upland rice is a major crop, soils have extremely low CEC values, high P fixation and high levels of exchangeable Al. Upland rice soils in most of Africa have low available water-holding capacity because of coarse texture, are often kaolinitic and have severe nutrient deficiencies and Al and Mg toxicities (Kang and Juo 1984). Around 10 million ha of ricelands in South and Southeast Asia are subject to uncontrolled flooding. Although average yields are only about 1.5 t/ha, these areas support more than 100 million people. Farmers deal with problems of excess water in places ranging from stagnant >50 cm deep to the very deeply flooded (up to as much as 8 m) areas where floating rice is grown and the cropping systems vary depending upon
the time, depth and duration of flooding (Catling 1992). Boro rices are grown in floodprone ecosystems during the dry season in Bangladesh and India. Traditionally, boro rices were cultivated only in local land depressions that contained sufficient residual water in the soil for a crop during the dry season. With improved irrigation, mainly from tube wells, boro rice cultivation has now spread to other floodplains having low water percolation. Irrigated boro is fast replacing floating rices and has become a second rice crop in some young deltas. Such changes in rice cropping also have occurred in Vietnam after the construction of river canals. Acknowledgement Part of this chapter on rice production is adapted from the IRRI Rice Almanac 199395. The authors appreciate permission to use this information.
REFERENCES Abifarin, A.O. 1991. Rice evaluation in Africa. Pp. 187-195 in Crop Genetic Resources of Africa. Vol. 1 (F. Attere, H. Zedan, N.Q. Ng and P. Perrino, eds.). IBPGR, UNEP, IITA, CNR, Rome. Adair, C.R., J.H. Martin, T.H. Johnston, C.N. Bollich, J.R. Gifford, N.E. Jodon, R.J. Smith, Jr., E.C. Tullis, B.D. Webb and J.N. Rutger. 1975. A summary of rice production investigations in the U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1898-1972.1-IL Rice J. 78 (3):26-29. Alam, M.S. and T.M. Masajo. 1986. Resistance of rice varieties to gallmidge Orseolia oryziora H. & G. Abstract paper in Annual Plant Resistance to Insect Newsletter, Volume 12, June 1986, Purdue University, USA. Bellon, M.R., J.L. Pham and M.T. Jackson. 1997. Rice farmers and genetic conservation. In Plant Conservation: the In Situ Approach (N. Maxted, B.V. Ford-Lloyd and J.G. Hawkes, eds.). Chapman & Hall, London, (in press). Bettencourt, E. and J. Konopka. 1990. Directory of germplasm collections. 3. Cereals: Avena, Hordeum, Millets, Oryza, Secale, Sorghum, Triticum, Zea and Pseudocereals. IBPGR, Rome. Bezangon, G., A. De Kochko and K. Goli. 1984. Cultivated and wild species of rice collected in Guinea. Plant Genet. Resour. Newsl. 57:43-46. Catling, D. 1992. Rice in deep water. IRRI, Manila, Philippines and Macmillan, London and Basingstoke. Chang, T.T. 1976a. Rice. Pp. 98-104 in Evolution of Crop Plants (N.W. Simmonds, ed.). Longman, London. Chang, T.T. 1976b. The rice cultures. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. 275:143-157. Chang, T.T. 1976c. The origin, evolution, cultivation, dissemination, and diversification of Asian and African rices. Euphytica 25:425-441. Chang, T.T. 1985. Crop history and genetic conservation: rice—a case study. Iowa State J. Res. 59:425456. Chang, T.T. and E.A. Bardenas. 1965. The morphology and varietal characteristics of the rice plant. Technical Bull. 4. IRRI, Manila, Philippines. Chang, T.T. and C.C. Li. 1991. Genetics and breeding. Pp. 23-101 in Rice: Production, Vol. I, 2nd edn. (B.S. Luh, ed.). Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. Chang, T.T. and D.A. Vaughan. 1991. Conservation and potentials of rice genetic resources. Pp. 531-552 in Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 14. Rice (Y.P.S. Bajaj, ed.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg. Charrier, A. and S. Hamon. 1991. Germplasm collection, conservation and utilization activities of the Office de la recherche scientifique et technique outre-mer (ORSTOM). Pp. 41-52 in Crop Genetic Resources of Africa, Vol. II (N.Q. Ng, P. Perrino, F. Attere and H. Zedan, eds.). Sayce Publishing, UK. De Datta, S.K. 1981. Principles and Practices of Rice Production. John Wiley and Sons, New York. De Kochko, A. 1985. Collecting rice in the Lake Alaotra region in Madagascar. Plant Genet. Resour. Newsl. 63:6-7. Ellis, R.H., T.D. Hong and M.T. Jackson. 1993. Seed production environment, time of harvest, and the potential longevity of seeds of three cultivars of rice {Oryza saliva L.). Ann. Bot. 72:583-590. Ellis, R.H., T.D. Hong and E.H. Roberts. 1985. Handbook of Seed Technology for Genebanks. Vol. I. IBPGR, Rome, Italy.
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Evenson, R.E. and D. Gollin. 1994. Genetic resources, international organizations, and rice varietal improvement. Center Discussion Paper No. 713, Economic Growth Center, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Ford-Lloyd, B. and M. Jackson. 1986. Plant Genetic Resources: an Introduction to their Conservation and Use. Edward Arnold, London. Glaszmann, J.C. 1986. A varietal classification of Asian cultivated rice {Oryza sativa L.) based on isozyme polymorphism. Pp. 83-90 in Rice Genetics. IRRI, Manila, Philippines. Grist, D.H. 1986. Rice. 6th edn. Tropical Agriculture Series. Longman, London and New York. Huke, R.E. and E.H. Huke. 1990. Rice: then and now. IRRI, Manila, Philippines. IITA. 1975. Annual Report for 1974. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA. 1976. Annual Report for 1975. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA. 1977. Annual Report for 1976. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA. 1982. Annual Report for 1981. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA. 1983. Annual Report for 1982. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA. 1984. Annual Report for 1983. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA. 1985. Annual Report for 1984. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA. 1986. Annual Report for 1985. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. IRRI. 1993. IRRI rice almanac, 1993-1995. IRRI, Manila, Philippines. IRRI. 1995. World rice statistics, 1993-1994. IRRI, Manila, Philippines. Jackson, M.T. 1995. Protecting the heritage of rice biodiversity. Geojournal 35:267-274. Jackson, M.T. and R. Huggan. 1993. Sharing the diversity of rice to feed the world. Diversity 9 (3):22-25. Jena, K.K. and G.S. Khush. 1990. Introgression of genes from Oryza officinalis Well ex Watt to cultivated rice, O. sativa L. Theor. Appl. Genet. 80 (6):737-745. John, V.T., G. Thottappilly, Q. Ng, K. Alluri and J.W. Gibbons. 1985. Varietal reaction to rice yellow mottle virus disease. FAO Plant Prot. Bull. Vol. 33, No. 3. Jones, M.P., E.A. Heinrichs, D.E. Johnson and C. Riches. 1993. Characterization and utilization of Oryza glaberrima in upland rice improvement. Pp. 3-12 in WARDA Annual Report 1993. Bouake, Cote dTvoire. Juliano, B.O. 1993. Rice in human nutrition. FAO Food and Nutrition Series, No. 26. FAO, Rome, Italy and IRRI, Manila, Philippines. Juliano, B.O. and D.B. Bechtel. 1985. The rice grain and its gross composition. Pp. 17-57 in Rice: Chemistry and Technology, 2nd edn. (B.O. Juliano, ed.). American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. Kameswara Rao, N. and M.T. Jackson. 1996a. Seed longevity of seventeen rice cultivars and strategies for germplasm conservation in genebanks. Ann. Bot. 77:251-260. Kameswara Rao, N. and M.T. Jackson. 1996b. Seed production environment and storage longevity of japonica rices (Oryza sativa L.). Seed Sci. Res. 6:17-21. Kang, B.T. and A.S.R. Juo. 1984. Review of soil fertility management and cropping systems for wetland rice production in West Africa. Pp. 493-502 in An Overview of Upland Rice Research. IRRI, Manila, Philippines. Khush, G.S. 1987. Rice breeding: past, present and future. J. Genet. 66 (3):195-216. Khush, G.S. 1993. Breeding rice for sustainable agricultural systems. Pp. 189-199. in International Crop Science I (D.R. Buxton, R. Shibles, R.A. Forsberg, B.L. Blad, K.H. Asay, G.M. Paulsen and R.F. Wilson, eds.). Crop Science Society of America, Madison, USA. Ng, N.Q., I.W. Buddenhagen and S. Sarkarung. 1980a. Screening of rice germplasm for rice yellow mottle virus resistance. In The role of genetics in food and health in the eighties. Abstract of the Genetic Societies of Nigeria, 4th Annual Conference, University of Benin, Benin City, 4-5 December, 1980. Ng, N.Q., T.T. Chang, D.A. Vaughan and C. Zuno-Alto Veros. 1991. African rice diversity: conservation and prospects for crop improvement. Pp. 213-227 in Crop Genetic Resources of Africa, Vol. II (N.Q. Ng, P. Perrino, F. Attere and H. Zedan, eds.). Sayce Publishing, UK. Ng, N.Q., A.T. Perez and S. Sarkarung. 1980b. Screening of rice germplasm for leaf blast resistance. In The role of genetics in food and health in the eighties. Abstract of the Genetic Societies of Nigeria, 4th Annual conference, University of Benin, Benin City, 4-5 December, 1980. Oldeman, L.R. and T. Woodhead. 1986. Physical aspects of upland rice environments (an introductory statement). Pp. 3-5 in Progress in Upland Rice Research. IRRI, Manila, Philippines. Parthasarathy, N. 1972. Rice breeding in tropical Asia up to 1960. Pp. 5-29 in Rice Breeding. IRRI, Manila, Philippines. Paul, C.P., N.Q. Ng and T.A.O. Ladeinde. 1995. Diallel analysis of resistance to rice yellow mottle virus in African rice Oryza glaberrima Steud. J. Genet. & Breed. 49:217-222.
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Chapter 20
Sorghum1 J.W. Stenhouse, K.E. Prasada Rao, V. Gopal Reddy and S. Appa Rao
Cultivated sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, is the fifth most important cereal in the world after rice, wheat, maize and barley. The countries with the greatest areas of sorghum production are India (12.9 million ha), Sudan (5.7 million ha), Nigeria and the USA (4.0 million ha each) and Niger (2.35 million ha). Other major producers include Mexico, Argentina, Colombia and Venezuela in the Americas; Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Mali, Tanzania, Chad, Cameroon, Somalia and Mozambique in Africa; China, Pakistan and Yemen in Asia. In terms of production, the major sorghum-growing countries of the world are the USA (17.5 million t), India (12.4 million t), China (5.1 million t), Mexico (4.4 million t), Nigeria (4.0 million t) and Sudan (3.3 million t). In many other countries, production is much lower but sorghum is a significant part of the agricultural production and a very important food crop for millions of poor farmers. This is particularly true for rain-fed areas of Asia and Africa. In many areas, the stalks and foliage (used as fodder, fuel, thatching and fencing material) are valued as much as the grain. BOTANY AND DISTRIBUTION Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (2n=20) is synonomous with Holcus bicolor L., Andropogon sorghum (L.) Brot. and Sorghum vulgare Pers. Sorghum has been called great millet, guinea corn, milo, sorgo (English); sorgho (French); sorgo (Spanish, Portuguese); jowar, cholam, jonna (India); kaoliang (China) and durra (Sudan). Sorghum bicolor is considered an extremely variable crop-weed complex. It comprises wild, weedy and cultivated annual forms which are fully interfertile. The cultivated forms fall in S. bicolor subsp. bicolor and are classified, in the most widely accepted system, into 5 basic and 10 intermediate races or groups of cultivars (Harlan and de Wet 1972; de Wet 1978) on the basis of spikelet morphology and panicle shape. Subrace names are being added to this system (Doggett and Prasada Rao 1995; Prasada Rao et ah 1989). The wild forms are classified into S. bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. verticilliflorum (Steud.) Piper (synonyms: S. arundinaceum (Desv.) Stafp, S. bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. arundinaceum (Desv.) de Wet & Harlan). The subspecies is further divided into four overlapping races, the most widely distributed and variable of which is verticilliflorum, found across the African savanna and introduced into tropical Australia, parts of India and the Americas. The weedy forms are classified into S. bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. drummondii (Steud.) de Wet (synonyms: S. sudanense (Piper) Stapf, S. drummondii (Steud.) Millsp. & Chase) which arose and probably continue to arise from crossing between cultivated grain sorghums and their close wild Submitted as Journal Article no. 1896 by ICRISAT.
relatives wherever in Africa they are sympatric. The hybrids have stabilized and occur as very persistent weeds in abandoned fields and field margins. A well-known forage grass, Sudan grass, belongs to this complex. The primary genepool includes the S. bicolor complex described above and also S. propinquum (Kunth) Hitchc, a wild diploid complex found in Southeast Asia (Acheampong et al. 1984). The secondary genepool includes S. halepense (L.) Pers., a rhizomatous tetraploid fodder, thought to be an autotetraploid of S. propinquum (Acheampong et al. 1984) or the result of chromosome doubling (Doggett and Prasada Rao 1995). Commonly known as Johnson grass, this is a native of southern Eurasia east to India, but has now been introduced as a weed to all warm temperate regions of the world. The tertiary genepool includes all other sections/subgenera of Sorghum. Origin, Domestication and Distribution Sorghum is thought to have been domesticated between 5000 and 7000 years ago by selection from wild sorghum (Purseglove 1972), in the northeastern quarter of Africa, and this region shows the greatest variability of cultivated and wild sorghum (Doggett 1988). Other theories suggest that it may have had separate origins from wild species in western, eastern and eastern-central Africa (Snowden 1935; de Wet and Huckabay 1967). Remains of sorghum grains, 8000 years old, have been recovered from archaeological sites in southern Egypt (Wendorf et al. 1992). After spreading through Africa, sorghum reached India along shipping and trade routes through the Middle East at least 3000 years ago (Mann et al. 1983). It followed the Silk Route to China and to Southeast Asia by coastal shipping, and to the Americas and Australia from West Africa, North Africa, South Africa and India towards the end of the 19th century. The evolution and distribution of the races is illustrated in Figure 20.1. Sorghum is now distributed in the drier areas of Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia from sea level to 2200 m asl and up to 50°N in Russia and 40°S in Argentina. Modern cultivars predominate in the Americas, China and Australia, but probably occupy less than 10% of the cultivated area in Africa. In India, approximately half the sorghum area is sown to traditional landraces and the other half to modern varieties. This average figure masks considerable variation between the growing seasons and different regions of the country. Reproductive Biology Flowering begins when the peduncle completes elongation and typically lasts 7-9 days. Stigmas are receptive for 1-2 days before flowering and remain so for up to a week if not pollinated. They are pollinated from stamens of the same flower, from other flowers of the same panicle, or from other inflorescences. The range of crosspollination is from 0 to 50% with an average of about 5%. The grain reaches its maximum dry weight 25-55 days after flowering, depending on environmental conditions. The moisture content at this stage usually varies between 25 and 35%. Grain is usually harvested when the moisture content drops below 15%, which may require an additional 10-20 days. GERMPLASM CONSERVATION AND USE The sorghum world collection was begun in the 1960s by the Rockefeller Foundation as part of the Indian Agricultural Research Programme (Murty et al. 1967; House 1985). This collection was transferred to ICRISAT in 1974. About 3000 accessions missing were obtained from duplicate materials held in the USA but there remains a gap of about 4000 accessions (Mengesha and Prasada Rao 1982). Many new sorghum accessions have been added; currently, 35 186 samples of sorghum from 90 countries are stored at ICRISAT Asia Center (IAC), Patancheru, India. The collection
Biodiversity in Trust
I n d i a n Ocean
Caudatum Durra Guinea
Fig. 20.1. Domestication and distribution of cultivated sorghum races (modified from Harlan and Stemler 1976).
comprises 29 474 landrace accessions, 418 accessions of 13 wild species, 935 unclassified samples and 4359 improved cultivars and breeding lines. Countries that have contributed more than 100 accessions are listed in Table 20.1, and the wild species represented are listed in Table 20.2. The coverage achieved in the collection varies considerably from country to country. The diversity from many countries has been adequately sampled but others remain poorly represented and are high priority for future collecting. These include Angola, Chad, China, Cote d'lvoire, Eritrea, Mozambique, Thailand, Turkey and Zaire. Several remain inaccessible for reasons of civil strife and political ideology. High priority for collecting of wild relatives of sorghum are Ethiopia, Indonesia, Myanmar and Philippines, and parts of West Africa. Although sorghum is a partially outbreeding species, germplasm accessions are maintained and multiplied by selfing. During collecting and initial multiplication at IAC, diverse types have been separated such that each accession is a true-breeding single type. Individual panicles are covered with selfing bags as soon as they emerge from the boot prior to anthesis. They are kept covered for at least 3 weeks, after which the bags are removed to assist seed drying and maturity. Seed from at least 30 selfed plants is bulked to maintain an accession. Wild relatives are also maintained by selfing. All accessions are stored in an active collection in medium-term storage conditions (4°C, 20% RH). For each accession, 300-400 g of seed is harvested from post-rainy season multiplication plots, field-dried to 8% moisture content and stored in screwcapped aluminium containers. About 17% or 5954 accessions are also maintained at 18°C for long-term storage. From 3000 to 4000 seeds (125 g) are cleaned and dried to 56% moisture content by equilibration with air at 20°C and 15% RH for approximately 3 weeks. The dried grain is vacuum-sealed in aluminium foil bags and stored after confirming that initial viability is more than 95%. Viability is monitored by germination testing at 5-year intervals in medium-term storage and 10-year intervals in long-term
Table 20.1. Geographic distribution of races of the world collection of sorghum germplasm. Country
Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Central African Rep. Chad China Ethiopia Ghana India Japan Kenya Lebanon Lesotho Malawi Mali Namibia Niger Nigeria Former U S S R Rwanda Senegal Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Togo Uganda
Yemen Venezuela Zambia Zimbabwe Others Total
Bf 1 3 7 12 3 9 19 107 5 337 17 25 18 4 5 13 2 14 30 57 2 4 23 78 5 12 3 33 316 8 2 21 14 142 1351
C 17 4 102 1304
90 43 146 246 13 204 35 741 30 7 19 25 47 32 220 44 217 2 11 188 983 13 105 9 928 278 115 35 41 240 186 6720
2 11 10 3 34 4 11 82 59 5 123 10 26 51 5 13 11 8 51 59 23 6 60 121 12 16 4 34 151 30 10 49 63 72
1 50 23 4 360 19 10 3 656 4
7 5 23 1 5 61 21 63 58 85 44 10 421 14 229 50 11 10 125 307 7 3 75 138 5991
DB 3 5 1 20 5 12 14 627 1 442 2 5 13 1 1 24 7 43 34 63 1 2 1 3 47 5 1 12 49 215 2 1 11 60 1733
B=bicolor, C=caudatum, D=durra, G=guinea, K=kafir, UC=unclassified.
2 18 7 3 274 72 18 49 169 2 356 11 36 142 2 8 40 1 100 225 37 19 5 3 22 307 11 17 1 38 259
181 13 414 3 202 18 22 1 7 83 769 17 9 2 1 256 446 8 34 558 1 190 106 22 42 15 373 236 27 66 1 2 83 248 127
2 2 5 2 37 13 6 4 3 3 23 5 1 2 18 8 4 5 94 2 2 2 10 9 4 3 21 1 6 7 5 309
3 9 68 11 218 18 46 20 151 27 171 2 101 36 62 59 13 48 62 168 12 2 18 2 23 504 62 96 17 200 159 87 11 126 535 85
26 8 109 108 3806
GD -
GK -
K -
KC -
KD -
KB -
1 2 2 2 2 _ 4 2 57 2 12 13 1 3 16 6 1 _ 27 3 7 2 12 8 2 1 18 4 210
3 1 1 1 2 8 2 1 6 _ 2 65 _ 9 1 102
54 2 5 4 1 31 1 17 102 13 4 4 _ 452 23 45 1 20 235 2 62 _ 147 29
8 8 1 12 60 1 1 11 5 2 49 39 14 4 6 107 1 6 1 28 13 377
24 1 3 3 5 33 2 6 1 22 2 10 11 66 5 4 34 14 246
2 27 10 1 3 1 9 11 2 3 41 4 2 6 122
UC 5 1 6 16 1 6 6 32 100 14 9 5 23 9 1 9 14 4 1 7 12 19 5 4 8 8 10 48 1 59 18 461
Total 197 218 546 136 2479
249 187 380 2070
146 5753
108 967 360 269 403 666 181 408
351 290 239 107 445 902 2442
201 701 294 1337 1960 2129
173 341 1599 1008 31726
Biodiversity in Trust
Table 20.2. Wild relatives of sorghum assembled at ICRISAT Asia Center, to January 1996. Species Subspecies Race Genus Sorghastrum; Section Sorghastrum rigidifolium Genus Sorghum; Section Para sorghum versicolor purpureosericeum deccanense purpureosericeum dimidiatum nitidum australiense Genus Sorghum; Section Chaeto sorghum macrospermum Genus Sorghum; Section Stipo sorghum intrans brevicallosum stipodeum plumosum matarankense Genus Sorghum; Section Sorghum halepense Halepense halepense Halepense halepense Halepense Miliaceum halepense Controversum halepense propinquum bicolor drummondii bicolor verticilliflorum Verticilliflorum bicolor Arundinaceum bicolor Virgatum bicolor Aethiopicum Total Source: Prasada Rao etal. 1989.
No. of accessions 8
17 5 3 3 3
5 1 9 4 3
Halepense Johnson grass Almum -
15 5 5 4 4 3 155 97 36 16 16 418
storage. Any samples with viability of less than 85% are identified for rejuvenation. A number of wild species of sorghum that do not set seed readily are maintained as living plants in a field genebank. The sorghum germplasm collections at IAC and at Fort Collins, Colorado, USA overlap considerably but they are poorly cross-referenced. ICRISAT has agreements for duplicate safety-conservation with the SADC Regional Genebank, Lusaka, Zambia and with the Genebank of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, but only a small number of accessions have been transferred for safety-duplication. More than 250 000 samples have been distributed to 99 countries over the past 20 years (Table 20.3). The bicolor race is the most primitive cultivated sorghum. Other sorghum races were probably derived from crosses between bicolor and wild species. Approximately 4% of the accessions, collected mainly from Ethiopia and India, belong to bicolor. The most common intermediate race involving bicolor is durra-bicolor, which is found mainly in Ethiopia, India and Yemen. Guinea, comprising 15%, is considered to be the oldest specialized race and is found mostly in West Africa, with a secondary centre in eastern Africa. This race includes the margaritiferum group from West Africa which have extremely hard, very small, oval grains. The conspicuum group with large drooping panicles and large flattened grain is found predominantly in Tanzania and Malawi; and the roxburghii group in southern Africa and in the hilly regions of central India (de Wet et al. 1972). The most common intermediate race involving guinea is guinea-caudatum, comprising 10% of the total collection, which has been particularly important in sorghum improvement.
Table 20.3. Number of samples of sorghum germplasm distributed by ICRISAT. Year Asia Africa America Europe Oceania Total _ — — — 3 1973 3 354 1994 362 8 2 272 152 753 15 3 192 1975 1 802 195 100 4 522 2 425 1976 527 1977 3 297 2 148 61 6 258 225 482 27 2 268 75 2 852 1978 4 551 435 4 255 269 9 510 1979 397 2 307 207 303 481 1980 3 695 16 4 298 1 350 3 927 38 1981 9 629 4 847 1982 3 380 6 094 142 14 463 284 16 574 804 21 495 18 1983 3 815 7 602 5 903 83 1984 2 455 16 791 748 1384 14 192 18 8 146 3 989 655 1985 15 934 4 004 20 2 759 976 23 693 1986 4 582 524 1987 300 19116 13710 1 418 30 21 497 99 5 655 28 699 1988 842 3 971 237 1 11 754 16 805 1989 522 12 374 40 7 610 4 069 133 1990 422 58 7 473 2 580 10 533 1991 884 4 074 222 6 1992 5 577 10 763 7 864 7 6 773 26 14 670 1993 92 3 704 1994 878 7 463 2 789 187 20 5 1995 690 2 958 2 056 31 502 931 81 976 6253 254 038 133 376 Total
Durra was probably the next sorghum race to evolve, as it is the only other race that reached India before the 18th century. This race is distributed in a belt across Africa in the dry zone immediately south of the Sahara between 10° and 15°N and is predominant in Ethiopia. It is also found on the fringes of the Kalahari desert in Botswana and Namibia and is the dominant race grown in the Nile valley in Sudan and Egypt. In Asia, it is widely distributed in India and Yemen. It is adapted to areas of low rainfall. Maldandi, the post-rainy season cultivar that is grown on over 6 million ha in India, is a durra. The milo sorghum that formed the basis of much of the early sorghum breeding programmes in the USA and was an important contributor to the discovery of cytoplasmic male-sterility systems in sorghum (Stephens and Holland 1954) also belongs to this race. Introgression between durra and S. propinquum probably gave rise to the kaoliang sorghums of China (Doggett and Prasada Rao 1995). Durra comprises approximately 20% of the collection. Intermediate races of durra comprise a further 19.5% of the collection, durra-caudatums forming the largest group. The kafir race probably originated by introgression between cultivated sorghum and the wild species S. verticilliflorum, a relationship that has been confirmed by electrophoretic studies (Mann et ah 1983). Kafir reached West Africa or India in modern times (Doggett 1988) and has contributed to cytoplasmic male-sterility systems. Most commercially important male-sterile lines are derived from kafir germplasm. Kafir sorghum landraces tend to be insensitive to photoperiod (Appa Rao and Mushonga 1987), a relatively unusual trait. Kafirs make up approximately 4% of the germplasm collection. The caudatum race is the most recent in origin and is the largest representative, comprising 21% of the world collection. The high-altitude sorghums of eastern Africa, many of which are used for brewing traditional opaque beers (Prasada Rao and Murty 1982; House 1985), belong predominantly to the caudatum race. Feteritas and Hegaris from Sudan, Dobbs from Uganda, Nkumba from Tanzania and Zangada from Ethiopia are some of the widely grown caudatum landraces. Intermediate races of caudatum are
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particularly numerous in the collection, making up approximately 29%. The so-called 'half caudatums' have contributed significantly to sorghum breeding programmes worldwide. It has been suggested these sorghums were developed in Sudan and introduced into the Gambella region of Ethiopia (Prasada Rao and Mengesha 1981). Durra-caudatum mixtures are also very numerous, particularly in Yemen and Nigeria. The collection has been fully characterized for most of the botanical descriptors agreed and published by IBPGR and ICRISAT (IBPGR/ICRISAT 1993). Table 20.4 lists the important traits. Among the traits, substantial variation has been found for both the length and strength of the central rachis, primary and secondary branches, and combinations that confer distinct panicle shapes and densities (Fig. 20.2). The proportions of the collection showing different combinations of panicle shape and compactness are shown in Table 20.5 and seed colours in Table 20.6. The presence of a phenolic compound, flavan-4-ol, in the pericarp results in red pigmentation that has been associated with resistance to grain moulds (Jambunathan et al. 1990). The 100grain mass of sorghum ranges from 0.29 g to more than 8 g (Table 20.7). Approximately 96% of accessions carry the red and black purple pigmentation; the remainder are tan (Table 20.8). Tan plant colour has been associated with resistance to leaf diseases and grain weathering (Frederiksen and Duncan 1982; Duncan et al. 1991). White midrib, found in 76% of accessions, is the most common, followed by dull green midrib, found in 23% (Table 20.8). Brown midrib appears to be often associated with low lignin content and high digestibility of the plant parts similar to the brown midrib trait in maize (Cherney et al. 1986). In southern Africa, farmers use dull green midrib to identify sweet stalk sorghums for chewing (Appa Rao et al. 1989). White midrib, in contrast, is associated with dry pithy stems. Variation in glume colour is similar to that in grain colour and to some extent the traits are governed by the same genes (Doggett 1988). The accessions that have been identified as resistant or possessing some valuable trait are maintained at IAC as a separate collection of genetic stocks (Prasada Rao et al. 1989). The status of the genetic stocks collection is shown in Table 20.9. Over the years, ICRISAT has conducted large-scale screening of sorghum germplasm accessions for insect resistance under artificial infestation and enhanced infestation of natural populations, using screening techniques developed for the purpose (Sharma et al. 1992). Lists of resistant germplasm accessions have been published (Taneja and Leuschner 1985a, 1985b; Sharma et al. 1992, 1993). Over 25 000 accessions were screened by ICRISAT entomologists for resistance to shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani, using a field-screening technique, and 40 sources of resistance have been identified (Sharma et al. 1992). Earlier, 42 resistant germplasm lines were identified (Taneja and Leuschner 1985a). The Indian sorghum programme has also screened over 10 000 accessions from the world collection for resistance to shoot fly (Rana et al. 1985). Most of the resistant lines are of Indian origin. Over 17 000 accessions also have been screened for the glossy trait that has been associated with shoot fly resistance (Maiti and Bidinger 1979) and almost 500 glossy lines identified (Maiti et al. 1984). Almost 20 000 germplasm accessions have been screened for resistance to stem borer, Chilo partellus Swinhoe, using a combination of testing under natural and artificial infestations, and 77 have been identified as resistant (Sharma et al. 1992). The Indian sorghum breeding programme also has screened over 10 000 accessions and identified numerous resistance sources (Rana et al. 1985). Breeding for stem borer resistance has produced several improved sources, mainly using IS 2205, a durra accession from India, as the original source of resistance. Over 15 000 accessions have been screened for resistance to midge, Contarinia sorghicola Coq., under enhanced natural infestation and under no-choice conditions using headcages, and 27 have been identified as resistant (Sharma et al. 1993). Breeding for midge resistance at IAC has resulted in many high-yielding lines with high resistance levels (Sharma et al. 1992).
Fig. 20.2. (Left to right, top to bottom) Sorghum bicolor subsp. verticilliflorum (IS 1457) from Angola; A kafir race sorghum from South Africa; Vidisha (IS 34075) a popular rainy-season durra landrace from Madhya Pradesh, India; Guinea sorghum subrace roxburghii (IS 36039) from the Eastern Ghats of India; Muyera (ETS 2046) a compact panicle durra on recurved panicle from Ethiopia; Diversity in panicle shape and compactness in sorghum germplasm.
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Table 20.4. Range of variation in selected characters in sorghum germplasm. Character Range of variation Days to 50% flowering (d) 36 - 199 Plant height (cm) 55 - 655 Pigmentation Tan - Pigmented Midrib colour White - Brown Peduncle exsertion (cm) 0 - 55.0 Head length (cm) 2.5 - 71.0 Head width (cm) 1.0 - 29.0 Head compactness and shape Very loose stiff branches - Compact oval Glume colour Straw - Black Glume covering Fully covered - Uncovered Grain colour White - Dark Brown Grain size (mm) 1.0-7.5 100-seed mass (g) 0.29 - 8.56 Endosperm texture Completely starchy - Completely corneous Threshability Freely threshable - Difficult to thresh Lustre Lustrous - Non-lustrous Subcoat (testa) Present - Absent Source: Prasada Rao etal. 1989.
Table 20.5. Classification by panicle shape and compactness of 31 752 sorghum germplasm accessions maintained at ICRISAT Asia Center, Patancheru, India. Panicle shape Number Percentage Compact elliptic 3 102 9.8 Compact oval 935 2.9 Loose, drooping branches 1 689 5.3 3 857 Loose, stiff branches 12.1 Semi-compact elliptic 9 622 30.3 Semi-compact oval 759 2.4 324 Semi-loose drooping branches 1.0 Semi-loose stiff branches 10 420 32.8 Very loose drooping branches 438 1.4 Very loose erect branches 173 0.5 Unclassified 433 1.4
Table 20.6. Classification by seed colour of 31 752 sorghum germplasm accessions maintained at ICRISAT Asia Center, Patancheru, India. Colour Number Percentage Brown 2 750 8.7 1 624 Light brown 5.1 3 695 Light red 11.6 841 Red 2.6 Reddish brown 4 703 14.8 Straw 6 611 20.8 19.4 White 6 175 1 919 Yellow 6.0 Xenia 19 100 accessions) Stylosanthes, Trifolium Various legumes Various legumes, fodder trees Stylosanthes, Phaseolous, Centrosema, Zornia Various grasses, legumes, others Various legumes, fodder trees Triticum Vicia, Lathyrus, Pisum, Avena Various legumes
Table 22.6. Major donors (more than 100 samples) to the ICARDA forage collectionCountry
SADAF, Adelaide WADA, Perth IPK, Gatersleben IBPGR Seed Handling Unit, Kew John Innes Institute, Norwitch University of Southampton Research Centre for Agrobotany, Tapioszele National Program (SPII, Karaj) Germplasm Institute, Bari ALAD, Beirut INRA, Rabat VIR, Leningrad USDA
Germany Great Britain
Hungary Iran Italy Lebanon Morocco Russia USA
Accessions (no.) 1247 184 773 116 1076 1034 161 102 3698 285 248 99 2247
Main genera (>100 accessions) Medicago Medicago Vicia, Lathyrus Medicago Pisum Vicia, Lathyrus Pisum Medicago Pisum, Vicia Medicago Scorpiurus Various legumes Medicago, Onobrychis, Trifolium
(1991) studied dormancy and germination in Desmodium velutinum (Willd.)DC.and found that as seed dormancy declined, germination increased for up to 3 years of storage at room temperature. Similar studies in Desmodium incanum DC. showed about 80% hard seeds after harvest with some dormancy remaining after storage at room temperature for 1 year (Keya and Eijnatten 1975). Recent research has shown a correlation between the degree of hard-seededness, measured through water imbibition, and physiological quality of seed samples in C. mucunoides, suggesting that hard seeds may retain viability for a longer period during storage (Souza and Marcos-Filho 1993). Some leguminous trees and shrubs have larger seeds, which may be more difficult to store for long periods without loss of viability. For example, ye-eb (Cordeauxia edulis Hemsl., Caesalpinieae) has protein-rich seeds which are short-lived and lose viability after only a few months (NAS 1979). Experiments on storage of seeds of Panicum maximum have shown that seeds begin to lose viability after 2-3 years of storage at room temperature (Harty et ah 1983). Seeds of B. decumbens maintained viability during storage at 10°C and low moisture content for 4.5 years (Whiteman and Mendra 1982). Loch et al. (1988) reported that seeds of A. gayanus, Bothriochloa insculpta Hochst. ex A. Rich, and B. pertusa (L.) A. Camus showed little damage from threshing because the caryopses are tightly held in the chaffy seed units. Studies by Whiteman and Mendra (1982) showed that two dormancy mechanisms operated in B. decumbens. Primary dormancy was physiological while long-term dormancy was caused by a mechanical restriction of the
seed coat, which declined over a period of 1 year. Dormancy in P. maximum is probably also physiological and disappears after 50-300 days of storage (Harty et al. 1983) with more rapid loss at 22°C than at 10°C (Smith 1979). Other species have a very short dormancy period of up to 3 months. Butler (1985) has indicated that in Cenchrus ciliaris the dormancy mechanism is in the caryopsis rather than the spikelet. The most common alternative to seed storage is to store the materials as living collections in field genebanks. This is used for the collections of A. gayanus, Brachiaria, P. maximum and Leucaena at CIAT and the collections of Brachiaria, Cynodon and Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. held by ILRI. However, maintenance in field genebanks is not secure since the plants are at risk from pests and diseases. It is also costly in terms of management and requires large areas of land to accommodate sufficient numbers of individuals to represent the genetic diversity in the population, especially in large fodder tree species. Research on the physiology of seed production would make a major impact in defining conditions for production of high-quality seed and thus reduce the need for maintaining field collections. A simple technique was developed for field collection of vegetative material of Digitaria eriantha subsp. pentzii (Stent) Kok and Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. using sterilized axillary buds cultured on sterile media with fungicides and antibiotics (Ruredzo 1991). Research on methods of culture of axillary buds and use of low temperatures to slow growth in culture were tested on D. eriantha subsp. pentzii, Cynodon aethiopicus Clayton & Harlan and C. dactylon (Ruredzo and Hanson 1990). Cultures of some accessions of all species were maintained at 15°C for 18 months without subculturing and could be recovered into normal growth conditions (Hanson and Ruredzo 1992). Plantlets of C. dactylon that had been stored for 5 years without subculturing also have been recovered and showed no signs of abnormality or retarded growth in normal growth culture conditions 0. Hanson, unpublished data). CIAT and ILCA developed a technique for in vitro culture of axillary buds in Brachiaria spp. that helped to transfer a large portion of the Brachiaria germplasm collected by CIAT and ILCA in Africa to Colombia by uncontaminated in vitro culture, and subsequent germplasm distribution to screening sites in Brazil, Peru and Costa Rica in the same form (Keller-Grein et al 1996). In situ conservation in national parks and game reserves will assist in protecting wild species. Wildlife reserves are widespread in East and southern Africa, especially in Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, South Africa and Namibia. These reserves are specifically for wildlife, but there are also protected areas for vegetation studies in the natural rangeland where the forages are conserved as part of the ecosystem. A field study of vegetation and its pastoral use at 30 sites along a north-south transect between 150 and 600 mm rainfall isohyets was carried out over 10 years in the Gourma region of Mali (Hiernaux 1994). In a few cases plants with forage potential have been collected from national parks, for example, Chamaecytisus on the Canary islands (Fancisco-Ortega et al. 1990). In situ conservation of vegetation types ensures that plants that serve as forages will be preserved. Species inventories of forages in these protected areas give some indication about interspecific biodiversity. However, more information is needed about the intraspecific diversity and its spatial distribution, and how well this is represented in ex situ conserved germplasm. Research on genetic diversity assisted by the use of geographic information systems (GIS) could contribute considerably to the field of conservation of genetic resources. Tropical Forages Legumes make up the major part in the collections held by CIAT and ILRI. Most of the legume accessions (65%) have been collected from the primary centre of diversity in tropical America, 20% originated from Southeast Asia and 15% from Africa. On the other hand, about 90% of the grasses held in the two collections originated from Africa. At CIAT a collection of over 4000 strains of Rhizobium sensu lato is maintained as a working
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collection and added to when a specific need has been identified. Around 100 requests for forage legume inoculants and ampoules are serviced per annum. An updated fifth version of the Rhizobium collection catalogue for forage legumes was completed and published in 1993 with the further characterization of some 2056 strains (Franco et al. 1993). ILRI also maintains a small collection of Rhizobium for use and distribution with germplasm. Both CIAT and ILRI keep passport data in computerized databases, which are periodically published in germplasm catalogues (Schultze-Kraft et al. 1987; SchultzeKraft 1990,1991a, 1991b; Kidest Shenkoru et al 1991a, 1991b; Belalcazar and Schultze-Kraft 1994). Information generated in characterization and performance is attached to every accession, and thus is available through the respective databases. In 1992, CIAT transferred its database to the relational database management system ORACLE. The information at ILRI is held in dBASE software. CIAT and ILRI collaborate with the CGIAR System-wide Information Network on Genetic Resources (SINGER). Passport data on all CGIAR collections will be available in the Internet through the SINGER system. Large parts of the forage germplasm at CIAT were screened for disease and pest susceptibility and results compiled by species (Lenne 1990; Lenne and Trutmann 1994). From 1980 to 1994, CIAT distributed more than 100 genera to 55 countries. The result has been the release of many accessions as commercial cultivars (CIAT 1993). Germplasm of some regions or countries is not represented in the collections at CIAT and ILRI, and there is potential for further collecting. For example, Ferrufino et al. (1991) observed rich leguminous diversity in the humid and subhumid tropics of Bolivia and Hacker et al. (1996a) have recognized the Chaco region of Paraguay as a potential source of new pasture legumes for the subtropics; neither country has provided germplasm to the CGIAR forage collections. Other areas are threatened by genetic erosion because of rapidly changing land-use patterns, such as the Cerrados in Brazil (Klink et al. 1993). Large areas in Southeast Asia have not been collected for forage genetic resources, where genetic erosion is likely to have occurred because of very intensive agricultural production systems (Schultze-Kraft et al. 1989a). The first collection of forage genetic resources in Vietnam, supported by IBPGR, was only carried out in 1992 (Schultze-Kraft et al. 1993a). Tropical Legumes The collection of tropical legumes held by CIAT and ILRI is very diverse in terms of number of genera, species and accessions maintained (Tables 22.3 and 22.7). Tropical America is the primary centre of diversity of tropical legumes (Williams 1983). Grof et al. (1989) evaluated a collection of 215 accessions of Aeschynomene from 15 species for adaptation to poorly drained savannas in tropical South America. Bishop et al (1988) characterized a large collection of diverse Aeschynomene germplasm in Australia. Three cultivars selected out of the natural variation of Aeschynomene species have been released in Australia (Oram 1990). Another large collection of Aeschynomene is held at the Fort Pierce Research and Education Center of the University of Florida, USA. Its agronomic importance in the USA, where cv. Glenn has been released, was briefly documented by Kretschmer and Pitman (1995). In a recent review, Vails et al. (1994) estimated wild Arachis species kept in 10 major ex situ germplasm collections to be about 1000 accessions; however, not all of them have forage potential. Nevertheless, wild species of Arachis that show promise as a forage or cover crop have created much interest among researchers all over the tropical world (Kerridge and Hardy 1994). Background information on the genetic resources of important species, such as pinto peanut (A. pintoi Krap. & Greg.) and rhizoma peanut (A. glabrata Benth.), is given in several chapters of the book on the biology and agronomy of forage Arachis (Kerridge and Hardy 1994). A germplasm catalogue of wild Arachis species is in preparation (H.T. Stalker 1994, pers. comm.), which will take into account the new taxonomic treatment by Krapovickas and Gregory (1994). CIAT currently maintains about 100 accessions (Table 22.7), of which morphological characterization and isozyme fingerprinting by PAGE (polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) revealed large intraspecific
Table 22.7. Germplasm (number of species and accessions) of tropical and temperate herbaceous forage legumes held in ex situ collections. Genus Tropical legumes Aeschynomene Alysicarpus Arachis Calopogonium Centrosema Chamaecrista Crotalaria Desmodium Galactia Indigofera Lablab Lotononis Macroptilium Macrotyloma Neonotonia Phaseolus Pueraria Rhynchosia Stylosanthes Teramnus Vigna Zornia
Other tropical Temperate legumes
32 9 19 4 31 16 24 52 12 16 1 2 10 6 1 3 4 14 25 4 33 17 112
CIAT access. 999 274 98 536 2410 05 283 2940 570 37 22 3 610 51 68 34 260 448 3587 386 747 1030 1486
1 1 Lathyrus Medicago 3 5 Onobrychis Pisum Scorpiurus Trifolium 8 29 Trigonella 1 1 Vicia Other temperate* 460 Total 17420 Estimated number of different accessions.
ILRI access.
ICARDA spp. access.
11 10 5 3 12 5 34 28 2 32 1 3 10 5 1 7 2 13 15 4 20 10 72
129 241 8 41 325 100 226 165 4 255 176 7 71 32 254 276 7 139 1140 65 418 274 421
3 8 19 17 3 49 2 20 40 466
5 163 240 28 126 1494 2 251 158 7241
21 4 42 39 40 2 2 60 22 62 45 339
* Includes the genera Anthyllis, Biserrula, Coronilla, Hedysarum,
885 292 1619 8456 801 3553 445 3401 595 5350 813 26210
Total* acces. 1075 463 105 554 2522 381 508 3026 573 483 200 10 669 75 293 310 266 562 4148 434 746 1108 1500f 890 292 1635 8570 804 3557 445 4889 597 5449 965 48104+ Lotus, Lupinus,
Melilotus, Ononis, Ornithopus, Psoralea, Securigera, Tetragonolobus.
variation (CIAT 1993; Maass et al 1993; Vails et al 1994; Maass and Ocampo 1995). A total of eight commercial cultivars of forage Arachis species have been released in Australia and the Americas (Vails et al 1994). A large collection of 215 Calopogonium accessions was characterized and agronomically evaluated at Planaltina, Brazil (Pizarro et al 1996). Wide variation of agronomic characters was also found in a core collection, assembled on the basis of geographic representation, evaluated at Carimagua and Villavicencio, Colombia (CIAT 1993).
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Centrosema genetic resources have been revised by Schultze-Kraft et al (1990), who estimated the world germplasm held in five major ex situ collections to be of more than 3000 accessions. Large gaps in collections from the geographical areas of Paraguay and Bolivia have been identified (Schultze-Kraft et al. 1990). A world germplasm catalogue of Centrosema was published by Schultze-Kraft et al (1989b). Centrosema species have been extensively evaluated at CIAT for acid soil adaptation in the savannas of Colombia and Brazil, and in the humid tropics of Peru. Results have been compiled and published by Schultze-Kraft and Clements (1990) and more recently by Keller-Grein (1993a, 1993b) and Keller-Grein and Passoni (1993). Accessions of Centrosema macrocarpum Benth. do not show much morphological variation, but they differ in their adaptation to acid soils (Schultze-Kraft 1986). Lack of persistence of C. macrocarpum under grazing may be because of its limited seed production. Centrosema brasilianum (L.) Benth., on the other hand, is morphologically very diverse (Schultze-Kraft and Belalcazar 1988), which may be partly because of its high rate of outcrossing (Maass and Torres 1992). Some breeding has been carried out in Centrosema species in Australia and Colombia (Miles et al 1990), which led to the release of C. pascuorum cv. Cavalcade in Australia. Other cultivars released were selected from germplasm accessions, such as C. acutifolium Benth. cv. Vichada in Colombia and C. schiedeanum (Schlecht.) Clements & Williams nom. nud. cv. Belalto and C. pascuorum cv. Bundey in Australia (Kretschmer and Pitman 1995; Oram 1990). At ILRI, the agronomic performance of different Centrosema species was evaluated in the subhumid environment of Kaduna, Nigeria (Peters et al. 1994a, 1994b). The genus Desmodium is very diverse in the number of species, several of which have been used successfully as forages, in limited climatic zones (Imrie et al. 1983). Germplasm of the agronomically important D. heterocarpon (L.) DC. subsp. ovalifolium (Prain) Ohashi (syn. D. ovalifolium Wall.) was characterized by Schultze-Kraft and Benavides (1988). In Brazil, cv. Itabela has been released for pasture improvement (CIAT 1993). Schultze-Kraft and Benavides (1988) established a core collection on the basis of geographic origin and some important agronomic attributes, part of which is presently being studied for genotype by environment interaction in Colombia (Schmidt et al. 1997). The potential agronomic importance of Desmodium has driven research, and led to the release of several commercial cultivars of different Desmodium species in Australia, Brazil and the USA (Kretschmer and Pitman 1995). A core collection of Macroptilium, assembled on the basis of geographic representation, was characterized and agronomically evaluated at Planaltina, Brazil (CIAT 1995). Research in Australia led to the release of the commercial cultivars Siratro, Murray, Maldonado (Cameron 1991; Oram 1990) and the rust-resistant Aztec. Pengelly and Eagles (1993) concluded from their characterization and preliminary evaluation of about 150 germplasm accessions from 10 different species of Macroptilium that further collection of M. affine (new combination, basionym Phaseolus affinis Piper, according to B.C. Pengelly 1996, pers. comm.) and Brazilian forms of M. panduratum (Mart, ex Benth.) Marechal & Baudet should be considered a priority. They also characterized diversity in M. gracile germplasm (Pengelly and Eagles 1995). The Fort Pierce Research and Education Center of the University of Florida, USA also holds a large collection of Macroptilium. The agronomic importance of Macroptilium in the USA was highlighted by Kretschmer and Pitman (1995). Portions of the collection of Pueraria phaseoloides have been evaluated at several sites in the savannas of Colombia and Brazil, and the humid tropics of Colombia and Peru (CIAT 1988,1993). The agronomic attribute showing the most variation within the species was seasonal dry matter yield (CIAT 1993). Selected accessions are presently being evaluated in a wider environmental range, with special emphasis on selecting early seed producing materials (CIAT, unpublished data). Genetic resources of Stylosanthes have been reviewed by Schultze-Kraft et al (1984b) and recently by Hanson and Heering (1994). Several large species collections have been
morphologically and agronomically characterized: S. fruticosa (Retz.) Mohlenbrock by Hakiza et al. (1988a), S. macrocephala by Schultze-Kraft et al (1984a), S. scabra by Maass (1989) and S. viscosa (L.) Sw. by Keller-Grein and Schultze-Kraft (1992). The morphoagronomic variation encountered in S. scabra was clustered and the groups formed helped in determining a core collection for further studies (Maass and Schultze-Kraft 1993). The botanical variety S. guianensis var. pauciflora Brandao et al was detected to be the most resistant to anthracnose disease. Costa and Schultze-Kraft (1993) have described the biogeography of this variety together with that of S. capitata Vogel. Fingerprinting of accessions by isozyme and seed protein electrophoresis has been carried out at CIAT, which helped to identify regions of greatest diversity for S. capitata and S. guianensis (B.L. Maass, S.I. Marulanda and C.H. Ocampo, unpublished). Biochemical characterization will also help to detect collection gaps. Breeding projects in Stylosanthes aim at anthracnose resistance in S. scabra in Australia (Cameron et al 1993a) and combining anthracnose resistance with high seed production in S. guianensis at CIAT (CIAT 1995). Besides several cultivars released in Australia (Oram 1990), screening and selection has resulted in the release of commercial materials in South America: S. capitata cv. Capica in Colombia, S. guianensis cv. Pucallpa in Peru and cvs. Bandeirante and Mineirao, and S. macrocephala cv. Pioneiro in Brazil; and S. guianensis cv. Bihuadou in China (CIAT 1993). A large Vigna collection has been assembled from many Vigna species, almost a third of which originate from Colombia. However, there are small numbers of most species, except V. adenantha (G.F. Meyer) Marechal et al, a species with considerable tolerance of waterlogging (Kretschmer and Pitman 1995), which is represented by more than 100 accessions (18%). Hacker et al (1996b) characterized germplasm of the genus Vigna in Australia with regard to potential as forage. The genus Zornia was considered very promising for pasture improvement in the late 1970s and early 1980s (Thomas and Grof 1986). A group of 161 accessions of four Zornia species was characterized by ILCA (Hakiza et al 1988b). The entire collection of Zornia held at CIAT was donated to CSIRO-ATFGRC, where a morpho-agronomic characterization is presently being conducted (B.C. Pengelly 1996, pers. comm.). Alysicarpus and Neonotonia both have value as forage and are indigenous to Africa. Gramshaw et al (1987) classified an Alysicarpus germplasm collection in Australia, using morphological and agronomic attributes, and indicated potential for agronomic use. Neonotonia wightii (Wight & Arn.) Lackey is sown for pasture in association with grasses, for example in Australia where four cultivars have been developed (Oram 1990), Brazil and Bolivia in subhumid areas. It is considered to have potential for drier areas in Africa. There has been some agronomic evaluation of Neonotonia at ILRI (Larbi et al 1992). In a germplasm characterization and preliminary evaluation for acid soil adaptation in the Colombian Llanos, reasonable morphological and agronomic variation was found in large collections of Chamaecrista rotundifolia (Pers.) Greene and Galactia striata (Jacq.) Urban (CIAT 1993). Larbi et al (1993b) have conducted agronomic evaluations of C. rotundifolia accessions under grazing in southern Ethiopia. Screening of more comprehensive germplasm of C. rotundifolia (Strickland et al 1985) resulted in the selection and release of cv. Wynn in Australia (Oram 1990). Harding et al (1989) evaluated and classified a diverse collection of Rhynchosia in Australia, using morphological and agronomic attributes. There are considerable gaps in germplasm held in CGIAR collections for forage legume genera and species, such as Lotononis bainesii Baker (10 accessions), Macrotyloma species (75) and Lablab (200). These genera seem to merit further acquisition although reasonable collections are held, for instance, at CSIRO-ATFGRC with Lablab (151 accessions), Lotononis (105) and Macrotyloma (160) (B.C. Pengelly 1995, pers. comm.). It is necessary to assess the forage potential and identify the niches for these genera on the basis of the characterization and evaluation of comprehensive collections, as performed by Blumenthal and Staples (1993) for Macrotyloma, before new collecting is undertaken, unless some regions of origin are under immediate threat of genetic erosion.
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Tropical Browse Three species of the tribe Mimosoideae have shown potential as forage and have been widely distributed outside their native habitat in Mexico and Central America: Leucaena leucocephala, Calliandra calothyrsus Meissn. and Desmanthus virgatus (L.) Willd., the latter
occurring naturally throughout tropical America (Mannetje and Jones 1992; Gutteridge and Shelton 1994; Shelton et al 1995). The Mesoamerican Gliriddia sepium of the tribe Papilionoideae has been cultivated for millenia (Simons and Stewart 1994). Research at ILRI and CIAT has shown that multipurpose tree species (MPTS) are very diverse in occurrence and quantity of secondary plant compounds (Heering 1995a; Lascano et al 1995; Raaflaub and Lascano 1995). Both ILRI and CIAT have assembled diverse germplasm of about 3000 accessions of browse (Table 22.8), partly as donations, partly acquired in collecting missions, such as Gliriddia (Sumberg 1985) and Sesbania species by ILRI and ICRAF (Ndungu and Boland 1992). Acacia species studied include A. cyanophylla Lindley, A. nilotica Del., A. seyal Del., A. sieberiana DC. and A. tortilis (Forsk.) Hayne and Faidherbia albida (Reed and Soller 1987; Reed et al. 1990; Tanner et al. 1990). A morphological characterization of 17 Cajanus cajan accessions (J. Belalcazar and B.L. Maass, unpublished data) did not reveal much variation in the germplasm maintained at CIAT. Almost three-quarters of the germplasm held at ILRI (Table 22.8) belongs to one species, Chamaecytisus proliferus (L. fil.) Link sensu lato (tagasaste), and was acquired from the Canary Islands, Spain. A comprehensive germplasm of wild tagasaste was collected and morphologically described by FranciscoOrtega et al (1990); seed of that collection is conserved in the Centro de Conservacion de Recursos Fitogeneticos, Madrid, Spain. Systematic germplasm screening of Desmanthus resulted in the release of three accessions of D. virgatus (cvs. Marc, Bayamo and Uman) in Australia for use on heavy clay soils in subhumid areas (Cook et al 1993). CIAT has assembled a considerable collection of Flemingia species (Table 22.8), in particular Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) Merr., a species well adapted to acid, low-fertility soils. Part of the Flemingia collection has been morphologically characterized and evaluated for its adaptation to acid, low-fertility soils in the savannas and the humid tropics of Colombia (CIAT 1993; Argel and Maass 1995). The most important limitation for its use as a forage is its high tannin content that consequently leads to low intake and digestibility; there is limited variation in tannin content among accessions (Lascano et al 1993,1995). ILRI assembled a collection of Gliriddia sepium in collaboration with CATIE in Costa Rica (Table 22.8), and characterized some agronomically important attributes (Sumberg 1985). It has concentrated on the evaluation of G. sepium for use in alley farming in West Africa (Reynolds and Jabbar 1994). A range of Gliriddia accessions were evaluated and assessed for both productivity and palatability (Larbi et al 1993a). These studies indicated that the most productive agronomically were not the most palatable to livestock. Biological and agronomic aspects of G. sepium have been reviewed by Simons and Stewart (1994), who participated in collecting and evaluation of the large germplasm collection held at the Oxford Forestry Institute (OFI), UK. Genetic resources of seven major collections of Leucaena have been reviewed by Hughes et al (1995), who pointed out that most collections are derived from three large collections, of the University of Hawaii (UH), CSIRO and OFI. It has been well characterized for morphology, agronomic properties and breeding behaviour (Sorensson 1995). Although L leucocephala is best represented, there are numerous other species kept in the collections. Leucaena breeding projects have targeted low mimosine content (Bray 1995), acid soil tolerance (Hutton and Chen 1993) or psyllid resistance (Shelton and Brewbaker 1994). In 1994, a network for research into Leucaena was established which aims to evaluate germplasm accessions as well as breed lines for adaptation, forage value and psyllid resistance (Shelton et al 1995).
Table 22.8. Germplasm (number of species and accessions) of tropical shrubs and trees with forage potential held in ex situ collections. Genus Shrub legumes Acacia Albizia Cajanus Calliandra Chamaecytisus Codariocalyx Cratylia Desmanthus Erythrina Flemingia Gliricidia Leucaena Prosopis Sesbania
Other Total shrub legumes Other browse Total
CIAT access.
ILRI access.
Total accessions
8 2 1 3 1 2 2 7 9 6 1 11 1 12 74 132
23 7 54 21 1 37 12 95 63 147 9 203 11 38 610 1331
69 10 1 2 2 1 1 7 10 1 1 20 4 25 86 238
180 23 156 6 211 27 1 112 38 6 88 148 11 414 187 1608
201 30 209 27 212 38 12 201 100 151 96 316 22 435 750a 2800'
2 134
2 1333
114 354
163 1771
165 2965*
Estimated number of different accessions.
The Sesbania collection was characterized on morphological and agronomic characters at ILRI (Heering 1995a, 1995b). The results of multilocational germplasm evaluation in East and southern Africa were compiled by Kategile and Adoutan (1993). Other research has been carried out on genetics and reproductive behaviour of different Sesbania species (Heering 1994; Heering and Hanson 1993). Research into the variation of Desmodium velutinum (Willd.) DC. showed this species to be of good forage value and moderately well adapted to acid soils (Cardenas 1990; Argel and Maass 1995). Codariocalyx gyroides (Roxb. ex Link) Hassk., a shrub legume for the humid tropics, showed reasonable variation in tannin content among accessions (Maass et a. 1996). In a recent workshop on Cratylia in Brazil, future research needs were identified (Pizarro and Coradin 1996). Significant collections of several multipurpose tree species are held by institutions, such as OFI (Barnes and Burley 1990) or the Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association (NFTA)/UH (Chamberlain 1993). On the other hand, there may be a very urgent need for collecting or protection of regions for in situ conservation purposes because large areas with indigenous shrub and tree species, whose potential has not yet been assessed, are being turned into crop land, for example in the Brazilian Cerrados (Klink et al. 1993; Schultze-Kraft et al. 1993b). Several international workshops are being conducted to assess the current knowledge on the potential of different MPTS species and to outline research priorities for improving the utility of them, such as those organized by NFTA and collaborating institutions on Albizia and Paraserianthes in the Philippines in 1994, Calliandra in Indonesia in 1996, Dalbergia (Westley and Roshetko 1995), Erythrina (Westley and Powell 1993) and G. sepium (Withington et al 1987), and by other institutions such as Prosopis by the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, USA in 1996. Tropical Grasses The major ex situ collections of tropical grasses in the CGIAR system are located at ILRI and CIAT (Table 22.9), a large proportion of which has been assembled in joint collecting
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Table 22.9. Germplasm (number of species and accessions) of tropical and temperate forage grasses held in ex situ collections. CIAT access. species
ILRI species access.
Total1 accessions
Genus Tropical grasses 42 Andropogon 3 99 134 5 684 26 23 547 Brachiaria 843 54 112 2 6 139 Cenchrus Chloris 4 9 105 55 128 17 3 4 Cynodon 100 103 8 29 13 50 Digitaria 70 7 55 16 58 Eragrostis 105 11 11 60 Hyparrhenia 35 75 10 598 16 Panicum 175 736 14 9 50 119 Paspalum 146 19 9 55 Pennisetum 183 206 54 8 5 46 Setaria 74 62 210 118 430 Other tropical 580 Temperate grasses 2 121 121 Avena _ _ 1 441 Triticum 441 37 Other temperate* 213 213 164 297 2716 Total 2081 4114 Estimated number of different accessions. * Incudes the genera Agropyron, Agrostis, Arrhenaterum, Bromus, Dactylis, Elymus, Festuca, Hordeum, Lolium, Phalaris, Phleum, Poa.
trips of both institutions to African countries during 1984/1985 (Mengistu 1985a, 1985b, 1986; Keller-Grein et al. 1996). For Andropogon, CIAT and ILRI hold a relatively small germplasm collection of less than 150 accessions. According to Keller-Grein and SchultzeKraft (1990) the world germplasm collection probably does not contain many more accessions. Miles and Grof (1990) compiled information about the variation and heritability of agronomically important characters, such as plant height, number of flowering culms, dry matter yield, leaf:stem ratio, leaf width and regrowth after cutting. The only breeding project was carried out in the 1980s at CIAT, with the purpose to generate leafy, high-yielding genotypes with good forage quality (Miles and Grof 1990). In the Brazilian Cerrados alone, pastures sown to A. gayanus were projected at more than 1.5 million ha in 1993 (R.R. Saez and R.P de Andrade 1990, unpublished report). Keller-Grein et al. (1996) reviewed Brachiaria genetic resources worldwide; about 1000 distinct accessions of 35 different species are held in seven major collections, of which both the CIAT and ILRI collections together account for about 85%. They also characterized Brachiaria germplasm morphologically and by isozymes, and identified gaps in the ex situ collection (Keller-Grein et al. 1996). The mode of reproduction of a large proportion of the collection has been determined (Valle and Savidan 1996) to access sexuality for genetic recombination in this essentially apomictic genus. Multilocational agronomic evaluation has been carried out using a large portion of the germplasm maintained at CIAT and regional experiences have been compiled in the review edited by Miles et al. (1996). A germplasm catalogue of Brachiaria and other forages from Africa is in preparation (G. Keller-Grein and B.L. Maass unpublished data). Current breeding projects at CIAT, Colombia and CNPGC of EMBRAPA, Campo Grande, Brazil aim to create apomictic genotypes combining acid-soil adaptation with spittlebug resistance and high forage value (Miles and Valle 1996).
The collection of P. maximum originated mainly from a donation by ORSTOM to CIAT. It had been collected from 1964 to 1969 in Kenya, Tanzania and Cote d'lvoire. Panicum maximum is a tall bunch grass that reproduces predominantly by apomixis. Sexual populations of Panicum were located near Korogwe in Tanzania (Savidan et ah 1984). Comprehensive morphological, agronomic and cytological characterization have been carried out in Cote d'lvoire (Pernes 1975; Savidan et al. 1984) and in Brazil (Costa et al. 1989), and the assembled germplasm has been extensively used for selection and breeding (Savidan et al 1989; Nakagawa 1990; Sato et al 1992; Jank 1995). While EMBRAPA/ CNPGC evaluated germplasm agronomically with the aim to select material superior to the naturalized, common ecotype for pasture improvement in the Brazilian Cerrados (Jank et al 1993), CIAT researchers gave more attention to the selection of ecotypes and breeding new lines, adapted to acid, low-fertility soils in the Colombian Llanos (Hutton 1989; Thomas and Lapointe 1989). A breeding project was initiated in Brazil (Savidan et al 1989; Jank 1995). Several cultivars have been released in Brazil by NARIs and in Japan, where they resulted both from selection out of natural variation and from a breeding programme (Nakagawa 1990; Sato et al 1992). A catalogue of Panicum germplasm, which provides information on passport and evaluation data, has been published (Jank et al 1996). Toledo et al (1989) described the variation encountered in productivity and shade tolerance of Paspalum in the humid tropics. A group of 86 new Paspalum accessions donated by EMBRAPA/CENARGEN to CIAT originated from recent collections by EMBRAPA/CENARGEN in Brazil, where it also has been characterized morphologically and agronomically (CIAT 1993; Vails 1993). Characterization of Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. (napier or elephant grass) has been carried out on morphological characters and using molecular techniques, which are also being used to identify duplicates (ILRI unpublished data). The CNPGL of EMBRAPA at Coronel Pacheco, MG, Brazil, holds a substantial working collection of Pennisetum, research on which has resulted in new cultivars in Brazil (Carvalho et al 1994). Breeding projects for napier grass exist in the USA, where dwarf types, such as Mott elephant grass, are considered highly desirable. Researchers in both Florida and Georgia are attempting to develop seed-propagated hybrids of pearl millet, Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke x elephant grass (Ocumpaugh and Sollenberger 1995). The Cenchrus collection has been morphologically characterized (ILRI, unpublished data). CSIRO-ATFGRC also holds a large Cenchrus collection, part of which was classified, using morphological and agronomic attributes (Eagles et al 1992; Pengelly et al 1992). Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon Pers.) has been bred since the 1950s in the USA by Burton and collaborators whose research resulted in the release of several cultivars that now occupy some 10 million ha worldwide (Burton and Hanna 1995). Chloris gayana Kunth (rhodes grass) is widely adapted and widely grown in sub-Saharan Africa and also very productive. There was an important breeding programme at Kitale, Kenya, on Chloris (Boonman 1993). In Africa and Australia, rhodes grass has been one of the important cultivated grass species, in contrast to the USA, where it is only grown in Texas (Kretschmer and Pitman 1995). Other tropical grasses of recognized importance, such as Digitaria and Setaria, are under-represented in the CGIAR collections and have not received much research attention. The forage potential of others, such as Axonopus, the Bothriochloa-Dichanthium complex, Hemarthria and Urochloa has been recognized; however, they are represented by less than 50 accessions. On the other hand, ex situ germplasm of these genera is available from important forage grass collections, such as those of CSIRO-ATFGRC (B.C. Pengelly 1995, pers. comm.) and the USDA. Temperate and Tropical Highland Legumes The four genera Medicago, Vicia, Pisum and Trifolium (in order of collection size) account for almost 80% of the large collection of Mediterranean and temperate forage and
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pasture legumes held in the ICARDA germplasm bank (Table 22.7). ILRI, on the other hand, only keeps a relatively small collection of temperate legumes that originated from the East African highlands, in particular, Trifolium species (Table 22.7); other temperate genera with large holdings, such as Vicia, Medicago, Lathyrus and Pisum, are mainly active duplicates of material obtained from ICARDA. Selection within germplasm accessions and hybridization have been started at ICARDA for some Vicia and Lathyrus species. This work has led to the release of several cultivars of Vicia sativa L. subsp. sativa, V. villosa Roth, subsp. dasycarpa (Ten.) Cavill., Lathyrus ochrus and L. sativus. There has been a systematic screening of the forage germplasm collection for resistances to major biotic stresses. In Vicia and Lathyrus species, several resistance sources for powdery mildew (induced by Erysiphe pisi Syn.), botrytis blight (induced by Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr.) and ascochyta blight (induced by Ascochyta pisi Lib.) have been found (Robertson et al. 1996). Similarly, field and laboratory screening techniques were developed for root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne artiellia Frankland) and several accessions with resistance were found (Abd El Moneim and Bellar 1993). High intra- and interspecific variation in reaction to the parasitic weed Orobanche crenata Forsk. was found in Vicia species (Robertson et al. 1996). Screening for cold tolerance has started with vetch and chickling at ICARDA (Robertson et al 1996). At ICARDA, special attention has been given to evaluating Lathyrus species for low neurotoxin content (a free amino acid, ODAP1) in the germplasm collection (Aletor et al. 1994). There appears to be good potential for breeding for low ODAP content (Aletor et al. 1994; Robertson et al 1996). Sainfoin (Onybrychis sativa Lam.) is cultivated in some areas with cold winters in the WANA countries, and the genus contains several very palatable species (Neman* 1991). The Trifolium characterization carried out at ILRI described variation in flowering time, dry matter and seed yield of the annual Trifolium species from Ethiopia (Kahurananga and Tsehay 1991). It is well known that many legumes are not adequately covered and further collecting is urgently needed (Reid et al 1989; Schultze-Kraft et al. 1993b); in particular, in those regions that show drastic signs of genetic erosion, for example the rangelands of Beluchistan in Pakistan (ICARDA 1993). Arora and Bhag Mai (1991) suggested more collecting of the diverse temperate legumes found in the western Himalayas. At ICARDA, a collection of rhizobia is maintained for pasture and forage legumes. This includes over 1000 strains of Rhizobium meliloti, R. trifolii and R. leguminosarum which have been collected from the WANA region. All cultures have been characterized for specificity and symbiotic properties. Passport and evaluation data for the rhizobia collection are available within the germplasm database. At present, approximately 20% of this collection is kept lyophilized and is maintained in the long-term cold store of the Genetic Resources Unit with the remainder maintained by the Microbiology Laboratory as cultures on host media in vials. ICARDA keeps both passport and available characterization data in a computerized database, and has recently revised the Lathyrus and most important Vicia species. This germplasm database is maintained in the overall genebank database, which is managed on an xBase-based system. These data are provided to interested users in test file or dBASE format on request. All information generated on characterization and performance is attached to every accession. The production of several germplasm catalogues is in progress. A germplasm catalogue for temperate and tropical highland forages maintained at ILRI was produced by Kidest Shenkoru et al (1991c). 1
A free amino acid, known as 8-N-Oxalyl-L-H,8-Diaminopropionic Acid, which may cause lathyrism, if L. sativus is excessively consumed by humans or domestic animals.
Temperate and Tropical Highland Grasses Only small numbers of temperate grasses were held at ILRI; ICARDA has donated its collection of 775 accessions to ILRI (Table 22.9), and other collections are available elsewhere (Bettencourt et ah 1992). Documentation, research and utilization are well documented and coordinated by the European Forage Working group (IBPGR 1989,1993) and others such as Tyler et ah (1992). Large regions of the world have not been adequately sampled, such as the high Andes that are rich in species of Calamagrostis, Festuca and Poa, and in Peru alone there are 30-40 different species of each of these genera (Tovar 1993). Intraspecific diversity has not yet been determined. Similarly, the Himalayan region offers a large resource (e.g. Sah and Ram 1989; Koul 1992) that may contribute to the improvement of temperate grasses. Prospects As more land is coming under intensive cultivation, much of the natural diversity of species will be lost. Using the existing species in the CGIAR and other genetic resources collections, geneticists can compare diversity in that of conserved species with that in situ. There is also the opportunity to focus on ecosystems with great genetic diversity and devise strategies for in situ conservation in these areas. Thus the forage genetic resources held in the CGIAR centres can be used not only for improvement for increased productivity but to develop strategies to ensure conservation of the biodiversity for future generations. Some degraded areas require massive re-seeding of rangelands. It will not be possible or even desirable to always re-seed with the original vegetation, especially in rangelands used for livestock where species should be able to be used by the animals. But there should be an effort to seed with a mixture of species of grasses, legumes and shrubs, that is, to develop mixed vegetation systems that are in harmony with the mosaic of soils, temperature and water availability found across a landscape. Other factors that are likely to require management of biodiversity in the future are related to climate changes that will lead to changes in distribution of vegetation and the need to have species available that are better adapted to the changing climate. Demand for use of forage genetic resources for increasing livestock production and for contributing to more sustainable agricultural systems is expected to increase, especially in the tropics and subtropics (Schultze-Kraft et al. 1993b). There will be an increased demand for forages for non-livestock uses in soil conservation and for recreational areas. The role of national and regional organizations in the conservation of genetic resources needs to be developed. In order to realize the full potential of the germplasm, functional collaborative networks exist for the Mediterranean and temperate European regions. Additional permanent working groups or networks should be formed for those regions not yet covered by those groups in order to share acquisition, conservation, evaluation, documentation, research and utilization of the germplasm within a global framework (Davies 1984; Reid 1993; SchultzeKraft etal 1993b). Limitations The demand for livestock products is increasing with population increase and a general increase in living standards in most countries. For example, even in the densely farmed and populated area of Southeast Asia, it has been estimated that the demand for forage would double by the year 2000 (Remenyi and MeWilliam 1986). Nevertheless, it is essential that development of forage systems be considered in relation to the sustainable use of vegetation, land and water resources. Development of forage systems also needs to be carried out within the context of the production systems in which forages are used. The role that the CGIAR forage genetic resource centres can play is through some form of intervention with other partners in these production systems. There is a need to determine where intervention is feasible and
Biodiversity in Trust
what other interacting factors need to be taken into account. The nature of the intervention will generally be through introduction or re-introduction of species and accessions with forage potential in production systems, where there is a need for livestock feed. This implies that more priority will be devoted to intensive production systems where it is feasible to consider material as well as management inputs rather than to extensive systems where only management inputs are economically feasible. Examples of such intensive production systems are found in the crop-livestock systems in Africa; croplivestock systems in the Middle East, upland farming systems in South East Asia and intensive livestock and crop-livestock systems in South America. Technology available for identifying areas for acquisition has progressed considerably since the early studies of Hartley (1949) with the advent of powerful geographical information systems (GIS) that allow areas of genetic diversity to be mapped and related to environmental parameters. There has been slower progress in identifying or developing high disease and insect resistance in otherwise desirable species than in defining climate and soil adaptation. This is partly because diseases and pests only become evident after large areas of a species are planted, such as the spittlebug insect in Brachiaria (Miles et al 1996). Larger resources are required to mount a plant improvement programme of recombination and selection where there is initially a lack of knowledge of the mechanism of host-plant resistance and no knowledge of sources of resistance other than to screen wild species for adaptation. Resources for breeding will only be used for forages of high commercial value, for example, lucerne (Medicago sativa), where aphid resistance was rapidly incorporated into commercial varieties in the USA (Lehman et al. 1985) and Australia; Stylosanthes guianensis, where recurrent selection has resulted in apparently durable resistance to anthracnose in the Colombian Llanos (CIAT 1995) and Brachiaria, where recombination and selection for spittlebug resistance is underway (Miles and Valle 1996). New technology that allows molecular characterization of the host and the pathogen and the precise location of resistance genes will facilitate future programmes of identifying and incorporating these genes. Low forage quality in many species and the decrease in quality with maturity is a major limitation to increased productivity of forages. In general, forage quality is lower in tropical grasses and legumes than in temperate species (Minson 1980). There are examples of success: breeding for improved forage quality in Cynodon dactylon (Burton and Hanna 1995) and selection for low phytoestrogen content in Trifolium subterraneum L. (Mannetjeeffl/. 1980). In most forage and livestock production systems, absence of good management is a major limitation to the efficient use of forages for increased animal production. This is due to a variety of factors, technical, economic and social. The main technical practices that optimize nutritive value are the selection of appropriate species or accessions, the supply of deficient soil nutrients and controlled defoliation, and grazing to achieve high nutritive value and favourable conditions for regrowth. Availability of credit may limit the purchase of fertilizers and new cultivars, but in many cases poor management can be attributed to a lack of knowledge which can be overcome by education. The reality is that many farmers do not manage forage with the same care that crops are managed. This is well illustrated by the use of the same word for 'forage' and 'weed' in many languages. Animals may be held as a source of wealth or capital, they tend to be given first consideration over the management of a pasture, and it is difficult to rapidly adjust herd size to availability of feed. Current production systems are not sustainable in the long term. This applies as much to crop systems as to livestock systems. Sustainable production requires that inputs of technology, management and policy work toward a common agenda for the welfare of the farmer, the ecosystem, country and region. Inputs to increased productivity should also take issues of equity and the environment into account. Improved forage systems can contribute to increased equity, and improve or minimize
damage to the soil and water resource (Thomas et ah 1995a, 1995b; Boddey et ah 1996). Conversely, poorly managed forage systems may contribute to decreased productivity through overgrazing (Talamucci and Chaulet 1989), use of poorly adapted forage species and inappropriate location of livestock systems (Hecht and Cockburn 1989). In many instances these negative effects will only be overcome with a change in and administration of new land-use policies. Judicious use of forages can contribute to more sustainable production systems (Humphreys 1994). The inclusion of legumes in forage systems provides a high quality forage for animals and contributes to soil health through increased microbial and faunal activity which in turn enhances nutrient cycling and improves physical structure. This has been demonstrated for grazed pastures (Thomas et ah 1995b), in fodder banks (Mohamed-Salem 1994) and in the use of legumes as soil covers (Cruz et ah 1994). It is important that new forage species be evaluated for their nutritive value in addition to their agronomic value. An important limitation is to establish reliable relations between a chemical test and feeding value. A particular problem arises in the case of factors that effect palatability and digestibility, such as tannins. Additional difficulties arise when forages or feeds are fed in combination with each other as in many cases, the effect is interactive rather than additive (Leng 1990a, 1990b). Local seed production and distribution systems need to be developed (Ferguson 1994). Most of the work on forage seed production has come out of tropical Australia. However, both CIAT and ILRI established seed production units to ensure seed supply of promising forages to national partners (Ferguson and Sauma 1993). Recently ILRI and ICARDA held a research planning workshop on smallholder seed production to assess the current situation and assist in the development of future research in this area (Hanson 1994). The greatest potential for adoption of new forages is in crop-livestock systems, where agricultural production is being intensified. There is a need to incorporate forages in farming systems in order to maintain soil fertility, to support and supplement livestock to fully utilize roughage not suitable for humans or non-ruminant livestock, to feed animals used for draft, or to generate cash flow for farmers. It is also in these systems that farmers are most likely to apply the management needed for efficient utilization of improved forage species. Within the production system context, there is a need to develop forage systems that are more in harmony with the concept of a sustainable environment. Thus, there is a need to move away from monocultures to the use of diverse species. The use of one apomictic cultivar of Brachiaria decumbens over 40 million ha in South America, where it is susceptible to the spittlebug insect (Miles et ah 1996), presents a similar danger to the large losses in production of Leucaena leucocephala in Southeast Asia due to the psyllid insect (Shelton and Brewbaker 1994). There should also be an attempt to develop systems that use a mixture of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants that occur naturally in many climax or induced savannas. Within a land-use system context, it needs to be recognized that there are areas that should not be developed for livestock and hence promoted for forage development. Population pressure and government policies of 'assisting' farmers on marginal lands is resulting in heavier grazing pressure on these lands (Talamucci and Chaulet 1989). However, different outcomes might be anticipated in different areas with different population and food pressures. In the developed world, there is now a strong argument to contain animal production to the more fertile lands and allow the marginal lands to be used for conservation and recreation purposes. In the developing world, there is more scope for increased animal production in intensive crop-livestock systems than on extensive grazing lands.
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Note: Page references in bold indicate major chapter headings. Acacia 333 Acacia cyanophylla 332 Acacia nilotica 332 Acacia seyal 332 Acacia sieberiana 332 Acacia tortilis 332 Acanthoscelides obtectus see bean
weevil achira (Canna indica) 39
genebanks 42,46,52 origin and distribution 40,45,46 reproductive biology 45 taxonomy and genome 45 uses 40,46 Aegilops 312,313 Aegilops searsii 310 Aegilops speltoides 310 aerial yam see Dioscorea bulbifera Aeschynomene 323,328,329
aflatoxins 119,122 African cassava mosaic disease (ACMD) 9,15,16 African rice gall midge (ARGM) 282, 283 Agriculture and Food Research Council (AFRC, UK) 197,199 Agropyron 322 Agropyron cristatum 310 ahipa (Pachyrhizus ahipa) 39
alternative names 49 genebanks 42,50,52
morphology 49 origin and distribution 40,50 taxonomy and genome 50 uses 40,50 ALAD 129,169,326 Albizia 333 Alectra vogelii 95 Alternaria 27 Alysicarpus 323,329,331 Amaranthus 324
Andean potato latent virus 26 Andean potato moptop virus 26 Andean potato weevil 26 Andean root and tuber crops (ARTC) 39-56 conservation/breeding 51-2 main features 40 see also achira; ahipa; arracacha; maca; mashua; mauka; oca; potato; sweetpotato; ulluco; yacon Andropogon 322,334 Andropogon gayanus 324,326,327,334 Andropogon sorghum 292
Angiosorus smut 26 Angoumois grain moth (Sitotroga cerealella) 283 angular leaf spot (Phaeoisariopsis griseola) 143,147,148,150,151 anthracnose disease in cowpea 94 in forages 331,338
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in Phaseolus beans 143,147,150,151 in sorghum 301, 302 in soyabean 185 Anthyllis 329 Aphelenchoides besseyi 280 aphids 90, 92, 97,121,122, 338 Aphis cracivara 90, 92 Apion 143,147 Apion godmani (bean pod weevil) 151 Arachis 323,324,328,329 Arachis appressibila 118 Arachis batizocoi 114 Arachis charcoensis see Arachis diagoi Arachis diagoi 118 Arachis duranensis 114 Arachis glabrata (rhizoma peanut) 117,118,123,328 Arachis hypogaea see groundnut Arachis lignosa 117 Arachis monticola 114,117,119 Arachis pintoi (pinto peanut) 117,123,328 Arachis repens 117,118 Arachis villosulicarpa 117
ARI7 arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza) alternative names 43-4 genebanks 42,44-5, 51,52 origin and distribution 39,40,44 reproductive biology 44 uses 40,45 Arracacia andina 44 Arracacia equatorialis 44 Arracacia xanthorrhiza see arracacha ascochyta blight 94 Ascochytafabae 169,171 Ascochyta lentis 130-1,135 Ascochyta pisi 336 Ascochyta rabiei 105,106,107,108, 109 Aspergillus flavus 121,122 Aspergillus niger 164 Aspergillus oryzae 164 Astragalus 323,329 ATFGRC see CSIRO Atherigona soccata (shoot fly) 298,301 Atriplex 324 Atylosia 157 Avena 322,326,334 AVRDC 31,32 Axonopus 322,335
bacterial blight 94 Xanthomonas campestris p.v. phaseoli U7,150,151 Xanthomonas oryzae p.v. oryzae 282, 283, 287 see also cassava bacterial blight bacterial pustule 94,187 bacterial soft rot 34,35 bacterial wilt 26, 34,35,118-19,150 Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) 82 banana and plantain (Musa) 67-81 consumption levels 73 disease and pest resistance 74-5, 76-7 germplasm conservation breeding 74-7 methods 71-3 prospects 77-8 landraces 67, 68 origin and distribution 67, 69-70 properties and uses 67, 68, 73-4 reproductive biology 71 taxonomy and genome 67-8 see also Musa spp. banana weevil 76 barley (Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare) 191-212 abiotic stress resistance 202, 206-9 agro-ecological groups 195-6 common names 191 consumption rates 201 disease and pest resistance 202,209 distribution 191 genetic resources 193-201,311, 312,313 breeding 203, 205-9 diversity in genebanks 195-201, 202,204-5 genepool 194-5 germplasm distribution 201 prospects and limitations 209-10 morphology 191-2 origin and domestication 192-3 properties and uses 201, 203 taxonomy and genome 191,310 see also Hordeum spp. barnyard millet (Echinochloa) 259,262 germplasm conservation 265, 266, 267
Index breeding 269 evaluation 267, 268 species, subspecies and races 263, 264 uses 267 bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) 143,147,150,151 bean fly (Ophiotnyia phaseoli) 92,151 bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV) 143,147,151 bean leaf beetle 187 bean leaf roll virus (BLRV) 171 bean pod weevil (Apion godmani) 151 bean rust 150,151 bean weevil 141 bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus) 141,147,151 bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) 150,171 bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) 327,335,338 berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum) 321 Biserrula 329 bitter yam see Dioscorea dumetorum black fonio millet see Digitaria iburua black leaf streak 75 black rot 34,35,119 black Sigatoka 75, 76, 78 black spot 94 blast disease (Pyricularia) 267 see also rice blast bollworm 187 Bothriochloa insculpta 326 Bothriochloa pertusa 326 Bothriochloa-Dichanthium complex 335 botrytis blight (Botrytis cinerea) 336 Botrytis fabae see chocolate spot BPI73 Brachiaria 322,324,327,334,338 Brachiaria decumbens 321,326,339 Brachiaria mutica (para grass) 321 bread wheat see Triticum aestivum broadbean see faba bean Bromus 322 broom rape see Orobanche and spp. brown blotch 94 brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) 282,283, 285,286,287, 288 brown ring rot 36 brown spot 150
351 brown stem rot 187 bruchids 90, 92, 97
Cajanus 323,333 Cajanus acutifolius 157 Cajanus albicans 157,162 Cajanus cajan see pigeonpea Cajanus cajanifolius 156,157,159 Cajanus crassus var. crassus 162 Cajanus goensis 157 Cajanus heynei 157 Cajanus lanceolatus 157 Cajanus latisepalus 157 Cajanus lineatus 157,162 Cajanus mollis 157 Cajanus platycarpus 157,159,162 Cajanus reticulatus 157 Cajanus rugosus 157 Cajanus scarabaeoides 157,162 Cajanus sericeus 157,162 Cajanus trinervius 157 Calamagrostis 322,337 Calliandra 323,333 Calliandra calothyrsus 332 Callosobruchus maculatus (cowpea storage weevil) 90, 92 Calocoris angustatus (headbug) 301, 302 Calopogonium 323,329 Calopogonium mucunoides 325,326 Canna edulis see achira Cannaflacida 45 Canna glauca 45 Canna indica see achira Canna iridiflora 45 Canna nepalensis 45 Canna orientalis 45 Canna paniculata 45 Canna reevesii 45 Canna speciosa 45 CARI/PGRC 7 case worm (Nymphula stagnalis) 283 cassava (Manihot esculenta) 1-20 abiotic stress resistance 15,16 common/native names 1-2 cyanogenic content 1, 2-3,15 disease and pest resistance (incl. wild Manihot) 4,5,6,9,15-16 distribution 1,13
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origin and domestication 2-3, 14-15 germplasm conservation breeding 14-16 germplasm dissemination 10 landrace varieties 11-12 methods 6-12 morphological descriptors 6, 10-11 prospects 16 production statistics 1,3 properties and uses 13-14,16 reproductive biology 3, 6 taxonomy 1 see also Manihot and spp. cassava anthracnose disease (CAD) 15 cassava bacterial blight (CBB) 4,5, 9, 15,16 cassava green mites (CGM) 15 cassava mealybug (CM) 4,5, 9,15 cassava mosaic disease (CMD) 4, 5, 9, 15,16 CATIE 7, 71, 73,325,332 catjan bean see Vigna unguiculata subsp. cylindrica CENARGEN 7,325,335 Cenchrus 322,334,335 Cenchrus ciliaris 327 Centro de Conservation de Recursos Fitogeneticos (Madrid, Spain) 332 Centrosema 323,324,326,329,330 Centrosema acutifolium 330 Centrosema brasilianum 330 Centrosema macrocarpum 330 Centrosema pascuorum 330 Centrosema plumieri 321 Centrosema pubescens 321,325 Centrosema schiedeanum 330 Ceratocystis fimbriata (black rot) 34,35 Cercospora arachidicola see early leaf spot CGIAR ix-x Chamaecrista 323,329 Chamaecrista rotundifolia 331 Chamaecytisus 327,333 Chamaecytisus proliferus (tagasaste) 332 Chenopodium 324 chickling 336 chickpea (deer arietinum) 100-13
abiotic stress resistance 107-8,109 common/native names 101 disease and pest resistance 105, 106,107,108,109 germplasm conservation 102-9 breeding 107-8 germplasm use and dissemination 106,107 major traits 103,104,105 seed conservation 104,106 wild genetic resources 103, 104,105,106 growth habit 101,102 macrosperma and microsperma 102-3 origin, distribution and diversity 100,101 properties and uses 106-7 reproductive biology 102 taxonomy and genome 100 types of 100 world production and trade 107, 109-10 see also deer spp. Chikusiochloa 274 Chilo partellus 298,301 Chilo zacconius (striped stem borer) 283 Chinese yam see Dioscorea esculenta; Dioscorea japonica Chloris 322,334 Chloris gayana (rhodes grass) 335 chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae) 169, 171,176,177 CIAT cassava conservation 1,6-11,15,16 forage conservation 322,324-35,339 Phaseolus conservation 144,146, 150-1 rice conservation 273,286 Cicer anatolicum 106 deer arietinum see chickpea Cicer bijugum 101,105,106 Cicer canariense 106 Cicer chorassanicum 105,106 Cicer cuneatum 104,105,106 Cicer echinospermum 101,103,105,106 Cicer judaicum 105,106 Cicer microphyllum 106 Cicer montbretii 106 Cicer oxyden 106
Index Cicer pinnatifidum 105,106 Cicer reticulatum 101,103,105,106,108 Cicer soongaricum 106 Cicer yamashitae 105 CIMMYT forage conservation 326 maize conservation 215-16, 219-21 teosinte conservation 235,239-40 Tripsacum conservation 230-2 wheat conservation 311-13,314-15 CIP 23-7,31-3,35-6,48, 51,52 CIRAD 74, 286 circular spot 34 Clavicepsfusiformis (ergot) 248, 250 Clavigralla shadabi 90,92 Clavigralla totnentosicollis 90,92 Cnaphalocrosis medinalis (rice leaf folder) 283 CNPGC 334 CNPGL 335 CNPMF 7, 74 Codariocalyx 333 Codariocalyx gyroides 333 Coelosternus manihoti 4,5 Colletotrichum graminicola 301,302 Colletotrichum lindemutheanum 148,151 common bacterial blight see bacterial blight common bean see Phaseolus vulgaris common millet see proso millet Contarinia sorghicola 298,301 Cordeauxia edulis (ye-eb) 326 coreid buds 97 corn see maize corn earworm 187 Coronilla 329 cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) 82-99 common names and synonyms 83 crop limitations 97 cultigroups 83, 85f 95 disease and pest resistance 90,92-5 drought resistance 90, 95 germplasm conservation 87-97, 323,329 breeding 96 evaluation 87, 89-90,331 genebanks 87,88-9,91 germplasm dissemination 87', 91 growth and morphology 85-6 origin and distribution 82, 84-5,
86, 95-6 parasitic weed resistance 90, 95 properties and uses 90-1, 95-6 reproductive biology 86 taxonomy 82-4 weedy forms 85 see also Vigna spp. cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CAbMV) 93 cowpea golden mosaic virus (CGMV) 93 Cowpea International Testing Programme (CIT) 96 cowpea mild mottle virus (CMMV) 93 Cowpea Mosaic Virus Nursery 90 cowpea mottle virus (CMeV) 93 cowpea storage weevil (Callosobruchus maculatus) 90,92 cowpea yellow mosaic virus (CYMV) 93,94 Cratylia 324,333 CRBP 74 CRIFC/MARIF 7 Critesion jubatum 310 Crotalaria 329 CSIRO323,326,332 CSIRO-ATFGRC 324,325,331,335 CTCRI 7,63 cucumber mosaic virus (CUMV) 93 cush-cush yam see Dioscorea trifida Cylindrocladium crotalariae black rot 119 Cynodon 322,327,334 Cynodon aethiopicus 327 Cynodon dactylon (bermuda grass) 327,335,338 cyst nematodes see nematodes Dactylis 322 Dalbergia 333 Desmanthus 323,333 Desmanthus virgatus 332 Desmodium 323,324,329,330 Desmodium heterocarpon subsp. ovalifolium 325,330 Desmodium incanum 326 Desmodium ovalifolium 325,330 Desmodium velutinum 326,333 Dichanthium 322 Digitaria 322,334,335
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Digitaria eriantha (pangola grass) 321 subsp. pentzii 327 Digitaria exilis see fonio millet Digitaria iburua (black fonio millet) 259, 264^5 Diopsis longicornis (stalk-eyed fly) 283 Dioscorea 29 see also yams Dioscorea abyssinica 58 Dioscorea alata (water yam, greater yam) 57,58, 60,62-3, 64 Dioscorea bulbifera (aerial yam) 57,58, 60 Dioscorea burkilliana 58 Dioscorea cayenensis (yellow yam) 57, 58,60 Dioscorea composita 60 Dioscorea deltoidea 60 Dioscorea dumetorum (bitter yam) 57, 58,60 Dioscorea esculenta (Chinese yam, lesser yam) 57, 58, 60, 63 Dioscorea floribunda 60,61 Dioscorea freidrichsthalii 60 Dioscorea glabra 57 Dioscorea hispida 57 Dioscorea japonica (Chinese yam) 57, 60 Dioscorea liebrechtsiana 58 Dioscorea minutiflora 58 Dioscorea nummularia 57 Dioscorea opposita 57,60 Dioscorea pentaphylla 57 Dioscorea praehensilis 58,60 Dioscorea rotundata (white (Guinea) yam) 57,58, 60,61, 62,63 Dioscorea smilacifolia 58 Dioscorea transversa 57 Dioscorea trifida (cush-cush yam) 57, 58 Diplodia gossypina (Java black rot) 34, 35,36 Diplodia root rot 15 Ditylenchus brown ring rot 36 Ditylenchus dipsaci 169 Dolichos biflorus 83 Dolichos catjang 83 Dolichos cylindrica 83 Dolichos monochalis 83
Dolichos sesquipedalis 83 Dolichos sinensis 83 Dolichos tranquebaricus 83 Dolichos unguiculata 83 downy mildew 187, 220-1 Peronosclerospora sorghi 301,302 Sclerospora graminicola 248, 250 Dryland Agricultural Centre (Bangalore, India) 270 DSIR326 Dunbaria 157 durum wheat see Triticum turgidum durum
early leaf spot (Cercospora arachidicola) 94,118,122 Echinochloa colona see barnyard millet Echinochloa crus-galli see barnyard millet elephant grass see Pennisetum purpureum Eleusine coracana subsp. africana 260, 261 Eleusine coracana subsp. coracana see finger millet Eleusine indica 260 Elsinoe batatas 35 Elymus sibiricus 310 Elytrigia repens 310 EMBRAPA 7, 74, 324, 325,334 Empoasca dolichi 90, 92 Empoasca fabae (potato leafhopper) 187 Empoasca kraemeri 151 Empoasca signata 90,92 Endomallus 157 EPAMIG 324 Epilachma varivestis (Mexican bean beetle) 151,187 Eragrostis 322,334 Eragrostis pilosa 263 Eragrostis tefsee teff ergot Claviceps fusiformis 248,250 Sphacelia sorghi 302 Eriosema 157 Erzvinia chrysanthemi soft rot 26, 35 Erysiphe pisi 336 Erythrina 324,333
Index Euchlaena mexicana 234 European Barley Core Collection 194 European Barley Database 193,194 European Forage Working Group 337 Euscepes sweetpotato weevil 36 faba bean (Viciafaba) 168-80 abiotic stress resistance 169,177 autofertility 170,172,174 common names 168 disease and pest resistance 169, 171,176,177,179 germplasm conservation 169-79 accession distribution 175,176 breeding 177-8 characterization and evaluation 169-76 pure line collection (BPL) 169, 170,174 released varieties 169,171 seeds 176 origin and distribution 168,169 properties and uses 176 protein content 172,175 reproductive biology 169 seed yield 170,172,174 taxonomy 168 see also Vicia spp. Faidherbia albida 332 FAO ix, x, 194 Federal Institute of Agrobiology (FIA, Vienna, Austria) 176 Festuca 321,322,337 FHIA 73, 74 finger millet (Eleusine coracana subsp. coracana) 259,260,262,270 germplasm conservation 265, 266, 267 breeding 269, 270 evaluation 267, 268 races and subraces 260-1 uses 267 Flemingia 332,333 Flemingia macrophylla 332 FLHOR 74 FONAIAP325 fonio millet (Digitaria) 259, 264-5 germplasm conservation 265 breeding 270
uses 267 foot rot (Plenodomus destruens) 35,36 forages 321-48 botany and distribution 321-2 classification 322,323 disease and pest resistance 338 germplasm conservation 322-39 methods 325-7 prospects 337 temperate grasses 334, 337 temperate legumes 329,335-6 tropical forages 327-8 browse 332-3 grasses 333-5,337 legumes 328-31,335-6 limitations 337-9 management 339-40 quality 338 foxtail millet (Setaria italica) 259, 262, 270 germplasm conservation 265, 266, 267 breeding 269, 270 evaluation 267, 268 races and subraces 260-1 uses 267 fusarium wilt and rot in cowpea 94 F. oxysporum f.sp. batatas (sweetpotato) 34, 35 F. oxysporum f.sp. ciceri (chickpea) 105,106,107,108,109 F. oxysporum f.sp. cubense (banana/plantain) 75, 76, 78 F. oxysporum f.sp. lentis (lentil) 130,135 F. solani rot 35 in Phaseolus beans 150 in pigeonpea 159,160,161,162,166 in potato 26 Galactia 329 Galactia striata 331 gall midge (Orseola oryzivora) 283, 285 Genetic Resources Information Network (GRIN, USA) 193 Germplasm Institute (Bari, Italy) 325, 326 Germplasm Resources Institute
Biodiversity in Trust
(China) 198 Gliricidia 323,332, 333 Gliricidia sepium 322,324,332, 333 Globodera pallida 26 Globodera rostochiensis 26 Glycine argyrea 181 Glycine canescens 181,187 Glycine clandestina 181,187 Glycine cyrtoloba 181 Glycine falcata 181,187 Glycine gracilis 181,182 Glycine hispida 181 Glycine latifolia 181 Glycine latrobeana 181,187 Glycine max seesoyabean GZycme so;a 181,182,185,186 Glycine tabacina 181 Glycine tomentella 181,187 Glycine ussuriensis 182 grain moulds 298, 301,302 grassy stunt virus 282, 285, 287, 288 gray mould 105,106 greater yam see Dioscorea alata green foxtail millet (Setaria italica subsp. viridis) 260-1 green leafhopper (Nephotettix) 283, 285 greenbug 302 groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) 114-27 abiotic stress resistance 119,121, 122,124 aflatoxins 119,122 common/native names 114 crop limitations 124-5 disease and pest resistance 118-19, 121,122,124 germplasm conservation 117-25 breeding 123 evaluation 117-22 germplasm dissemination 122, 123 methods 120,122 prospects 123-4 origin, domestication and diversity 114-17 properties and uses 122-3,124-5 reproductive biology 117 subsp. fastigiata/hypogea 114,115, 116 taxonomy 114
key to subspp. and varieties 115 see also Arachis spp. groundnut rosette virus (GRV) 118 GTZ51 guinea grass see Panicum maximum Gymnolomia connata see Smallanthus connatus
halo blight 143,150 headbug (Calocoris angustatus) 301, 302 Hebei Baxia Agricultural Institute 270 Hedysarum 323,329 Helicobasidium mompa 35 Helicotylenchus pseudorosbustus 238 Helicoverpa pod borer 105,108,166 Helminthosporium sativum 313,317 Hemarthria 322,335 Heterodera glycines (soyabean cyst nematode) 183 Hevea (rubber tree) 1 Hippocrepi 329 Holcus bicolor 292 Hordeum 322 Hordeum aegiceras 191 Hordeum aethiopicum 191 Hordeum agriocrithon 192-3 Hordeum bulbosum 195 Hordeum eurasiaticum 191 Hordeum lagunculiforme 193 Hordeum sativum 191 Hordeum sinojaponicum 191 Hordeum spontaneum 192,209 Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum 192,195,196,197 Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare see barley Hung Loc Agricultural Centre (Vietnam) 7 Hydrellia philippina (rice whorl maggot) 283 Hydrellia prosternalis (rice whorl maggot) 283 Hygroryza 274 Hymenocarpus 329 Hyparrhenia 322,334 Hyparrhenia rufa (jaragua) 321
Index IAEA 76, 270 IAN 7 IAR7 IBPGR ARTC conservation 51 banana/plantain conservation 71 barley conservation 194 chickpea conservation 103 forage conservation 324,325,326 pigeonpea conservation 162 small millet conservation 265 sorghum conservation 298 IBTA-PROINPA 42,51 ICARDA barley conservation 193-4,195-6, 198-201, 203, 205-9 chickpea conservation 103-8 faba bean conservation 169-71, 175-6,177-8 forage conservation 322, 324-6, 329,336,339 lentil conservation 128-30,131-2, 134-6 wheat conservation 314-15 ICRAF 325,332 ICRISAT chickpea conservation 102-8 groundnut conservation 117-23 pearl millet conservation 244-53 pigeonpea conservation 157-63,167 small millet conservation 265-9 sorghum conservation 293, 296, 297, 298,300-2,304-5 IDESSA 277 IDRC 71, 269,324,325 IIA (Bolivia) 7 IIA (Panama) 7 IICA51 IITA banana/plantain conservation 71, 73, 74, 76 cassava conservation 1,6-10,15-16 cowpea conservation 87, 88-9,90-1, 96-7 maize conservation 220 rice conservation 273, 277, 278-83 soyabean conservation 183,185, 188 yam conservation 59-60, 61-3 ILCA 322,325, 327, 331
ILR 333 ILRAD 322 ILRI322-37,339 Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad) 74 Indian Cassava Mosaic Virus 15 Indigofera 329
INIA 7,42,51 INIAP 7, 23,42,51 INIBAP 71, 7b, 78 INIFAP 7, 235, 239 INIVIT 7 INRA 326 Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Reseach (Gatersleben, Germany) 198 Institute of Plant Science Research (Cambridge, UK) 197 INTA 7, 324, 325 Inter-genebank Potato Database (IPD)24,25 International Barley Genetic Resources Network (IBGRN) 194 International Crop Information System (ICIS) x International Legume Faba bean collection (ILB) 169 International Network for Genetic Evaluation of Rice (INGER) 287 International Rice Genebank (IRG) 277, 280-2 International Testing Network (ITN) 134 International Wheat Information System (IWIS) 311 IPGRI87, 89, 277, 323 see also IBPGR IPK 193, 325, 326 Ipomoea batatas see sweetpotato Ipomoea cordatotriloba 31, 32 Ipomoea cynanchifolia 32 Ipomoea gracilis 31 Ipomoea grandifolia 32 Ipomoea lacunosa 31,32 Ipomoea leucantha 30 Ipomoea littoralis 30, 31,32 Ipomoea peruviana 31 Ipomoea ramosissima 32 Ipomoea tabascana 32 Ipomoea tenuissima 32
Ipomoea tiliacea 30,32 Ipomoea trifida 30,32 Ipomoea triloba 30,32 Ipomoea umbraticola 32 Ipomoea x grandifolia 31 Ipomoea x leucantha 31,32 IRAT 277 IRI324 IRRI273, 277-84, 285, 287 ISRA/CDH 7, 247 Israeli Genebank for Agricultural Crops 7
jaragua (Hyparrhenia tufa) 321 jassids 121,122 Java black rot {Diplodia gossypina) 34, 35,36 John Innes Institute (UK) 325,326
kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) 244,321 kodo millet (Papsalum scrobiculatum) 259, 262 germplasm conservation 265, 266, 267 breeding 269 evaluation 267, 268 races 263, 264 uses 267 kudzu (Peuraria phaseoloides) 321,325, 330 KUL 71, 73, 74
Lablab 323,329,331 Lachyrus sativus 336 late leaf spot (Phaeoisariopsis personata) 118,122,124 Lathyrus 323,326,329,336 neurotoxin content 336 Lathyrus ochrus 336 Latin American Maize Project (LAMP) 215, 216 leaf blight see bacterial blight; Phytophthora leaf miners 106,108,109,121,122 leaf rust see rust leaf scald 286
in Trust leaf spot see angular; early; late leafhoppers 147,150,151 see also Empoasca; Nephotettix; Nilaparvata; Recilia; Sogatella, Leersia 274 legume bud thrips 90, 92 legume pod borer 90,92 Lens culinaris see lentil Lens culinaris subsp. orientalis 128, 129,131-2,133,136 Lens ervoides 128,132,133 Lens nigricans 128,132,133 Lens odemensis 128,132,133 lentil (Lens culinaris) 128-38 abiotic stress resistance 129,130, 134,135 common/native names 128 disease and pest resistance 129-31, 135 germplasm conservation 129-37 breeding 134,136,137 characterization and evaluation 129-32,133 gaps in collections 132 germplasm use and dissemination 134,135 prospects 136-7 seed conservation 129 wild genetic resources 131, 132,133,135 landraces 129,134,136 macrosperma, microsperma 128,131 origin and distribution 128-9 properties and uses 134,136 reproductive biology 129 taxonomy and genome 128 see also Lens spp. Lepidium meyenii see maca Lespedeza 323 lesser yam see Dioscorea esculenta Leucaena 323,324,327,332,333 Leucaena leucocephala 322,332,339 Leymus arenarius 310 lima bean see Phaseolus lunatus Liriomyza cicerina (chickpea leaf miner) 108,109 little millet (Panicum sumatrense) 259, 262 germplasm conservation 265, 266, 267
Index breeding 269 evaluation 267, 268 subspecies, races and subraces 263, 264 uses 267 Lolium (ryegrasses) 321, 322 Lotononis 323, 329 Lotononis bainesii 331 Lotus 323,329 lucerne (Medicago sativa) 321,338 Lupinus 323,329 Luziola 274
maca (Lepidium meyenii) 39 alternative names 47 genebanks 47,48,52 origin and distribution 40,48 properties and uses 40,48 taxonomy and genome 47-8 Macrophomina charcoal rot 26 Macroptilium 323,329,330 Macroptilium affine 330 Macroptilium gracile 330 Macroptilium panduratum 330 Macrotyloma 323,329,331 maize (Zea mays) 213-26 abiotic stress resistance 220 common names 213 disease and pest resistance 220-1 distribution 213 origin and diffusion 213-14 germplasm conservation 215-21 breeding 219-21 landrace analysis 216-17,218-19 landrace distribution and use 217, 218, 220, 225, 226 kernel types 219 production statistics 213 properties and uses 219, 226 reproductive biology 214-15 see also Zea spp. Maliarpha separatella (white stem borer) 283 Maltebrunia 274 Manihot genome and taxonomy 1 geographic distribution 13,14 species characteristics/disease resistance 4-5,9,15-16
359 see also cassava Manihot aesculifolia 2,4,9,14 Manihot alutacea 4 Manihot angustilobia 4,14 Manihot anisophylla 4 Manihot anomala 4,9 Manihot attenuata 4 Manihot auriculata 14 Manihot brachyandra 4, 9 Manihot brachyloba 4,14 Manihot caerulescens 4,9 Manihot carthaginensis 4,9,14,16 Manihot catingae 4,9 Manihot caudata 14 Manihot chlorosticta 4,9,14 Manihot crassisepala 14 Manihot davisiae 4,14 Manihot dichotoma 4,9 Manihot divergens 9 Manihot epruinosa 4, 9 Manihot esculenta subsp. esculenta see cassava Manihot esculenta subsp. flabellifolia 2,4 Manihot esculenta subsp. peruviana 2 Manihot falcata 4,9 Manihot filamentosa 4 Manihot foetida 4,14 Manihot fruticulosa 9 Manihot glaziovii 4,9,14,15,16 Manihot gracilis 4,9 Manihot grahami 4,9 Manihot guarantica 4 Manihot heptaphylla 9 Manihot inflata 14 Manihot irwinii 4 Manihot isoloba 2 Manihot leptophylla 9 Manihot longepetiolata 4 Manihot melanobasis 4 Manihot michaelis 14 Manihot nana 4 Manihot neusana 5, 9 Manihot oaxacana 14 Manihot oligantha subsp. nesteli 5 Manihot orbicularis 5 Manihot parviaefolia 5 Manihot peltata 5 Manihot pentaphylla 5 Manihot pohlii 5,9
Manihot pringlei 2,5,14 Manihot procumbens 5 Manihot pruinosa 5 Manihot pseudoglaziovii 5 Manihot pusilla 5 Manihot quinquepartita 5,9 Manihot reptans 5,9 Manihot rhomboidea 5,14 Manihot rubricaulis 5,14 Manihot stipularis 5 Manihot stricta 9 Manihot subspicata 5,14 Manihot tomatophylla 14 Manihot tomentosa 5 Manihot tripartita 5,9 Manihot tristis 9,14,16 subsp. saxicola 5 Manihot walkerae 5,14 Manihot websterae 14 Manihot zehntneri 5 Marasmia patnalis (rice leaf folder) 283 MARDI7, 76 Maruca testulalis 90, 92 mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum) 39, 42-3 alternative names 42 distribution 39,40,43 genebanks 42,43,51, 52 genome 43 growth and harvesting 42 insecticidal/nematicidal properties 43 main features 40 taxonomy and subspecies 42 uses 40,43 mauka (Mirabilis expansa) 39 alternative names 48 genebanks 42,49,52 growth and harvesting 48-9 origin and distribution 40,49 properties and uses 40,49 taxonomy and genome 49 mealybug 4, 9,15 Medicago 323,326,329,335,336 Medicago sativa (lucerne) 321,338 Megalurothrips sjostedti 90, 92 Melilotus 323,329 Melinis 322 Melinis minutiflora (molasses grass) 321
in Trust Meloidogyne 183 Meloidogyne arenaria 119 Meloidogyne artiellia 336 Meloidogyne hapla 119 Meloidogyne incognita acrita 26,92 Meloidogyne javanica 36,92 Mexican bean beetle (Epilachma varivestis) 151,187 Mexican bean weevil (Zabrotes subfaciatus) 147,151 midges 282, 283, 298, 301, 302 millet see pearl millet; small millets Ministerio de Agricultura, Belize 326 minor millets see small millets Mirabilis expansa see mauka mites 4,15 molasses grass (Melinis minutiflora) 321 Monilochaetes infuscans scurf 34,35 Musa see banana Musa acuminata 67,69, 70 subsp. banksii 68,69, 70, 71 subsp. burmannica/burmannicoides 68,70 subsp. errans 68,69, 70, 71 subsp. malaccensis 68, 69, 70 subsp. microcarpa 68,69, 70 subsp. Temba' f. 68,69 subsp. siamea 68, 70 subsp. truncata 68, 69, 70 subsp. zebrina 68,69, 70 Musa angustigemma 68 Musa balbisiana 67, 68,69, 71 Musa basjoo 68 Musa beccarii 68 Musa boman 68 Musa borneensis 68 Musa bukensis 68 Musa cheesmani 68 Musa coccinea 68 Musaflaviflora 67, 68 Musa germplasm information System (MGIS) 71 Musa gracilis 68 Musa halabanensis 68 Musa ingens 68 Musa itinerans 68, 71 Musa jackeyi 68 Musa lasiocarpa 68 Musa laterita 68, 71
Index Musa lolodensis 68 Musa maclayi 68 Musa nagensium 68 Musa ornata 68 Musa peekelii 68 Musa sanguinea 68 Musa schizocarpa 67,68,69 Musa sikkimensis 68 Mwsfl sumatrana 68, 69, 70 Musa texf z'/is 67, 68,69 Musa velutina 68
Naccobus 26 napier grass see Pennisetum purpureum National Academy of Sciences (Washington, USA) 333 National Institute for Agrobiological Research (NIAR, Japan) 194 National Seed Storage Laboratory (NSSL, USA) 24, 281, 296 NBPGR129,163 nematodes banana/plantain 74, 75, 78 chickpea 106,109 cowpea92 faba bean 169,171 groundnut 119 Phaseolus beans 150 potato 26,27 rice 280,283 soyabean 183-4 sweetpotato 36 teosintes 238 Neonotonia 323,329,331 Neonotonia zvightii 331 Nephotettix (green leafhoppers) 283,285 NFTA 333 Nigerian Grain Legume Genebank 87 Nilaparvata lugens (brown planthopper) 282,283,286,288 Nordic Gene Bank (NGB, Sweden) 194 NRCRI7 Nymphula stagnalis (case worm) 283
oca (Oxalis tuberosa) 39-41 alternative names 39
361 genebanks 41,42,51, 52 growth and harvesting 39 origin and distribution 40-1 taxonomy and genome 40 uses 40,41 OFI332, 333 Onobrychis 323,326,329 Onobrychis saliva (sainfoin) 336 Ononis 329 Ophiomyia phaseoli (bean fly) 92,151 Ornithopus 323,329 Orobanche 131,132 Orobanche crenata 131,171,176,177, 179,336 Orseola oryzivora (rice gall midge) 283, 285 ORSTOM 247,265,277,324,335 Oryza alia 274 Oryza australiensis 274,287 Oryza barthii (=0. brevigulata) 274,277 Oryza brachyantha 274,287 Oryza brevigulata (=O. barthii) 274,277 Oryza eichingeri 274 Oryza glaberrima see rice Oryza glumaepatula 274,286 Oryza grandiglumis 274 Oryza granulata 274 Oryza latifolia 274,287 Oryza longiglumis 274 Oryza longistaminata 273, 274,277,287 Oryza meridionalis 274 Oryza meyeriana 273,274 Oryza minuta 274,287 Oryza nivara 274,282,287,288 Oryza officinalis 273,274,286,287 Oryza punctata 27 Oryza rhizomatis 274 Oryza ridleyi 273,274,287 Oryza rufipogon 273,274,286,287 Oryza sativa see rice Oryza schlechteri 274 Osteospermum uvedalia see Stnallanthus uvedalius Oxalis tuberosa see oca
Pachyrhizus ahipa see ahipa Pachyrhizus erosus 50 Pachyrhizus ferrugineus 50 Pachyrhizus panamensis 50
Pachyrhizus tuberosus 50 Panama disease 74 pangola grass (Digitaria eriantha) 321, 327 Panicum 322,324,334 Panicum maximum (guinea grass) 231,321,326, 327,335 Panicum miliaceum see proso millet Panicum sumatrense see little millet Panicum sumatrense subsp. psilopodium 263, 264 Papsalum scrobiculatum see kodo millet para grass (Brachiara mutica) 321 Paraserianthes 333 Pascopyrum smithii 310 Paspalum 322,334,335 pea leaf weevil (Sitona spp.) 132 peanut see groundnut peanut bud necrosis virus (PBNV) 118,121,122 peanut clump virus (PCV) 118 peanut mottle virus (PMV) 118,122, 150 peanut stripe virus (PStV) 118 pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) 243-58 abiotic stress resistance 250 common names 244 crop limitations 255 disease and pest resistance 248, 250, 252-3 germplasm conservation 245-55 breeding 250-1, 253 composites developed 250, 251-3 evaluation 247-50 geographical diversity 248-50 germplasm dissemination 250, 251 origin, domestication and diffusion 245, 264 properties and uses 253-4, 255 reproductive biology 245 taxonomy and genome 243-4 weedy species 243 see also Pennisetum spp. Pennisetum 322,334 Pennisetum alopecuroides 244 Pennisetum americanum 243,335
in Trust Pennisetum atrichum 244 Pennisetum bambusiforme 244 Pennisetum basedowii 244 Pennisetum cattabasis 244 Pennisetum cenchroides 244 Pennisetum clandestinum (kikuyu grass) 244,321 Pennisetum distachyum 244 Pennisetum divisum 244 Pennisetum flaccidum 244 Pennisetum frutescens 244 Pennisetum glaucum see pearl millet Pennisetum glaucum subsp. monodii (=violaceum) 243, 244,245,246, 251 Pennisetum glaucum subsp. stenostachyum 243 Pennisetum hodeoides 244 Pennisetum hohenackeri 244 Pennisetum lanatum 244 Pennisetum latifolium 244 Pennisetum macrostachyum 244 Pennisetum macrourum 244 Pennisetum massaicum 243,244 Pennisetum nervosum 244 Pennisetum nodiflorum 244 Pennisetum notarisii 244 Pennisetum orientale 244 Pennisetum pedicellatum 244, 245 Pennisetum polystachyon 244, 245 Pennisetum pseudotrilicoides 244 Pennisetum purpureum (napier/elephant grass) 243, 244, 251,327,335 Pennisetum ramosum 243, 244 Pennisetum schimpeii 244 Pennisetum schweinfurthii 243, 244 Pennisetum setaceum 244 Pennisetum setosum 244 Pennisetum squamulatum 244,251 Pennisetum subangustum 244 Pennisetum tempisquense 244 Pennisetum thunbergii 244 Pennisetum trisetum 244 Pennisetum typhoides 243 Pennisetum typhoideum 243 Pennisetum villosum 244 Peronosclerospora sorghi downy mildew 301,302 Peuraria 323,329
Index Peuraria phaseoloides (kudzu) 321,325, 330 Phaeoisariopsis griseola see angular leaf
spot Phaeoisariopsis personata see late leaf spot Phakospora pachyrhizi rust 94,187 Phalaris 321,322 phaseolin protein 147 Phaseolus acutifolius (tepary bean) 139,140,142,143,151,155 centres of diversity 142,144,145 in genebanks 146-7 Phaseolus affinis 330 Phaseolus amabilis 145,155 Phaseolus amblyosepalis 145,155 Phaseolus angustissimus 144,145,155 Phaseolus anisotrichus 145 Phaseolus augustii 145,155 Phaseolus beans 139-55 abiotic stress resistance 143,147, 148,150 centres of diversity 144 common names 140 crop limitations 151 disease and pest resistance 143, 147,148,150 germplasm conservation 141-51, 329 breeding 148-51 evaluation 144,147 genepool status 141,143 races 141,142-3,144 released cultivars 144,147 origin and distribution 139-40, 141-2,145 phaseolin protein 139-40,141,147 production statistics 139,140 properties and uses 145,147,148 reproductive biology 140-1 taxonomy 139,155 Phaseolus bipunctatus 140 Phaseolus brevicalyx 145,155 Phaseolus chiapasanus 145,155 Phaseolus coccineus (scarlet runner bean) 139,140,142,143,145,155 disease resistance 151 in genebanks 146-7 uses 147-8 Phaseolus communis 140 Phaseolus costaricensis 155
363 Phaseolus esculentus 140 Phaseolus esperanzae 145,155 Phaseolus falciformis 145 Phaseolus filiformis 144,145,155 Phaseolus floribundis 145,155 Phaseolus foliaceus 145,155 Phaseolus glabellus 144,145,155 Phaseolus glaucocarpus 144,145,155 Phaseolus grayanus 144,145,155 Phaseolus griseus 145,155 Phaseolus hintonii 155 Phaseolus inamoemus 140 Phaseolus jaliscanis 144,145,155 Phaseolus leptostachyus 144,155 Phaseolus limensis 140 Phaseolus lunatus (lima bean) 139,140, 143,145,155 in genebanks 146-7 origin and dispersion 141-2 Phaseolus macrolepis 144,145,155 Phaseolus maculatus 143,144,155 Phaseolus marechalii 144 Phaseolus metcalfei 145 Phaseolus micranthus 145,155 Phaseolus microcarpus 144,145,155 Phaseolus minimiflorus 144,145,155 Phaseolus mollis 155 Phaseolus multiflorus 140 Phaseolus neglectus 145,155 Phaseolus nelsonii 145,155 Phaseolus oaxacanus 144,145,155 Phaseolus oligospermus 145,155 Phaseolus ovatifolius 144,145,155 Phaseolus pachyrrhizoides 145,155 Phaseolus palmeri 145,155 Phaseolus parvulus 145,155 Phaseolus pauciflorus 145,155 Phaseolus pedicellatus 144,145,155 Phaseolus plagiocalyx 145 Phaseolus pluriflorus 145,155 Phaseolus polyanthus (runner bean) 139,140-1,142,143,145,155 in genebanks 146-7 Phaseolus polymorphus 144,145,155 Phaseolus polystachyus 143,144,145,155 Phaseolus puberulus 140 Phaseolus ritensis 145,155 Phaseolus saccharatus 140 Phaseolus salicifolius 144,145,155
Biodiversity in Trust
Phaseolus scabrellus 145,155 Phaseolus schaffneri 145,155 Phaseolus sempervirens 144,145,155 Phaseolus sinuatus 144,145,155 Phaseolus smilacifolius 145,155 Phaseolus sonorensis 144,145,155 Phaseolus sphaerospermus 83 Phaseolus striatus 145,155 Phaseolus tuerckheimii 145,155 Phaseolus unguiculata 83 Phaseolus venosus 144,145,155 Phaseolus vulcanicus 145 Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean) 139,140,142,145,155 in genebanks 146-7,151 genepool 141,143 genetics of traits 148,149-50 landraces 141,143 nutrient composition 148 Phaseolus. wrightii 145 Phaseolus xanthotrichus 145,155 Phaseolus xolocotzii 144,155 Phaseolus xuaresii 140 Phleum 322 Phoma gangrene 26 Phthorimaea tuber moth 26 Phytophthora leaf blight 26,159,162,166 pink rot 26 root rot 15 stem rot 94 tuber blight 26 pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) 156-67 abiotic stress resistance 165,166 common names 156 disease and pest resistance 158, 159,160-1,162 germplasm conservation breeding 165-6,332 evaluation 162-3 genetic resources/range of diversity 157-62 prospects 166-7 techniques 163 trait geographic distribution 159,162 growth and characteristics 156 landrace and cultivar diversity 156-7,159,160-1,165 origin and distribution 156-7,159
properties and uses 163-5 reproductive biology 157 short-duration peas 159,160-1 taxonomy 157 see also Cajanus spp. pink stem borer (Sesamia calamistis) 283 pinto peanut (Arachis pintoi) 117,123, 328 Pisum 323,326,329,335,336 Plant Breeding International (PBI, UK) 195 Plant Gene Resources of Canada (PGRC) 194 Plant Genetic Resources Centre (PGRC, Ethiopia) 193,194, 265 Plant Genetic Resources Centre/CRI (Ghana) 7 Plant Introduction Centre (Pakistan) 7 plantain see banana planthoppers see Nilaparvata; Sogatella Plenodomus destruens (foot rot) 35,36 Poa 322,337 pod borers 90, 92,105,108,160,166 pod fly 166 pod rot 122 pod-sucking bugs 90, 92 Polymnia spp. see Smallanthus spp. Porteresia 274 Potamophila 274 potato (Solatium tuberosum) abiotic stress resistance 26, 27 centres of diversity 24 disease and pest resistance 24-5, 26,27 genome and ploidy 21, 22, 23 germplasm conservation 22-7 breeding 25-7 evaluation 24-5, 26 methods 23-4 prospects 27 origin and distribution 21-2, 24 production statistics 21 reproductive biology 22 uses 25 see also Solatium spp. potato leafhopper (Empoasca fabae) 187 potato leafroll virus (PLRV) 26, 27 potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTV)
Index 26,27 potato virus S 26 potato virus T 26 potato virus X (PVX) 26, 27 potato virus Y (PVY) 26,27 powdery mildew 202,336 pox see soil rot Pratylenchus goodeyi 75 Pratylenchus root lesion 36 Pratylenchus scribner 238 PRCRTC/IPB 7 Premnotrypes latithorax 26 Premnotrypes suturicallus 26 Premnotrypes vorax 26 PROINPAseelBTA proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) 259, 261, 263, 270 germplasm conservation 265, 266, 267 breeding 269, 270 evaluation 267, 268 races 264 uses 267 Prosopsis 333 Prosphytochloa 274 Psathyrostachys lanuginosa 310 Pseudomonas wilt 26,34 Pseudomonas solanacearum 35,118-19 Pseudoroegneria strigosa 310 Psoralea 329 psyllids 332,339 Puccinia arachidis (groundnut rust) 118,121,122 Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici (stem rust) 317 Puccinia purpurea rust 301,302 Puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici (leaf rust) 317 Puccinia sorghi (leaf rust) 237 Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici (stripe rust) 317 Puccinia substriata var. indica 248,250 Pyricularia see blast disease; rice blast Pythium pod rot 119 QDPI324 Queensland University of Technology (Australia) 74
Radopholus similis 75 Recilia dorsalis (zigzag leafhopper) 283 red clover (Trifolium pratense) 321 Research Centre for Agrobotany, Hungary 326 RFCRC7 Rhizobium 156,185,327-8 Rhizobium leguminosarum 336 Rhizobium meliloti 336 Rhizobium trifolii 336 rhizoctonia black scurf 26 Rhizoctonia solani 283 rhizoma peanut see Arachis glabrata Rhizopus 164 soft rot 34,35 Rhizopus stolonifer 35 rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) 335 Rhynchoryza 274 Rhynchosia 157,329,331 rice gall midge 282, 283 rice (Oryza) 273-91 abiotic stress resistance 282 consumption rates 285, 286 crop limitations 288-9 disease and pest resistance 282, 283,285-7 distribution 273,274 origin, domestication and diffusion 274-5 germplasm conservation 275-89 breeding 285-7 characterization and evaluation 282-4 germplasm acquisition and origin 277, 278-9 germplasm dissemination 282, 284-5 isozyme polymorphism 284 prospects 287-8 seed conservation 277, 280-2 growth and ripening 275, 276 production 273 properties and uses 285,286 reproductive biology 275,276 taxonomy 273, 274 see also Oryza spp. rice blast (Pyricularia oryzae) 282, 283, 285, 286, 287,288 rice hoja blanca virus (RHBV) 286, 288 rice leaf folder (Cnaphalocrosis
medinalis', Marasmia patnalis) 283 rice ragged stunt virus 283 rice tungro disease 283, 285, 287,288 rice whorl maggot (Hydrellia philippina; H. prosternalis) 283 rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) 283, 288 root-knot nematodes see nematodes Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK 326 rubber tree (Hevea) 1 rugose virus 150 runner bean see Phaseolus polyanthus rust 94,150,151 see also Puccinia spp.; Uromyces spp. rye (Secale cereale) 310,312,313 ryegrasses (Lolium) 321,322
SADAF325,326 SADC 247, 253, 265, 296 sainfoin (Onobrychis saliva) 336 scab 34,35, 94 scarlet runner bean see Phaseolus coccineus SCATC/UCRI/GAAS 7 Sclerospora graminocola (downy mildew) 248, 250 Sclerotina minor 119 Sclerotium rolfsii 119 Scorpiurus 326,329 scurf 26, 34,35 Secale 322 Secale cereale (rye) 310,312,313 Secale montanum 310 Securigera 329 seed beetle 109 septoria 94 Sesamia calamistis (pink stem borer) 283 Sesbania 323,324,332,333 Setaria 322,334,335 Setaria italica see foxtail millet Setaria italica subsp. italica 261 Setaria italica subsp. viridis (green foxtail millet) 260-1 Setaria putnila (yellow foxtail millet) 260,261 sheath blight (Thanatephorus cucumeris/Rhizoctonia solani) 283,287 shoot fly (Atherigona soccata) 298,301
in Trust Sigatoka disease 74, 75, 76, 78 SINGER x, 8,89,328 Sitona (pea leaf weevil) 132 Sitotroga cerealella (Angoumois grain moth) 283 small millets 259-72 abiotic stress resistance 270 disease and pest resistance 267 distribution 259 origin, domestication and diffusion 260-5 germplasm conservation 265-71 breeding 267, 269-70 characterization and evaluation 265, 267, 268, 269 germplasm dissemination 269 germplasm origin 266 prospects 270-1 production statistics 259 properties and uses 265, 267 see also barnyard millet; finger millet; fonio millet; foxtail millet; kodo millet; little millet; proso millet; teff Smallanthus connatus 46 Smallanthus glabratus 46 Smallanthus maculatus 46 Smallanthus sonchifolius see yacon Smallanthus uvedalius 46 smut (Tylosporium penicillariae) 248, 250,252,253 Sogatella furcifera (whitebacked planthopper) 283,286, 287 soil rot 34,35 Soja max 181 Solanum acaule 22 Solanum demissum 27 Solanum goniocalyx 22,23,24 Solanum leptophyes 22 Solanum megistacrolobum 22 Solanum phureja 22,23,24 Solanum sparsipilum 22 Solanum stenotomum 22, 23,24 Solanum tuberosum see potato Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigena 22, 23,24 Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum 22, 23,24 Solanum x ajanhuiri 22,23,24 Solanum x chauca 22, 23,24
Index Solarium x curtilobum 22, 23, 24 Solarium x juzepczukii 22, 23, 24 Sorghastrum 296 sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) 264, 292308,322 common names 292 crop limitations 306 crop-weed complex 292-3 disease and pest resistance 298, 301,302 germplasm conservation 293-306 breeding 304-5 characterization and evaluation 298-303 germplasm dissemination 296, 297 methods 294,296 prospects 305-6 wild accessions 294, 296 origin, domestication and diffusion 293,294 of races 293, 294,295, 296-8 panicle shape 298,299,300 pigmentation 298,301 production statistics 292 properties and uses 292,303-4 reproductive biology 293 seed colour 298,300 seed mass 298, 301 Sorghum australiense 296 Sorghum bicolor see Sorghum Sorghum bicolor subsp. drummondii 292,296 Sorghum bicolor subsp. verticilliflorum (=arundinaceum) 292,296,299 Sorghum brevicallosum 296 Sorghum drummondii 292 Sorghum ergot (Sphacelia sorghi) 302 Sorghum halepense 293,296 Sorghum intrans 296 Sorghum macrospermum 296 Sorghum matarankense 296 Sorghum nitidum 296 Sorghum plumosum 296 Sorghum propinquum 293,296,297 Sorghum purpureosericeum 296 Sorghum stipodeum 296 Sorghum sudanense 292 Sorghum versicolor 296 Sorghum verticilliflorum 297
Sorghum vulgare 292 southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV) 93 southern pea see cowpea soyabean (Glycine max) 181-90 abiotic stress resistance 185 botany 181-2 disease and pest resistance 183-4, 187-8 flavonol content 185-6 germplasm conservation 183-8 breeding 187-8 evaluation 185-7 genotype classification 185,186 trait diversity 183-5 origin, domestication and distribution 181,182 properties and uses 187 reproductive biology 182-3 root fluorescence 186 taxonomy 181 trichomes 186-7 see also Glycine spp. soyabean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) 183 soyabean looper 187 soybean mosaic virus 150 Sphacelia sorghi (sorghum ergot) 302 SPII326 spindle tuber virioid 26, 27 spittlebug 338, 339 Spodoptera 124 Spongospora powdery scab 26 SRCV7 stalk-eyed fly (Diopsis longicornis) 283 stem borers 283, 287,298,301 stem nematodes see nematodes stem rust see Puccinia graminis sterility mosaic (SM) 159,161,162, 166 Stipa 322 streak virus 220 Streptomyces ipomoea (soil rot) 34,35 streptomyces scab 26 Striga 301 Striga asiatica 304 Striga gesnerioides 95 Striga hermonthica 220,232 stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici) 317
Biodiversity in Trust
striped blister leaf beetle 187 striped stem borer (Chilo zacconius) 283 Stylosanthes 321,323,324,326,329, 330-1 Stylosanthes capitata 331 Stylosanthesfruticosa331 Stylosanthes guianensis 325,331,338 Stylosanthes guianensis var. pauciflora 331 Stylosanthes hamata 323 Stylosanthes macrocephala 331 Stylosanthes scabra 323,331 subclover stunt 150 subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) 321,338 sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) 29-38 abiotic stress resistance 34-5,36 centres of diversity 31 common names 29 consumption levels 33 disease and pest resistance 34-6 germplasm conservation 31-7 breeding 34-6 evaluation 35,36 geographic coverage 31, 32,33 methods 32 prospects 36-7 origin and distribution 29-30,31,32 production statistics 29 properties and uses 32-4 reproductive biology 30 taxonomy 29, 31 see also Ipomoea spp. sweetpotato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) 34,36 sweetpotato sunken vein virus (SPSVV) 36 sweetpotato virus complex 34 sweetpotato weevil (Euscepes) 36 Synchytrium fast rust 94 Synchytrium wart 26 System-wide Genetic Resources Programme (SGRP) x tagasaste (Chamaecytisus proliferus) 332 Tagosodes oryzicolus 286,288 Tamil Nadu Agricultural
University (India) 74 target spot 94 TBRI 71, 73, 75 teff (Eragrostis tef) 259, 263-4, 270 germplasm conservation 265 breeding 270 evaluation 269 uses 267 teosinte 234-42 germplasm conservation 239-40 origin and distribution 234-5 perennials 238-9 population status 235, 236 properties and uses 240 races 235, 236-8, 239 taxonomy 234-5 tepary bean see Phaseolus acutifolius Teramnus 329 termites 122 Tetragonolobus 323,329 Texas A and M University (USA) 74 Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (TAES, USA) 304 Thanatephorus cucumeris 283 thielaviopsis 150 Thinopyrum 313 Thinopyrum curvifolium 317 Thinopyrum distichum 317 Thinopyrum junceum 310 thrips 15,90, 92, 97,121,122 tobacco mosaic virus 150 tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) 118 Trifolium 323,326,329,335,336 Trifolium alexandrinum (berseem) 321 Trifolium pratense (red clover) 321 Trifolium repens (white clover) 321 Trifolium subterraneum (subterranean clover) 321,338 Trigonella 323,329 Tripsacum 227-33 breeding 232 distribution, origin and centre of diversity 228-30 germplasm conservation 231-2 key to species 227-8, 229 properties and uses 232 reproductive biology 230-1 taxonomy and genome 227,
Index 229,322 Tripsacum andersonii 229,230,231, 232 Tripsacum australe var. australe 228, 229 Tripsacum australe var. hirsutum 228, 229 Tripsacum bravum 227,228, 229, 230, 232 Tripsacum cundinamarce 229 Tripsacum dactyloides 230,232,239 Tripsacum dactyloides var. hispidum 227, 228, 229, 230 Tripsacum dactyloides var. meridionale 228,229 Tripsacum dactyloides var. mexicanum 227,229,230,232 Tripsacum floridanum 229 Tripsacum intermedium 227,229, 230 Tripsacum jalapense 228,229,230 Tripsacum lanceolatum 228,229 Tripsacum latifolium 228,229,230, 231 Tripsacum laxum 228,229,230 Tripsacum maizar 228,229,230, 231 Tripsacum manisuroides 228,229, 230 Tripsacum peruvianum 230 Tripsacum pilosum 228,229,230 Tripsacum zopilotense 228,229,230 triticale (X Triticosecale) 310,312, 313 Triticum 322,326,334 Triticum aestivum (bread wheat) 309,310,311,312,314,316 see also wheat Triticum boeoticum 315 Triticum dicoccoides 314 Triticum dicoccon 312,315 Triticum monococcum 309,310, 312.315 subsp. boeoticum 310 Triticum tauschii 309,310,314, 315.316 Triticum timopheevi 309 Triticum turgidum durum (durum wheat) 309,310,311,312,314,316 see also wheat
369 Triticum urartu 310,315 Tropaeolum tuberosum see mashua TROPIGEN 10 tungro disease 283, 285, 287, 288 Tylenchorhynchus brevilineatus 119 Tylosporium penicillariae smut 248, 250, 252,253
ulluco (Ullucus tuberosus) 39,40, 41-2 alternative names 41 genebanks 42,51,52 growth and harvesting 41 origin and distribution 40,41-2 subspecies 41 taxonomy and genome 41 uses 40,42 UNA 7 UNC 42,51 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 78 Universite Paris XI-France 74 University of Florida (USA) 324, 325,326,328,330 University of Queensland (Australia) 159 University of San Marcos (Lima, Peru) 51 University of Southampton (UK) 325,326 Universy of Hawaii 332,333 UNSAAC42,51 UNSCH42,51 Urochloa 322,335 Uromyces appendiculatus rust 151 Uromyces fabae rust 129,130,169,171 USAID51,216 USDA 103,197-9, 304,325, 326, 335
Vavilov All-Russian Scientific Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) 194,195,326 vetch 336 Vicia 323,326,329,335,336 Viciafaba see faba bean Vicia narbonensis 169 Vicia sativa subsp. sativa 336
Biodiversity in Trust
Vicia villosa subsp. dasycarpa 336 Vigna aconitafolias 82 Vigna angularis 82 Vigna angustifoliata 84 Vigna catjan 83 Vigna cylindrica 83 Vigna glabrescens 84 Vigna mungo 82 Vigna nervosa 82,83 Vigna radiata 82 Vigna rhomboidea 82,83,84,90 Vigna sinensis and subsp./var. 83 Vzgttfl subterranea (Bambara groundnut) 82 Vigna tennis 84 Vigna umbellata 82 Vzgnfl unguiculata subsp. baoulensis 83, 84 subsp. burundiensis 83, 84 subsp. catjang 83 subsp. dekindtiana and var. 83, 84, 85,86, 92 subsp. letouzeyi 83, 84 subsp. unguiculata 82, 83,84, 85 subsp./var. cylindrica (catjan bean) 82, 83 subsp./var. mensensis 83, 84,86 subsp. /var. protracta 83, 84, 86 subsp./var. pubescens 83, 84, 86 subsp./var. sesquipedalis (yardlong bean) 82,83 subsp./var. stenophylla 83, 84, 86 subsp./var. tenuis 83, 84,86 see also cowpea Vigna vexillata 84 violet root rot 34,35 WADA 326 WARDA 273, 277, 280, 281, 282 water yam see Dioscorea alata watermelon mosaic virus 150 web blight 94 weevil borer 75 weevils banana 76 bean 141,147,151 cowpea 90, 92 pea 132 sweetpotato 36
wheat (Triticum) 309-20 abiotic stress resistance 314, 318 classification 310 cropping systems 309 disease and pest resistance 313,317-18 germplasm conservation 311-19 breeding 315-17 evaluation 312 pre-breeding 313 prospects 317-19 origin, distribution and diffusion 309-10, 313-14 ploidy 309-10,313 properties and uses 313-15 see also Triticum spp. white clover (Trifolium repens) 321 white flies 15 white (Guinea) yam see Dioscorea rotundata white mould 150 white stem borer (Maliarpha separatella) 283 whitebacked planthopper (Sogatellafurcifera) 283,286,287 whorl maggot (Hydrellia spp.) 283 witches' broom 34, 35 Xanthomonas campestris pv. Manihoti see cassava bacterial blight Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli U7,150,151 Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae 282, 283,287 yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) 39 alternative names 46 genebanks 42,47,52 origin and distribution 39,40, 46-7 taxonomy 46 uses 40,47 yams (Dioscorea) 57-66 crop limitations 64-5 germplasm conservation 59-64 breeding 60,61-3
Index evaluation 61, 62 methods 59-60 prospects 64 use of germplasm 60-1, 62 growth pattern 57, 64 origin, distribution and diversity 58-9 properties and uses 61, 63,64 reproductive biology 58 taxonomy 57 see also Dioscorea spp. yard long bean see Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis ye-eb (Cordeauxia edulis) 326 yellow foxtail millet (Setaria pumila) 260, 261 yellow rust 317 yellow Sigatoka 75 yellow stemborer 287 yellow yam see Dioscorea cayenensis
371 Zabrotes subfasciatus (Mexican bean weevil) 147,151 Zea 235,322 Zea diploperennis 234, 235, 238-9, 240 Zea luxurians 214,230,231,234, 235, 240 Zea mays see maize Zea mays subsp. huehuetenangensis 235,237, 240 Zea mays subsp. mays 235 Zea mays subsp. mexicana 235,240 Zea mays subsp. parviglumis 235, 237,240 Zea mexicana 235 Zea perennis 234, 235, 238-9 zigzag leafhopper (Recilia dorsalis) 283 Zizania 274 Zizaniopsis 274 Zornia 326,329,331

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