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Help Writing An About Me On A Dating Site, Fill In The Blanks

An About Us page helps your company make a good first impression, and is critical for building customer trust and loyalty. An About Us page should make sure to cover basic information about the store and its founders, explain the company's purpose and how it differs from the competition, and encourage discussion and interaction. Here are some free templates, samples, and example About Us pages to help your ecommerce store stand out from the crowd.

When it comes to personalizing your online store, nothing is more effective than an About Us page. This is a quick summary of your company's history and purpose, and should provide a clear overview of the company's brand story. A great About Us page can help tell your brand story, establish customer loyalty, and turn your bland ecommerce store into an well-loved brand icon. Most importantly, it will give your customers a reason to shop from your brand.

Kids fill in the blanks with favorites and activities geared to their age group. Get the year off to a great start! Even reluctant writers will have fun listing their favorite things, writing about their heroes, drawing and more! Theme: Extra, Extra, Read All About Me Width - 17' Height - 22' Product ID: SC915291. Just fill out our in-depth questionnaire and let our Dating Profile Writers create an amazing new profile for the dating site/ app of your choice. Premium Dating Profile Writing Service No questionnaires, just you and Eric Resnick, the world's leading dating profile writer. FIND THE PERFECT PHOTO. This doesn’t mean, “Choose the sexiest photo.”. The photo you post is the first thing that attracts someone to your profile–and it’s also the first indicator of your personality. In the online dating world, 49% of users say your physical characteristics are the most important piece of your profile. Just fill in the blanks and you'll have a professional-looking page in minutes. After that, we encourage you to read the rest of the article. It explains why About Us pages are extra important for ecommerce sites, gives you some tips on how to build the perfect About Us page that your customers will love, and shows some great example About Us. Aside from having a great profile picture, which initially sparks interest, writing an awesome 'about me' section is the best way to attract your ideal match. About Me Examples for Dating Sites With the influx of dating site usage, creating a unique about me section has become a pretty tricky task for many online daters.

In this post, we'll give you three different ways to create a professional about us page for your online store, blog, or other website - use our about us page generator, use the fill-in-the-blank about us template below, or create your own custom page using the about us examples within this article.

Use the About Us Page Generator or fill in the template below to have a professional-looking page in minutes.

So let's get started! Since we know you're busy and probably just looking for something to copy/paste, we'll jump right into the About Us Page template. Just fill in the blanks and you'll have a professional-looking page in minutes. After that, we encourage you to read the rest of the article. It explains why About Us pages are extra important for ecommerce sites, gives you some tips on how to build the perfect About Us page that your customers will love, and shows some great example About Us pages to help inspire you.

About Us Page Generator

We've created an automatic About Us Page Generator tool that will give you short, medium, and long versions of About Us page text that you can copy and paste directly onto your website. Just fill in the blanks on the form and get a custom About Us page that you can copy-and-paste directly onto your own website. If you'd rather use a text-based template, there's one below.

About Us Page Template

We've created a sample About Us template designed to work well for virtually any online store, blog, or website. Just fill in the brackets with your company's information and you'll have a professional About Us page written in minutes. If you want to put a personal touch on your page (which we highly recommend), check out the About Us examples below the template.

Copy and paste onto your own About Us page:

Welcome to [store name], your number one source for all things [product, ie: shoes, bags, dog treats]. We're dedicated to giving you the very best of [product], with a focus on [three characteristics, ie: dependability, customer service and uniqueness.]

Founded in [year] by [founder's name], [store name] has come a long way from its beginnings in a [starting location, ie: home office, toolshed, Houston, TX.]. When [store founder] first started out, his/her passion for [passion of founder, ie: helping other parents be more eco-friendly, providing the best equipment for his fellow musicians] drove him to [action, ie: do intense research, quit her day job], and gave him the impetus to turn hard work and inspiration into to a booming online store. We now serve customers all over [place, ie: the US, the world, the Austin area], and are thrilled to be a part of the [adjective, ie: quirky, eco-friendly, fair trade] wing of the [industry type, ie: fashion, baked goods, watches] industry.

We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Name, [title, ie: CEO, Founder, etc.]

5 Tips to Create The Perfect About Us Page

While you can't sell products from your About Us page, the information on this page can help push customers much closer to a sale without even seeing what you have to offer.

Below is a quick summary of the 5-part strategy to creating a great About Us page, or you can watch this quick two-minute video for some great insight into each tip:

About Us Page checklist

  1. Find your Brand Identity & Purpose
  2. Share your Mission
  3. Decide on first- or third-person
  4. Include evocative images
  5. Keep it brief
Believe it or not, your “About Us” page is one of the most important pages in your store. Watch this episode to learn 5 tips to make yours truly shine.Hi everybody! My name is Matt and I’m the Social Media Manager here at Volusion. Welcome to Two Minute Tuesdays, where we give you two minutes of ecommerce advice to bolster your online success. There’s a lot to think about when managing your online store, but one thing a lot of people tend to ignore is their “About Us” page. This is unfortunate, because it’s a critical element of your website. To make things better, pay attention, because I’m going to give you five tips to create the perfect “About Us” Page for your site. First, before you do anything, think about the purpose of your “About Us” page. Simply put, it’s about building trust and telling your story, so think about that and use it to guide your writing. The next step is to share your mission. People like to buy from others that they trust, and people will trust you if you give them a good reason to. For example, if you’re donating a part of your profits to charity or you just want to spread the word for the common good, that’s great. Whatever the case, don’t just say “I’m here to make money,” because that does not a mission make. Thirdly, and this one is bit more minor, but you need to decide whether you’re going to write in first or third person. In other words, will you use “I,” and “Me” words, or write as “Company XYZ?” This is important to consider, and should be guided by how you write throughout the rest of your site, but the decision must be made. Fourthly, include images. People relate to other images, especially when people are involved. So if you’re talking in first person, feel free to put an image of yourself on the page. On the other hand, if you’re talking in third person, put up some company logos, historical photos and things of that nature. Again, it’s all about making that emotional connection here. Last, but not least, don’t write a novel. It may be tempting to write a long page, especially when you’re talking about yourself, but your customers truly don’t care that much. As long as they can figure out what you’re about and why you’re selling what you’re selling, that’s all they need. Keep it short, keep it simple, keep it concise and you’ll be in great shape. Hopefully these five tips to create the perfect “About Us” page will get your page right up to par. If you have any questions about this or anything else, we’re always happy to help. From me to you, happy selling!

About Us Page Examples

If you're just getting started with your About Us page and are looking for some inspiration, here are some About Us page examples we found from Volusion businesses that really caught our eye:


Ghukra is a leather bag and accessory company, and their About Us page goes above and beyond. Not only do they have the standard company history, but they also include the history of the Ghurka soldiers they're named after, a detailed dissection of their logo and in-depth information about their manufacturing. Of course, not every store calls for such a robust About Us, but since this company's inspiration is steeped in Himalayan history, this is an instance where it works very well.


Who knew reusable Ziploc bags could sound so inspiring? The About Us page of Lunchskins is written in a conversational tone, and opens with soothing, natural imagery and appeals to our feelings of being a part of something larger and doing our part to take care of it. By weaving in bleak statistics on plastic bag use, along with the founders' journey and own struggles, this About Us page paints the picture of an environmentally-concerned family who's worked hard, and wants to share their eco-friendly creation with the world.

Centaur Guitar

If there's a business that knows how to speak their customers' language, it's Centaur Guitar. This rock and roll shop opens their About Us page with the bold statement, 'Different. Just like You,' and delivers on that promise. From recounting the founders' days playing midnight rock shows, to calling out their guitar megastore competitors, the content on and tone of this page is down-to-earth, no frills and no-nonsense, just like their business.

With Volusion, your About Us page is already built into your store template - just fill in the blanks!

What can a great About Us page do for your business?

Although ecommerce has some incredible benefits, like convenience, efficiency and ease of access, two areas it doesn't naturally excel are warmth and personability. Thankfully, online stores can still match the personal touch of the best brick and mortar stores by doing one thing: telling their stories.

Your About Us page is one part autobiographical, one part educational and all parts human and personal to your customers.

That's where your About Us page comes in. Your About Us page is one part autobiographical, one part educational and all parts human and personal to your customers. It showcases the background of your company, and takes your customer on the journey that has led to your business. Plus, it builds brand trust and loyalty, as well as sets you apart from your competition. Given how much they do, your About Us page is just about the last page you'd want to leave blank.

How to Upload Your About Us Page

If you're using Volusion’s ecommerce software, editing your About Us page is easy — it's already built into your template, so all you have to do is add your store's information. In order to populate your About Us page in your Volusion store, your first step is to head to your store admin. From there, find the Design tab and click on Site Content. Then, on the Update Content: Articles page, find the Company Information section and input whatever text or HTML you'd like, and save your changes. Then visit your About Us page again to see your customized, informative and well-formatted content all there!

Your About Us page gives your brand a personality

Many merchants underestimate the impact that a well-written About Us page can make on their business. Use one of the three methods above to write a perfect summary of your brand's history, mission, and goals, and start turning browsers into loyal customers.

Don't have your own ecommerce store yet? Volusion is the easiest way to build your own online store. Designed from the ground up to meet the needs of small business owners, Volusion's all-in-one ecommerce platform lets you build a beautiful, fully-customizable website with no coding knowledge required. Choose a free template and get started with a 14-day free trial.

Do you have any questions about writing an About Us page? Ask them in the comments!

Whether you’re at a party, on a date, in a job interview, or just meeting someone new for the first time, revealing some fun facts about yourself can be a great icebreaker.

When you tell people these interesting tidbits of information, you become more human and more likeable.

But it can be hard to think of these things on the spot.

You may be asking yourself, “What are some fun facts about me?”

Do you need some examples of interesting things you might drop into a conversation?

You’re in luck.

We go one better and give you the facts – you just need to fill in the blanks.

With this list, you’ll never run out of ideas for good fun facts about yourself.

And there is no shortage of ways to use them…

…spice up your dating profile.

…make a fun game out of it with friends.

…create a more relaxed, open atmosphere in a work meeting.

…sprinkle them into a text conversation with your crush.

…make your resume more interesting to potential employers.

…introduce yourself with a bang when starting a new job.

…incorporate them into a speech you have to make.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Are you ready to come up with some fun facts about yourself?

‘Like’ Facts

1. My favorite cuisine is ___, especially ___.

People bond over food – both eating it and talking about it. Do you love Thai food, French cuisine, traditional African recipes? Why? What’s the best dish you’ve ever eaten?

2. The hobby that I could never give up is ___.

Are you so passionate about tennis that you can see yourself playing until your body gives up on you? Do you love to potter about in the garden so much that those green fingers will never leave you?

3. My favorite season is ___ because ___.

Do you love the long, hot summers? Are you amazed by the colors of fall? Do you enjoy snuggling up in winter? Does the new life of spring excite you?

4. I have seen [insert favorite movie][insert number]times.

Have you watched The Matrix seventeen times? Do you binge the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy in one go (extended versions, of course)? Have you sung along to Frozen every night since it was first released?

5. I support [insert sports team]and have done since I was [insert age].

Is there a sports team that matters a lot to you? If you’re passionate about it, that will show through even if others aren’t into sport.

6. My favorite ice cream flavor is ___.

Who doesn’t love ice cream? Are you a chocolate lover? Is cookies and cream your number one choice? Or do you go for a blueberry cone whenever you can?

7. My non-alcoholic drink of choice is ___.

It can be helpful for others to know what sorts of drinks you like. Do you cool down with an iced tea? Or warm up with a coffee? Perhaps a fruit juice combo?

8. My alcoholic drink of choice is ___.

Do you like to kick back with a beer? Or a G&T? Maybe you are partial to a cocktail of sorts?

9. The thing I find most attractive in a person is ___.

What personality trait do you look for most in a person? Kindness? Positivity? Calmness? This one is great on dates.

10. I mostly listen to ___ music.

Most people enjoy listening to music on a regular basis and your taste can spark all sorts of conversations about bands, concerts, and festivals.

‘Dislike’ Facts

11. I’m allergic to ___.

It’s a bit of a talking point if you’re allergic to something unusual such as pumpkin, but even common allergies can be interesting topics to discuss, especially if you have to be extra careful with what you eat.

12. My pet peeve is ___.

What really annoys you? Do you hate it when people don’t put their coffee mugs on your carefully placed coasters? Or when other drivers follow close behind you?

13. I hate the smell of ___.

Does the scent of lavender drive you crazy? Does fresh fish make you retch? Does a carton of soured milk put you off your breakfast cereal?

14. I’m most scared of ___.

Show a little vulnerability and reveal your darkest fears. Do snakes give you the creeps? Are you terrified of walking alone at night?

Help writing an about me on a dating site fill in the blanks worksheet

15. I can’t stand the sound of ___.

Do bagpipes make your ears bleed? Is the sound of a crying baby enough to put you off having kids?

16. People who [insert behavior or trait]really annoy me.

Do loud chewers get your back up? Does it give you rage when someone corrects others all the time? Are judgmental people just the worst?

17. I don’t like how ___ feels to touch.

Do you hate preparing raw chicken or fish? Is Styrofoam your nemesis in life? Do you have an aversion to cotton wool balls?

18. The most boring sport to watch is ___.

We get it, not all sports are that exciting. Would you rather watch paint dry than watch golf? Is cricket enough to send you to sleep?

19. The word that most irritates me is ___.

Moist? Totes? Guesstimate? What word makes you want to punch whoever said it?

20. The most stressful thing for me is ___.

Thinking up things to say about yourself in small talk? No, seriously… this is actually a fun thing to talk about because the other person will no doubt relate.

Talent Facts

21. I can play the [insert instrument].

A you a grade 8 bassoonist? Can you just about string a tune together on a guitar? Are you a master of the harmonica?

22. I can speak ___ languages and ___ was the hardest to learn.

It’s impressive enough to be able to speak more than one language, especially if you learned them after your early childhood. Show off your lingual skills and teach others a few phrases.

23. I can cook the most amazing ___.

What’s your signature dish? Duck a l’Orange? Chilli con carne? A pea and asparagus risotto?

24. I once [insert some amazing feat of skill or endurance].

Did you once climb El Capitan? Have you completed an Ironman triathlon? Show off a bit once in a while – you don’t have to be humble all of the time!

25. I once made a ___ from scratch.

Have you sown yourself a Japanese kimono? Did you build a boat? What practical skills do you have that might be worth shouting about?

26. I can do a really good ___ accent. (Then proceed to prove it.)

This one can be really impressive or really funny depending on how good you actually are at the accent. Either way, it’s sure to make an impression.

27. I once wrote a book/short story about ___.

Have you ever created your own work of fiction, no matter how long or short? Perhaps it was at school or simply in your spare time as an adult.

28. I can [insert something unusual you can do with your body].

Are you double-jointed? Can you walk bent over backwards on your hands and feet? People love to hear and see about this sort of thing.

29. I once played ___ in my school production of ___.

Were you the Genie in Aladdin? Did you follow the yellow brick road as the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz?

30. I ___ better than most people.

What are you really talented at? Something you do better than anyone you know. Are you a yo-yo pro? Are people envious of the way you dance? Do you know how to tell a really good joke?

Travel Facts

31. I have visited ___ countries in my life.

Have you travelled a lot? Where to? This can initiate conversations as you compare lists with others. It also shows your adventurous side.

32. My favorite country so far is ___.

Of all the countries you have been to, which one did you like the best and why?

33. I first traveled solo when I was ___.

When did your love of travel start? What was your first solo trip like? How old were you at the time?

34. The scariest moment of my travels was when ___.

Have you ever come face-to-face with a mountain gorilla? Did you have a near miss when white water rafting? Did you get lost in the jungle?

35. The most amazing place I’ve ever been is ___ because it ___.

What’s the one place that sticks in your memory more than any other? This might be a city or a famous attraction or one of the great natural landscapes of the world.

36. My next trip is to ___.

Where are you going next? What has drawn you to that place? When are you going and who are you going with?

37. I love travel so much because ___.

Why do you love travel? Is it the new cultures you experience? The sights you see? The freedom you feel when you’re on the road?

38. The one thing I always take on my travels is my ___.

What could you not do without when you’re away? Do you take a childhood teddy with you? Has your Shewee come in handy more times than you’d like to admit?

39. When I go on an adventure, I like to [plan the whole thing / make it up as I go – delete as necessary].


Are you a spontaneous traveler who sees where the winds take her? Or do you like to have a meticulous hour-by-hour itinerary to ensure you maximize your time away?

40. The most remote place I have ever been to is ___.

Have you been hundreds of miles from civilization in the Australian Outback, the Arctic peninsula, or the Amazon rainforest?

Family Facts

41. I have ___ siblings.

How many brothers or sisters do you have?

42. I am the [eldest/middle/youngest] child in my family.

Whereabouts are you in the sibling pecking order? First born, middle child, last one out? How has that shaped who you are?

43. My [brother(s)/sister(s)] taught me that ___.

What have you learned from your siblings? Did you have to speak up if you wanted to be heard? Are you tougher because of the scraps you got into with them?

44. I have ___ dogs/cats/hamsters/snakes/etc. Their names are ___.

Many people have pets and most pet owners love to talk about their various animals. It’s also good for potential dates to know because if they’re allergic, the relationship probably won’t get very far.

45. My fondest childhood family memory is ___.

When you think back to the time you spent as a child, what memory sticks out the most? A trip to Disneyworld? The summers you’d spend at the beach?

46. I have been with my spouse/partner for ___ years.

How long have you and your partner been together? It doesn’t matter if it’s a long or a short time – it’s nice just to talk about them.

47. We have ___ children. Their names are ___.

Do you have any kids? How old are they? What are their names? Why did you choose those names? What are they like?

48. My parents/grandparents emigrated here in ___ from ___.

Are you a second or third generation immigrant? Where are your family’s roots originally? Is that a big part of your family life still?

49. When I was ___, I [insert funny story about your childhood].

Did you fall down a slide backwards into a giant muddy puddle whilst trying to show off to your friends? Did you bury your brother in the sand and put jam on his face to encourage the ants to get him?

50. My family name means ___. (you can look up your surname here)

Help Writing An About Me On A Dating Site Fill In The Blanks For A

Find out what your family name means and use that as an interesting snippet of information.

Friend Facts

51. When I was younger, I had an imaginary friend called ___. He/She was a ___.

Many people had imaginary friends as a child and it can be fun to tell stories about them and what you used to do with them.

52. My childhood nickname was ___.

Were you known as Scooby or Hootie or Beanie by your friends or family? How did that nickname come about?

53. I have known my best friend for ___ years.

How far back do you and your best friend go? 10 years? 20? 50?!

54. My friends would describe me as ___.

If you asked your friends to describe you, what would they say? And, more importantly, is what they say true?

55. In my group of friends, I am considered the ___ one.

Are you the sensible one? The creative one? The loud one who is often at the center of conversations?

56. My friends and I most often talk about ___.

What do you and your friends chat about most regularly? Sports? Music? Movies? Philosophical ponderings?

57. I have been a bridesmaid / best man / usher at ___ of my friends’ weddings.

Have you been entrusted with a special role at one or more of your friend’ weddings? Have you had to do a speech? How did that go?

58. My friends and I used to spend our long summers ___.

When you were younger, what would you and your friends do during the long summer school holidays? Were you always out in the woods building tree houses and swimming in lakes? Or did you start little side-hustles to earn a bit of money to spend?

59. My friends once played an awesome prank on me when they ___.

Have you been pranked by your friends in a funny or creative way? Tell someone about it.

60. I went on my first friends’ holiday when I was ___ and we went to ___.

At what age did you ditch your family and opt for holidays with your friends instead? Where did you go and what did you get up to?

Education And Work Facts

61. My favorite subject at school was ___.

What lesson could you not wait for at school because you enjoyed it so much? Art? Music? Drama? P.E.?

62. My dream job is ___.

Whether or not you are in the job now, what would you love to do for a living? Are you working toward that now or is it more of just a pipe dream for the future?

63. But when I was a child, I wanted to be a ___ when I grew up.

The career options we think we would like to go into as a child can be very different to the paths we walk later in life. Did you want to be a chef? A pilot? A firefighter?

64. My first ever job was ___.

Did you pack groceries? Stack shelves in a shop? Wash cars?

65. My first proper job after graduating was ___.


What would you say your first real job was after you left school, rather than your weekend or holiday job?


66. My most embarrassing job was ___.

Did you have to dress up in a costume at a kids’ restaurant and dance around? This is the kind of story that has to be told.

67. The thing I like most about my job is ___.

What’s the best thing about what you do now? The way you have to think outside the box? The interesting people you get to meet? The free samples you get to take home?!

68. I am a qualified ___.

Maybe you have a qualification you no longer use in your job. Are you a qualified dentist? An accountant turned entertainer?

69. I volunteer as a ___.

Do you give your free time to a good cause? What is it and how did you first get involved in it?

70. If I had my time at school again, I’d ___.

We don’t always appreciate our school days until they’re over. What would you do differently if you could go back in time? Pick different subjects? Get your head down and work a bit harder? Be more confident putting your hand up in class?

Random, But Interesting Facts

71. I’m practically addicted to ___.

Do you polish off a jar of peanut butter in a few days? Do you watch old re-runs of Friends on a loop? Is there a computer game that you can’t let go of no matter how many times you play it?

72. The famous person who inspires me most is ___.

Greta Thunberg? Nelson Mandela? Elon Musk? Who is it for you and what is it about them that you find so inspirational?

73. The most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me was ___.

Did your dress come undone and fall down whilst shaking your booty at a wedding? Have you ever laughed so hard that you peed yourself? Sharing these moments of vulnerability is incredibly endearing.

74. I collect ___.

Help Writing An About Me On A Dating Site Fill In The Blanks Worksheet

Do you have a thousand Beanie Babies? Is your collection of teapots proudly on display around your home? Beer bottles from around the world?

75. My guilty pleasure is ___.

Is there something that you secretly (or not so secretly) enjoy that is perhaps a little geeky or unusual? Do you dress up in Cosplay? Do you still watch your favorite TV shows from your childhood?

76. The achievement I am most proud of is ___.

Brag a little – it’s healthy in small doses. Whether you’re most proud of raising your kids, starting a business, the degree you got at university, or something else, tell it to the world.

77. My idea of Heaven on Earth is ___.

A hammock hung between palm trees on your own private beach with someone serving you cocktails with little umbrellas in them? Riding your horse through the open countryside? Diving the Great Barrier Reef?

78. The best advice I ever received was ___.

What advice has someone told you that has stuck with you the most? How has it changed your life?

Help Writing An About Me On A Dating Site Fill In The Blanks Using

79. My first car was a ___.

Most people’s first car is somewhat embarrassing, but maybe you bucked that trend and had a cool motor as soon as you passed your test.

80. I have never tried [insert food or drink].

Random fact but still a fun one – which food or drink have you never tried that you would really like to, either because it looks really nice or it’s really weird?

81. I have ___ tattoos and/or ___ piercings.

Whether or not some of them are visible to others, it’s often a talking point that can create a bond with other ink or piercing lovers.

82. If I had 1 hour to live, I’d spend it ___.

Time is running out… how would you like to spend your last hour on this planet?

83. My favorite childhood toy was ___.

Were you a Lego monster through and through? Did you carry around a Barbie doll for years and years?

84. My favorite color is ___.

Everyone has one, so which is it for you? Yellow, red, turquoise, amber?

85. The most romantic thing anybody has ever done for me is ___.

Did it involve rose petals, a sunrise, candles, singing for you? Romance is underrated!

86. I [do/don’t] believe in love at first sight. (delete as necessary)

Can you really fall in love at first sight? Why do you think so or not think so?

87. I spend far too much money on ___.

Is your bank balance being hurt by your love of takeaway burritos? Or twice-weekly neck massages? Or pimping out your ride?

88. I have broken ___ bones in my body. I broke them ___.

Everyone loves a story about how you broke some bone or another. Did you fall out of a tree and break a leg? Were you balancing on a chair trying to find something on top of a cupboard but slipped and broke your nose on the cupboard door?

89. My celebrity crush is ___.

Which celebrity does it for you either in looks or personality or both?

90. My first thought when I wake up in the morning is normally ___.

Is it: “man that alarm is annoying,” or, “I want to go back to bed,” or, “hell yeah, let’s do this!”?

91. My earliest memory is ___.

What’s the first thing you remember in your life? Having a goat steal all your animal feed at the farm? The crashing waves of the ocean? You uncle’s tickly moustache?

92. If I could live in any other era of history, it would be ___ because ___.

Would you go back to Roman times? Or perhaps the ways of the Ancient Egyptians fascinate you. How far back in time would you go, and why?

93. I would most like to learn how to ___.

Is there something you don’t know how to do but really want to learn? Like playing an instrument or coding a website or swimming?

94. The thing I love most about me is my ___.

What is your very best trait or characteristic – physical or otherwise? Is it that you take risks that others are afraid of? Or that you care deeply about the well-being of others?

95. My worst habit is ___.

Okay, we’ve done your best bits, now for your worst bits. What habit do you have that you know annoys others? Do you pick your nose? Are you always late to things?

96. My favorite artist / form of art is ___.

Perhaps you are dumfounded by Damien Hirst’s pieces or the sculptures of Rodin set your heart ablaze. Maybe you are more of a painting fan with Dali’s surrealism topping your favorites.


Help Writing An About Me On A Dating Site Fill In The Blanks Worksheets

97. If my life were made into a movie, I’d like ___ to play me.

Who do you think would capture you and your life the best in a movie? Chris Hemsworth? Margo Robbie?

98. If I could live anywhere on the planet, it would be ___.

If you had the opportunity to live in any place in any country, where would it be and why would you wish to settle down there?

99. I am superstitious about ___.

Do you have a thing about magpies or black cats? Do you believe that getting splattered by bird poop is good luck?

100. I [do/don’t] believe in extraterrestrial life. (delete as necessary)

Do you believe aliens exist? Why or why not? If they do, what might they be like?

101. I once met [insert celebrity].

Did you serve Tom Hanks whilst working in a shop? Have you rubbed shoulders with bona fide royalty at a charity event? Spill the beans – people love a celebrity story.

There you have it, 101 examples of fun and interesting facts about yourself that you can tell other people.

So, no more straining your mind trying to think of something to say when people ask to know more about you.

Now get filling in those blanks!

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